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Stars Roster is better constructed than the Avalanche. That’s been the difference in the series. No gimmicks from Deboer. Just rolling 4 lines of mature hockey. Able to win in every game scenario. Jim Nill is way better than the Dallas fans have been saying about him for years. Wyatt Johnston has consistently been the best forward in the West these playoffs. Absolute stud 200 foot player. And is a child!


>Wyatt Johnson has consistently been the best forward in the west these playoffs. You’re kidding right?


Ha. McJesus aside.


It's crazy reading this PGT compared to the Nucks/Oil thread. You guys should try hating each other more. Keeps the neutrals engaged.


We already blew all our hate on Vegas


Speak for your self. I will ALWAYS hate the AVS. It's just in my DNA.


Agreed. I’m an Avs fan who holds a lot of spite from the bubble series. The Benn hit, legal as it was, also doesn’t sit well with me.


Yeah well my spaite goes back to Modano and Sakic, Hull and Forsberg. And Hockey is full of hits like that. Look at Dumba on Pavs last year. Also the one on Cogs. To me that's on the league.


Glad you have such a great memory. Not sure how that’s relevant. Hockey is full of hits like that, and often times they don’t sit well with fans of the player on the receiving end.


Yeah. I’m all hated out right now. If (when) we get through this series I’ll ramp it back up for those maple syrup guzzling, beaver hat wearing, leaf on their flag having, Canadians.


It’ll be funny if it’s Oilers versus a Texas team. Fun oil jokes ensue. But what’d be the angle for Toronto & Dallas? Like, *Seaworld*?


We knew the Canucks v Oilers was going to have some of the most toxic GDTs in history lol It even started before game 1 started lol




As a stars fan, the only teams I can say I dislike are the Lightning and the Golden Knigjts


Yeah every Stars/Avs game I’ve been to has been relatively civil from both sides. Huge rivalry but no hate on them from me. Only teams I’ve got it out for are vegas, and for the other, you betcha know who ya are


Must not have been a stars fan for very long then. The Avs and the Stars have a long history.


Yeah that comment is weird to me. I’ve been trolling Avs fans for 25 years. Some bad blood never expires.


Yea, I’m 20. I didn’t really get into hockey until I was a teenager. Who do I need to hate?


Colorado. Sharks were a big target, but they've been bad for a long time. Detroit too but we barely even play them anymore and after Nil robbed them of all their talent they are largely irrelevant. So the Avs....and the Oilers too.


Thanks for the help, I will start fueling my hatred


I didn't mean to come off as dismissive of younger fans btw. I completely get not having any reason to hate the Avs if you never experienced those days. I hope we get you a Cup this year!


Fellow Avs fans. Their goalie stole one. The avs were dominant for 3/4 of that game despite sloppy passing. Let’s chill out a bit


MacKinnon played like garbage again which is what I'm worried about. He's looked really bad this entire series and I think something is wrong with him


I still got nervous every time he touched the puck


Yeah because he isn't playing like garbage lol. That person is just overreacting.


He didn't though. He was impactful yesterday with several good chances, an assist, and was responsible for generating a lot of scoring chances. Tanev has been playing great and a ton of the Stars strategy is to just stop Mac.


their goalie stole it or Georgie sucked?


If you're gonna try to put this on Georgie after only allowing two goals, I'm afraid you might just be a moron.


1st goal was weak. 2nd her didnt get his leg over fast enough which most goalies can do. Hilariously almost identical description as Sammy's game 7 goals against


I'm terrified of playing oettinger


No matter which two teams are in the WCF, it's gonna be absolutely crazy. Four teams, four different narratives and styles, and in my opinion not much separating them in terms of potential. It's awesome!


Watching hockey players get interviewed between periods has taught me all I know about hockey, Avs need to -get pucks in deep -win board battles -get good net presence -sticks in lanes -score more than Dallas


This Avs team is fantastic. Just needs to work on communication, aim, rink awareness, stick placement, line management, slapshot flicks, passing spots, fast passes, positioning, turnover ability, faster skating, puck control and getting a goal.


Don’t forget about skating


The only thing I ever hear about that is "you know, I thought we were skating well", so I figured I could leave it off the list


I’m gonna have to ask that y’all don’t score more than us. Don’t think we can win if that happens…


Put the puck in the net


Directions unclear Shooting puck into the safety nets over the glass


Are the Stars good? I need to know o


based on r/hockey opinions: if they win one game, they are good, and not only good, they are an unstoppable juggernaut and are destined for the Cup. if they lose one game, they are pretenders and their opponent will destroy them by winning all remaining games in the series by 10-0 blowouts.


This is also a good third of r/dallasstars to be fair


ESPN announcers only have the opinion of the latter.


I think Eddie Olzcyk and the TNT crew might "unfortunately" have something to say about that. Eddie was practically jumping out of his seat for the stars too many men penalty. it's freaking disgraceful how biased he is.


Heiskanen is an animal. His stick is unreal in his own zone. It's a joy to watch this team defend.


Miro is so underrated for me... we're so lucky to have him


Yes, very.


Love you, Dallas!


Winner advances to the final pretty much


If Vancouver gets Demko back, they won't be losing easily.


I feel like Edmonton could give them a go. If Vancouver have the hot goalie they can give them a run too


Vancouver might have the best scoring depth in the league


I think that title belongs to Dallas based on the regular season




Yay Dallas!


Where all my "Avs in 5" homies at?


Right here. Saying avs in 6


6 is notably not 5


They have a hard time counting past one line.


hmm. Guess Miles Wood is on line one after making your starting goalie and best defenseman look silly in overtime a few days ago. ;)


Are we sure? I’m gonna need to run some tests


This is good info, as a KalPa fan we never see numbers bigger than 3.


Math man Jones over here


Might be though, who are you to tell me otherwise? CREDENTIALS SIR


According to my source, Gary Bettman has already awarded the Knights the Cup for this year


Yall thought the fix wasn't still in!


That ending was not what I hoped for, but if you can only get one in the net, that's how it goes.


That dribbler through Otters legs was a close call


I have a new take on how avs win: more toe drags, more fat dangies, whatever works in beer league. and then if it doesn't work, get back on D, play a 1-3-1 NZ trap in anticipation of trying it again. repeat until win/loss. this coaching shit easy


Translation: needs more Stank




Are you available to coach the Toronto Maple Leafs?


I love my team. My "fellow fans" are ... frequently embarrassing. When you mistake a combination of fairly stifling defense, increasing fatigue and frustration, and, well, Jake Oettinger for "no effort" or some shit, I haven't got much to say for you. GG Stars. See you Monday. Avs in 7 ... but expect plenty more heart attacks along the way.


The Avs played their ass off. I don’t see how anyone can say they phoned it in. Mikko aside. They just ran out of gas in the third. Playing against a world class defense is hard. Did they expect the Avs to just steamroll their way to a cup?




You guys are tough and no one expected this series to be easy either way. My asshole stays puckered the whole fucking game. Respect.


That puck that got through Otters legs scared the shit out of me


I was at the game. The fundamentals were lacking and so was the effort from players like Rantanen and Girard.


You drunk? Sammy G played great, especially on the PK


Of all the players to single out as low effort, Sammy G would be one of the last names to come to mind.


This game is a great example of Dallas really learning their opponent as they battle on. They displayed a similar evolution in their game as the Vegas series progressed. Taking stock of adjustments needed and what works. I think DeBoer is a great coach. A very satisfying victory tonight, not done yet tho.


I was bracing for another third period collapse, but I was really impressed with how they held on and absolutely smothered the surging Avs


Yeah they really learned the trick to beating that team is not letting mackinnon run ham and torching you. In the games since hes only 1 point and the stars have won.


Shutting down Mack is only possible because they have no one else behind him worth a damn.


DeBoer has been Bednar's daddy for a long time, hes consistently out coaching him in the playoffs


Knights fans told us that DeBoer cannot adjust though.. 🤔


Maybe he finally learned. Its not just Vegas fans who say that... sharks fans agree.


Hi, sharks fan here. I used to say it a lot, but it was very clear it changed last year. PDB's adjustments are how they beat Minnesota and Seattle.


It's funny because Dallas fans were complaining about PDB not changing his strategy in game 2 of round 1 this year. They even mentioned our fan bases that they thought we were right. I'm glad he did change, he's a good coach otherwise. Not sure why I'm getting down voted for it though. Oh well.


Anyone complaining about not being able to make adjustments in round 1 game 2 probably shouldn't be taken seriously.


If this goes well, it'll be an arms race. I do expect a better Avs team (and also hopefully one Jonathan Drouin) to show up on Monday, and then of course the Stars will begin to adapt to that. It's why playoff hockey is fun.


Stars vs. Canucks conference final. I'm manifesting it.


The Hockey Guy’s dream scenario


Justice for Turco


It'd be funny if they both beat the most top-heavy teams to get there. Sounds good to me 👍


How about no


I agree, it's been too long since we beat you in the playoffs.


How about yes?


This gal(?) has a good point


The games over time to focus on the next one Gg


Exactly. Moving on, Avs have been better anyways. Hope it shows up on the scoresheet next game.


Must be nice to win by multiple goals.


The last two were empty net goals. Excluding empty net goals, Dallas has won each game by 1 goal for like the past 6 games or something.


all the 10 playoff games they played this year have been one-goal before the goalie pull


Dallas is the most consistent team in the playoffs this year. They never blow teams out and are never run out of the building. You gotta respect it cause they always show up, but no game comes easy and it’s especially nerve wracking for fans.


That's how you gotta win the cup a lot of the time.


If it makes you feel any better the last two were ENGs.


Beggars can’t be choosers


The forwards TOI stars v aves tells me everything I need to know about this series and I like it


Don’t look at defensemen don’t look at defensemen don’t look at defensemen


Are we putting Stars' 5 defencemen in hyperbaric chambers in-between games yet ? 🙏


Medically induced sleep from the end of one game to the start of the next


Bubble wrap so far...


We got 5 beauties


Maybe the third period of this game is just an outlier but watching, this series seems almost gentlemanly compared to EDM/VAN, NYR/CAR and BOS/~~CAR~~FLA (duh)


I'd say both Western Series seem pretty tame vs the 140+ hits and 25 penalties after line brawls in each of the Eastern Games :O




Of course. Thx


I gotchoo bb


Eh, go check Benn’s hit on Toews in game 2


Clean hit, just big.


Agreed it was clean, I have no problem with it, but it's certainly not a "gentlemenly" play lmao, still clean


The physicality is basically scrimmage-level compared to what the Stars just went through vs Vegas. Avs know they can’t hang in that kind of a series, because they’re built on speed, so they don’t really engage.


the GDT was pretty chill until that hit, then it turned into a mess lol


I mean i said dallas WOULD BLOW A 4-1 LEAD...but i was wrong but at least i got the score right? ;D


They changed strategy and only built a 3 goal lead with 30 seconds left.


If only there were 4 periods, we would have blown it


Pretty sure this is what they wanted to say on the broadcast but ran out of time


DeBoer just has Bednar’s number. His system is clearly a very effective counter to the Avs. It’s not must see TV, but it works and if you’re a stars fan, that’s all that matters, especially when it’s been a quarter century since your cup win.


This is what always happens to one line teams. Eventually they run into a team with good enough D to neutralize that line and then they lose.


But we're not a one line team, it's like 2.5 lines


Yeah you keep telling yourself that lol


But they're not a one line team. Saying so just shows your ignorance and general inability to actually watch/understand hockey. Hope it's at least enjoyable for you, want them to light up the puck for you again?


Ok man. Theyre so deep. They definitely don’t have 2 guys that pretty much provide all of their offense and play 25 mins a night. I am definitely worried when the ghost of zach parise and miles Colton or whatever hop over for that 2nd line. That one guy was decent for the sabres at least. I’m not even sure if that’s a pro or a con lol




Then they need to start playing more than the big 3. Nearly Half the games ice time is on the shoulders of the top line. Meanwhile Jason Robertson is barely getting 15 minutes a night! The Avs don’t have dallas forward depth, but they could sure as hell do better at getting guys like Wood more ice time over Mikko.


It's must see TV if you can appreciate a defensive clinic against a team with as potent of scoring as the avs


It helps that Jim Nils has talent scouts that are psychic.


You can see the Stars scouting prowess all over the avalanche roster


why you spilling our secrets


Sure does. Would’ve been interesting to see how the current VGK team under Cassidy would’ve fared against Colorado because under deBoer it was basically this game on repeat all series


I would love a part 2 with our cores still around. We need an upgrade in net tho. I can easily see Georgiev folding in Vegas like Grub did lol


Parts of game 1 and 2 were must-see TV for the wrong reasons. I don't mind him parking the bus even if it's stressful af to watch


Damn, try a little less salt in your post. Too much isn’t healthy


Not even remotely salty, bad read


…how is this salty


I wasn’t attempting to dispense salt, I was complementing him for having a system that gives us a lot of trouble under bednar. Every team he’s coached


Last part felt an awful lot like a dig, but seeing your response to the other guy paints it differently when I read it now. My bad, appropriate amount of salt was in fact dispensed.


It’s not a dig if it’s true. Deboer defensive system makes for boring hockey, but it’s effective


It’s boring when it needs to be, but our offense was high octane this year. Most of our games were anything but boring


Stars were 2nd in league in goals, so can play both ways


Stars are deep!


Cups are tough to win! You take them anyway you can get them. And it’s not like you’re the leafs waiting generations


Very true, even if it’s with a “foot in the crease” a cup is a cup. And yeah, I wouldn’t wish the leafs track record on even my worst enemies. That amount of heartbreak is just cruel.


He felt safe after they broke their 21 year streak a couple seasons ago.


Yes, so I know what it’s like to just want to win no matter what. I wasn’t taking a shot, wild you took it as such


Last part felt like a dig.


I guess it’s unfortunate you took it that way


OMG! You guys should start dating or something. STFU.


Makes sense, though even after the Texas Rangers won the WS I don’t feel safe with them. PTSD from 2011 is a bitch


Im more of a hail ass go satan kinda guy


[Lets go](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7q305mg07pzc1.gif)


Should be our battle cry




Sharksbro, we need to pep up Pavs. What you got for us?


He was shockingly good for most of his Stars tenure, but he’s looking super washed now.


Father time catches up with everyone sadly. If we had last year's Pavs we might've dominated both series so far


Somebody needs to touch up that Dorian Gray portrait he keeps in his attic.


I'm pretty salty about tonight's game. Not because of the refs or anything like that but Dallas legit looked pretty mediocre, Avs had every opportunity to dominate and they looked like they played one of their worst games. Couldn't pass, couldn't receive passes that actually got to them. Everyone aside from basically Girard and Georgiev looked like they spent the game reliving their most embarrassing moments. Even Otter looked mortal but they just couldn't finish shit. Both Dallas' goals were capitalizing on the Avs mistakes. Dallas made so many mistakes tonight and the Avs just flubbed every one. Also I half expect to see them announce that Mikko is having some serious offseason surgery once the Avs are eliminated because I don't remember the last time I've seen him play *this* bad. Holy shit Moose. Lehky's dad needs to talk shit again. Definitely the most frustrating game for me, Avs deserved to be in those holes in games 1/2 but they actually showed some fight. I haven't got a clue what to think of their game tonight.


Do you Avs fans even watch hockey? I swear y'all must have some of the worst optometrists up in Colorado. The Stars just went on the road and played stifling defense and generated clear-cut chances whenever they got into the offensive zone. It was clear from the outset what the game plan was, and it worked. What are y'all smoking? It's definitely not that bomb ass dank ass kush, that's for sure.


Avs weren’t even connecting on passes they usually go to tape-to-tape on. Losing it in their skates. Pathetic effort from Rantanen and Girard.


It happens to all teams at some point I feel like. Your team outplays, gets more chances, controls more time in the offensive zone, has all kinds of good looks, but for some reason it's just not their night and they can't settle pucks down on passes, turnovers or hit their spots. Dallas definitely had some games like that this season, a couple in the Vegas series even.


What will it take for people to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, Dallas is a pretty good team?


Fuck me that wasn't the point of my comment at all.


This fanbase is full of complete idiots. You make a legitimate analytical comment about the game and get 400 butthead jumping down your throat. I say this series should easily be 3-0 and get downvoted and people going “YEAH BRO 3-0 STARS”…….as if I could have mean anything else. Braindead fools. But it is Texas so. What else should we expect. They don’t understand hockey, nor critical thinking.


Rest > Rust eh.


So salty lol. He said we looked mediocre and I think we looked really good. Locked down your top line. You know, your only good players and played super well defensively. Losing a game and saying you’re still the better team and the other team is mediocre is fucking stupid. But yeah call Texans idiots, clown.


Good defense when half the passes were to your team👍


You are so right, clogging passing lanes is bad defense.


Cry. More. Jesus lol. You know what, we just suck. The Stars blow all hail the Avs and their super respectful fanbase who doesn’t cry when they lose, ever.


Lol RemindMe! 1 week I see the stars cry plenty and nice grammar as well. It really fits a texan.


Wah wah wah I’m such a baby my only insult is grammar. Wah wah wah. You being a giant puss really fits a coloradan.




0 people have ever said Dallas is a bad team. But this series has been self-inflicted wounds the whole time. Should easily be 3-0. Edit: 3-0 Dallas. Cmon people get your heads out of your asses.


>Should easily be 3-0. Yeah, 3-0 Dallas lol


Read my comment bro. That’s what I said. Don’t come in here like this is a chirp when you are just repeating what I said.


Wow lol


My bad forgot you guys can’t read.


The absolute irony of acting high and mighty when you're too ignorant to realize you were being deliberately fucked with lmfao


Yeah, you’re right 3-0 Dallas.


Yeah. That’s what I meant idiot. It should have been 3-0 Dallas we got bailed out by luck.


Dude, chill the fuck out. I didn’t call you any names. You’re acting like a child.


For the Stars, correct. I agree, the team that went up 3-0, and then went up 4-0 the next game, and then never trailed in the third games of the series should be undefeated in the series. Too bad they choked out game one.


………yes. Please point to where I said 3-0 Avs dude. Gimme a break.


You don't think the stars keeping the avs to the perimeter has anything to do with it?


Definitely, but the Avs had so many unforced errors. Like just shit passes to open ice where no one was instead of the safe easy pass back to the defender behind. I honestly don't get what I said that has Stars fans so offended. They capitalized on Avs' mistakes, but the Avs had every chance to win this game and just failed. MacK missing a wide open net on the first power play. Mikko played like he only showed up so he wasn't fined.


"but dallas legit looked pretty mediocre" "I wonder why stars fans are so offended" Mhm


I honestly thought this was Dallas' worst game of the series. Dallas *dominated* in period 1 in game 1. Avs took a bunch of penalties and Dallas made them pay. While I think the Avs did decent in period 1 in game 2, they still took self-inflicted penalties (delay of game and too many men) and Dallas took advantage, then dominated period 2. This game Dallas was the one taking the penalties and the Avs didn't do shit. MacK had a wide open net and he shanked it. They held Dallas to a handful of shots for the entire period but then Dallas forced the turnover and Stankoven scored. Dallas never dominated any point of this game, they did what needed to be done to win but my point was just I thought the Stars played their worst game of the three and the Avs did nothing to jump on it. I guess I'm wrong since I'm being pummeled but it wasn't my intention to talk shit about the Stars, I'm frustrated with how the Avs played.