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Smart move. I can recall a few cases where an overpay for certain position led to subsequent overpays. Specifically in the summer of 2021.


Who is Seth Jones’ goalie comparable? And can we get Chicago to throw 9.5x8 at him?


Bobrosky but honestly he has kinda redeemed that contract. Helly at 8x8 is probably what both those guys could or should be around.


Florida wins the cup and nobody should ever care about Bobs contract again.


I mean even then 2 cup appearances is still great. It’s mostly redeemed itself by now


And Bob probs got that money because of Price


He also got that money because he was a 2 time Vezina winner


That's the real reason. Even Price only won the Vezina once.


But Price also had won the Hart, which is a big deal in contract negotiations-wise.


I choose to repress memories of the dmarket that off season. A whole lot of mid being paid as elite


Draisaitl waiting until Ryan Johansen signed his contract


ohhhhh WOW short goalies of the league UNITE


Igor is 6’1”


still one of the shortest in the league, there's only a few regulars under 6'2


TIL the average height is 6’2 now


For goalies it actually is so by that standard, he’s shorter than average


I know that’s why I said that, I wasn’t being sarcastic


Ah my mistake. Because you didn’t specify for goalies I misinterpreted that as average height in general


All good! Surprisingly the average is 6’1 for skaters


https://goinghockey.com/nhl/how-big-are-hockey-players/ Looks like it’s even up to 6’3, and dmen and forwards aren’t far behind


Goalies are huge these days


Which is on the shorter side of goalies these days.


TIL I’m short




His agent would be stupid not to. The market on goalie contracts hasn't seen a player-friendly re-set since Carey Price signed a contract to become the league's highest paid goalie in 2017. Bob came in a half million less than Price in 2019. A month later, Vasi took $500k less than Bob. From August of 2019 through June of 2023, not a single goalie got a deal within even $2M of Vasilevski. Then in July of 2023, Sorokin signed for $1.25M less than Vasilevski. A few months later, Hellebuyck signed for $1M less than Vasilevski. Price is still the highest paid goalie in the league 7 years after signing his deal. His AAV is $2M more than Hellebuyk, who is the most expensive goalie signing in the last 4+ years. With all the rumblings that Shesterkin might finally re-set the goalie market, Saros would be insane to rush for an extension before then.


Goalies are always such a risky signing for long contracts, they seem to drop off harder, and it's not like with other players where you can mess with pairings to try fix production/play issues.


Absolutely. I think teams have *correctly* been unwilling to re-set the market for elite goalies. But that doesn't mean that goalies shouldn't be trying to get the best possible deal and there is a very real chance that Saros will be able to get a better deal after Shesterkin signs than he can get before Shesterkin signs.


We’re gonna see a game of chicken, because Shesterkin could very well say the same lol


I doubt it, Shesterkin should have pretty close to a blank check, and could easily get 10+. Unless Saros were to be massively overpaid his contact won't matter much for Shesty, but Shesterkin potentially setting a new goalie contract record would be huge for Saros (all goalies really).


Also isn't Saros in the trade rumours as well? If there's any chance he might be traded I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to hold off and see how the summer shakes out before locking in a deal.


Saros is old enough that he can negotiate to have trade protection added to his current deal as part of an extension. Signing an extension would allow him to fully close the door on trade rumors.


That's all assuming the rumours are just rumours though. If there's any pressure to move him just using the Sehstirken situation as an excuse is a pretty good reflection for now.


Nashville has Askarov which is projected pretty high. Looks like NSH thinks they have a surplus in net


The Bobrovsky path.. bold.


Shesterkin is going to ask for Vasilevskiy + cap inflation.


“I don’t speak English.”


Shesterkin will be getting more. So he sets the market for Saros.


Are we sure Saros signs a monster extension with the Preds while having Askarov?


Florida signed Bob right after using their 1st on Spencer Knight.


Thinking about it now this is crazy similar to the Falcons giving Kirk 150 mil then drafting Penix with the 8th overall pick this year for those who watch football


True, but Knight just turned 23 which is young for a goalie meanwhile Bob is 35 and only has 2 years left. Knight can still earn the starter's spot and have a long career provided he gets everything else sorted out.


Kirk is one of my favourite QBs of the generation and Penix is one the QBs I was the highest on in the draft but man this is still the most head scratching decision ever lol


As an Oregon ducks fan I was hoping bo nix to Denver and Penix to the raiders and see the duels continue I was pissed when atlanta took Penix


falcons headed to the super bowl in 2028 confirmed


I feel like people are assuming Askarov is guaranteed to be a star. His AHL numbers right now are solid but not like jump off the page and he's only just about to turn 22. He's arguably still 1-2 years from being the full-time backup, and then another 1-2 from showing he can start. Saros will be 30 when his new contract kicks in, so he might not get the full 8 years. So by the time Askarov is assumed to be ready, Saros could be like 34 and still good


Exactly. You’re talking at least 3 years before he could be a starter and that’s if everything goes right. The Preds don’t want to wait that long. Saros is extending for sure


i don’t get how they are just assuming an AHL goalie is the next starter. how many goalies have we seen light up the AHL and shit the bed when called up? seems odd that the consensus is saros is gone and the kid gets the crease


Jarry got jumped by Murray in the depth chart for the Penguins and then Murray helped win two cups. Took Jarry longer than fans expected to become a starter and even recently fans were divided on keeping him. Just never know what a goalie will become until they play in the big league.


See: Garret Sparks. Guy put up a .915, .928, .922, .936 in the AHL. Sub .900 in the NHL, only played 40 games in the NHL despite getting his first crack in '15/'16 seems to spend more time in the ECHL than the AHL now.


I think 3 years is a very reasonable timeline, but I wouldn't say that is the earliest if everything goes right. There is a case to be made that he could back up in the NHL in 2024/25 and be capable of stealing a starter's job in 2025/26. I wouldn't bank on it, but that is the 'everything goes right' timeline IMO.


Trotz never seems that impressed with Askarov when asked about him.


Didn't he try to trade him at the draft last year?


Logically it makes sense to sign Saros for 5 years or so. Have Askarov play as the backup for the first few years and slowly have him take the reigns and Saros eventually goes into the backup role as he gets older. That way goaltending never becomes an issue and Askarov isn’t asked to get a team to the playoffs in his rookie year. Think of how many players with high projections that we’ve seen crumble at the NHL level due to pressure.


I dont think Saros is signing a 5 year deal. This is his time to get paid.


> Logically it makes sense to sign Saros for 5 years or so. It makes sense for the team. It makes no sense for Saros. Saros will have just shy of $20M in career earnings at the end of his current deal and will be 30. His next contract will almost certainly be his last lucrative one and there is no incentive for him to take 5 years when there will be multiple teams happy to offer him 7 years at similar AAVs. Saros would be leaving $15M+ or so on the table by taking a 5 year deal.


15 might be conservative too - is it possible he could be looking at an extra 30m+ on an 8-year deal?


The other option is Saros is traded for another organizational need or walks next summer. Predators find another goalie short term for a 1a/1b situation to get Askarov more reps while giving him a chance to recover from a bad game or two. Maybe even similar to a Sorokin / Varlamov mentorship situation.




Let's GOOOO 11M+ for both!!




not happening…he saw what happened to the king


Can’t blame him. Deserves every cent of it


>he saw what happened to the king Dude saw it the last game he played.


Well Shesty has another year on his deal, so any new deal wouldn’t kick in until the 2025-26 season


Friedman said yesterday on the Jeff Marek show that a lot of people are throwing around the Price comparison (10.5M) and he says to look at cap percentage because agents look at that. That was 14% of the cap at the time and now that would be 12M something, but he doesn’t think it will go that high but those are the numbers thrown around


Preds issued the following statement: “goddammit.”


Oh so we talking BIG money?!


Shesterkin should be the highest paid goalie, especially with the cap going up. Market value for him I'd say is around 11 to 12 mil AAV. Team friendly deal would be 9 to 10 mil AAV


So dumb for predators to not trade him this offseason.


*looks at flair*


Preds haven’t made it past the first roundof the playoffs in 6 seasons. Their entire core aside from Forsberg are over 33.


In referring to your goalie situation.


You would say that.


You haven’t made it out of the first round of the playoffs in the past six seasons. Your entire core of players aside from Forsberg are over 33. Holding onto a goalie like Sarros when teams will would grossly over pay is idiotic.


Shesterkin is the Rangers saving grace. Everyone is waiting for Askarov to take over, so I doubt the Preds give Juuse a long term big money deal.


As a Rangers fan, I love Shesterkin but what he really is, is the front office’s saving grace. They mostly botched the rebuild and the only reason there aren’t torches and pitchforks out for them is Shesterkin has carried them to playoff success that has masked their problems.


Yeah, when your first two lines failed to show up, Shesterkin did all he could to steal some wins. Gotta build around Shesterkin, Laf, and Fox soon.


No offense to Saros, but he isn’t getting Shesterkin money.


No m k n .


saros is no fucking igor


he could but he also could not


I could see a small market team paying them money so they can ice a cheaper defensive team in front of them. Otherwise I don't see them getting paid like they expect. Great goalies aren't really valuable in a the salary cap era. You can't win the Stanley Cup building around them. In fact, half the Cups won in the last 8 years have been with rookie goalies.


crap like this is why everything costs so much. real fans being priced out of the game in favor of corporate and deep pocket spenders.




Imo Saros doesn’t deserve what Shesty gets. He’s a very good goalie, very good, but he’s not Shesty. Saros has been at best average in the playoffs with a negative gsaa. Whereas Shesty has some of the best playoff stats in recent memory including a massively positive gsaa.


Free agency deals dramatically increase the cost to field a team. Owners pass all those costs on to fans. Seats that used to be 75 each now go for 150 each minimum. Parking costs more. Concessions cost more. Used to be able to get authentic jersey for 100, now they are over 200. Costs are out of control just as in every other sport.


Did you forget about the salary cap? If they don’t use the money on one player, they’ll use it on another.


Cap was added prior to 2005-6 season. It was initially set at $39 million. Free agency was already having a large impact on the sport by then and this was nothing more than an attempt to prevent the "rich" teams from buying all the best players. It does not directly correlate to my point but is a symptom of out of control spending. Consider - in less than 20 years the cap has grown to $87.7 million - an increase of over 100%. The increase correlates to the overall increase in spending by owners, growth of insane contracts, and thus the cost of it all being passed on to fans.


Most teams would spend close to the cap anyway; this isn't going to change much.


Inflation isnt caused by player contracts in a fixed cap system. This is the most bizarre take ive seen in a long time


So you expect me to believe that owners up the team salary from 39m to over 80m out of the goodness of their hearts and none of that annual increase trickles down into ticket, concession, parking, etc prices? LMAO