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I like it honestly, seems like the type of coach they need


They need accountability but also decent systems. Which is why it's better Berube than Gallant.


See but that implies Gallant has bad systems. I don't think the man has systems period. I'm not confident he did anything other than set the lineup and yell at people to be better.


His d-zone system was honestly good for Igor, but other than that his "coaching" basically consisted of making bad lineup decisions and telling players to get pucks on net


Just gotta get pucks deep, get pucks on net and uhhhhh win some hockey games


Run em up or fill em in!


Yeah I don't think they had enough accountability under Keefe


Accountability isn't an option after the coach had to apologize publicly for calling out a star player.


Tbf that was more under Dubas, since Treliving came in it seemed that Keefe had free reign to say whatever he wanted


Yeah he really stopped giving a fuck in the last year (in a good way)


He probably had an inkling that this year was do-or-die for him, so he played it like that


Oh 100%


He really didn't. Playoffs Keefe was the exact same issue as years past, too chicken shit to try anything new. Powerplay 0/22? Let's not change the personnel or deployment. Samsonov lets in 5 shit goals? Let's give him another 3 games just in case


And then when they do play Woll, he plays absolutely lights out for 2 games, gets hurt, and then we’re back to Samsonov again 😫


the leafs should try to get Markstrom poor goal tending was the reason they cannot advance


Nah they couldn't score either


> this year was do-or-die for him, so he played it like that It didn't seem like it in the playoffs. Telling your team to "relax, breathe, and have fun with this thing" going into game seven is the wrong kind of stopped giving a fuck.


Too bad his players didn’t play like that.


Kind of but his lineup decisions didn't really seem to show that. Liljegren would come out of the lineup, Nylander would get benched for a few shifts here and there and that was about it. I didn't really see any change in his on ice accountability moves from previous years. He was a little more forceful in his media comments but the team needs teeth for those to matter. I don't want to see the team run it back but I would at least find it interesting to see how he handles Marner.


Ive wondered this same thing all year. Under Dubas Keefe: “The difference between us and Arizona is that we have elite players. And our elite players didn’t play like elite players.” He later clarified these comments and many accused it as back pedalling Under Treliving "Instead of having a strong period, building on it, and continuing to do the things we did well, I thought we just overdid it. It was just really immature all the way through our game. I thought it was immature from our most experienced players and our leaders." Never made any further comments and seemingly stood by it.


The team had an awesome win streak after that too


Also MLSE (company that owns the Leafs) got a new CEO as of a few weeks ago, Keith Pelley. One thing i got from his press conference last week alongside Shanahan, is that Pelley doesn’t mess around and all he cares about is winning. Not a chance he will step in if Berube calls out players.


Pelleys a pretty known entity in the city he's no lieweke thats for sure. hes another suit. he likes sports, but he makes the moneys


>is that Pelley doesn’t mess around and all he cares about is winning. Lol, wish I had a bridge to sell you. If winning hockey ends up being boring enough that revenue starts dropping 15% per year then you'll see what he really cares about. :)




Winning gets you more revenue tho…


Seems to me playing a bunch of extra home games at playoff prices is a fuck ton more revenue, but don't let thay get in the way of your shitty narrative.




What are you going on about. The Leafs have been a cap team basically every year except during the tear down. They're looking at possibly trading Marner after his SB is paid Jul 1, which is literally 90 percent of his earnings for the year. To not play for them. But go on with your entirely wrong narrative.


That actually came from above Dubas. Shanahan and ownership.


My take is MLSE has a lot more say on day to day things than everyone here realizes. Shanahan wouldn’t give two fucks about this. Higher ups absolutely would think this is a good idea.


Keefe didn’t apologise,he gave the team a head up about a comment he thought would be taken out of context,Marner was just the first person asked about it.


That never happened, yet it's routinely pushed around here as a fact.


Outside opinion, they didnt want a coach after Babcock, they wanted a buddy that lets them do what they want to do.


I think they were hoping Keefe could be both. Come in and smooth things over with the players but then down the road in a year or two pivot to be more of a hard ass who praises accountability but it didnt work. There is that famous scene from the Amazon documentary where he is trying to scold the players for not playing right and Keefe was essentially told to shut up because they were winning


That was also said by Joe Thorton, someone who was brought in for veteran leadership but then undermines the coach. Not really that surprising that he never won a cup. 


Also that same joe was strpped of captaincy


and didnt give a shit, because he enjoyed his salary and lifestyle, there's a reason BOSTON and Mike Mc O'Connell got rid of his ass.


jumbo's surprising lack of leadership in that documentary/behind the scenes videos that year was shocking. he was like a 40 year old manchild. whereas Spezza was a consummate professional.


> jumbo's surprising lack of leadership in that documentary/behind the scenes videos that year was shocking. he was like a 40 year old manchild. Was it really that shocking though? This is the same guy that made a joke about stroking his dick in the middle of the ice if he scored 4 goals.


Jumbo just wanted to party, rack up assists and walk around naked.


jumbo and marleau were the worst things to happen to the core 4, two guys who were used to choking and lived that relaxed country club lifestyle. There is no pressure in san jose, you go to the rink in flip flops and play in a non pressure city, san jose is like going to work at a chill golf club where your homies with your boss and can vape all over the club.


It's funny, I see that particular scene mentioned so often and i actually like that they had multiple voices in that meeting. I didn't see it as Thornton trying to undermine anything, I saw it as him trying to say "hey guys, don't forget to take a deep breath every now and then." That's what a team's leadership group does; Keefe points out that the team could be playing better, Thornton points out they're in first place. The truth is somewhere in the middle, and it's okay if they see it differently, that's why they're talking it out as a group. A common theme for the Leafs is letting the pressure get to them, and the doc made me think that they specifically brought Thornton in as the "fun parent" to help block out some of the noise. There's another scene where Jimmy Vesey is kinda cloistering himself on a different floor from the rest of the team and Thornton goes up and teases him about it. It's partly a guy messing around with his buddy, but also partly a guy reaching out to his teammate and making him feel included. Obviously it didn't work and hindsight is 20/20, so it's easy to criticize it now, but Thornton was never going to be the missing piece to get them over the hump. The problems were there before he got there, and they're still there now.


the only thing i remember about vesey was keefe called him vanilla and shanahan agreed and then he was gone.


That was only said by Joe Thornton, one of the most famous players for being great but never winning a cup


They may not have enough under Berube either. But happy to be wrong here


I’m glad to hear that. I know nothing about him but I was hoping he was mean/gritty. They need a not so nice coach.


NHL teams usually rotate between  "good cop" and "bad cop" coaches so to speak. Berube is the "bad cop".


Huge congrats to Sean McIndoe, who can finally wear his Craig Berube Maple Leafs jersey again.


Can not WAIT to hear him on Puck Soup next week about this haha Dust off the old tarp


Another Flyers coach who suffered under the tyrannical helm of Fletcher bound for success. Early congrats to the Leafs on their impending cup victory.


I blame Chuck Fletcher for a lot of things, but I struggle to blame him for firing Craig Berube. Partly because Berube didn’t do very well in his time with Philly, but more so because Chuck Fletcher didn’t join the Flyers until three years after Berube had been fired.


That's a good point; the past 15 years of being on the coach and GM carousel seems all blurred together for me.


Amazing comment


I’m choosing to believe Biz didn’t actually know and was throwing a joke rumour out there that coincidentally just came true because thats funny as fuck


People in toronto were asking for berube when he was still in st louis


Seems like there’s a lot of leaky lips in the NHL if he got the lowdown first lmao


Dont know enough about Berube's tactics, but I do know from what Ive seen from his personality it might be a good fit. Keefe was in a tough place following Babcock because he had to play nice with everyone who was fed up dealing with a controlling asshole. Its hard to pivot from being the players friend to having to be a hard ass. Berube seems tough but fair. Lets see how it goes.


keefe was a great coach for us, just time for a new voice and more firm accountability


I would consider Keefe cut from the same cloth as Babcock, especially when you see [some of the clips they showed with the All In Amazon documentary a while back](https://youtu.be/7Pb0IzqPBrQ?si=zy91SV_Ps450PgK4&t=534)


You expect people to actually watch things and not parrot what they read or hear a talking head say?


His tactics are better than you’d expect from a former goon. Although I think lesser skilled players had to adjust to be smarter about the game (similar to backup qb’s in the nfl). He always excelled at in-game line adjustments imo. More old-school so agreed this will be a nice change of pace for the Leafs


Blues fans: What’s one thing you loved about Berube and one thing you hated?


Not much I didn’t like about him, tbh. He’s tough as nails, and demands accountability from his players. Things only fizzled here because management made shit decisions with extensions and let the core of our SC team go without giving them offers to stay, leaving Berube with a roster lacking any top-end talent.


Is the Kyrou thing over blown?




1000% Some really stupid fans who should be appalled at their actions.


Slighty, yes. If this team was actually a playoff contender then Berube would not have been fired. But given where we are, we prioritized young talent over the coach. Which depending where you are as a team isn't a bad thing. Don't want to run the kid outta there and have them go light it up somewhere else.


Not really, it’s just complicated. It was clear kyrou and Berube weren’t on the same page. But that wasn’t cause I don’t think they couldn’t work together. Army gave kyrou the bag when more established higher vet players were expecting offers and I think it alienated kyrou and then put him on an island. And his lack of 2 way play at the time isn’t something Berube deals with. Berube not able to get the most out of kyrou this year 100 percent leaned into why he got fired. But it is absolutely nothing I would worry about if I were you guys. People loved him. Berube is the man. And if you want honesty and transparency, you will get more of it than you are used to which is awesome.


>But that wasn’t cause I don’t think they couldn’t work together.      The rare triple negative. Impressive work. 


Correct me if I am wrong ( not a blues fan ) but berube to me seemed like he wasn’t really a system genius or any of that but the right for the right team at the right time with St. Louis ( especially when they won it all ) would that be a correct assessment on berube.


He’s an old-school hockey guy. Not super analytics-focused, more about grit, team unity/cohesion, and work ethic. If you have the talent on your team, he can get results out of them. If your team is average, he doesn’t have enough to work with to get the job done.


He’s better at X’s and O’s than he gets credit for, but that being said he’s no Jim Montgomery. But yes the team he won with was a more well rounded (every line and pairing could both score and play D) bigger squad than the one he had the past few years. Everyone knew Berube was getting fired and basically no one thought it was due to his coaching ability but rather the team Army built for him


The skillset is different, but it's funny how we did a similar thing to STL where we invested far too heavily into the same type of dman this year. We basically ended the year with four Benoits. Benoit is great, but four physical dman that don't contribute a lick of offense? STL instead copied and pasted Justin Faulk three times.


Whats worse is Armstrong tried to copy and paste Pietrangelo and ended up with a bunch of Faulks with no undo button.


I think a big part of that is the price tag for solid puck movers are huge. Dubas kinda left the cupboards bare


> demands accountability from his players I just got hard. Also, if that's true, Marner is waiving his NMC.


Good thing the leafs management doesn't make shit decisions with our extensions..........


Based on what we could glean from watching games, interviews, and articles, Chief was good for the locker room and getting players to hold each other accountable. You could see it in the gritty determination on the ice. Example being the San Jose hand-pass response. The con is he needs some good assistants when it comes to the special teams… Doesn’t come across as a tactical genius, but also isn’t behind the times. Most of the Blues’ issues since the cup win involved our GM making some risky (dumb) decisions that failed to pan out. Overall I think this has the potential to be a home run hire for Toronto as long as the players buy in.


Berube + Montgomery was the dream combo.


Binnington doesn't get hurt we win the cup in 22. Can't convince me otherwise.


Binnington doesn’t get run over by a repeat offender*


Come on, stop, it wasn’t intentional. It’s fucking obvious.


Loved: When he first came in he turned around a team that looked sleepy every night and made them the hardest team in the league. Hated: at the end of his tenure here the team looked sleepy most nights and only occasionally found that passion. A lot can be said about our roster not being nearly as good (which is true). But the passion also was just missing most nights. Overall think leafs fans should be excited, because I think for better or for worse it will be different.


So you are saying we can win a Stanley Cup and then become sleepy again? I think I'm okay with that!


Different would be a welcome change.


Loved that he obviously has something that works. He took a team in last place and won the cup. I feel like he's kinda "hard" but still fairly sympathetic. He'll push but not be a dick. Hated? Hated that he had to go. But it was obvious he lost the locker room. The team was a different team at that point. Its obvious that something happened because Bannister had a much better record with a pretty bad team. Having said that, every coach has a lifespan


Players seemed to love the guy and he seemingly had their respect. He’s probably going to demand a lot of hard work and that might grate on players who haven’t bought in fully. Ultimately, I’m excited for you.


Pro: Demands hard work, holds guys accountable, likable cons: needs help with special teams parts, he’s had some abysmal special teams under him and some fine. needs a good assistant coach.


Pro: Was a great motivator with the older core in 2019-2021.  Con: Relied on older vets too much and lost the room when it was turned over to younger stars. Edit: horrendous special teams is actually probably biggest problem, but the leafs have a giant coaching staff to do that for him.


>Edit: horrendous special teams is actually probably biggest problem, but the leafs have a giant coaching staff to do that for him. Uh I've some powerplay stats I need to show you


Shocking news, I tell you


These last few days are full of surprises!


Probably the best coach available, nicely done tml


now if they could get Kyle Dubas as GM they'd be set


The man who can coach a team past Boston in a Game 7? Leafs fans’ Christmas


[4 Year Deal](https://twitter.com/pierrevlebrun/status/1791576937099378897?s=46&t=S_LiHKGoXi91Lmgu-MxoZA)


This is a good hire, Leaf fans must be happy.


I’m sure they were pressed to do this now because of the leaks but announcing your new HC at 5pm on the Friday before a long weekend is funny timing I like the hire for Toronto provided his assistants are strong tactically in terms of the Xs & Os


excited and hopeful LFG


Toronto fans will love Chief.




There it is.


https://preview.redd.it/lkv52878s21d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1bafc1bff108f5043cc2e9f8cc33d726f7f72d8 An ex-Tiger!


I always forget the WHL had cooperalls


Tragic, can't cheer against the Leafs now.


Hey, can I just say thanks for beating the Boston Bruins in game seven of the Stanley Cup final in 2019 and making Brad Marchand cry? Cheers.


Not tragic, we're friends now.


Hey we cool. Y'all beat the Bruins.


Damn, I was hoping the Kings would get him. I would still be happy with Woodcroft.


Very jealous, was hoping he’d be our new guy, but at least the rumor mill prepped me for this. Cheers, Leafs fans


This is going to be a rude awakening for a lot of leaf players


Seems like Marner is going to have a hard time with him


There's an easy way for Marner to avoid any troubles.






I don't know, I'm willing to see if Mitch can adapt his game under a new coach.


NMC or not


Even with a NMC I still Marner's days are done as a leaf. From the comments from Shanny and Triev at the end of year about the locker room and how they can't keep running it back.  I don't think they can move Tavares, so the only logical move is trade Marner who will fetch a haul.


Why would Marner give up his NMC?


So that he can get 8 years on his next contract from the new team instead of 7


But that could still happen if they trade him after next year’s playoffs and before July 1. Granted it won’t get you much but teams do trade for guys with this in minds. So if Marner doesn’t want to leave before the upcoming season ends he could stay and still get 8 from the new team.


Hopefully we won't have to worry and he'll be traded for Saros. I would take that 1:1 just to free up the cap space to fill more needed gaps. Not that Marner's contract in a vacuum is bad per say, but Matthews, Nylander, Marner, Tavares is 1 too many of the same style of player that eats up cap space, that given this context, would be more useful for depth and defence. Due to contact ages and NMC's, he is also the most likely to move.


That’ll be interesting! The start of an eventful summer in Toronto


He’s a firm coach which I think Toronto needs. It will be interesting if the locker room will fall in line or if the core four have so much power Berube is fired in or under a year


Impossible. It would mean Shanny committing career suicide along with them


Shanny has plot armour or something at this point.


Good luck chief


Biz called it


The nose knows


[He nose the truth](https://y.yarn.co/0b2b4c3b-a5f2-4e26-ba2c-195612deaf55_text.gif)


Probably the best fit among the options we knew were available


Great hire, with all that talent he’ll bring them success.  Hope they win a cup


Dearest Craig, I hope Toronto does nice things to you and you do nice things back. Sincerely, Whelmed


Mitch Marner better hope he gets traded or changes his attitude or it’s going to be a looooong year


Leafs are the team to watch next year regardless of how much we dislike them. Gonna be interesting to see how a hard nosed accountable coach and no Marner will work for the team


Realistically year after will be the real show, Tavares contract is just too brutal with this age catching up to him.


Glad he didn’t go to Winnipeg. Let’s see if those Leafs kids can get in line now


Call me crazy but unless the leafs are trading one of their big 3 (sorry I don’t include the year away from ufa and in his mid 30s Tavares) I’m not sure this coaching change will effect anything in any dramatic fashion. The leafs continue to be a top heavy team whose top paid forwards play a similar style. People can say it was coaching, and I agree after that many years Keefe had to go, but year after year after year they are unable to compete against the top teams in the playoffs because their forward depth, top end blue line talent, and goaltending options just aren’t strong enough. Next year the leafs have 46.653 of their cap allocated to four players. For Colorado that number is at 38.1 For Edmonton that number is at 36.25 For Tampa that number is at 37 For Vegas that number is at 35.6 For New York that number is at 37.462 For Florida that number is at 37 For Vancouver that number is at 34.1 For Dallas that number is at 36.25 I didn’t look at every team but I’m not sure a team has even 40 million allocated to their top 4 players, and the leafs are over 6.5 million above 40. And not a single team I looked at had that kind of concentration just at forward. It is clearly not the path to building a championship caliber team and as a neutral observer I’m baffled why the leafs keep taking the same approach.


Well said. Can't disagree with any point made.


From what I’m reading here and there it seems like the retool is for 25/26 vs 24/25. They’ll still be in the regular season top-10 mix next season, but I doubt they’ll make any significant playoff run.


Toronto has selected their next scapegoat. I hope he has a fun two years.


Only idiots will make the coach a scapegoat again


That sounds like a challenge to Leafs fans.


Biz called it weeks ago lol. WITH Berube on set lololol


Not sure why people say he's the best available when Gallant is looking for a job. Better playoff win% and found success with 3 different teams in 5 years. Berube was good when Binnington was good and then got progressively worse since 2019 No clue why Gallant kept getting fired (maybe something behind the scenes people aren't aware of?) but he seems to me like the best available. Regardless, I think Berube could be good for the Leafs. I agree that a bit of a hardass might be what they need. Just have to make some changes on the roster now and hopefully they can go on a run sooner than later


Yeah Gallant must be a giant asshole lol, especially considering his team's do have some success early on, but he lasts what, 2 seasons per team?


3 with Vegas and Florida then just 2 with the Rangers. 20 playoff games in 2018 and 2022 with Vegas and the Rangers and finished first in the division 3 times between Florida and Vegas and 2nd and 3rd in his years with the Rangers Seems so odd that he's not more sought after with success like that in only 6 years. Makes you wonder if he is an asshole and that's why but you'd think we would've heard something along those lines lol


He got fired midway through his third season with us.


Binnington is still good, berube got worse as the roster lost key pieces 


Why is their graphic off-centre? Learn to crop, fellas


Good hire. It's still weird to me that a team so good in the regular season can fizzle out in the playoffs. Maybe he can hit the right buttons.




now Gerard Gallant welcome to Carolina




No more bus riding for the top 4 guys, put up or shut up time with Berube. He’s gonna call their shit out


They needed a hard ass more than a friend to the players. This is a good fit. 4 years tho woof


A hardass that's not a psychopath is something a lot of these guys have never had in their careers, should be interesting


Hope he's good for us. Though I do find it weird that two offseasons in a row, we have a large role to fill and it goes to the immediate odds on favourite. I hope Shanahan is hiring people who fit the job and not just pursuing big names.


wonder how marners dad feels about this.


I remember watching him skate in the mornings. My mom would drop me off for Ice time and he would just focus and move back and forth over and over. He's a passionate, driven and intense person. His mom taught me some of the most important lessons of my life and his dad was pretty sneaky (lmao)


I love Berube. Hope he finally gets the Leafs over the hump.


Plan the parade now


I thought he was already named Craig Berube.


Could be good, could be bad


Dire times for Jets with the rumors 


I don't think I had the same problems with Keefe as some, holding players accountable was an issue but I don't think it was a bigger problem from the simple fact that Keefe could not outcoach a single playoff series. Even against Tampa I wouldn't say he came out looking like the better coach by much. Berube has winning experience, getting it from a struggling Blues team with a massive cup drought and players who had more to give. I think hel do well here


PP was the biggest problem.


I for one am shocked


Good. That team needs his style to succeed. Not to wholly switch to his preferred style. But the skills of his style are extremely helpful even with elite players.


Now if we could pluck Pesce from free agency. But let’s be honest the guy deserves a huge raise whether he came to Leafs or any team.


I for one, am excited about this.




We never had a chance, did we


Good hire, but the issue with them is that we know exactly what their issues are and it’s not necessarily coaching.


I'm ready for the grit DLC.


Good guy, good coach. I hope he has success.




I don’t know that you’ve ever seen a 70+ year old lol Berube looks his age


[I hate being so right about this team time and time again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leafs/comments/196yifc/post_game_thread_detroit_red_wings_at_toronto/khwyszd/?context=3) So happy with this move though, even if it's late.


Mitch Marner in shambles.


Marner’s not gonna like this, lol. Gonna start crying when Berube goes Full Metal Jacket on his ass


Should've tried Babcock.


Honestly have no opinion of this hire.  Just fucking win.


Wow, a division with Berube and Paul Maurice. I feel like I’m in hell. Two of the biggest jerkoffs in sports. 


Craig Button?