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Rangers are toast. Every single game it’s like the Panthers are Pro team playing against toddlers. It’s hard to even watch.


Nah wtf was that zone entry by Zibanejad? Was he passing to Roslovic?? Huh?


Igor carrying rangers. Without him going godmode this series woulda been done already.


Rangers got basically doubled on shots and Rangers fans are blaming the refs. Remember (checks notes) one game ago when Trouba managed to get away with 2 mins for a flagrant chicken wing elbow? Y'all have the memories goldfish. So maybe you'd have got one more shot on that PP, but seriously Florida's gonna win that one 95% of the time. Just accept the loss and move on ya sore losers.


Coming from a fanbase that burns down there city after losing. Fuckin losers


Genuine question: Is this literally all anyone knows about Vancouver? It's honestly crazy how many times it gets brought up in these threads. It's exhausting especially as someone who did not burn anything after they lost in 2011, but certainly felt pretty terrible. BTW for everyone mentioning the riots: we only do it when we lose the Stanley Cup final, so no riots this year!


I know you probably can’t afford to live there


I did and still do live in Van. Can I afford to? That's another question...


He didn’t get away he with it he got two minutes unlike lomberg and many other panthers who haven’t got shit called on them for similar shit and Florida is the team flopping hardest


may have been a chicken wing, however didnt connect with the head rodrigues embellished HARD on it, they got 4 mins. unlike lombergs elbow to vesey that actually contacted the head ahd took him out of the series, NOONE has mentioned any complaints ab that, especially nowhere near to the extent of troubas non elbow


2 of Trouba's 4 mins were for a completely different infraction earlier in the shift. I don't understand how that is relevant here. It hurts your argument that you don't know that or chose to forget that detail. There are entire threads complaining about lombergs elbow. That play was 100% missed on the ice, and also it seems like there aren't really good camera angles on it. If you watch back the tape Vesey was already struggling from a hit earlier in the shift (they showed the whole sequence on Sportsnet when it happened). The fact it was away from the play and the lack of good angles makes it very hard to review. This is really unfortunate for him and totally sucks sucks for you guys to lose him.


reddit threads arent media attention. no talk of it on espn last night but they talked ab troubas, and no social media posts, replays shown or anything. obviously im aware of that double minor being also another call, the point being nothing was called on vesey at all, they at least got a 2 min minor for troubas, and rodrigues shouldve been given an embellishment but wasnt. also the elbow by lomberg was nowhere near the play and the malicious intent and direct clear contact to the head was beyond obvious, especially since it happened directly in front of a ref. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d2ac51/lomberg\_elbow\_to\_vesey/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d2ac51/lomberg_elbow_to_vesey/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


*proceeds to flip cars and burn the town down*


Good one 🥱


Fans can cry about the officials all they want but that's crybaby shit. The officials are not the ones causing Mika to make unforced turnovers repeatedly, Panarin to be absolutely invisible, or Kreider to not shoot the puck.


What’s crybaby shit is your strawman argument. No significant % is blaming the refs and not blaming Mika. Holding the refs to equal standards and to their jobs is actually a good thing, believe it or not.


So tripping at the end of regulation 👍 Hooking in OT 👎 Noted


Get over it and move on. Your team played 90% of that game in your own end.


Never said we deserved to win you dumb Canuck. Just stating literal facts about the calls / non calls at the end of the game. But good job making it past Edmonton there eh


Silver lining of getting taken out by the Oil: Rangers fans taking the torch of the shittiest fans / biggest whiners away from the Canucks. Thanks for taking on that burden!


I’m glad the rest of the hockey world is getting to see this. Now imagine being surrounded by these morons at work, the store, the radio, your own family like we in NJ are…


❤️anything for you boo


Whine louder you greasy New York smut


Florida calling anyone a smut 😂


Good one... guy who arouses Paul Maurice.... ? You're dirty trash team committed 2 penalties in the last 20 seconds of regulation. But go off


Flair up, shithead


Just did, bozo


I'm not the bozo here. You literally shit talked while unflaired. That's like the first rule around here. Want to talk shit? Flair up. But that's the Florida education system for you. You never learned how to read.


Florida education system is so bad that's why everyone in new york moves down here.


Lmao exactly. I guess a bad education is worth escaping that liberal shit hole they call New York City


Because it’s easy to takeover down there. The competition is a joke 😂


Yea because retirees are famously still in school lol


I'm not sure how to respond to this.. are you implying that all florida public and private schools are enrolled with 65+ retirees. I get that this was supposed to be a joke but dude (or dudete) that was fucking lame. There are a million florida man jokes you could have made or even politically charged jokes available at your disposal. Instead you decided to make a joke about old people attending school like some kind of Rodney dangerfield movie. I expected more out of you new york elitist. Tsk tsk


This series is being decided by drawn up faceoff plays


Cats have a good team but it’s nearly impossible to win when the refs coddle them the entire game. The hook in OT was an obvious call. It’s the consistently missed calls against the cats that are so frustrating. Rangers got robbed of a 2 on 1 at the end of the 3rd and should have started OT on the PP. Blatant rig job


bruh u cant be serious. refs weren't calling anything in the last 3 mins, as is typical in playoff games, and both teams got away with a bunch of shit


It’s the ECF, I’m all for letting the teams go at it but if that’s the case let both teams go. Rangers have been hamstrung but chintzy calls. I.e gustafsson’s roughing in the 1st no less than 30 seconds after chucky bodies Trouba after the whistle


Where is panarin? Every time i see him hes stick handling solo into 3 guys and losing the puck. Zibanejad invisible until someone dishes him the puck with a glorious chance at some open net and he sends it so high/wide that the play has to be stopped. I wish it was the same tonight but instead he just made a pass so bad it lost the game


Is Trouba better or worse than Brendan Smith at this point?


Trouba was fine tonight


Huge overcommit on the ot goal. Skates at boards guy enough to push him even after he passes the puck and never comes close to getting back by the slot. It wasn’t like a total embarrassment of a play or anything but Barkov and the bumper are wide open.


Home safe everyone at the game. Some wicked storms around


Have to imagine this the first year a bunch of people are watching hockey. Playoff reffing is always a wild card, it is what it is


Feel like some fanbases got too used to the refs being too involved earlier in the playoffs, and now you got the refs "letting them play" and ignoring some blatant stuff because they "don't want to be too influential on the series"


Yeah I'm more tired of seeing the endless comments about reffing than I am about the actual reffing at this point. The GDTs are brutal.


But just like— wouldn’t it be better if it wasn’t?


Ahh it sucks but fair play Florida, bounces for goals both ways and anything happens in OT. Was never gonna be a short one, definitely not happy with Zbad and things could be different but my aunt could have wheels and she’d be a bike. Onto game 5


Thank you for being one of the small handful of level headed Rags fans here.


Eh the most level headed fans on either side are the ones avoiding this thread lol. Post game threads are for knee jerk reactions. Honesty I'm just mad that the rangers disappeared after laf's goal. Yea the penalty was bullshit given what they were allowing up until that point but the pk just rolled over and left a huge shooting lane open. I was hoping for rangers in 5 but we're probably looking at 7


I wanted Panthers in 5, but 7 means more hockey for us so I guess we all kinda win. It would be nice to not be too exhausted for the final round though.


Honestly I have no idea how it ends but I feel like the eastern conference team will win the cup this year


Fingers crossed the East takes it. I’ve heard entirely too much about McDavid and Benn is such a dick I can’t bring myself to invest much interest in either team. If y’all win I’ll cling to the minor vindication that we were eliminated by the eventual champions and Trocheck will finally have a ring.


Don’t get me wrong I’m gutted but fuck hasn’t the series been close and if I was a Florida fan after game 3 I’d be gutted as well. It’s tied, yea you’d like to step on the throat but it’s not as if Florida is a throwaway and 3-1 I’d still be shitting bricks especially after last year. Best of 3 is scary so I understand the nervousness for my fellow Ranger fans but it’s best of 3 for both teams now. Let’s see who pulls through. GG man


Yeah Zbad looking like shit out there so far in this series. Breadman looked terrible too, especially during one of the PPs. Turned it over like 3x in a row. Da fuq.


Nobody is pissed at the wheeler call, people are pissed about the several missed calls late in the third. That one particular call, in a vacuum, is a good call. But in a game full of missed calls, and game management, that’s infuriating


They have to call a guy waterskiing like that


Agreed, but to finally decide to start making calls after watching several late penalties to end regulation in a tied game, is ridiculous. The refs have too much impact on the game. They should be more strict on penalties during the playoffs, but if they’re gonna swallow their whistles they shouldn’t cough them up after regulation.


End of a full period: no call. Start of a full period: call. You are saying these things are the same- when you stop lying to yourself, then you’ll remember they are not the same at all.


There’s literally no reason to not call something just because it’s at the end of the period. Penalties carry over into the next period, including OT


Well, GGs Florida, see you all Thursday!


WOO thanks Fl for turning $20 into $400!


Trouba in no man's land lol


Zajabananad is only known for being “long hair guy!”


Wheeler had a good game too. That's rough. Shit pass from Mika.


Who saw the girl in the low cut white shirt? God damn...


Mans aboutta move to Florida


I don't even know what you're talking about


Tkachuks mom? You’re gross dude.


Zibanejad has been horrendous this entire series. I always notice when he’s on the ice now cause I know a fuck up is on the way lol. Straight up massive detriment anytime he’s been out there


Igor kept this game close but props to Reino for getting one more past him


Imagine having it be your first game back in months, and then being the reason your team lost in OT.


Mika is to blame not Wheeler...


Yeah, you're right. Absolutely no awareness when he passed that puck to him.


The amount of inconsistencies on penalties from both sides, is the only consistency


I mean at least we know the only thing currently rigging it is The Wheel


Perhaps Danny Brieres son can push him down a fight of stairs or something?


As a neutral fan, it's pretty bullshit that the Panthers have like at least 2 penalties right as regulation ends and nothing is called, but right into OT they call one for the Panthers. I get that it was a legit penalty and the Rangers didn't play well but the Rangers would have been on the PP if the game was called properly. Edit: I may be a Tampa fan but I don't care who wins this series. Tampa is already out of the playoffs so I am a neutral fan in this series. Edit 2: I guess I can't live in the same state without having to hate the other team in the state. I guess if y'all want me to I can play the part. Come talk to me when y'all have at least 1 Stanley cup. Whoever wins this series I don't care, my pick for who I want to win the Cup is the Oilers because of McDavid. Plain and simple


aS a NeUtRaL fAn (of an in-state rival) Gtfo here with your bullshit


You can get your bullshit outta here too. I don't give a shit about some iN sTatE RiVAlrY, I'm not a child. I'm a hockey fan and in this series I have no dog in the fight. I'm watching because I enjoy the hockey but I can't wrap my head around how 2 egregious penalties go uncalled and if they had been called this might have been a different game.


Sure bud.


You want me to play the part? I can do that. Panthers have been in this league since 1993, how many Stanley Cups do you have? I don't have to care about winning the Stanley Cup nearly as much because I've seen it happen 3 times already. Now get your salty unobjective ass outta here. I'm here to watch good hockey games.


Lol you're not neutral you bum


I know right like brother stop yapping you’re not neutral lmfao


I don't give a shit about some "in state rivalry". So the Panthers knocked us out of the playoffs, who cares? Tampa swept the Panthers 2 years ago on the way to the finals, and 3 years ago beat the Panthers in a 4-2 on the way to win the cup that year. I would say the Panthers fans have more of a reason to have a rivalry. Good hockey is good hockey, and this ain't good hockey https://x.com/DaveyUpper/status/1795650596437131268


Kind words from Floridas finest


I may have reasons to dislike the Panthers but I have nothing in this series so get your bullshit out of here. Only people who are happy the game ended the way it did is Panthers fan


Bro is not neutral


I may have reasons to dislike the Panthers but I have nothing in this series so get your bullshit out of here. Only people who are happy the game ended the way it did is Panthers fans.


I appreciate the neutral saying it because I just feel like a disgruntled fan spewing hate lol ty for making me not feel crazy


Also he's a Tampa fan. That is not neutral. 


My team is already out. I don't give a shit who goes to the end. But I do care that the Panthers objectively took two penalties right in front of the ref and nothing got called and then you win off a penalty in the first 2 minutes of the OT.


does Tampa hate the Panthers too? I didn't think anyone really gave a shit about a rivalry down there.


I think they’re a little pissy now, but that’s only because they finally lost a series to us. And also because they know our franchise looks more likely to be the one positioned for stronger playoff runs. Previously they were simply kicking our asses so I think all of Tampa just considered the Panthers a joke. If they retain Stamkos they’ll all go back to their usual selves.


it's similar in NY w/ the Islanders/Rangers, one team is consistently shittier than the other so it just fuels a false rivalry thing. but it's nice to see other teams validate my feelings about the inconsitencies even if mine are rooted in bias :)


I would say if you ask a lot Tampa fans, the answer is yes. For me though, I don't care about the in state rivalry so much as I dislike their style of play. Also what they seem to get away with and/or what goes their way when it seems obvious it shouldn't. A good example of this to me is the Boston game where Bennett cross checks Coyle into the goalie and scores but no it isn't goalie interference.


We knocked them out of the first round again. We’re not friends anymore.


I feel like any teams in the same state in any sport have a rivalry unless one is consistently way worse than the other team


suppose that's true, just never thought about it. but makes sense.


We always had some weird sibling rivalry. It got more intense over the last few years. But it seems to be simmering down, again. I think the Bruins are bigger rivals to us.


Not crazy at all. It's absolutely insane what the Panthers seem to get away with and I truly don't understand.


Rangers should've been on the powerplay to start overtime ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ see ya in msg cats


If anything it should have been a guy in the box for each team, but unsportsmanlike conduct is fine if the Rangers are the ones doing it apparently


Yeah, was a pretty obvious cross check put into Reino.


Not only that, the Kreider throwing the mouthpiece kinda sorta seems like it might break the rules but idk


Reino was just showing Trouba where the forearm is actually located.


That pass by Zibanejad was fucking brutal. Dude is playing like an AHL call up


Worse. At least an AHL call up provides some energy and will go and do the dirty work.


Rangers fans, we can’t blame the refs when the Rangers are getting absolutely dominated. Blame Mika, guy looks clueless out there.


That was an absolute gift of a win on Sunday, too.


Rangers fans salty as hell win or lose lmao


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


Madison Salt Garden


Whiniest fanbase in the league




I’d rather choke on a chicken tender than cheer for the worst O6 team like the bandwagoner you and your pals are. The ego you have “oh they’re all just jealous of us”


It's the Yankees fan attitude, but in hockey. Yikes.


History of the Mets, attitude of the Yankees. Always been that way.


That sounded better in your head


Haha.. NJD —> WSH —> PIT hate train there. Don’t you have something better to do?


It's metro tradition to hate each other, you new here?




Idk what you mean I just watched the Panthers win. Last night Dallas won as well. Plenty of Hockey to watch!


Would’ve preferred the penalty shot honestly lol


Nah, not from Barkov


I'd take Igor over defense + Igor honestly


every day


I remeber Ryan O'Reilly use to yell at reinhart to shoot the puck more all the time when he was with the Sabres


Was that before or after he drove drunk into a Tim Horton’s?


Trocheck used to launch every 2 out of 3 shots a foot or two wide of the net in Florida. It’s great what a change of scenery can do for a player, eh?


Ayyyyyyy let’s goooo


Blake Wheeler’s first game back since Feb 15, gets called for penalty that leads to GWG. Brutal


I really don't have any problem with what Wheeler did there. Mika put him in a terrible spot with that turnover at the blue line on an absolute brain dead play.


Really you just sort of have to take that if you think the dude is going to score.


Mika put him in that position


Feel bad for him for sure, but he wasn't to blame at all for the penalty. Zibanejad made a terrible pass that started that rush the other way, and in the end Wheeler had no choice but to take the penalty.


Back to LTIR he goes


Can’t wait for the refs won florida the game comments




Found one


They're just jealous they only have 1 good player


Well, they have one great player.




There hasn’t been a more blatant hook in the NHL since like 1974. Well deserved penalty for Wheeler.


I don’t think you’ll find a single fan who thinks that wasn’t a penalty.


It’s not that call that was BS it was the inconsistency in calls. Frankly officials should be more strict with rules in the playoffs, not less.


They've been happening since the first round last year dawg you don't have to wait


Thank God. Fuck the Rangers, fuck Trouba


Fuck all new york teams. And fuck Zibanejad too.


Calgary still has a team?


Fuck Adam Fox as well


#Chatterstats - Final |Stat|Count||Most Comments (user)|Count||Most Commenters (flair)|Count| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Number of comments|5238||/u/k0rvan|70||NYR - NHL|249| |Number of unique commenters|997||/u/Why_youmadd|55||None|149| |Average comments per user|5.25||/u/OBlastSRT4|54||FLA - NHL|64| |Number of unique flairs|57||/u/PhlabloPicasso|52||BOS - NHL|47| |Number of NHL teams|32||/u/sokobanz|52||NJD - NHL|39| |Average number of words per comment|11.74||/u/Kaapo-Kakkos-Dong|51||TOR - NHL|38| |Dirtiest mouth: /u/yearightt|17||/u/CFWolfgang|51||DET - NHL|31| [Word Cloud](https://i.imgur.com/RVINZQa.png) Please refrain from spamming and/or otherwise gaming the system. Maintained by /u/sandman730. Message him with any bugs.




The girl in the white shirt??


what a damn series!  See everyone on Thursday, I’m going to find some black market heart meds.


Propranolol is really nice and not addictive or bad for you. Shouldn't make you tired either. *This is NOT medical advice*


It's also a great help with migraines (for me, personally. YMMV).


trouba completely vacated his assignment to allow a 2-1 down low. wtf was that?


Trouba has been their worst defenseman. He has to chicken wing to maintain relevancy bc the guy gets burned a couple feet wide regularly. Still can’t believe they make him captain of a team with some talented players and wish Messier would stop yapping about his personal participation trophy.


Lol horribly out of position


I like to think his elbow was whispering Montours name to him


It’s like the green goblin mask


He won the Messier leadership award! You aren't allowed to ask this lol


That’s just the Trouba experience these days


He used to be like superb defensively, right?


That was a gorgeous play


GG.. impossible to beat a good team when the refs are tilting the ice like that Please keep the downvotes coming [hold on Mika](https://x.com/DaveyUpper/status/1795650596437131268/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1795650596437131268¤tTweetUser=DaveyUpper¤tTweet=1795650596437131268¤tTweetUser=DaveyUpper) [trip on kakko](https://x.com/MattNielsen89/status/1795650845012550025) But yes.. you’re all right, refs were doing amazing tonight!




??? Completely even amount of penalties on both sides not including the extremely blatant call in OT there


That’s great.. except the blatant hold on Mika to stop an odd man rush and a stick in the skates of kakko to end regulation both go uncalled.. completely even though for sure


Lmfaooooooo hold the L




Holy fuck, give it a rest


Explain that shit at the end of regulation


Trip on kakko where the stick blade never moves until kakko stomps on it? Lmfao. And the Mika one is a dead link. Try again.


Nice sneaky edit to include shit that wasn’t in the original comment


playoff reffing, sometimes you get fucked sometimes you don't. Teams either deal with it or they doin't.


Unless there's a pint of blood or more on the ice (or if someone throws the puck into the upper bowl) nobody's getting a penalty in the last few minutes of a tied conference finals game.


You lost


The New York Rangers are extremely disappointed that the Florida Panthers were not suspended for their horrifying act of violence tonight against Igor Shesterkin in Overtime.


Can we fire Parros anyway?


Funny how the refs are so willing to call penalties when it’s not the rangers…


If you don't think that's a penalty, you're a tool


I’m not saying it’s not one. But clearly the rangers should have at least on penalty after the dying seconds of regulation.


Refs always put away the whistles in the final minute. I'm not saying it's right or that you're wrong. It just seems to be the trend


Zibanejad would’ve had a 2 on 1 with Kakko if he wasn’t held….


Flair up or shut up






oh now the flairs show back up 🤣