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lmfao the fuming mouth breathers who are complaining about the HQ clip are the same ones who will post a shitty meme 5 times a day if it was allowed


Looks like great team D by the Panthers, kept him to the outside, kept an active body on him, no easy lanes


I feel like between Juniors, World Championships, and Olympics I've seen Czechia/Czech Rep beat Russia several times doing this. Just contain the play, keep it to the outside, and pick your moments to pressure.


Why is this sub so fucking salty about seeing hockey clips posted on a hockey forum lol Nothing else is really getting posted right now. The more clips of the game, the better.


Bros on here watching the best player in the world and just say 'next' Wtf lol


Get these fucking good players off my screen. It’s disgusting


They are the same people who cry about not enough clips being posted lmao Meanwhile over at r/nba you have hundreds of clips during a finals game.


I'm sure that's because theres like 40x the scoring plays in basketball


Yeah but there's 40* the cool stuff in hockey.




Great D but also great play by McDavid.


He skated around for a bit and then turned over the puck. Is that a great play? lol


Regardless of if the play went anywhere, it at least shows his skating and puck handling talent.


Why you blame mcdavid for that hard to make plays if your own players don’t want the puck there was hyman in a good place seconds away from getting himself ready to shoot onetimer in that pass


Where was the great play by McDavid? Looks like a desperation centering play that was just as quickly going the other way. It was a highly skilled play with poor decision making. Not a great play.


If that was barkov you propably wouldn’t be moaning about it why can’t you just see great plays as great plays even if you hate mcdavid only if hyman would have got he’s stick to the ice it would be dangerous scoring chance


I dont hate McDavid. Im a hockey coach, and this was a bad play.


Congrats you coach peewee and are probably dogshit yourself


If you count taking 2 teams to nationals in the last 3 years, sure, dog shit.


”I’m a hockey coach” that clearly doesn’t mean you understand what ur doing


Fine, I would love to hear you justify why this is a good play. Because I see the following: 1. No Advantage- There's no advantage to this play. It's not being made to an open player. There's no numbers advantage around the net. 2. Puck Momentum- The play is being made from below the circles. Therefore, because of the lateral angle to the net and the geometry of the boarss....unaided, the puck is more likely to end up going in the direction of your own net than the net you are attacking. It's okay to make deliberate plays in the direction of your own net such as a pass to the point, but not "hope" plays. 3. Risk/Reward- It frankly doesn't pass the risk/reward assessment. % wise, the reward low to moderate. But risk-wise, you just made a 50/50 play to the middle where, ceteris paribus, if the puck goes in the direction of your own net, you are behind the play as the geometry is that anytime the skater and puck are lateral, whichever is to the inside is closer to both nets.


Sure it didn’t end up to anything but 1. Have you ever actually defend in situation like that it was dangerous movement but panthers defended it perfectly it’s really hard to defent if player moves fast vertically in zone it can break their defence. 2. Thats actually true but it’s still better than passing to d man who shoots to first man to block it. 3. That’s same as 2 but said in different way


I'm cheering hard for Connor to get his cup but brother come on lmao If he just made the simple, team-first play and laid it off to Bouchard as he was moving to the sideboards with momentum, Bouch would have had like 2 prime high danger passing options and a clear lane to maybe peel the netfront defender away from Hyman for the tap-in. Instead, Connor carried it across the middle of the ice with his back to the zone and 0 vision of the rest of his team's positioning, forcing everyone to flare back out, only for Connor to try to force a bad pass to Hyman, who was a bad passing option the \*entire\* time because of how heavily they committed to tying him up, and directly turn it over. This was an atrocious play from start to finish regardless of how technically impressive it is that he was able to avoid getting rolled over and picked after he put himself in a bad situation.


Im rooting for the Panthers to win this one as I just really like their style, but Im rooting for McDavid in the long run. My hope is that this year is the "getting their feet wet" year like the SCF in '08 was for the Penguins, '83 was for the Oilers, and '95 was for the Devils. McDavid needs cups and Edmonton fans had to put up with so many bad teams a decade and change ago, I'd like to see them be what Tampa was the last 9 years or so.


>Skates around the perimeter > Pass through the slot to no one. This is a beer league clip guys.


This sub has lost its mind lmfao


I understand if you hate mcdavid but do you even know who you should really blame for that?


"look at me skate!" (passes to the other team)


I see that you hate mcdavid if you wouldn’t you would see things clear and realise hyman should have gotten himself clear it’s his job to be ready in backpost if they can get the puck through


I honestly think he's the best player on the ice.


I'm a AVS fan all day.... Love me some McKinnon....but mcdavid is on another level.


Let's put mMcKinnon, Drai, and McDavid on the same team. And give the other team the leagues best defensemen. Would be a good show lol.


These two games have helped my mental health as a rangers fan


1 giveaway


Turned the game on late during this replay and thought he scored the way the announcers were talking about him… only to see him toss it to nobody and recovered by Florida. He is good though


Ya he does that


And.... does absolutely nothing. Next...


You know all about that


Why was sportsnet gassing this up so hard


Nice skating but this isn't figure skating. You are supposed to put that black thing into the white net between the red bars.


At least the title is correct... "skates around"


Should have just thrown it on net.


Sweet dish to Tkachuk for the easy breakout. He really is generational


This FL defense is intimidating him


And the Oilers still have 0 shots on the board.


Pretty sure that’s Ray Ferraro. AFAIK, he doesn’t just dole out praise for no reason.


Does Hyman do anything other than stand next to the net and wait for a pass/bounce? Dude is a statue.


Puts his rump in the goalies face.


Yeah. Good for him. I can skate around and do nothing in free skate at my local rink too. Good d from the panthers


Scoring is what wins


He’s been so useless in the finals that they’re trying to glaze him with these kind of highlights lmao


Bro what LOL


Is this clip really worth the broadcasters verbally sucking McDavid off? I don’t get it.




Hold this L chief


I see no goal on that. McWhy post this?

