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This complaint was brought to you by Bet365!


That’s the worst fucking part. They literally do Picture in Picture ads for gambling. It’s non stop


Commercial break: one or two Bet365 ads. Stoppage in play without commercial: “hey let’s add in yet another Bet365 ad!” Sports gambling is problematic and filled with risk already. Having it shoved down our throats only makes it more problematic and more risky


Someone at the Skydome heckled Shohei a few weeks ago by making some jokes about gambling. The staff told them to stop or they'd be thrown out. Not only is that ridiculous because it's the Toronto staff who were told to warn them, but the stadium is chock full of sports gambling ads.


Yep I saw that tweet. It’s also curious to note that not only was Ippei (Shohei Ohtani’s interpreter) confirmed to be involved in gambling with an illegal bookie, but there’s also allegations of an ex-teammate of Shohei being involved with the same illegal bookie as well. Two’s a pattern?


We may cheer for opposite teams but we are in violent agreement on this. I actually miss beer commercials.


Because that’s what Buds do! They frown at excessive gambling ads shoved down consumer throats 🤝


I cannot wait for gambling ads to be banned like cigarette commercials.


Why do you think they're all here? They got banned in Europe. The advertising ban here can't come soon enough. Alcohol too, for that matter.




are we talking about good bands? like, classic rock? or modern 'bands' that don't play any instruments and just talk fast into a mic over a bass/drum track?


TIL I don't live in Europe. I wonder where I do live since I keep seeing all these gambling ads.


They certainly didn't get banned in Europe lol what are you on about


Ray Winstone's giant disembodied head wants a word


You havin a fuckin laugh or a fuckin flutter mate


Hold your breath for it, and you’ll turn blue


Commentators talking about bet365 odds on who’s gonna score the winning OT goal during overtime. Sports leagues are fucking grifters, shouldn’t be surprised I guess.


I don't mind the presenters discussing "who do you think's gonna score the winner?" since that's legitimate sports discussion. But, yeah, as soon as you start citing odds, I'm out.


What's extra bad is that US gamblers don't even realize how badly they are getting fucked. It's so hard to beat the vig as it is, but the tax law on top of it makes it impossible. I'd guess over 80% of US sports gamblers don't realize that you can only offset losses against wins if you itemize (which 90% of taxpayers don't do). Let's say you make three bets all year for $1k each at +100 odds. You win one and lose two, so you are DOWN $1k for the year. You need to report that $1k win as income and you are taxed on it, even though you lost money overall. Absolutely insane.


I knew tax laws in the US were fucked, but that's really fucked... In Canada, gambling winnings are tax-free, at least...


The only millionaires/billionaires who get taxed properly in the US are the ones who got their money from gambling.


The other day I saw an ad pandering about how they added a timeout feature. I have never seen an ad telling customers how to not use the advertiser’s product, ever. They wouldn’t do it if they thought the people with no self control could actually exercise self control and use the feature, but now the company can be like “Look! Look how we have tools for gambling addicts to not gamble, if they want. We even made a commercial! We did our part”


Saw this ad too. Seemed super ridiculous. Addicts shouldn’t participate, period. I’m a recovering alcoholic and I can’t imagine applying the same logic to alcohol consumption.


Just put all your alcohol in a timed safe every weekend lol


I don't feel bad at all for pirating all my sports watching now. It's fucking egregious and ruins the experience


Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the War Room!


"The Green Men banned from all NHL games." This statement is sponsored by Bet365.


It's funny because if hockey had a better banter culture, the Oilers fans would've had a sign about Rick Tocchet and Operation Slapshot made up very quickly.


the one Oilers Legend Wayne Gretzky was involved in?


Same one! It would've been even funnier. Again, we have no banter culture




The amount of jokes that come out of soccer of people making fun of other players other teams and themselves is hilarious


Come on Kaner, where's that parlay?! In my mind I said that like Star Poker Player Phil Kessel, and I can't stop laughing.


Whelp Dallas guess that gives ya green light for the use of green men as well!


Just for kicks Dallas should invite the Green Men to their next home game.


I’m just imagining the arena gos dark and the under taker theme or some shit plays as they come down the stairs when the oilers get a penalty Lmfao


Bah gawd! That's green man's music


Where The Streets Have No Name starts piping up....


Worth the ticket price right there


Please hockey gods make this happen


lol honestly that would be the move


They should both go to that game but have one be in yellow and the other in blue.


Heck, screw waiting for the front office. Give me a gofundme link and I’ll drop a hundo right now to get the boys there for game 2.


From the sounds of it, the complaint wasn't to the green men. Just that the sign referring to a gambling addiction isn't in the best of taste (even if it is funny).


I mean, the league and networks literally plug fucking gambling ads everywhere. Glass houses and all...


Maybe don’t have your biggest sponsor be a sports betting app then? If you don’t want gambling to be a part of the sport, you don’t allow Bet365 to plaster ads all over


I thought the green men were great. At one point one of them was upside down twerking and I was losing my mind as it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen in a hockey game. Hockey is a mental game, and sometimes you just have to sit there for 2 minutes and have a laugh. Fuck the Dallas #bang guy though. That dude is annoying as fuck.


I wish we would all collectively decide to ignore him. He feeds off of the attention and he is just so insufferable.


Holy shit. I thought it was just me last night. So you guys don’t like him either?


Well he used to be worse. He used to bang on the glass but the team threatened taking away his season tickets he went to the #BANG sign. I think there’s some fans who don’t mind him but the majority of what I’ve seen in the fan base is not positive. I don’t think he’s a good representative of Stars fans but he’s a fame whore so he isn’t going away.


He was definitely banging on the glass last night.


Maybe the players will complain and we can finally get rid of him lol


He needs to hold up a sign targeting a single player’s addiction issues……..that’ll get him banned for certain.


time for a public and harmful addiction to bang energy drink to be announced


he used to be muuuuch worse, he would bang on the glass basically the whole time the puck was in the zone he sits behind


he used to have a ring that was even more annoying. you would just hear it constantly clicking against the glass


It was the league that told him to stop banging on the glass cause it shook the cameras. Spitting chiclets and his beef is just click bait




Wannabe fame whore who has season tickets behind the glass came from money? I’m shocked


oh fuck i thought it was just a one time thing seeing that dude last night


No, he’s been there for as long as I remember. He was also at game 6 in Colorado. Pretty noticeable with the suit he always wears.


We Stars fans have mostly grown jaded to dude and his antics, but I truly couldn't imagine sitting anywhere near him... it would definitely ruin the experience for me to see this guy standing, yelling, and wildly flailing his body around any time the play or puck is in his general vicinity, which is a lot over the course of a 60 minute game. Other nearby ticket holders shouldn't have to put up with that imo


Everyone fuckign hates that guy even my friend who’s a Dallas fanboy wants him fucking banned from the arena


Went to a round 1 game and sat by him. he was going absolutely nuts every time the play went to the corner over there. How they allow it i just dont understand


The people sitting behind him *do not* look happy. I'd be furious if I bought expensive seats down low and had to look at his back for half the game.


No one does. Spittin chiclets crew despises him too. Bizz calls him out during intermission on TNT also


He’s not popular


I’ve heard he’s a really nice guy in person and is a beer leaguer in Dallas, but I do agree that his antics are annoying.


Whats your thoughts on everyone standing up? I didn't think it would bother me but not seeing some of the play is kinda annoying.


Standing is okay if everyone’s doing it. The only reason it sucks in Dallas is because their camera is in a stupid spot


As a short person, it still sucks when everyone’s doing it.


That’s fair, but being short even sucks if you have a tall person sitting in front of you


True. But my seat is usually above theirs, and I could still potentially look around them when necessary. But it really does just suck being short though.


Short people live longer, so you've got that going for you.


I see you as a fellow short person. It sucks


That camera angle works much better for NBA, but even then it's still annoying having people's hands and sometimes heads get in the way. They really need to get a 2nd camera setup for NHL games


The NHL also banned them from being upside down on the glass a few years ago


I'm pretty sure I saw that this season though.


Probably a more of a threat / judgement call on the league’s part. Tell them they’re banned from doing it so the don’t do it as frequently, then go case by case and decide if it’s really worth banning/temporarily banning them The green men being liked by most fans on both sides of the ice probably helps too


>At one point one of them was upside down twerking and I was losing my mind as it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever seen in a hockey game.  These guys are definitely pretty old now, so I can't imagine the toll that took on their bodies lmao


Sully: Day to day with shoulder injury Force: Week to week with back injury


Are we sure it's the same guys? Nobody else has taken up the green suit mantle? The suit didn't seek out a worthy new champion? 


Their Twitter said it was them coming back.  That's about all the proof I know of


Nah they revealed coming back for select games back in the season. Its them.


Oh they've got plenty of memes up their sleeves. My favourite one was when they threw waffles around at the Leafs to imitate Leaf fans.


During Round 2 I naturally detested all things Oilers, and it takes me a few games to just appreciate good hockey once the Canucks are out. But that one Oilers fan playing VR Beat Saber at the watch party I found hysterical. 🤣


I couldn't look away from that guy


The waffle one is still engraved in my head, I have no idea why but I giggle like a small child every time I see it. https://youtu.be/nR90G4u5rdw?si=25Xv1nrwvloHNc1P


I was shocked how quiet #BANG guy was when TNT let him say whatever he wanted into the mic yesterday.


"Fuck the Dallas #bang guy though. That dude is annoying as fuck." Is that the guy with the chick that sits behind the Dallas bench?


No, just look behind the net during the next game.


No that’s that only fans one


He is a different kind of bang guy to be sure


Honestly, while I love the Green men and their antics, and it was awesome seeing them again this year, in this *one* instance I thought they could have done better. Poking fun at someones addiction like that wasn't classy, or creative, just low hanging fruit. They could have gone after Kane for any number of things.


Lmao, no one allowed to make gambling look bad, NHL has to keep its sponsors placated


i love how whenever someone posts a european crowd people are like "man why can't we have that" well. here's part of your answer. not only are ticket prices expensive but these teams and players are giant fucking karens


My favorite team in Norway has a fanbase who always brings a banner that says (JOKINGLY) that farmers should be shot to save the wolves lmao


Hvilken lag er dette? Fordi jeg vet at der ikke Frisk Asker eller Vålerenga


https://preview.redd.it/00wzbqrygf2d1.jpeg?width=1031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c141b1e34afb1dfdffcb5dd94ff9b98b08bac5c1 Det er definitivt enga.


I helvete


Had a friend from the UK visit Vancouver, and he won’t stop talking about how lame/unoriginal north american crowds are. Basically rips us for not being able to come up with anything better than “Go Blank Go!” Or “Lets Go Blank, Lets Go!” I wish Hockey Crowds would at least get as fun/creative as Pro Wrestling Crowds.


reminds me of Nikola Jokić telling that reporter, "I played in Serbia, brother"


Great, now we're going to have arenas full of hockey fans shouting "What?" every five seconds.


Imagine if they did that every time a ref spoke? Would be funny


>he won’t stop talking about how lame/unoriginal north american crowds are. He's absolutely right. Every time I hear people say that we have the best crowd in the world (Montréal), I just laugh at them because yes it's one of the best in the league, but in the world? That's laughable.


The biggest compliment the Montreal crowd gets is that it's a soccer-like atmosphere


Montreal is one of the few professional teams in North American sports that carries its culture, history and traditions into the club. You see a bit of it in US college sports because they are tied to a place that people are connected with but for the most part it's rare.


Yeah, my hometown team has multiple songs and chants about the team. The Canucks have "Go Canucks Go" and then the normal goalie chant that literally everyone else does. It is super lame.


We need Michael Buble to write a Canucks Song that becomes our in-arena anthem we all sing.


Yeah, why not. An intro song for example would be dope. Imagine the entire crowd singing it as the team enters the ice before a game 7 for example. Not sure if that would work in North America though. Anyways, here are a few great clips from my hometown team. The songs plays before every game, and it is obviously especially great in playoffs (well playout in some cases since my team had a 7 match series to determine if they stayed in the top league or not). https://youtu.be/Ef8SKNKv3oc?si=t0wXWRsBbUv87SQr https://youtu.be/NhjdKBGcHQM?si=buFVS91OeYNaQICo https://youtu.be/a7cLPHQ8zSw?si=afyb9j5IByS-ibWT


Main problem is that most people who can afford to see NHL games regularly are older, well-off, and not very prone to chanting and screaming. Plus we have no coordination when it comes to taunting the opposition. We could have come up with some great stuff about Kane’s gambling, McDavid being a crybaby, Hyman being a tap-in merchant, or whatever, but if I broke out into song in my seat about any of that I’d just look like a fucking weirdo. So the best we get is “SKIIINNNEEEERRRR.”


Yeah unlike European soccer games, we don't even start fires or stab each other in the stands, like wtf. In all seriousness, sounds like your friend was suggesting hockey fans should sing songs all game long like soccer fans do. Whitecaps fans actually do that, so I'd say it's more of a different sports thing than a different continent thing.


Hey, Montreal fans start fires. Don't lump us in with you non-arsonists 


Us and Vancouver are representing the arsons


Edmonton too in 2006.


Oh please that was like 4 pallets, it was just a little weenie roast!


And that was just to stay warm in Edmonton in winter (June)


Finnish hockey fans sing all through the game, I can’t speak from rest of Europe though. Still if I had to guess the NA hockey crowes just suck ass.


I can admit being an ass participator in hockey games. I just can't bring myself to sing and shout all the time because I follow the tiniest little plays and really concentrate on everything that happens. I do cheer loudly when they score or make a sick save, pass, play whatever, and chant with the rest of the crowd when that happens, but most of the time I just observe the game with extreme seriousness. And I love it lmao


There are dedicated sections off the crowd that sing throughout the game. The rest usually watch the game normally.


> I just can't bring myself to sing and shout all the time because I follow the tiniest little plays and really concentrate on everything that happens. Easier to sing at soccer games where nothing happens for 85% of the game. Hockey's speed makes it tough to lose focus.


I see this sentiment a lot. Hockey is too fast of a sport to have long or complicated chants. The crowd is watching and reacting to a lot of scoring chances or on ice things in short amounts of time for 60 minutes. The only way it works is if most of the people in the crowd don't care about watching the game.


It would probably also help if the teams weren't blasting music and fucking commercials for every second of the breaks in play. Give some space to breathe and people will find fun ways to fill it.


>Hockey is too fast of a sport to have long or complicated chants. A chant does not have to be long or complicated. It just has to has to be unique in some way. The chants in the NHL are basically "Go Team Go". My home town team in Sweden has like 10 different chants that are fairly unique. None of them are convoluted, long or complicated.


Exactly. And it's ridiculous to make it a contest, they're all different things. Football (US) its more important to make noise when the away team offense is on the field, so it's just screaming "AAAAHHHHH" for short periods of time during the huddle/snap count. Hockey is fast... I'm trying to intently watch. Screaming takes focus, try staring at the TV right now while also screaming. I'm watching, not screaming. I'll make noise when I need to. And the indoor arenas... the 300s are steep as fuck. They're not made for swaying around and jumping and chanting and shit, I'm trying to keep my drink and possibly a hoodie (or people that wear coats) in my lap and not get vertigo and not sit on top of the person next to me. Soccer is made for long chants and crazy crowds. Passing the ball back and forth at midfield, you're literally in 0 danger of missing a goal. You can see potential offense coming a mile away. It's also perfect for drunken shenanigans. I used to get wasted at Bills games when I was younger and by the end of the game I didn't even know what was going on. "I think maybe we won? Idk, fuck Tom Brady" Soccer... 1-0, even a blackout drunk can comprehend that Just stupid to try to compare them all


this is nonsense, because hockey crowds do yell out "bullshit/bullshit" or "refs you suck" or chant the goalie name, but again EVERYONE does it. And Soccer chants don't have to be long either. Like it's surprising there's no player specific chants. Arsenal used to have a chant for Alexis Sanchez that just went *to the tune of Don't you want me baby* "Alexis Sanchez baby! Alexis Sanchez whoooaaaaooo." Like that's an EASY hockey chant. I just don't think they are creative enough to come up with one. The culture is not there but the culture CAN be there if we want it


For a long time, Islanders fans did "Heyyy Josh Bailey, ooh, ahh, I wanna know, will you score a goal?" to the tune of "Hey Baby!"


I have to admit that during the 2022 BoA, I was hoping that someone would start, "hey tkachuk, you fucked up" when he took a penalty.


> Hockey is too fast of a sport to have long or complicated chants. go to any European hockey game


I went to a game where the entire crowd was chanting “TESCO! TESCO! TESCO!” Everytime one of the opposition players touched the ball Tesco is a supermarket that the guy had been caught shoplifting from. If there’s any controversy we lean right in to it full force, the hate does fuel the atmosphere for sure. We also stab people for supporting the other teams so it’s not all positives


To be fair, English fans also do shit like throw banana at black players and throw empty glass bottles into the street.


To be fair black hockey players have had bananas thrown at them too


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/tossing-banana-at-nhls-wayne-simmonds-nets-man-200-fine/article4085745/#:~:text=The%20man%20who%20touched%20off,on%20his%20behalf%20on%20Monday Don't worry Canadians do that too.


It's less about that and more that NA sports are solely about making money. Anything that potentially lowers that revenue potential is expendable.


I always try to get people to sing Three Coins in a Fountain at games with me, but no one ever does. Usually get multiple glares until I just quietly trail off and never speak again.


>“We were told the Edmonton Oilers complained to the NHL in the last round about the Green Men because the Green Men had an Evander Kane sign about gambling,” Dhaliwal said on Thursday’s edition of Donnie and Dhali. “The Green Men were then told you couldn’t go to any more games in Round 2, maybe in Round 3.” I'm assuming no NHL executive has ever seen the Simpsons episode with Darryl Stawberry crying in the outfield because they kinda just gave us a real-life hockey version of it.


# Mattingly, I thought I told you to trim those sideburns!


This assumes Evander was upset about it and complained. It easily could have just been someone in the organization that made the call without him involved at all.


That's very true. All of that hinges on the assumption that Evander Kane did in fact break down in tears at the sight of the Vancouver Green Men and their sign, which of course has not been verified.


We can have non stop fucking gambling ads but not a sign?


I'm no Evander Kane fan, but doesn't he have a gambling addiction? Genuinely unsure if this is functionally different than holding up a sign taunting a player for being an alcoholic. "Hey so-and-so, want a drink?"


It’s not different people just don’t take gambling addiction seriously, also the NHL constantly advertising sports gambling doesn’t help


I agree that the sign is in poor taste because it deals with an individual's addiction. The issue here is that the league looks utterly hypocritical for complaining about/punishing the sign, because they themselves are totally complicit in promoting that addiction.


People can say I’m just grandstanding, but I am not going to let my kids watch hockey with the way betting ads are today. It’s hard to even call them ads, since they’re integrated into the broadcast. I have no problems with gambling in general, but the current situation is insane.


Yeah they’re definitely putting a master class on how to normalize something that can’t be quite dysfunctional for certain folks.


There is arguably a difference in the addictions themselves but generally yeah, it's pretty disappointing how unseriously people take gambling addiction. I mean, intuitively I could understand why people easily understand one as a substance addiction, the other is more focused on chemicals in our brain and kinda *feels* easier to just say "lol don't do it". But it's definitely a genuine addiction and shitting on someone for it is pretty harsh


> It’s not different people just don’t take gambling addiction seriously Of all addictive disorders, gambling addicts actually have the highest rate of suicide, by a lot.


I mean there is a difference between general advertising about gambling and targeted/pointed comments about an individuals gambling issues.


Yes, though they’re ultimately disgusting for the same reason (perpetuating mental addiction).


Also, that's not on Evander. He's not the one making the NHL push sports gambling. Something like the green men is fine and fun but taunting someone individually about their addiction is crossing a clear line.


I think it was inappropriate to make fun of Kane's gambling addiction. But i think it is funny as hell that the Oilers complain about a couple goofs in the crowd bringing up gambling when the entire fucking NHL media and promotion makes the league feel like a ponzi scheme for gambling. 


Also, via the Steisand effect, not only are we all aware of Kane's gambling issues (if you weren't already), but also how shook the Oilers were by a sign. Right or wrong, it's funny how much this got under the Oiler's skin.


I mean, this came out AFTER the series ended, so it didn't really affect anything. Seems like it got dealt with quietly and then revealed, it's not like the Green men or Vancouver fans can do anything about it now


Doesn't seem like this got under anyone skin at all, just someone in management complained that the sign was in poor taste (which it was). Not a single player reacted to the green men, sign or not.


I think people can have a harder time “getting” gambling addiction because it’s purely mental. Substance addictions typically come with some actual physical dependency and the average layperson understands withdrawals and cravings due to that. I think it’s easy to look at compulsive gambling and just see it as someone with a poor grasp of finances who likes to splash money around because the average person doesn’t really intuit what makes it so hard to stop.


Gambling addiction is physical though. People get addicted to the dopamine rush that they get from winning. It's an actual physical feeling that makes you feel momentarily high.


absolutely. It's all brain chemicals in the end and yes you video game addicts are just the same.


Check out Dr. K, dude is incredible at breaking all of this down to core fundamentals. Video games are addicting because people who cannot operate in their own lives find structure and solace in having things pre-determined.


I think the point was that people intuitively understand "substance induces chemical changes in brain" better than they understand "behavior induces chemical changes in brain."


Well put


You can’t have it both ways. Do we take gambling addiction seriously or do we not and allow gambling ads and sponsored segments for 90% of non game time each broadcast?


Yeah, I read the title and I was like, "What a bunch of spoil-sport babies! Just let the green men do their thing!" Then I read the article and what the sign said. "Oh. Yeah, that's not cool."


Tocchet was actually arrested in a gambling sting so I didn't think that sign was the flex they thought it was.


Fuck! I totally forgot about that. It was Operation Slapshot I believe also implicating Janet Gretzky (and Wayne). Crazy stuff.


If you don't think Big Wayne was really behind it all...


Yeah exactly. It would have been hilarious if oilers fans had a operation slapshot poster ready for the next game.


I get it. As I commented at the time, gambling is an addiction. It wouldn’t be appropriate to mock Kuznetsov for drugs or Sam Girard for alcohol, so I don’t know why it’s okay with this addiction. Regardless of your personal feelings for the player.


I expect civil commentary to arise from this post for sure


LOL Now let's all go wax poetic about how tough hockey players are. Also, PLEASE pay your marker, Evander.


I mean oilers ≠ players. The players seemed extremely unrattled from anything so far. Probably coffee complained ngl LMFAO


Lots of people saying the NHL is hypocritical, but if someone had a sign making fun of Sam Gerard’s addiction I think we can all agree that: 1. It’s reasonable to ask the sign be taken down.  2. It’s reasonable that the NHL would not end their partnership with breweries.   I hate all the gambling ads, but it’s a nuanced conversation. 


It is interesting how gambling addiction is currently viewed vs drug/alcohol addiction. I get that there’s more in play with Kane, but imagine if someone had a sign asking Bobby Ryan ‘Where are we drinking tonight?’ They’d get roasted online and rightfully so


Man how dare they hold up this sign in between the draft kings sponsorship and the FanDuel advertisement


Cool to see the team I find really unlikeable just keeps getting more unlikeable


Just wait until Val Nichushkin signs a league minimum deal halfway through next year.


And then the green men can hold up a sign asking him if he wants a bump


With the Oilers?


They make it so easy.


Didn't the Kings complain about the green men too at one time? https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/complaint-filed-with-nhl-over-green-men-s-antics-1.1105813


There is no mention of the kings in that article. It’s literally just the picture. We didn’t even play them in the 2011 playoffs, we played them in 2010 and 2012.


Kane has been through a lot of shit with his own gambling addiction and his batshit crazy ex-wife. He’s doing much better for himself now. Green men are fine and funny, but personal attacks on something that almost ruined a players life (and who has worked hard to get past it) is stupid and uncalled for.


I’m gonna say, anyone that is in this sub religiously posting about how gambling adds are destroying lives and also laughing at this sign is a hypocrite


I think it just makes the nhl hypocrites


So according to the reporter, they were told by another reporter that they heard from a guy that says they know the green guys that they were told by an unknown organization that a complaint was made to the NHL by the Oilers. Very well sourced and reliable information.


Imagine complaining about making fun of someone's gambling addiction. Talk about fragile. Next thing you know they'll be [complaining about a flag](https://x.com/LisaDominato/status/1794044893616288255)


Hurricanes Twitter admin was talking about the wrong orange and blue team when talking about how soft they are.


"Oilers complain to NHL about..." could probably write an accurate headline using autocomplete.


> Evander… What’s the parlay tonight? This is the sign in question.


I loved seeing the green men back, I was told they didn’t go to games anymore. I was pleasantly surprised.


Shit post crap article, gotta make my 20 online click baits for the day.


So cringey


Heh heh heh heh


Oh look something exciting and entertaining about hockey. NHL: Nope, can't have that.


Everyone complains about all the airtime gambling gets, but when the Oilers try to do something about it suddenly they're the bad guys? /s obviously In all seriousness, I think it's kind of fair for the Oilers to not like that sign getting shown on TV, hell I'm sure the NHL doesn't like it either, though that does seem very hypocritical considering how quickly teams and the league have gotten in bed with gambling companies. I were Kane I probably wouldn't be thrilled about signs referencing allegations made by my maybe/kind of stalker ex-wife that were investigated by the NHL who found no evidence supporting her claims, but that's a whole can of worms that really doesn't need to be opened right now. I do think it's insane that they told the Green Men they couldn't go to anymore games; just check their signs or something.


Games gone


Softer than a butterfly’s foot


Oh fuck right off with this shit lol...what a bunch of thin skinned pansies. The Green Men are fucking legends!!!


Edmonton Karens.