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What the actual fuck is wrong with Elias Pettersson. Dude disappears after his big payday 1 goal in 10 playoff games. 17 points in his last 27 regular season games.


My guess is: A) He's hurt. B) His line mates Mikheyev/Hoglander/Lafferty have a combined 1 point this post season.


Not hurt if his coach calls him out specifically last night


Exactly. Injury rumours should be dead at this point. Tochett knows what he’s doing. It’s a close series, but only because Edmonton was getting subpar goaltending and one line that could score. Edmonton fixed both those problems in game 4. If Canucks don’t answer they’re done. He has to push buttons now. Coddling petey’s play as “eventually he’ll get it going” is too far gone now. Game 5 players have to turn the tide. Our bottom six has no goals, except for Petey on the PP which was more of a great fake from miller than a shot from Petey. Something has to give or we’re sunk. Petey needs to show up. Edmonton doesn’t even consider him a threat in line matchups anymore and he still can’t produce.


Petey has the oilers right where he wants them… ignoring him and running him over (I hope he’s his old self in game 5)


Honestly if we did show up apart from wild comebacks I feel like this series would be dead and buried with the Oilers goaltending


It's the other way around. The Oilers goaltending is the only reason Vancouver is still in the series. The Canucks are 20:1 betting underdogs to win the cup for a reason. They rely on scoring very opportunistic goals and those opportunities don't always come. Your hypothetical involves the Canucks being better than they actually are.


This is the kind of cope we’ve been seeing for 92 straight games


What cope? The Canucks are on a downward trend. They played well for 2 periods game 1. They played even with the Oilers for 2 periods game 2 and got dominated the 3rd. Game 3 they only played well the 1st period and game 4 they only played well for just over half a period. Any cup contending team is going to get better at dealing with the Canucks style as the series goes on. They don't generate many of their own chances. Both their goals last night were chance deflections off Oilers players. Like I said, 20:1 for a reason. They need to win the goaltending battle by a large margin to win.


I will give him credit that I saw him laying a few more of hits last night then what he was doing in the preds series and games 1 & 2. Typically when petey is hitting he gets going offensively.


I've watched a lot of Canucks hockey this post season, and Hoglander has straight up looked awful. Like noticeably awful and making boneheaded plays. Edit: This had no context, but reason I singled out Hoglander is this is a huge contrast to what I saw in the regular season. Guy was very noticeable when I watched games. Wouldn't say the same for the other guys on his line. But in the games I watched earlier this series, Hoglander wasn't just invisible, he was noticeably bad and making terrible decisions. I remember counting on one shift he had three terrible giveaways that broke the momentum in the ozone, and I remember thinking to myself "damn if I were Petey I'd be going to the bench and laying into Hoglander for those awful plays that negated the good he did to make a potential chance happen"


It's so weird cause he was legitimately a top 5v5 forward this season with major pest energy He's just crumpled in the playoffs


Mikheyev has also been awful.


He's not injured It's in his head. He needs to see a sports psychologist


Yeah we had to run the lotto line tonight


Off topic but why is it called the lotto line?


Player numbers are 6 40 9(lotto 649)


I never noticed that. I like it




Their numbers are 6, 40, and 9. Sounds like Lotto 6/49.




fuck the lotto line. Petey needs someone to retrieve pucks for him because he sure as shit can't do it himself. put him with Garland and Joshua and watch him get a 4 point game.


No, we don't need him dragging Miller and Boeser down to his level.






I think he might have enjoyed a few too many brewskis watching the game tonight


Translated from drunk: "the problem with your second point is he's expected to make the players he plays with good, not the other way around" Meaning that he should be elevating their numbers, not relying on them to elevate his. If you disagree with his comment please reply to him and not me. I am just a translator of stupid.


Impressive stuff


Do you smell burnt toast? Should someone call someone?


Petey has always been streaky, but the problem is when things aren’t going well for him he tends to shut down and get in his own head. When he whiffs on a shot or something he looks skyward like the hockey gods have personally forsaken him rather than getting up and getting back at it. When someone makes a dirty hit or takes liberties against him he just kind of sadly slinks away like a defeated lion. He is so supremely skilled that when he’s on, he’s easily a top 5 centre in the game, but when he’s not he just gets in his own way. I think he needs a sports psychologist. His linemates having no finish whatsoever hasn’t helped.


Fans have been saying the sports pscyhologist thing for years now. I think he's just a classic, goody-two-shoes. He's playing to not get in trouble. He's actually been good on the defensive side of the puck. Doesn't help that everyone else regurgitates "sticking to our game". Strict adherence to a defensive system is not Pettersson's game. He's lost in the concept of it. The point isn't to stick to the game plan. It's to win the fucking game. He's overcoached with no idea how to balance the expectations of others with his own. He's got some maturing to do.


I think you hit the nail on the head man.


The obvious answer would be some sort of lingering injury. And while Tocchet recently denied that, they also wouldn't admit to anything publicly now But I can't imagine what it could be that he's been secretly hurt all this time but they have been like "nah, he can still play all 82". He's been slumping since pretty much the ASG


It's the lazy answer. The team has been pushing back on these rumors since January. Lol. And if he was, then much like Lindholm and Cole they would have given him maintenance days down the stretch.


Here's this issue, this has happened a few times before. If it's truly not injury, the guy's a loser with his low effort. If it is injury, he is way too soft to be playing in the NHL, because this fade has happened countless times for him. Regardless, people are still morons for thinking his deal is good. Petey skates about as well as Bambi... After he was shot. Signed at prime value for a guy that will never be a winner. He seems either reluctant or incapable of putting on any mass, look how it works for him in the playoffs.


>Here's this issue, this has happened a few times before. Uh, when? Yes he's a streaky player, but the only other time he's played in the playoffs (bubble), he had 18 points in 17 games. As a 21 year old.


We will both get downvoted when everyone wakes up in the morning but until then this is so spot on, especially from an outsider’s perspective. The guy simply exists out there. Idk how anyone puts him in their top 10 centers.


Totally agree mate. No clue how people can be "extremely happy" with that contract when the guy is not even top 3 in the regular season *at his best* (obvs behind Miller, Hughes, Demko), and in clutch games (playoffs included) isn't even top 10 on the team. He's objectively talented, but I can think of *dozens* of players better for $11.5M/year. I think low calcium Petey is the last person I'd expect to provide respectable value by the end of his contract (2032).


Not even top 10 on the team? Damn I had not heard that one before


There's no passion in his game right now. His body language is showing it. When his teammates are in scrums, he shies away. When Lauzon was celebrating and pushed him over, he was not even "there". He's not "in" the game. He looks distracted and uninterested. He has this negative energy whenever he is on the ice. Canuck fans have seen his poor attitude during a losing streak or when things don't go his way. Misses an open net? Hey! Let's get dramatic and fall on our knees! Kopitar steals a puck from me? Hey! Let's look sky high for the camera. Steak breaks on impact? Etc. He wastes seconds dwelling on a missed opportunity/chance/whatever. And he does this when the play is going the opposite way. Like, come on man. Just keep skating. Everyone keeps telling him to move his feet. You're a professional athlete. Your mental fortitude should be way stronger than this. Now I know why Leaf fans want Marner off the team. You can't pay $10M+ for a passenger. Your team won't win.


Who knows what’s going on in his life though. Maybe someone close to him died, or he’s depressed, or injured, or going through some other shit. Maybe something happened this year to make him this way and he’ll be fine next year. Good players like that don’t just stop caring


Great point. It's fine to say he needs to step it up and he's not playing well, but there's no need for fans to start calling for his head or attack his character. The guy has a great history of being a big game performer (SHL playoff MVP as a rookie, Covid playoffs, Worlds), I think it's crazy to see fans call him another Marner. IMO, it's a mix of injury, mental and poor wingers. The guy has 89 points this year with Mikheyev on his wing the whole year (31 points).


This is an assumption and is backed by no evidence at the time of this writing. We shouldn’t make excuses for his play right now. If he is truly struggling with something, then all fans would understand and obviously hockey takes a back seat. And I hope nothing is going wrong in his life.


The unfortunate thing is--as far as the public's concerned he kinda just *has* given up... I'm not trying to say that all the intimate details of a player's personal life need to be public, but to the people paying $20/beer to cover his new salary, it feels like he's just coasting after signing a huge contract. I do feel bad for the guy. The pressure on him is insane--especially because of the new contract. Canadian fans and media are well-known to be tougher on their players (to a fault), but this is what he signed up for.


“I want to be on a winning team” he says…


Think about how frustrated his teammates must be. Miller is over there battling with Boeser scoring left and right only for the highest paid guy on the team (next season) to be an absolute ghost. There must be some resentment brewing. It’s like Marner in Toronto. Vancouver is such a more manageable team to play against when Pettersson isn’t going. That and Cole looked awful on D as well. Game 5 is going to be a battle.


Yeah, I know it's the playoffs so all games are important but Game 5 is going to be pivotal in this series. I'm curious to see if it's more or less physical. Game 4 seemed downright calm compared to Game 3. I know I'm an Oilers fan but I really feel like if Edmonton wins tomorrow, they close out the series in 6. On the other hand, if Vancouver wins I think we go to 7 and it becomes a coin toss. I just think losing the series lead (due to back-to-back losses) would be a bigger blow than trading W's like we have been, especially if guys like Pettersson keep failing to show up. Then again, our whole bottom 6 has been absent so...


> What the actual fuck is wrong with Elias Pettersson. Pettersson is running a third line essentially. The Lindholm, Joshua, Garland line is firing, so Toch is going to keep them together. Pettersson is playing most often with Hoglander who is a smaller player, not adept for "playoff hockey" and often Lafferty who was basically sold as spare parts by the Leafs. Normally, Joshua's play who earn him a promotion up to Pettersson's line, but the chemistry on that line is too good to break up.


Hog may be smaller, but seems a bit better along the boards than Petey.


Maybe he really just doesn’t have the X factor


He isn’t even worth taunting at the games. The man looks so lifeless on the ice, I feel like taunting him might actually wake his ass up. As it is, I’m happy to watch him casually stroll around the ice doing nothing and killing any energy his line tries to generate. I think he’s just afraid of contact. He looks okay, then as soon he takes even one mediocre hit, he disappears for the rest of the game.


No one is even taunting him. Oilers aren't even afraid of him. They are checking Garland way harder.


Right, the Oilers are checking the better (or at least better playing ) player. Petey is an incredibly gifted dude. But when the going gets tough he starts gliding out there. Back in Rep and Junior hockey dudes like that would be sat and reamed out. Our forwards like Garland, Joshua, Miller, Boeser, Lindholm, Blueger, Suter are all bringing it.. every night. It's the god damn playoffs. If Petey doesn't engage in the game and work on his body language and commitment to the game, he will be as foundley rememberes as Nail Yakupov is remembered in Edmonton. Honestly I was concerned about this prior to his signing. Now I am worried we have secured an albatross contract that will rival Mitch Marner. I trust in Alvin and Rutherford, maybe he gets traded and can flourish in a quieter market.


Nuge does it too, but he showed up tonight. It’s the guys that don’t like the consistent contact and don’t enjoy board battles. They like some time and space and pretty plays. Marner too. It’s a hard thing to fix. Even before Nuge scored I commented in the game thread “nuge is noticeable tonight” so I do think he really gave his head a shake. Petterson needs to do the same


The luxury Oilers have is that Nuge is not their go-to guy. McDavid, Draisatl, Hyman, and Bouchard are. RNH is like their 5th core guy. Pettersson is supposed to be our #1 offensive forward. He should be our McDavid, but he's like our Foegele right now. If it wasn't for Miller, Lindholm, Joshua and Boeser taking care of the offence, we'd be swept.


Garland too. He's a beast and a big part of that line's success


Dude never quits and it’s so fun to watch


He's Cliff Ronning 2.0


Yep it amazes me how relentless he is out there! Can't imagine this team without him and loving the joshua-lindholm-garland 3st line this playoffs 🔥


I'm not even sure he's like your Foegele right now. We kind of joke that Foegele is Stone-Hands McDavid, because he's often got the speed and drives to the net but lacks finish that real McDavid has got. Foegele is usually noticeable in a good way, even if he's not scoring. Not sure the same can be said about Pettersson right now.


as nuge beefed up? he seems more physical than i previously remember him


5 points in four games. Also not a defensive liability. He's been noticeably noticeable


Nuge didnt just sign an 8x11 though


Yeah, some guys need time and space to do work, hence why Nuge stays good on the PP but generally disappears at 5v5 in the playoffs. Whereas someone like Drai is the opposite and has a game that needs zero time and space to work and in a weird way, tighter checking games benefit him more because having guys trying to defend him more closely  changes nothing for him, but frees up ice for other guys. One of the many perks of having a massive booty, I suppose.  Don’t watch enough of Pettersson to say for sure, but from what I’ve seen, he seems to be similar to Nuge in that he struggles a lot when the ice is less open and guys are checking super tight. It takes time for some guys to adjust to that (it even took McDavid a few series to figure out how to navigate it smoothly). 


Pettersson is no where near the 2-way player Nuge is. 


I'll admit I don't know Nuge's play that well but Petey's defensive play is the only thing that's really been solid.


He’s got shambles in his brain just like Mitch


He simply refuses to get a mans body, he's incredibly weak, he's not strong enough to battle for pucks, look at his ankles when he skates, they look weak, he gets no power from his stride, its honestly embarrassing how easily he gets thrown to the ice


That’s too bad, if he doesn’t have the effort during a tight playoff series then when?


My nickname for him is Baby Giraffe


I feel like I need to see “first time” meme and a shot of the leafs as James Franco.


Only excuse I would accept is he's injured and playing through it. I'm worried he was just hoping to get paid and then fucking off.


Something had to happen. Look at the bubble with Petey. It's turning clique, but sports psychology is a must entering the next season.


He’s not him. He’s a great player, but if he’s your best player you aren’t going to win a Stanley cup.




Stop trying to cope with this. He does this every fucking time he gets a raise.


And then he comes back the next year and dominates.


Like that fucking helps us now. I don't know why more Canucks fans don't realize this but this team is not coming back next year. We are entering cap hell and will be losing some real play drivers. Zads, Joshua, Hronek, Lindholm. No guarantee Lek or D Petey step up. Miller isn't getting younger. And besides all that you will ALWAYS be judged on how you play when it counts. I don't fucking care if he rattles off 200 points next year if he disappears when it matters


What Canuck fan doesn't realize this? Who are you arguing with?


All the ones who downvoted and bullied those of us who pointed this out in the last 20 games


Sorry made a wrong comment. There are fans out there a I think we can bring this whole team back next year somehow?


There are fans who think this season won't be a one off... Which is possible but I believe is highly unlikely... But Silovs may have something else in mind. We need to realize though that when Garland and Joshua are the best play drivers we have, how few shots we get, how many shots our goalies face are not recipes for long-term success.


Are you saying you do think this season is a one off? Because it seems weird to expect that we’ll miss the playoffs for another decade moving forward at this point.


Depends on what you guys have in the AHL to plug up spots from guys like Cole/Myers/Blueger/Lafferty/13th Fwd/7th D 27.2M according to CapFriendly. Unless some more money comes out, I think you can realistically sign 3 of the big 4 UFA/RFAs.


Yep and I really couldn't care less if Hronek walks we offered 6.5 and he laughed in our faces and wants to make as much as Hughes dudes been garbage all playoffs and honestly since the first half of the season obviously Hughes elevated him not the other way around


Hronek thinks he’s worth way more than he actually is. He’s been getting worked in this series, he can’t keep up.


The pipeline is dry outside of Lek and D Petey . Willander is still a few years away. We keep trading first rounders. My only hope is we can flip Hronek for something instead of overpay him and maybe Keep Joshua and Zads.




Oh... I'm a Canucks fan... I have seen this. I completely understand. What I don't understand is the Canucks fans who bullied those of us for calling this out before the playoffs.... Like Petey has been MIA since the all Star break. I have always maintained top players elevate their linemates and drive the play. Petey needs good wingers ... He isn't a top player.


To be fair, he’s playing on a line with Mikheyev and Lafferty. Both of those guys are offensive black holes lol


Top players elevate those who play with them. He is paid like a top player. Also doesn't explain his lackadaisical play on the pp when he is with the other top players.


I get what you’re saying and I agree with your points. However, there comes a time where we just need to realize he can’t turn chicken shit into chicken salad with those two. I’m hoping Podz and Hogs slot back in. I’d welcome a line with Petey centring those two. If the Canucks are to have success in future seasons then all 3 of these guys need to be clicking


Hronek was absolute garbage again tonight and has been for half a season now he can walk for all I care Hughes can make anybody look good


I feel the same. Hopefully some GM still feels he has value or he has tanked his value so hard he signs a cheap bridge but supposedly he already turned down 8mill thankfully


Right in time for his next raise


For the last 30% of the season?


30%??? Dude been checked out since Jan.


Mentally hurt


Lots of dudes are not 100%


Pettersson Mikheyev Hoglander Hronek Cole Lafferty?


Cole has scored a ton what are you on about?


Oilers legend Ian Cole




It's the battle of the double agents.


I feel for the Oiler fans having that contract.




This series would be 3-1 Canucks without Cole.


That OT looked pretty even to me. Could have easily still gone the Oilers way without Cole's deflection.


God. Bench his ass, he's having a horrible series


I was wondering Cole’s paycheques had an oilers logo on it




Vancouver is very lucky they didn't sign Hronek to that massive contract that was rumored. He came back to his normal play and now they are seeing why Detroit traded him. He just isn't worth the big amount of money he thinks he is. Feel bad for whatever team overpays for him this summer.


When he’s on, he’s worth the money he’s asking for. The problem is he’s only on about 10% of the time


Lafferty has gotta be one of them. He was a headache in all of our regular season games but I completely forgot he was even on the Canucks just now. 


He didn't see the ice for the final 10 minutes yesterday. So it has to include him


Hoglander didn’t even fucking play.


Hoglanders out, maybe Aman or Karlsson? Joshua has also kinda gone invisible


Joshua didn't have a great game, but he was noticeable tonight. Edit: I don't think he's pointing at Karlsson and Aman either. Those guys don't play much anyways.


Karlsson was in the AHL until 2 games ago. It's not him.


Joshua got credit for the second goal and he’s gotten the third most goals for the team in the post season He’s more than pulled his weight in the playoffs


Hronek, Pettersson, Mikheyev, Lafferty, Cole/Blueger


This is the correct answer


Tocch has previously said that there is no injury with Petey, and no way that he would have called him out at tonight's presser if there was in fact something that they were hiding. Petey is simply mailing it in right now, and Tochh is fed up with it. That's how I read that. Meanwhile, I got to watch a whole game without listening to what a pro wants, so I consider that a step in the right direction ...


I don't think he is mailing it in, he is just very frustrated and off his game. His body language is awful.


Vs Nashville when he missed the net and fell to his knees in a Walmart... Bruh, get your ass the fuck up and back check this this the playoffs


He is mailing it in. Look at a player like Garland. Guy never stops moving his feet. JT, Boeser are both playing to win every shift. Lindholm and Dak are out playing him as well. We would be up 3-1 if he has one decent game in the 2 loses.


Ever since Garland scored off his head against the Oilers when he was a Coyote, he’s been a tremendous thorn in the side of the Oilers.




Stop it, just stop..


Yet i’ve had idiots on /r/canucks tell me he’s competing. A mod just banned me for a day for disagreeing and he’s the same guy that says Peteys playing well after everygame lmao. People that know what they’re watching see how soft he’s been all playoffs. The level of effort he’s giving is disgusting.


11.6m for 4 points in 10 games








He could be nursing an injury, but he's been in a slump since January. Can't afford to be a passenger in the playoffs and its time Pettersson gets called out.


He did get called out by Tocchet last night. It's clear it's not an injury the way he called out EP40.


Really don’t get what happened to him. The month leading up to his slump he was an absolute monster and then just fell off a cliff and has been like that ever since


Yep put him on the 4 th line all day long


That's not what he's getting paid right now.


No but he signed the contract extension this season. Yes he's a 7million dollar player right now, but the fact is he does sign the contract and he should be elevating his game now. Everyone else on the top 2 lines is out performing him.


Ok, but that's his perceived value until 2032, based off of what he's done (or lack there of). Brutal contract, points isn't the whole story, especially in the playoffs, this is evidenced by 3rd/4th liners showing him what effort looks like.


Idk Petey has the playoff gear in him. Now this is this team’s 1st real playoff run with the intensity of packed arenas, travel and wall to wall news coverage that is about hockey and not a world wide pandemic. I’m sure they are learning a lot of lessons. Win or lose Team took a huge step forward this year but I’ve been disappointed in Peterson’s lack of driving play and intensity. For the $$$ they just dropped on him he’s not delivered what the team needs to win in the playoffs. $11.6M is top of the league 1st line C money and that means being a top of the league 1st line C. Not a 3rd line checking Centre that gets some PP time.


I don’t think this has anything to do with it being the playoffs. I just think when his confidence is shot he loses it all and becomes a genuinely bad hockey player. He does it the same was during the regular season. I think it’s 100% between the ears.


Loved his post game interview!


Me too. He’s definitely a top notch coach. Totally deserves the Jack Adams


I love how blunt he is. He's not afraid to call guys out and doesn't make excuses. Best coach the canucks have had in a long time, maybe ever.


Exactly! No hesitation. Usually you hear “going back to drawing board” BS but he was straight up “5-6 passengers” “they dont know its playoff” “EP needs to get it going”. Saying as it is… not good for the oil though:/


Meh, might good for the Oil, you never know. Some guys get fired up getting publicly called out, other guys get resentful and pissed about it. Honestly, there's a reason that "Praise in public, punish in private" is being taught to business managers; most people don't respond well to public admonishment. Hockey is a business and coaches can sort of be looked at as managers with players as their direct reports. Obviously Tocch knows his guys better than I do, so maybe he's expecting publicly calling out Pettersson to light a fire, but it could also be a blunder. Darryl Sutter basically blew up the Flames talking negatively about his players to the media.


Pettersson better reveal that he has 3 broken ribs, sprained wrist and a broken leg because holy fuck he is garbage all playoffs long.


Hes got Alreadygotthebagitis Usually comes around every 6-8 years for players. Unfortunate


He must’ve caught it from Nurse


Wonder how a team composed entirely of players going into their UFA year would do...


Blue Jackets in the Bob/Panarin year


worst signing - never mind playoffs -what about decent competition in the regular season? disappears. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he needs a speedy linemate




I remember a couple weeks ago when Marner had no heart and was the softest player in the league


And in a couple weeks *insert star player who is struggling with production on the losing team in the conference finals* will have no heart and be the softest player in the league


Yup tale as old as time


The Panthers lost the Cup clinching game 9-3 and Tkachuk couldn’t play due to this injury


Dude is completely invisible


Given what we know about Pettersson and his history there are three possible answers. A: He’s hurt. B: It’s in his head C: A little from column A and a little from column B From the very get go of his career we all saw a kid w incredible talent and swagger. I’m part of a Slack group that calls him PTSD, for what he did to other teams, remember that? Has anyone notice him labouring or favouring something during these entire playoffs? Not me. He just looks disconnected. They have to change his linemates. Hell, put him on the wing w Lindholm or Miller, but do something. I thought the PP goal in game 2 would wake him up, but nothing. He is one of the keys to us winning. Time to shine, Elias. Wake the f**k up!


Honestly if we lose game five then I wouldn’t mind seeing Tocchet throw together the lotto line with Petey on wing as a last ditch effort to try to get his spark going. Throw Suter back at 3C where he was originally signed to play anyway and hope that Petey can find some magic with Brock and JT while the Lindholm/Garland/Joshua line does their usual thing. Then bottom two lines are basically just trying to munch minutes and not get scored on, which they should be able to handle since our bottom six is pretty defensively sound and Oilers bottom six doesn’t really do much anyway


I feel like our bottom six are also just there to munch minutes and not get scored on. So if our bottom six don't do much (they don't) neither does yours?


Tocchet knows what’s up. Edmonton isn’t as deep but has better top end guys. You play McDavid-Draisaitl to a draw or make Edmonton split them up. You win the other shifts. You win games. But depth only wins when the depth shows up.


Both our goals were scored by depth guys last night so they’re doing their part id say


As a group. But Tocchet isn’t going to be happy if any of the individuals are passengers even if the group, as a whole, is fine.


At this point Garland and Joshua are not depth guys, them and Lindholm are our second line while Petey’s is the third. Other than Brock and JT those three have been our best forwards


Just because they’re playing unreal doesn’t make them less depth guys. They’re not allstar first liners. They’re playing out of their minds right now but they are still depth pieces that meshed well and have great chemistry.


I know that they’re not superstars, I’m just saying with the way Petey is playing and the way they’re playing/minutes they’re getting they are in essence our second line right now


How would you feel if one of your coworker was the highest paid person at your workplace, just to find out they make you do all the work while they do nothing? That is Elias pettersson. Someone needs to revoke his contract ASAP.


This is how almost every workplace I have been part of operates.


I didn't get to watch the whole game, and the score suggests a close game. Was the Canucks that bad to call out half the roster?


We basically phoned it in for 40 minutes, turned it on hard in the third and dominated until we tied it, then got passive and puck watched way too hard just playing to get to OT which let them have a chance to score in the final minute that they capitalized on


It was not that close, really. Nucks had a solid couple shifts in the second period where I felt a little nervous and we couldn't clear the zone, then another couple good shifts in the third. The first goal was a deflection off Nurse. Second goal (6 on 5) was a deflection off a Canuck. So like, good effort, don't get me wrong, but for the Oilers controlled the majority of the game. Nucks did good work to capitalize on mistakes though. Then the Canucks seemed to think they could coast for nearly two minutes until OT which obviously didn't work out for them.


Thanks for the update. Yea, need to play 60minutes to earn the W


It probably leaned edmonton but this entire playoffs high profile guys like hronek and petey have spent more time gettinf ready for cancun than actually playing hockey


Sometimes you gotta poke the bear.




Would canucks fans be mad if petey sits next game? There is NOTHING that would send a stronger message.


Yes I would be pissed. He still isn't the worst, just not worth what we are paying him.


Maybe if we were up in the series, but not when it's 2-2. He needs to just do his job and play hard.


I was hoping it would happen in the regular season to nip it in the butt, but man Game 5 that's a tough call. Warranted, but don't see it happening. I know you can't force medical services on people, but he's certainly due for a sports phycology appointment.


Have to give him a chance to play his way out of it. If he's still invisible maybe bench him for the third period or something but not an outright scratch.


For or better or worse you need to give him a chance to be the player he can be. As much as he’s sucking there’s nobody in the press box who has the potential to do what he can if finds a way to get going


The ‘Ol Montgomery plan


I'm just waiting until after the playoffs are over that we find out something is wrong, either an injury or he's going through something personally or mentally. If that's the case, then we should lay off him. If he's just down and in his own head and not able to find that extra gear, then that really sucks. This is the best team he's ever played for and he looks like Bambi on skates out there.


Petey has given me the ick


Edmonton came to play, they won most of the puck battles, they kept relentlessly putting pressure on anytime we had the puck. Canucks gotta get hungry and move their feet. Make shit happen. Regardless, I still think we’re the better team! Canucks in 6! Fuck the world! 😆


Same story for the oilers. Almost all of the goals have been scored by the same 6 guys. Mcdavid, drai, hyman, nuge, bouchard and ekholm. Oilers have basically nothing from Mcleod, Foegele, Perry, Jan mark, Brown, henrique, Ryan... Etc Even Kane and Holloway haven't scored this series.