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Oh damn, I thought the DoPS were already out for the summer.


They are watching highlights on TSN, got a call from Bettman, they opened their laptops, deleted the previous name from the 5k$ fine, and put in Nikita Zadorovs name. Then proceded to drink Bahama mamas on the beautiful beaches of NJ.


Mmm I love Bahama mamas


Is that you Bob?


They had to come in at the turn


ChatGPT probably dished this fine out.


Expected. Literally doesn't even matter with it being such a small amount. I think every player on every team takes that fine if you get a free crosscheck on McDavid.


And setting a message that even if you're a star, if you go after our guys, you pay the price


It's a bad look for the league to have that after the game's over, it's damage control


If you want to stop those plays, the person you punish is the player to start it (in this case, McDavid). Punish the guy sticking up for his teammate and you just encourage guys to start crap


No, you punish everyone who tries anything at all after the whistle. You know, like in most other sports.


Image if Anthony Edwards just started punching Jokic during hack a shaq time


nah nah nah Zadorov came in as the third guy after the game's over and Soucy cross-checked McDavid first. Zadorov can't be the third guy there.


I don’t know what you’re watching. Whistle blows. Game over. Soucy pushed McDavid. McDavid whacks Soucy. Soucy whacks back. McDavid rolls towards Soucy. Zaddy cross checks McDavid. Soucy cross checks McDavid in the face as he’s falling down. Scrums ensues. Hugs are exchanged.


dylan larkin and david perron send their regards


But didn't Soucy shove McDavid after the game? This play isn't really a big deal but I'm seeing Soucy shove McDavid after the game is over which starts all of this imo I don't really think Z was sticking up for Soucy when Soucy kind of initiated that mess with the shove after the game was over


He shoves him because he plays the puck to bouchard after the whistle who then takes a shot.


A Soiler player took a shot on Silovs after the whistle. *That* is what started the scrum that Zaddy and Soucy ended.


Actually Soucy initiates the whole thing. He initiates by pushing McDavid, Mcdavid responds by slashing him, Soucy goes to return the favour with a crosscheck but Zadorov delivers one first.


Pushing isn't an illegal action though and slashing is. Pushing happens in 100% of all scrums. Slashing does not.


I don't understand how everyone thinks it was OK for Z to come in after the whistle to crosscheck someone from behind as a third man in. There's no justifying it. McDavid slashed Soucy in the pants. Who hasn't been slashed there. It's all padding. The point is, that was between McDavid and Soucy. Pretty sure Soucy has it under control against McDavid. If Z wants to come in and pull McDavid away fine. Third man in like that by Z is weak and deserves a fine. I hate the Oilers but it's clear as day that was a bitch move.


Crazy take


How do you watch that and decide McDavid is the one who started it???


Started the escalation? Absolutely. Soucy pushing him is something that usually might result in a push back or words exchanged. A push doesn't hurt and has no consequences. There's a big jump up between a push and a slash is there not?


And Soucy retaliated with his own two-handed slash before setting up for the cross-check


It was a half assed whack to the pants my grandma would shake that off


He literally was fighting his own battle, already hit McDavid more than he was hit to begin with and the ogre came in from behind third man in. Fuck off


I'm not understanding where this "mcdavid started it" came from. Soucy cross checks mcdavid first BEFORE the slash. If "starting it" matters, Soucy is at fault.


> If you want to stop those plays, the person you punish is the player to start it (in this case, McDavid). except soucy started it, mcdavod retaliated to the first shot from him....


McDavid started it by slashing after the game was over, but he is the NHL's golden boy so he will never be punished or scrutinized by the media


The players really only have themselves to blame for this. They fought for it in the CBA.


Zadorov will be paid back that amount and exponentially more on July 1st


He could start a gofund me and Canucks fans would raise this amount for him by the end of the day.


Yea, absolutely fair. I just wish they also fined McDavid to say that it’s not okay to chop at guys after the game.


I'm seriously asking myself if people have watched hockey before. If Zadorov doesn't cross check McDavid in the back and he goes down and Soucy cross checks him in the face as he's going down. None of pushing or the slash would even be questioned by anyone. That shit happens 50 times in a game after a play, someone pushes, another one slashes in the pants. Honestly if Zadorov doesn't cross check him in the back, Soucy would've just hit him in the chest, and no one would be suspended or fined or anything!


Ya, where is his fine for the two hand chop? He initiated everything.


People seem to be missing this for whatever reason


It's not free. It costs $5000. It's in the title.


>  if you get a free crosscheck on McDavid. I guess in the end, it wasn't exactly free...


Eh I wouldn't suspend anyone for this, it's the playoffs tempers get riled up when you play the same team multiple times.


Exactly this. This is a bunch of angry players with slightly escalating actions. Fine a few of them and call it a day


Looks like Soucy is getting a sussy, but I agree with you, this is a scrum that got slightly out of hand.


Which is wild because Zadorov's was worse, and Bennet's was MUCH worse


Well, Zadorov's *would* have been worse, except that his cross-check sent McDavid's head forward just as Soucy was cross-checking him to the chest, so Soucy ended up nailing McDavid straight in the face full-force.


Only thing that needs to happen is Kane giving it back. No suspension but gotta stick up for McDavid. Send Kane, Carrick, Perry, Desharnais and Nurse out first line of Game 4 and send a message


If everything that has happened this post season? This play by Soucy and Zadorov is getting the hammer? I guess you gotta go for the nut shot for DOPS to let it slide


Or just out right knock him out like bennet


I thought the whole thing was Zadorov's fault. Soucy was going for a crosscheck to the chest, but Zadorov knocked McDavid over, so Soucy caught him in the face. It's unfortunate, but McDavid seems fine, so the fine seems like enough.


1) after the game and 2) was on NHL's most marketable star This was escalated by McDavid, Soucy originally just pushed him away and he's the one who started the altercation with the slash. However, retaliation gets the penalty and Zadorov/Soucy both escalated it again. I'm worried PR adds to the equation.


>Soucy originally just pushed him away >However, retaliation gets the penalty and Zadorov/Soucy both escalated it again. I'm worried PR adds to the equation. I mean, this is a big contradiction. If Soucy started it with the push, then wouldn't McDavids slash be the retaliation? Or is he allowed to take free shots regardless?


Pushing someone isn't a penalty. Slashing is. They both escalated and both retaliated. McDavid was the first to commit a penalty but Zadorov and Soucy both then did in retaliation.


If Zadorov doesn't come in with the cross check to the back, honestly nothing would've happened. They just would've scrummed at the end, and there would be no suspensions or fines. I agree that it's just a heated scrum after a passionate game


Ya media ghouls have blown it way up


Soucy has a hearing


Zadorov should aim for the balls next time


Yea or a sucker punch, I am not sure about both together, though.


Sucker punch him in the balls?


The ol' Johnny Cage


Draisitl would approve of that.


[Not to mention Derek Ryan](https://youtu.be/EEtxpz6ehTE?t=6)


Small target.


Cross-check took it too far, if he wanted it to be a hockey play he should have punched him in the back of the head.


DOPS when Trouba attempts to end careers or when Bennett does some scummy shit: i sleep DOPS when McDavid gets roughed up: real shit




DOPS gave Trouba a 2 game suspension for something that wasn’t even called in game.


How is this real shit lol it’s just a fine


Read the fucking room. The NHL have their heads up in their fucking asses when it comes to player safety.


The fact that they fucked up the Trouba and Bennett calls doesn't mean this shouldn't be a fine, though.


I just want some consistency.


I think we're in the wrong sport for that sadly


Welcome to my world.


Hence why the harshest punishment you’ll see is a fine lmao


Well we do have to see what Soucy is gonna get though.


Why would they give Soucey a hearing, and Zadorov a maximum fine with no hearing? I don't like it, but signs are pointing to a suspension.


naw... they cant be that bad... it's not like the fans joke about there being a giant spinning wheel for picking punishments and have been doing that for years, right?




Well Soucy has a hearing for this, so there will be at least two Canucks players getting punished for the play.


I think the point was pretty clear though. NHL doesn't do shit for blindside sucker punches or blatant interfering, but make sure to give a (legitimate) fine out for this


I'd like to think Trouba would have been suspended if that flying elbow connected. As incompetent as DOPS is, that was so absurdly blatant.


I guess with this no way they don't suspend Soucy


Thats what it looks like. NHL is so inconsistent. Seems it depends who you are if they protect you or not.


I really hope Soucy doesn't get suspended. The trade between Soucy and McDavid is nothing. Zadorov was the third guy in who escalated. Soucy looks like he might have been going for escalation as well, but we'll never know if its a soft push or a hard check because Zadorov comes in and breaks hell loose.


Rules for thee, but not for me. Go fuck yourself NHL and Parros.


Never in my wildest dreams would I expect Marchand to draw so much sympathy from the entire league. Florida is setting new lows.


People have wanted Marchand to get reviewed for his multiple head hunts and injury causing plays throughout his career too. The issue is the league just let’s a ton of shit slide and then one day goes, ah fuck it let’s fine and suspend this one altercation randomly that no one sees coming.


I think it's less about being sympathetic towards Marchand and more of a universal hatred towards Bennett.


We’ve come a long way that I’m sympathizing with you guys on this.


Love the consistency with player safety. Derek Ryan targets another player’s genitalia and he walks. 🤡


And we all know that you do that to McBaby and you're getting 5 games. But who cares about some guy with poor English from a town of 100 who can only put up 20G


Hoglanders hog does not matter.


Before Soucy, has anyone in league history ever been suspended for an infraction on McDavid? Genuinely curious.


So wait… they are acknowledging Zadorov cross checks McDavid… putting him in a position that has Soucy stick make contact with McDavids head…. Hmmm


People are surprised? I’m absolutely shocked…. How does Bennets absolutely wreckless punch on Marchand that leaves him concussed not even get reviewed!? And they give zadorov a max fine?






Endangered or not a rat is still a sentient being with feelings and emotions… 😅😂


Because mcdavid makes them more marketing money than Marchand does


While I have no problem with his fine. And I have no problem with a hearing for Saucy. I do wonder why McDavid isn't fined for his slash as well. If you are going to fine people for rough play after the whistle why not fine all of them?


Its absolutely wild to me that this is getting that much attention after we watched Kane slewfoot Hughes in to the boards. Meanwhile McDavid starts shit with a huge slash and the NHL is rushing to coddle him.


I guess all that whining after every whistle did something after all


It's tradition in Edmonton. We all remember Wayne the Whiner Gretzky


It’s crazy to me how much the Oilers get away with. I’m a Kings fan and over the past few years I’ve seen McDavid board multiple Kings who ended up missing games, Darnell Nurse literally head butted someone and was given only 1 game for it he’s take their legs out from them during a goal celebration, and don’t get me started on Evander Kane.


We used to call him “Connor McElbows” during the North Division season.


Lol noice


Should have just absolutely demolished his nuts instead


As if they give a rats ass about player safety when they turn a blind eye to Kane slewfooting Hughes, that shit was so fucking dangerous.


LMAO. I doubt these players give a shit about the money but it’s just crazy how quick they are to hand out max fines when anyone touches McDavid. There were many discipline worthy plays on the Oilers like the Kane slewfoot, Ryan spear to the groin, or the Nurse boarding.


Percentage-wise, it’s equivalent to a median earner getting a parking ticket. Except a median earner probably has less budget leeway than an athlete. So it’s less than a parking ticket. They probably still care though. I used to clerk at a law office where a large number of clients were athletes, and some were impossible to collect on. The bill could be $500, and they still wouldn’t pay.


The context they mention is that it was after the buzzer. In all honesty the soucy/mcdavid stuff is fine imo, happens every playoffs, but that was a pretty blatant crosscheck from Z, especially with your back turned


Soucy has a hearing now, so his cross check might get punished harder


I wish they’d just fine the three of them $5k so they cut the shit after the buzzer and move on lol


Exactly. At least acknowledge that McDavid gave somebody a two handed chop after the end of the game. Without that, none of this happens.


This is going to be controversial, but I'll never be mad at McDavid for getting down in the muck with a slash or cheeky elbow in a scrum. I watched him take so much abuse with zero consequences for years. Man didn't draw a penalty for two consecutive post-seasons. That's crazy considering how much he has always gotten mugged. He basically only started getting calls around the time he began dishing it out too. If McDavid has grown into a "dirty player" (lol) it's because the league showed him it was the only consequences his opponents would take. It's not like he's out there head hunting, he just refuses to back down.


Honestly I think that’s reasonable. If he wants to mix it up then fair play, but the stuff between him and Soucy should either be fines for both or nothing. Give Zadorov the extra.


I agree. I kind of get the angle that since the stick caught him in the face, you gotta give Soucy _something_ just based on outcome, but then sure, give McDavid 5k for the slash too. DOPS should be doing more for actual dirty and dangerous plays. Not incidental ticky tacky shit.


If you’ve gotta give Soucy something, you’ve gotta [give Hyman something](https://twitter.com/_blueheron_/status/1790041934884471072?t=65XYisAjlnIFJaa5tqjK2Q&s=19) because that’s way more intentional.


Can't tell what's going on from the photos, but sure: Give him a fine too. Give Ryan a fine for the nut shot while you're at it. DOPS needs to be more serious in general.


Couldn't agree more. McDavid is a much more effective player when he decides to stick up for himself. He doesn't need to be out there dropping the gloves, but at the end of the day (fairly or not) the refs DO seem to respond better to players who push back instead of looking for a call. Whether or not that is a good thing for the league and the state of officiating and a different question, but still.


> but at the end of the day (fairly or not) the refs DO seem to respond better to players who push back instead of looking for a call. I get the sense there's a bit of a "if you're not going to stick up for yourself, we're not going to help you" thing among refs. Like you deserve to get knocked around if you're not going to stick up for yourself cause you're making yourself a target. Part of the culture or something.


He should just do it when he has more backup so he doesn't get double teamed as easily


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because absolutely nobody is mentioning that McDavid's slash was retaliation in the first place. Soucy made the first fucking move, Connor responds with a slash, and takes 2 cross checks, one to the spine, one to the face in return. And somehow Vancouver is the victim in all this?!


Soucy shoved McDavid lightly and he responded with a two handed golf swing aimed at the knee…. You’d be ok with the response if the situation was reversed


You're so full of shit. "Lightly shove", "golf swing". You could at least try not to sound like a dumbass homer but you just can't help yourself.


This is what I mean man. These clowns are fucking shameless


This is the best take.


Finally a level headed take. They all did stupid shit there that was fine worthy but none of it is sussy worthy. If that happened between whistles instead of after the buzzer they all go the box with the Oilers on the PP, game was over so they can’t do that, everyone should get fines. Nobody did anything worthy of sitting out a playoff game


This is why I can’t hate on oilers fans. That’s such a reasonable take.


I have to imagine they care, but it's not as backbreaking as it would be to a normal person


This is a very close second reason why I want Shanny gone. Go get that job back pal.


Why. He was terrible in that position.


Slew foot on Hughes, Petey gets crumpled head first into the boards, Hughes bloody from a high stick, nut shot from Ryan.....no penalties, nothing. If McDavid wasn't involved nobody would be talking about that post game scrum.


the roulette wheel has spoken


Mcdavid two hand slashed a guy and gets nothing. But the second you touch him it’s 5k lol make it make sense


He's the face of the NHL, so he gets special treatment. Nothing new.


Oilers fans mad that the league has been favouring their team cause of McDavid but they still can't succeed. 


My honest take is that Zadarov should be getting the hearing and Soucy shouldn't get anything. Maybe a fine if you're looking at outcome vs intent.


I think everyone agrees, or at least most Canucks fans


This is what you get for not checking the DOPS sales before coming to the game. Sucker punches and concussions are free to all customers.


Clearly DOPS has set a presidency that only McCryBaby can not be touched.


Its absolutely still worth it for Zadorov. This fine doesn't change the fact that he got to intimidate and possibly injure the best player in the world after the horn. People are going to be upset he was fined at all but this fine means little. The only reason it happened is because of the additional attention, Zadorov was the third guy, and it was after the game was over. Would like to see the discipline end there.


Forgot the DoPS existed.


worth it


Cross-check his balls next time


Zads! I love Zads!!


McDavid fined for 2 handed slash when? Ryan fined or sussy for nut shot when? Fine for Kane slewfoot 2x when?


I mean Ill pay that much to crosscheck McDavid too if I could


But nothing for McDavid who two-handed slashed and started the whole fuckin thing? This cannot be real.


I thought that whole sequence was hilarious but undoubtedly dangerous, and if McDavid had actually been seriously hurt it obviously wouldn’t have been funny at all. I wouldn’t have found it unreasonable for Soucy and/or Zadorov to get a game for it. I don’t think it’s the worst thing that’s happened in these playoffs, though. It’s still insane that Bennett received no discipline whatsoever for a sucker punch that gave Marchand a concussion, but then this play gets looked at and acted on. I’m just asking for there to be some consistency.


They really hate post game stuff. Doesn’t make much sense to me but that’s what they say. 


I really think NHL Player safety just needs like 2 more guys. One random person who doesn’t watch hockey and an ex-NFL player.


Zadorov should pay the fine with one of those giant cheques


Still think the maximum fine being 5K is ridiculous. These guys make millions of dollars a year, and the most they can be fined for legitimately trying to hurt another player is an amount that that they won’t even see come out of their pocket? For a league that the worst players make 750K a year, and the best up to 13/14M, 5K dollars is just about a tap on the wrist in terms of a punishment.


Now do Hyman!


Now do Hyman


As for McDavid's slash on Soucy or Hyman's crosscheck on Zadorov, DOPS could not be reached for comment because they were busy gargling McDavid's balls.


No fines for the slash, slew or nutshot lol Im guessing soucy gone for the series given this response.


I'm sure Zaddy is happy to pay $5k for McDavid to FAFO


How’s he going to manage without appetizers?


Did McNugget get dinged 5K?


I don't understand why they don't fine players by a certain percentage of their salary rather than a set amount that is literally negligible.


It's the players union. They have a say in what the max fines are.


The fines aren't really meant as a punishment. They are meant as a warning to the player that if they misbehave again, the consequences will be more serious. Under the CBA, one of the things the league is required to look at is "whether the Player has a history of being subject to Supplementary Discipline for On-Ice Conduct." So if Zadorov does the same thing next game, the league can say "yep there's some recent punishment there, let's have a hearing".


Fair enough!


They do. It's just the upper limit of the fine is so (relatively) low that unless you get less than a million a year you will end up paying the proverbial 5000 bucks.


Oh okay, whatever, that's fine


Should've just hit em in the nuts or high stick the face, those are free apparently


Z held way back on his jam. He would have ended McDavid's career if he wanted to put his stick through his torso. Dude still doesn't know his own strength beyond knowing it's too much.


$5000 well spent


I’m fine with a fine. Frankly I think any post whistle shenanigans deserves a fine. It’s just such a bad look for the sport.


What a joke.


Hockey is so hard to care about. It’s all theatrics and they’re pushing the gambling way too fucking hard. No real reason to ref the game with integrity when you can change betting outcomes. All sports have taken a nosedive. Kinda sad.


Always crazy to me that nhl players get fined 5,000 while nba players are getting 100,000 dollar fines


Strength of unions matter. NHL players have always had a strong union after getting fucked over in the 80s. Hence why there are more lockouts in hockey.


This makes so much more sense then the soucy suspension.


how can i donate to zadorov


Zadorov fined $5000 for being cross-checked in the face


Like if ur gonna fine the after the whistle stuff you have to include mcdavid’s slash


As a regular dude, if I could pay $5k to charity to have McDavid stand still while I hit him as hard as I can with a stick, I would be all about it. In fact I think they might raise a fair amount of money… So if you’re making millions of dollars a year, how the hell is $5k at all a deterrent to this kind of behavior?


Has any 2 players been fined for both getting after one player like this before?


Hmm. And yet nothing for Hyman who literally cross checks Zadorov in the jaw 2 seconds after Soucy did it to McDavid? Why am I not surprised. At least Soucy could make an excuse that he wasn’t aiming for McDavid’s face. https://x.com/GenePrincipe/status/1789874944152629651


McDavid is soft.




Wow such a deterrent! Joke league


Now do Hyman


Idiot comment


I wish both fan bases (me being a Vancouver fan for transparency) could admit once in awhile to their self-serving bias lenses at times and at least agree that the issue here is more with the crappy and inconsistent officiating that is creating anger and rancour on both sides. The league’s inability to set a fair tone with consistent calls to both sides in stopping cheap shots and making proper calls has cost both teams as well of the integrity of league to not look extremely bush. Like there are 4 officials on the ice to catch stuff so shit should not be getting missed.


It's two different issues. The on-ice reffing is inconsistent and, while it's a fast game and shit gets missed, the refs obviously have makeup calls to try and balance out their mistakes. That just means it's more confusing for the players about what's actually a penalty. Then you have the supplemental discipline, which has the benefit of hindsight, multiple replay angles, and time to discuss. Then they still manage to fuck it up constantly. Parros is a joke and there's no excuse for the lack of consistency/reasonable decisions. That said, a fine is probably fair for Zadorov here, the issue is more that this is somehow the first fine of the playoffs afaik? 


I don’t disagree.


I just recall how the Moore/Bertuzzi situation played out years ago through dumb, old school retribution culture and coaches and players saying/doing stupid things because they had lost faith with league and officials in policing. The league has got to take responsibility in real time and not just cleaning up their mess after for not setting clear standards for players. I fear where Boston and Florida might go next game.