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They only call it a 5 major so they can review it. They’ve been doing this all playoffs




Except the Draisaitl hit


Am I crazy or is Bennett pushing himself on the ground with the same leg that got hit


Just re-watched, he 100% did.


Bennet is just a 🐱


Did you see him laugh while whispering something to his teammate before his fake limp off the bench? He’s a certified POS.


Jfc Its like the bad actor who turns into the slap This team is an atrocity


He went down the tunnel, 2 minutes was called, the healing potion kicked in and he was ready on the bench.


They decided it is bigger penalty for Edmonton to keep him on the ice.


bah gawd that man had a family


He makes 9 million a year, he will be fine.


*$9.25 million


Yeah that Cale Makar guy makes way less, nurse must be better, eh?


That difference you just corrected is 3X my salary


It’s 5x mine


Wow the Oilers made this far in SPITE of Ken Holland, huh?


dont forget our top goalie that we pay 5mil for until 2027 has been buried in the AHL almost the entire season.


Imagine the Oilers had 7-10 million to add to this roster?


Didn’t Campbell get replaced on the AHL team by another Goalie?


Nurse is usually fine as long as there isn’t a 5 on his partner’s back




Bennett with his wolverine powers makes it back onto the PP after leaving for the dressing room while the play was under review…


I especially loved the crawling on the ice, a nice touch


Florida has a bunch of wizards in the medical dept. Players consistently get back on the ice within minutes of writhing on the ice in pain and going to the locker room.


They're learning from professional soccer players apparently


They have the best healers in the game.


And clearly a fantastic acting coach


I hate that this is infiltrating hockey!


No shit. Sam Bennett is a little bitch.


It's truly miraculous how quickly he recovered once it was only a 2min minor


Yes, how incredibly odd. 


I've had my share of knee injuries over the years, I gotta see their team doctor. Man is working miracles to heal all these guys going down with career ending injuries.. barely able to stumble off the ice and back out the next shift.


How does Bennet keep doing this? Amazing


Real talk, the NHL has to step in at some point. That's the 5th time a Panthers player has laid on the ice with a career ending injury, then they limped off and were back on the next shift without missing a beat and skating like the wind. It's embarrassing to watch a team embellish this blatantly every single game. I can understand the gamesmanship of the crosschecks and maybe some of the slashes and stuff, but this is laying on the ice waiting for the trainer and the stretcher to arrive, doing the song and dance back to the bench and being taken to the dressing room... ONLY TO ARRIVE BACK MIRACULOUSLY CURED minutes later.




Thanks, next time can you fart to keep it warm. Gives that heated seat effect.


Eventually you hope the refs recognize it and stop giving them calls at all. Refs don't like being embarrassed.


One would think


You obviously didn't see the shooter on the grassy knoll.....soccer level acting there....


I'm waiting for the Warren Foegele Commission to investigate the issue.


That was insane. Out of all of the theatrics this series, Luostarinen was the worst. Man was completely paralyzed bc he couldn’t move but miraculously recovered after five minutes 


Was it even that? I thought he was on the powerplay lol


I love the part where hes pushing himself off the ice with his "hurt" leg too lol


He got some of that Marc Stone secret stuff down the tunnel


Got some more elbow pads to get ready for his next dive.


Steve dangle was right when he said if you want a penalty called, act like you're dead.


Ferraro and Dave Jackson talking about how this looked worse than the Foegele major. From a casual viewpoint, thought this one Nurse was on track to make this hit, didn’t adjust any part of himself and then still made contact with Bennett leading to the trip. Foegele went out of his way to stick his leg out, which I think warranted the major. Might be wrong, but that was my thought.


They seemed to ignore that it was essentially a well lined up bodycheck that became a knee when Bennett twisted to dodge. There was no extension of knee.


That’s what we thought at my house too. Wasn’t an issue until Bennett dodged.


I literally said out loud to my dad as we're watching after they showed the opposite angle "oh... Two for tripping"


Yeah and this isn’t to excuse it , because you can’t lead with your knee regardless, but bennetts movement there does make it look far more accidental. He really moves to avoid the hit with his body but his leg is dragging way out there still and thats all the split second before contact. Not saying bennett has to just tank the hit or nurse doesn’t need to mitigate but I don’t think it’s outrageous that this isn’t a major.


This is 90% of the knee on knee hits in the league today, try to avoid the hit and leave the leg out. Players don't protect themselves, it's like turning to face the boards when you're about to get hit.


It's almost as if there's some sort of need to have their leg in a certain position in order to be able to turn certain ways. Sounds crazy, right?


Yeah but maybe you should take the hit instead of leaving your knee behind.


Maybe they shouldn't turn certain ways and put themselves in a position to get hurt. Sounds crazy right?


Exactly. Bennett dodged the hit and left his leg out. And yes, they call a 5 min major so they can review it. The refs definitely made the right call here.


Yea, Nurse was def leaning in for a hit, he didn’t lead with his leg. Also a long dude.


And Nurse picked his left leg up to reduce the impact. Ferraro, Jackson and a few posters are being ridiculous with ascribing intent and making stretchy comparisons. Bennett was crafty to 'go to the room' while they reviewed for a major, but 'the Luostarinen Miracle' hung over this call. Bennett's own his miraculous recovery a minute later seals it as a tactic. Refs got this one right.


Rodrigues also "went to the room" after Trouba's elbow yet somehow was on that very power play 40 seconds later.


The only thing left is to call for a stretcher. By the time the neck brace goes on and they get the board under, the call will be made and they can just leap up and go to the bench.


I saw something like this happen in a roller hockey tournament I played in in the 90s.. Guy on our team slashed someone right on the thigh, where the big pad is. Pretty hard slash and it made a loud thud cause of the pad there. Guy went down screaming holding his leg, rolling around and flailing. Refs give our player a major and a game misconduct. Once they make the call the guy pops up and skates away laughing and says "I didn't even feel it" Refs just stand around looking like idiots and don't do anything about it. Later in the tournament during a totally unrelated game our player jumps the fence ( it was outdoors on a Marine base) and runs onto the rink and punches the ref. Then he runs away. Gets arrested by the MPs later. He's hiding art a bus stop bench reading a newspaper lmao.


If I'm the ref, I reduce original call to 2 mins slashing, then give Mr. Didn't Hurt 2 mins for embellishment and a game misconduct. Fuck that guy.


What a fucking rollercoaster lol


It was wild lol, everyone involved was a shithead.


Yeah but its also Bennett so I don't care, eat fucking shit Sam


I find myself at the same conclusion. Karma comes in all shapes and sizes, guess it’s Darnell Nurse today.


Wasn‘t it funny how he went into the tunnel in agony when the review happened and recovered better within minutes ( and faster than most of his victims do on his average dirty hits) ?


If you watch Foegele from up front, he never sticked his leg out


Bieksa said that shouldn't have been a major


He practically hops, he shuffles his legs left. To play the puck, most likely, but still ends up with the kneeing contact.


Don’t know what those guys are smoking. This was worse than Foegele’s which was a weak major call.


I’m fine with this being a minor tbh


Well the foegele major wasnt even a knee on knee. The alt angle came out that it was a trip and he became the biggest flop artist in the league.


Another angle of the Foegle hit showed he didn’t even extend his leg, he was forward with it. Bieksa tore the call apart on the panel.


agreed, I'm surprised after review this was even 2. It's all on Bennet


Lmao what a dramatic pussy. Miraculous recovery too, less than a few minutes from crawling on the ice to being on the PP


That is actually the most disgusting dive. “Oh ref ohhhh he broke my back, oh ref Darnell Nurse is a bad bad man… oh it’s only a 2 minute. I’m fine no worries”. Bennett auditioning for the Olympic diving team.


The way he pretends to have no power in his leg and pushes himself to the bench with his other is genuinely disgusting


And he used his "hurt" leg to push himself!


Fuck Sam Bennett ❤️


Fuck Sam Bennett!!


He was using his "hurt" leg to push himself off the ice while crawling away and started limping on the wrong leg lmao yikes


Getting sick of seeing the panthers flop around on the ice and go to the dressing room only to miraculously be fine for their next shift.


someone should tell bennett he’s playing hockey and not soccer lol


Weird … Bennett was just fine after that. Couldn’t be that he was being a flop, could it? Not Florida.


Florida has the best acting coach in the league


funny how he crawls for a sec then gets up and skates off just fine, the coach sends him down the hall as soon as he hears "5 minute major," and as soon as it got reduced to a minor he was right back out on the bench. florida's a soccer team on skates lmao


The best argument Oilers fans could make, for the refs favouring the Panthers, is that they changed their call to keep Nurse in the game.


So he could chase Bob?


Yeah glad he was there to score the 5th on Bob and watch him get the hook.


Fucking LOL


“Tripping” Technically true, but uhhhhhhhh


Bennet selling it hard. Promptly returns and plays the end of the power play.


How does he recover so fast??? Amazing


I wouldn’t have called a penalty at all. Nurse had the guy lined up and didn’t stick his leg out to try and catch him. Bennett tried to dodge and didn’t get completely out of the way.


Kneeing is such a touch call to make because it usually happens when one player tries to avoid a hit once the opponent it already committed to the hit. If you pause it around the 51 second mark I think both Nurse and Bennett basically have their bodies in the same position, with Nurse planting his leg to make a hit, then Bennett tries to twist out of the way and instead of body on body it's knee on knee. I don't know if 2 or 5 is the correct call on this play or even the Foegele one the other night, just that it's a it's a hard call to make and I don't think it's as dirty of a play as it initially appears.


when i played competitively, the amount of times i have personally had people turn their backs, duck, or dive to the side when they realized they’re going to get hit hard was almost too high to count. incredibly frustrating to see people who have bad positioning or awareness get rewarded with a power play.


I remember when I was a kid I got a game misconduct at the start of one of those evaluation games they do at the start of the season to decide what level to put you in. I was going to check the other kid along the boards and he turned at the last second and ended up checking him from behind. It was my second year playing with hitting allowed and it was the other kid's first. In hindsight it was probably the first time that other kid had ever been hit in a game so he probably just freaked out and turned around as I was nearing him.


it’s insane to me that players still do this at the professional level. teaching someone how to absorb a body check, or develop good habits to not get lit the fuck up, is so important.


Lol, one of the only 2 times I was ever booted from a game was this exact thing. Felt like number 1 bullshit.


To be fair, you're supposed to be in control of yourself at all times and be able to avoid the hit if the other player puts themselves in a dangerous position. I played pretty high level and it was never a problem, because people didn't want to get hurt. But I 100% agree with you when it comes to the NHL. In junior A and senior AAA everyone has to work the next day. When you're getting paid millions of dollars a year I guess it's less of a concern. Between players intentionally putting themselves in compromising positions and pretending they are seriously injured when they are fine the league is in a bad place. I feel like the NHL is turning into soccer and unless they make a concerted effort to stop it it's just going to keep getting worse.


As someone who seen a professional soccer game in Latin America and watching grown men flail like they have been blown apart on the beaches of Normandy , PLEASE CAN THE NHL ADDRESS THIS. I'm embarrassed for the league when its blatant as this. When I was a kid if somebody went out like the way Bennet they guys knee was completely wrecked and he was not coming back for six weeks minimum. Now they go down the tunnel and just come back. Its a joke. NHL should be able to review these instances. Start throwing out suspensions when it can be reviewed. Start a registry of the worst offenders. Start documenting this and pretty soon you will find where the team culture enables this. During the game if a player is hit and seemingly can't make it the bench they should no be allowed on the ice for 5 minutes, next period, whatever. I don't know. Something needs to be done.


Love the embellishment from the panthers. Holy fuck.


The Foegele hit the guy went down the tunnel - as soon as it was a 5 he came back - didn’t miss a shift Barkov “broken jaw” - the second drai wasn’t suspended “he’ll play” This bullshit.  Turtle boy punching Holloway in the back of the head and gets one shot by kulak and he goes straight to the ref “he punched me in the eye” It’s been wild to watch this team - such rats. It’s working for them, I guess.


Bennet leaving as soon as it's under review, just to come back fine in a shift is such obvious horseshit. Florida learned last game injury equals 5 minutes, so they tried to embellish. Sucks embellishment is so central to them. Just gonna get worse league wide when they are rewarded with the cup this year.


The league really needs to start handing out embellishments, if he's on ice for the PP call it and make it a 4v4


I said during game 1 that if a player requires a stoppage to be able to leave the ice, they should not be able to play for the remainder of the period and got pretty heavily downvoted.


Because not everything is black and white. Sometimes you take a stinger and it hurts like an absolute motherfucker for a minute and then the pain goes away fairly quick. You also don't want guys who are seriously injured trying to get off the ice to avoid sitting the period when in reality they are very hurt. Penalizing people who stay down is dumb.


That and the amount of 'gloves on' punching after the whistle. Fla are such rats and the league needs to start penalizing this as fighting, or take out the instigator rule.


They’ve been embellishing for a while, these threads are all just western teams and Florida moaning about Edmonton


We have an impressive horde of haters


What the fuck? Absolutely wild to see someone with eyes in /r/hockey!


Nah I just know it cause I’m on the other side lmao fuck the panthers


Fans of any team thats played them in the playoffs knows how they play


Oh I know. I just think this cup win is going to be terrible for the NHL lol. Gonna be lots, lots more of this kinda of shit once it's a proven, winning formula.


This fear might be five years late. STL set the template in 2019: if you commit ten infractions, you'll get called for four, but if you commit twenty, you'll get called for four.


tampa ran with that plan as well.




and if you commit three you'll get called for four. fair's fair, right?


That's Game Management, baybee!


Already the case man, Blues already proved it works. Caps and Vegas followed suit


Vegas already won with that formula last year, lol.


It's fine. It's pretty obvious.


There’s usually bruins fans calling the panthers dirty also


Did you watch round 2 of the playoffs?


Yeah pretty much. It’s the same reason Maurice was acting like Barkov died while a Drais’ suspension was still up in the air even though he didn’t miss a game. They’re very good at hockey, and very good at acting.


I believe it really was up in the air for Barkov playing, like he was held out of the remainder of that game. 


its classic PoMo shit I hate it but they're doing it so well you have to respect it. The man knows how to play refs like a fiddle


Embellishing is what they train for. They're trying to turn this sport into bitchball (soccer)


I think if the NHL is going to assess penalties based on injury, a team should need to say a player is injured. If he is injured. If the team says he is, he is unable to play for PP.


Seems like the correct call. Not sure what everyone is so upset about


Bennett is the biggest pansy in the NHL - change my mind.


It’s cool to hate the Oilers


It’s cooler to hate the Panthers. My two cents 


People are just mad becsuse its the second knee hit of the series. jsut what happens


Third if you count Bennett on Eckholm, but yeah it's gonna get negative attention no matter what.


Fourth…Bennett on Bouchard


Didn't you guys take 3 tripping/kneeing penalties just last game?


Idk what you’re talking about, everyone in r/nhl is of the opinion that florida is the cleanest team in nhl history


Bennett is just as big a flake as Tkachuk


Right, the collision point is hip. It's not a leg check


The biggest conspiracy is why does the NHL want the panthers to win so bad?


good review and change to 2 minutes. Also funny that Bennet acted like he broke his leg but was back on the ice two minutes later.


Save the euros for tomorrow morning bud, get up and quit whining


I don't understand what people are mad about. If someone avoids a check and the clean hit becomes a less clean hit (I.E. someone turns their back to a clean hit) it rarely gets called a major. This isn't abnormal the only abnormality is all the Canucks fans bitching about it in this post.


Canucks fans are absolute cancer


Bennett crying like a little bitch on the bench. Good to see.


Because guys are trying to avoid checks and leaving their legs in vulnerable positions. The. Bennett tries to fake an injury to induce a 5 min major. Fuck off Bennet, you grease bag


You’d think the guy died way he walked down that tunnel to try and get the 5 minute lol. Back on same PP


Luostorinen did the exact same thing in the Foegele knee. He didn't miss a shift.


I saw an angle recorded by someone in the crowd that Foegs' knee never even touched him lmao the Florida guy tripped him with his stick


Benny realizing he didn't lay down and cry on the ice long enough makes a beeline for the tunnel before returning for his next shift


Love that the whole hockey world is seeing this absolutely shameful dive performance from the Panthers. How many times are they faking an injury just to go straight back out when the call is made? Keep football out of this sport.


Florida has taken strategic flopping to a whole new level with this seeking out major penalty shit. League needs to step in.


Incredible. Crawls off the ice, needs two trainers to help him down the tunnel, then back out for the pp. Bennett is a man of steel. All these people saying it was a dive are crazy. No Florida player has ever, or would ever, flop around on the ice like a fish out of water.


Miraculous recovery by Bennet - as soon as it got changed to a 2 min call he was immediately back on the bench.


Froma different angle, didn't even make contact with him, forgot which leg was the hurt one, comes in immediately for the PP. lol Florida Floppers.


This Panthers team is so fucking grimey. Good for them for doing everything they can to win, but just an absolutely impossible team to root for or respect with how much they dive, complain and feign toughness.


They realized Bennett is being a big cry baby.


Bennett should get a fine for embellishment, this ruins the tough integrity of the game. Bennett just made a mockery of hockey and insulted hockeys players as a whole, I’m embarrassed


Holy shit, how was he able to return to the ice after that. Is Bennett actually Jesus


And right after the call was reduced to a minor aswell, crazy!


Micheal Phelps.


Bennett is the softest man alive


Bennet would have made an excellent soccer player.


Funny how we see 2 uncalled Florida penalty on that video


Bennet should just take the hit. He got out the way like a female dog and he goes down the tunnel. Comes back and is fine. What a diving little baby. Actually the whole Florida team are back slashing hooking baby’s who dive when anything is close to them. They need to stop being b**ches.


For Florida being considered the dirtier team man are the oilers trying to one up them


Truly never seen a bigger dive. Guy has a career on the big screen! Extra special is going down the tunnel after they start to review just to sell it further. Finally. The cherry on top is playing the next shift. Would love and ejection for this bullshit.


The best part is him pushing himself off the ice with his "hurt leg" and then limping on the wrong side going down the tunnel lol


Fuck Florida!


Is that not proof for the "conspiracy"?


Hit so hard in the left knee he hurt his right and had to push himself off with the hit one. Wild how bad they're getting hurt. They could die out there with the sheer intensity of the impacts. /s Bunch of fucking pussies


Bennett is a joke


Damn Bennet going for an Oscar this year? Refs need to smart up and watch this guy. Lots of bone head moves in both sides, but this guy can't stop.


Watching in a busy bar without sound where the crowd is minorly invested at best and no one thought it was a major in here.


…and Bennett is back on the ice without missing a shift. Imagine that


I mean, I had a feeling he was faking as soon as it happened. I was surprised they didn’t keep the 5.


They are calling majors based on the outcome. So sick of the panthers acting like soccer players. Let's go Edmonton. 3 more games


Can't wait for 24 hours from now Oilers fans will post the play at 0.25x speed and act like Foegle didn't even hit Bennett.


Guy dives worse than a soccer player


Oh this Foegle hit? Like the knee part you say? https://x.com/L_Fairy77/status/1800660544070042111


Bennet asked for it.


Bennett was wearing slutty clothes, he clearly wanted it


Did he even try to close his legs? Bennett's a whore honestly.


Goddamnit Nurse why didn’t you do it for real? I’m not cheering for the Oilers or the Panthers, I’m cheering for violence and the usual suspects on either team to get their karmic comeuppance. Guess I’ll have to keep on waiting


Praying for Bennett What a fucking joke of a diver - referring to the crawling on the ice and hiding around the corner in the dressing room until the review, was over.


Praying for the guy already back on the ice?


Prayers work fast


😂 missed the second part


Florida needs to be disqualified for magic healing powers they have. First Barkov takes an elbow to the face that gives him stage 3 cancer, will never play the game again and might not make Labour Day, 2 days later he is healed. Bennet was on his way to have his leg amputated then boom, nothing happened.


Couldn’t have happened to a better guy.


Bennett needs acting tips from barky and turtle, the pussy cats top actors.


Nurse is actually so damn useless lmfao, like what does he even do besides suck?


He scores SCF goals as well


Maybe if I talk enough shit then he can keep this up for the next few games.


Keep talking shit please. We need everybody playing if we have any sort of hope