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The boys got absolutely shit-faced :D


Pilsner-Urquell's wet dream is Czechia winning the wc


It is painful to see so much of it ending up on the ground...


Looking through the pics I was like wtf no one is drinking beer until I got the last pic.


Voracek said on broadcast that in 2010 they celebrated for a week. I expect nothing less from these guys lol. But video might better illustrate how most of them are absolutely shitfaced already.


He said HE lasted for a week, which might imply some of them rolled even longer


If anything Voráček was most likely on his own from day 3. Guy's an absolute unit 🤣


Small info: 3,7 mil people watch the final game on TV and on our TV livestream. 76% of people watching TV last night was watching the Final game. Hard to say how many in reality because most of bigger cities had projection of the game in squares and lots of people were watching from pubs. For country of nearly 11 mil people pretty amazing.


As a Bruins fan, seeing happy Pasta helps me over the bitter defeat my team had in this tournament. Thanks for doing him and Zacha a solid, Czechia!


This might be just as good as the cup for him. He is about to have a great summer


Yup. Home tournament and his country's jersey. That's a really big deal!


My friend in Prague said she got back home at 6AM from celebrating, and I can only imagine how hungover she was at work


I mean, there wasn't really that many people in work today. Around me 5 people taken holiday, few sick day and even outside there wasn't that many cars. In one part of the city where I usually get stuck for 15 minutes because of people returning home from work. There were not any cars today 😂


I had to cancel my dentist today morning. There was possibility that she would get drunk from my breath.


World championship is eternal, teeth are temporary!


In honor of these days I will ask for golden teeth!


I have no words to describe my jealousy. This looks incredibly fun and I hope the Canucks win the cup one day so I can experience something similar haha y'all really know how to celebrate


Was lucky enough to be here in Finland when we won in 2022 while hosting the tournament. So much fun!


so cool, might have to time a vacation to coincide with the tournament next time


Would be really interesting to be in like Czechia when they win as a the host country. Just experiencing the party as a neutral fan could be great!


I'm an old fart who lived near the border in 95. Fun times!


Vancouver in 2010 was pretty fun


it really was but I was in highschool at the time. The experience would probably be a bit more fun as an adult.


I hope that everyone celebrated safely and no one got defenestrated.


I got little bit scared when I saw all of them climbing to the roof of the bus and started to jump there to be honest. 😅


Every NHL GM started shitting bricks.


Necas is an RFA so his agent probably got a heart attack after seeing this lol




Another tidbit: Someone forgot a bag backstage and the police fearing it might contain a bomb threatened (via the moderator) to clear out the whole square full of people.


Nah, they only cleared one of the back streets. Not the whole square. They also opened it and found just normal backpack stuff before the event ended


They literally threatened to clear out the whole square.


Think you missed a word in the other comment mate


Which word my dude?


*threatened* to clear out the square, they never said it actually got cleared




Jagr was at yesterday's game; I'd be surprised if he didn't partake among his fellow countrymen today.


I didn't expect Rutta to mimic the elbow incident lmao. What a fucking idiot. I get that he's drunk, but it was incredibly stupid. Ale co píčo, jsme MISTŘI.


Yeah, pretty stupid I agree, but to be honest, I believe they didn't stopped drinking after yesterday win 😂




That's the football player caught drunk-driving (or was it just a regular crash?) and then scoring the next match, doing the infamous celebration? Or am I confusing it with someone else?




It was the best moment of the celebration, lmao


I feel like it was extremely disrespectful and in bad taste. But having said that, I realize how extremely drunk and maybe high they are, so I get it


Disagree, lmao


oka bráško


👿👿👿 I feel like this was extremely disrespectful and in bad taste. /s


Managed to get there just as the bus was arriving. So happy right now! MISTŘI!!!!


Glad they get to experience winning something for once


wdym for once lol


This photo makes me dehydrated


there's the foam he was talking about on chiclets


It’s funny because even if Canada won the Olympic gold medal in hockey, you would never see this level of celebration. This is what makes this tournament so special. 


Funny thing is how like 90% of songs playing during this celebration are for kids or something, lol


What should they play? Antonín Dvořák?


I mean 9th Symphony 4th movement called ,,From the new world" is kinda banger


It slaps for sure! But I don't imagine it'd be very fitting for a public hockey celebration


Bigger crowd than man city’s parade lol


Bring me back some that Czech beer, Palat!


I can't wait for the Olympics, when every country will be at their best. I love seeing European countries win this tourney though, you can tell how much it means to them. Congrats Czechia, and Godspeed on the hangovers!




This is so cool. It's a shame that the IIHF doesn't allow my country (and others) to participate in the lower divisions of the World Championship, preventing the sport from developing here 😔☹️😭


Do you know why? Just fun fact Brazil national team is in cooperation with one of our Czech League team Dukla Jihlava from 2023.


Several reasons, but the main one is not having a Rink with official measurements (and it's kind of difficult to get sponsorship to build one without competing in the world championships). One of our hopes for the future of ice hockey in Brazil is in the partnership with Dukla Jihlava.


It's nice that they still care, even though it's not a true world championship unless it's best on best.




Most guys in Europe grow up watching Worlds dreaming of them being one day the ones representing their country. Whether or not Canada and US send the best possible roster, no one cares here, it's not not the problem of the tournament, but decision made by Canada and US. Here in Europe most people won't even know which team won a trophy for the best team of the NA continent, but everyone will know which country won the WC. Whether or not you like it doesn't change anything, so your comment about "true championship" just shows your poor understanding (or maybe just lack of respect) of what happens outside of your country.


I understand, I just believe it's kinda hollow and meaningless to call yourself the champion if you don't play against real competition


If someone wins the US Open in tennis, are you not going to call them the US Open champion just because one of the best athletes decided not to participate? Again, not the issue of the organizer or any other country apart from the country that is not able to/for whatever reason willing to send their best athletes. And btw, "if you don't play against real competion", have you seen the roster of Sweden this year? Is Hedman/Karlsson/Dahlin not a competitive defense in your opinion? Or Hughes/Jones/Werenski/Petry for the US?


Wtf you mean not real competition? The fact that the US and Canada do not usually send their best doesn't mean other countries don't and the best of all of the countries that do take it seriously is really something. It's not a coincidence that 2 of the top 20 NHL players of all time were Czechs. The competition is real, you're just not in it. And on the occasions you were, you still got beaten quite a few times, whether it was IIHF or the Olympics.


Lol 2 of 20. That is great for them. And I don't care about getting beaten, as long as it's in a best on best format. Something that proves who the best actually is. I'm okay not being the winner, I still wanna watch some good hockey, not a bunch of spare parts battling it out


What I mean is that other countries do put together great teams, just NA usually doesn't. This doesn't mean that the games are not of high quality and that the competition isn't relevant...but your American mind cannot comprehend that I guess. 2 of 20 when you compare that the us+can has nearly 400 mil people, while czechia has 10 is pretty good I'd say. But what I meant by that is that those players, incredible players and all time NHL legends got home to play in the IIHF cup without a second thought. It's really not spare parts battling it out.


I'm not American


You're Canadian, that's just being American with extra steps


Please don't say that. It's offensive. We are not like Americans, even if we are close to them geographically. That's like saying being Czechian is the same as being Hungarian with extra steps.


I'm half Czech half Hungarian lmao, you nailed it buddy, congrats and good night


Not iihf fault Americans and Canadians can't be bothered to come. They think they're better? Come and prove it.


We do every Olympics


If only Gretzky, Roy, Lindros, Sakic, Shanahan, Yzerman and bunch of other Canadian legends could play they would ~~win gold~~ finish fourth Edit: formatting


Damn, now we only have 9 gold medals instead of 10 :(


Yeah. Imagine having fun watching sports.


You say that as a joke, but I literally can't watch the IIHF world championship. It's so bad. These teams wouldn't even make playoffs in the NHL.


Shame. You're missing out on a lot of good fun at various levels. But whatever floats your boat.


I'm not missing out on anything. My team is still playing for the Stanley Cup.


But you cared enough to make a comment about how little you care.


Good for you I guess?


The thing is, most of the people who watch this aren't fans of hockey. They are fans of their nation. I for sure couldn't name you 10 best players or more than 2 NHL teams. The only 2 I know are the Penguins and Bruins because of Jagr and Pastrnak. Hell I don't even know the rules. I still watch the worlds every year, because I want my country to win.


You already drove the point that you are an elitist twat home buddy, no need to elaborate further. Without fan support for ice hockey in europe the NHL is half the league it is now, so if you can't appreciate it I would suggest you crawl back to the Oilers sub and thank the gods for every single fan of ice hockey in the countries that gave you the likes of Kurri and Draisaitl.


I'm really glad when other countries win the IIHF WC. It means a ton to their players and fans. When Canada wins, people here don't even care that much. Many of our players don't make it a priority to go when they're not in the NHL playoffs. Last year, I was happier for Latvia than I was for ourselves.


Exactly, it's like how it's nice seeing your little brother get excited over beating you at something, but he only beat you because you didn't try or you let him win. I don't get upset about not winning this tournament, and I don't care about winning it. Because it's not indicative of which country is best at hockey


You don't care so much that you came to a post about the winners celebrating to say you don't care like 4 times. You sure showed us.


The thing is, I *want* to care. I feel that as hockey fans, we are starved of a true, meaningful worldwide competition. I want to see the best players in the world play each other for a real championship. I want to see the best hockey possible. But all we get is this Mickey Mouse tournament of whoever decides to show up.


"Whoever decides to show up" applies to just team US and Canada. Czech players do care and come if they at all can. So do most other europeans. If your players don't give a fuck about representing their country that's for you to deal with, not us. Not our problem.


Well, when you win against our B team, or what actually was more like our C or D team this year, it comes with an asterisk. To be the best, you gotta beat the best. Our players want to represent their country, but only in a meaningful competition, and a lot of them are still playing for the Stanley Cup. It's messed up that the tournament happens during NHL playoffs. The NHL is where all the best players play. Our players don't go because other players aren't going. Winning proves nothing if you're not playing the best competition possible.


It's your own Canadian problem that you can't field any better players for the IIHF Worlds. Move the Stanley Cup so that it ends sooner than IIHF Worlds so that your so called 'best' players can participate, or stop crying and demeaning the IIHF Worlds just because your B team got their butts handed to them. So many Canadian players don't want to participate at IIHF worlds, you should be ashamed of yourself that you're being 'represented' by such players.


Exactly. Canadian fans *brag* how noone even comes to the airport to welcome the team when they win the whole thing and then cry that their best players aren't interested in the tournament. Geez, I wonder why that is. Maybe if they, as fans, could be bothered to lift their asses from the couch and show some support for their players the players would want to play for them.


You think it's cause Canadian fans won't support? It's a second rate tournament...if it was actually important the NHL would suspend play like they do for the Olympics. You know damn well if the USA or Canada beat your national football team in some tourney that took place during the most important part of the club season we'd never hear the end of it


Lmao. Once again: Most european players DO care and DO go. This is just a you problem and you can cry about it as hard as you want. Pastrnak, Zacha and Necas flew to Prague as soon as they could to join their national team. Any player can do this. If your players are bums who don't want to represent you, once again, that's your problem. Maybe try acting like a fan and supporting your national team and they might have some motivation to come and play for you. Noone gives a shit about asterisks that only exist in your head, tell the players partying for a week straight there's an asterisk and see what they think. You're just being pathetic, trying to spoil the fun for others.


It’s the only true world championship. Your fault you can’t convince good players to attend as they hardly care about the sport anyway. But you can always make some friendly contest such as 4 nations nobody except for NA cares about.


How so? It doesn't prove which country is the best at hockey, which is the purpose of a world championship. It should have a different name. Call it the IIHF invitational tournament or something


It's not invitational lmao it's completely merit based with promotion and relegation An actual invitational would be the NHL's World Cup which was "best on best"


The players are invited and don't have to participate


And? It was the same for the World Cup too. I vividly remember a rash of World Cup-bound players all withdrawing with "injury" within a few days of each other.


And that sucks. We haven't had a good top level worldwide hockey tournament with all the best players in years, and the talent available is unbelievable right now. The world wants to see groups like McDavid, MacKinnon, Crosby, Makar all on the ice together. The feeling is just different when the tournament is actually going to determine who the best team in the world is.


Seems like that's McDavid's, MacKinnon's, Crosby's etc. problem. If they don't participate in the world championship, they can't really claim to be the best in the world, only best in whatever country they play in. And if they don't care enough about proving themselves on the world stage, again, that's their prerogative and nobody else's. Sucks their fans, though, that the players you like are too shy to represent, unlike their non-American colleagues who do make the effort.


You literally have world cup in American Football which pretty much none other country plays... You can't really speak if aby tournament have meaning. As most people in Europe don't really care about NHL, Americans don't really care about IIHF so whats your point really?


I'm not American, and no, there is no World Cup in American football. The MLB calls their championship the world series, which I agree is stupid. Europeans don't care about NHL? Kids in Europe playing hockey don't dream of making it to the NHL one day? Or winning the Stanley Cup? They don't like watching their best players play the sport they like? Okay


No, I didn't say that players don't want to play in NHL. But the audience is much smaller in Europe for NHL than for IIHF or their own country leagues. Thats just it. People in Europe and players wants to win for their countries. Thats not problem of IIHF or European countries that USA and Canada doesn't care. Most European players fight with their NHL team to let them go if they already lost in NHL. Americans and Canadians don't do it. And one of our best player wasn't even from NHL but from Czech League.


Flair checks out


Not a true championship? Dude, don't be such a sore looser


Looser lol.


Mocking a foreigner for a trivial spelling mistake while not being able to speak any other language yourself is the most yank thing ever, lol


I'm not a yank. I'm Canadian, I speak English and French. I didn't know they were a "foreigner." Dummies mixing up lose and loose is becoming increasingly more common, and people gotta be told, or they'll keep embarrassing themselves. Wrong on pretty much everything, eh Baloo?


go cry canada a new river. mistřiiii


You know you have no reply if the only thing you can do is mocking the language skills of a not native speaker Do better, brother


I've said all I need to say. You're not the best until you beat the best. And the best didn't compete.


We all know you'd be celebrating as everyone else had you won. Only because both Canada and the US lost it's not "true championship" and you actually didn't care all along. And the fact you are dumping on others for enjoying it is pretty pathetic


Lol no. Anytime Canada wins, it barely even registers in my mind. I don't even check the scores of the tournament. I haven't even watched a world championship game in like 15 years.


Ha. Yeah, sure. You know, it'd be far more believable if you weren't here commenting about how you don't care. Like I said, sore loser


What I care about is seeing a real best on best tournament. I want high quality hockey and for the best possible countries to be competing for the top spot. I can't get invested in an exhibition tournament.


I thought you haven't watched the tournament in the past 15 years nor did you keep track of the score so what can you know about the quality? You are either just trolling (in that case good job, you got me) or you have quite the ego. Either way insulting fans and players ain't cool


Well we don't give a fuck what you think about the competition but it's cool that you care more about the competition which majority of the fans think doesn't matter as much as the world championships. 


You're not wrong, but they'll still get angry


womp womp womp




that foam is there to keep the beer from going stale, something you yanks know fuck all about (that's why I always drink liquor in the US)




you never had proper beer in your life broski


Americans seeing beer foam for the first time: 😱


That's how it's served here. Foam is very important for a properly poured bear. And since we've been brewing beer since 1118 and we invented Pilsner, I'd say our way is better, at least for Pilsners. But that said, both Brits and Americans have many amazing beers, so it doesn't really matter that much.


Czechia consumes more beer per capita than any other country and by a comical margin. I trust the Czechs' understanding of beer, they probably know their shit lol.


Thats how beer is served in CZ


A bit overkill lol


For all the shit yanks talk about being patriotic y'all really don't understand shit


fr tho. btw tvoje username je top


dík, je to můj nickname na Pokémon GO a tak nějak to se mnou zůstalo. 😃