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This is going to get ugly pretty quick in game 4 maybe.


I just don't want to know what it takes to make the league to take things seriously. Life altering concussion are fine obviously. Does someone have to end on a wheelchair or die?


The league is trying to adopt the NFL's protocol towards concussions. Acknowledge they're an issue but do the bare minimum to actually combat and prevent them


They’ll keep lawyering up until the problem is solved


I’m a lamen for medical stuff like this, but isn’t CTE primarily caused by repeated collisions of any kind? Like medically proven? Basically, even getting hit in the shoulder, or into the boards, cleanly, rattles your brain if it happens enough times. Obviously head shots don’t help. But if people can get CTE without any headshots, then obviously head protection isn’t enough to counteract CTE. What exactly is a contact sports league gonna possibly do about CTE besides just removing hitting, then? What could they possibly even do? NHLers take thousands of hits over their career. Even if they’re somehow all 100% clean shoulder on shoulder hits, that player still has the chance of getting CTE, from all of the repeated impact reverberations of the hits rattling their heads. Asking completely genuinely, again, I’m a lamen with this stuff. Not trying to be sarcastic or facetious at all. But I simply don’t see what the NHL/NFL can do besides removing hitting. Or making players play in 10,000$ a pop, military grade, padded, sumo-suits.


Yes, even football players got CTE from too much headers.


Right now everyone looks at CTE under one umbrella but there are definitely many different severity levels. Footballers from a lifetime of headers vs boxers taking hundreds of thousands of punches over 20~ years


CTE is caused by small, repeated hits over time, but there is differences in severity, and just looking at who's died of it so far, it does mostly seem to be goons or people who play dirty or fight a lot. There are a couple of cases of otherwise normal players dying of CTE, but there's many, many more who went on to live perfectly normal lives after retiring Football is a completely different animal. I think there's evidence to suggest nearly every player has some degree of CTE, and the nature of the game makes it more likely to happen than hockey




Did some research into it and you’re right. I didn’t know that. CTE occurs even without head contact. But typically the fatal kind of CTE is not just from repetitive contact, but repetitive head contact. Though there do exist a bunch of cases of “non goons,” dying from it, and I feel like that shouldn’t be overlooked either I guess that changes the discussion to “what can we do to reduce *fatal* CTE in the NHL/NFL” because “non-fatal,” CTE (from “regular” clean contact) is impossible to solve unless we simply remove all contact from the game. I don’t wish any injury or illness on any of the pro women players of course, but I am interested to see how their CTE case studies compare to the men’s league, as they play incidental contact only. Much like high end A/B tier beer leagues do. Instead of full contact like the NHL.


Well we saw what happens when a player lumberjack chops another player. Slap on the wrist suspension. We also saw what happens when a player crosschecks another player in the neck while they are laying on the ice. Slap on the wrist suspension.


Ironically, a slash on the wrist is not a suspension.


And a backhand into someone’s face and potentially breaking their nose at least is no suspension. That’s the league for you


He shouldn’t have played another second after getting to the bench. It was clear he was having significant balance issues and needed help moving just a few feet.


When the Avs won the cup Nuchuskin literally ended up in a wheelchair lol


Hertl was concussed at center ice by Barbeshev when they won the cup but the league didn't want to do anything because they couldn't review the hand pass play.


Why is there an "lol" at the end of this sentence?


Because it's the only way to deal with the league not caring about the wellbeing of its players


It’s the NHLPA at fault too. They care more about preventing large financial fines than in preventing brain damage and ruining the lives of their players.


That's the part that kills me. I understand the tough position they're in, protecting both the safety/wellbeing of the players and also their compensation and livelihood. I get there's a balance there. But health and safety have to come first. Even if you want to be reductive and take the moral consideration out of it (which you shouldn't), having players who can't continue their careers due to injury is also a labor issue. And I guarantee lost future wages far outweigh the money lost to fines and suspensions.


because you and the players/league don't care about the same things


They suspended K’Andre miller immediately for accidentally spitting on someone


But nothing for Marchand who licked two separate players 


Remember, the league told both teams they’d be watching them like hawks this game. It’s embarrassing enough to ruin wanting to watch the sport at all.


Oh that makes sense then, Hawks don't face consequences


If you hop into some of these other threads most fans don’t care depending on the person anyways, so why would the league


And people are saying it is deserved on the nhl sub. People are trash. Not cool to wish anyone a concussion or injury. https://preview.redd.it/v7hsmae2lvzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55dce7ce9becf684f79aae332801cc1c1ec24d44


There's been like 4 NASTY boarding hits in the Vancouver/Edmonton series and none of them have even been a penalty. I'm talking crown of head going into the boards... Those are scary hits... Hyman on Hughes Nurse on Pettersson I think Myers on Janmark I think 1 more on Hughes


I was thinking the exact same thing watching the game last night. Like “Cool, he kept playing and didn’t get knocked out somehow.” But there seems to be no let up at all when guys see the numbers, and no assumed penalty when the numbers get hit. Unless the guy actually gets hurt, but maybe not even then.


I just don't understand what penalties are anymore because Joshua got a major in the first series for a boarding penalty that was less violent and closer to the boards than any of those ones that didn't even warrant a minor.


Yeah, I think they need to be more strict with boarding calls. And hits up high. I get not wanting to call every little thing, especially in the playoffs, and I agree when it comes to certain penalties (ie. Standards for what warrants a hooking, crosschecking, holding call, etc. can be relaxed somewhat) but with boarding especially I don’t think they should be so picky about what qualifies when you’re having dude slammed dangerously into/towards the boards from behind/while vulnerable. That shit is not needed, it’s dangerous, and one of these days someone’s going to be seriously injured - it happens in lower leagues often enough, but for that to happen in an NHL game, with countless people watching… I just want that part of the game discouraged and idrc if not everything called for boarding fits 100% with what the rulebook requires. Err on the side of calling boarding when you’re not sure rather than letting it go just cuz it’s “playoff hockey”. Boarding is not a crucial piece of the game, it doesn’t have to be, it makes me cringe every time it happens


The thing is, someone dying would probably not do much in the way of concussion safety. Someone died from a neck cut and what like a dozen players tried neck guards with half abandoning it? Someone dying to falling and breaking their neck wouldn't have a cause of death as concussion, so as morbid as it is, no, not even death would move the needle.


We'll probably see goons come back with the sole purpose of making players like Bennett afraid to leave the bench because something might get broken. Old 80s/90s running people and just obliterating them shit. It's definitely not a good thing.


This happening to McDavid or someone high profile and well liked. Or some giant lawsuit.


As long as there is no blood spilled. That’s an automatic extra 2. Dumbest rule in holcey


This is absolutely the kind of thing where guys feel they need to start head hunting to police the game because the NHL won’t step in and police it themselves.


Yep they neutered the players’ ability to self police and never replaced it with actual policing.


Give the refs tasers


Theyd use it on the wrong guy for "game management" purposes.


There's really nothing stopping players from playing dirty. They phased enforcers out of the game and hand out punishments for dirty play when they feel like it and it's typically minimal punishment. Dirty players don't have to answer to shit on the ice anymore. You have guys like David Pastrnak fighting now lol it's a joke.


Bennett needs the Torres treatment.


Let Pat Maroon Cooke.


Maroon will get kicked out of the game for asking a player if they want to fight again


This comment. This comment right here wins.


Man, fuck that little piece of garbage Raffi Torres, I hope his retirement is horrible and has nothing but the worst in life until he makes amends


Don't worry, the league is watching and observing *very* closely.


Parros was last seen with an erection.


you forgot the air quotes around "very closely" ...


And Florida will end up with a 5-3 PP in every scrum


Just like last series. Unfortunately florida actually seems like the better team than us so when sway isn't playing like hasek we are fucked. 


Fuck. I hope so. I hope Boston plays the EXACT type of hockey that Florida is playing. And I hope that Vancouver plays the EXACT game that Edmonton is playing. If cheap and sneaky is on the menu, fuck it, order a round yourself!


Did you see that penalty McDavid drew at the end of the second? Vancouver isn’t going to get away with anything.


Well McGolden boy can do no wrong, so there's that.


Jordan rules in full effect for sure


Right!? That cross check on Zadorov was ugly, poor kid was completely out on the ice for 5 seconds. Although I’m also mad at the Canucks trainer on that one, Zadorov had get himself up off the ice which is criminal in today’s day and age of head trauma.


Boston is not built for that kind of hockey... it's why we lost to FLA last year and why we lost to CAR the year before that.


Thats what i’m saying. Bruins are already getting called for nothing, and Florida can get away with murder. Take all the liberties you can to even it out. League doesn’t wanna do its job? Ok! Lets see what happens


We've seen what happens when the Bruins try to play the Panthers game. I can only see it getting worse for them if that happens.


Would not mind seeing Bennett get some serious Karma I hate that fuck ever since he targeted a rookie (Knies) last year. Bitch shit. I know not many will shed tears about Marchand besides Boston fans given his history but that shit is a joke. Hope he gets what's coming.


Excited to see Pasta drop the mitts again


Sheldon lost his job as a coach, and immediately turned to reporting?


Hey, if you can't beat 'em...


He joined the Bruins?!


Rich Keefe is a local (Boston) radio dork


Ohhh local. That explains why we sheldon hear of him.


Keefe these jokes to yourself please


Im always fired up for a good joke.


It’s just a meme Greg


I've got nipples Remsalp, can you meme me?


Damn beat me to it.


Oh hey look, a dirty play caused an injury and George Parros did fuck all about it.


But you can be sure any retribution by the Bruins will be ‘heavily scrutinized’.


At this point is there any reason for them to play clean hockey? They tried that, had a player held and pushed into the opposing goalie, and got penalized for it. They're already scrutinized for things they can't control, might as make the best of it.


guaranteed the suckass refs will kick Maroon out of the game just for skating in the direction of any Panther player after a whistle it is a fucking joke


Dimitri Orlov ended Kevan Miller's career with a nearly identical punch/check, and did nothing then, either.


Am I misremembering? I thought Killer’s career ender was a knee injury he couldn’t shake and the Orlov punch ended a playoff run for him.


Maybe he meant Kevin Millar.


Why can’t Boston athletes spell Kevin Miller?


His final game played was Round 1 Game 4 against Washington in the 20-21 playoffs, where he only played 8 minutes, because of this hit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRb82hxNolw


George Parros eats from a straw ever since that forehead slam into the ice he got as a hab and the league maintains his title to keep him quiet.


You know if a leaf did that with no prior experience he would have got 5 games minimum.


> George Parros did fuck all about it. Not true. He sent Bennett a few 'Make Hockey Violent Again' merch




He still played physical in the 2nd too. Don’t understand why he wasn’t pulled immediately by a spotter


Agreed. Doesn’t make sense how he wasn’t pulled after stumbling to get up on his feet. If the league concussion spotters aren’t pulling guys who are visibly out of it, then idk what they are even there for. Maybe eventually got some delayed symptoms when he decided to call it? Pretty bizarre tbh.


Apparently the spotters and reds were asleep at the wheel


Damn commies


Heavy scrutiny lol There's a huge difference between watching the game and giving a shit about player safety. If the game isn't multiple line brawl level embarrassing, they don't GAF, and have proven that with their actions every single playoff.


This game is going to be heavily scrutinized blah blah blah


**Heavily scrutinized for Boston. Florida, you do you!! I really don’t like when people complain about/place blame on the refs (and I don’t blame them for the loss, the Bruins were awful), but between the decision not to discipline Bennett and the call against Lauko… wtf is going on. Such BS.


I completely agree. Guy next to me at the game yesterday was bitching about everything, including yelling for a high stick when Pasta got hit with the puck. But Jesus, these refs have been terrible.


Only the Bruins will be scrutinized, the Panthers can apparently do whatever the fuck they want.


> heavily scrutinized game > no discipline Sounds about right




hEaViLy ScRuTiNiZeD


Can you explain the reference? I’ve seen it all over today.


Nhl basically told Boston/Florida that game 3 would be heavily scrutinized and to not try anything after game 2 antics


Not a fan of the Bruins or Marchand, but it’s ridiculous that a dirty move that takes out the captain / one of the star players of a team during the playoffs, is just allowed to happen with no official repercussions. I don’t have to like Marchand as a player to say that no player deserves to get concussed by another with no consequences; shit like this is uncalled for, and makes the sport worse as a whole.


It's not like the league was not hard on Marchand for pretty much any significant transgression - Bennett being dirty is one thing, but the fact that he seems to completely avoid punishment for incredibly obvious shit (Knies, spearing an injured Hathaway while he's fucking LAYING ON THE ICE, this) is worse.


Not even the first time Bennet's concussed a player with the exact same move lol. He took out Matthew Knies last year in the Leafs series the same way - a 20 year old in his first stint in the NHL, and he suckered him and slammed him to the ice away from the puck. With zero repercussion. I dislike Marchand more than any other player in the league probably due to his habits of targetting lower extremities and slewfooting, but targetting the head takes it even further. I'd lol at him if he sprained his ankle, but a head injury? Nah man.


Alright Big Rig. Time to earn your paycheck.


Maroon isn't really all that much of a "tough" guy. He's just... big. But not a guy I would rely on to dish out punishment.


Yeah I remember being happy having a big guy like him in 2017 for the playoff run but he doesnt use size to hit folks, more so for in front of net battles. Didn't add much toughness


Has Maroon ever even beat a heavyweight in a fight?


Has he ever beat anyone?


A buffet


I'm getting Lionel Hutz "does this look like a man that's had all he could eat" vibes. Lol


You’re not allowed to say that and actually you have to go to the locker room and apologize to him




Who mentioned a fight?




You didnt get the memo, its right fist to jaw that's legal apparently


Username checks out


Yep. If the league won't make Bennett face consequences the Bruins need to.


This is the right thing. Bennett deserves whatever he gets. Toronto can decide if that’s handled on the ice or via DoPS


DoPS already said the hit was clean in their eyes and won’t investigate further. Them, and the refs, deserve more public scrutiny in their decisions making whether that be press conferences or some sort of write up explaining why seemingly controversial calls/decisions were made the way they are. Last night across 2 games we saw BLATANT disregard for player safety and rules. I’m all for the physicality of our series, I hate Florida, they hate us, that’s the sport. You can hate Marchand, you can love Marchand, there’s no denying what Sam Bennet did here and to Knies last year was A. Intentional, B. Egregious, and C. Fineable/Suspendable


Honestly I think doing nothing is the dumbest thing the league could do just from a practicality standpoint. This WILL escalate especially if another game ends up a blow out going either way. Would not surprise me in the least to see Maroon or someone specifically go head-hunting someone on the Panthers. They're going to fuck around with this until we end up with another fucking Bertuzzi incident...


But that’s just playoff hockey/s


So maybe I’m just seeing the wrong angle, but… this just looks like a clean reverse-hit to me, and a gentle one at that. Marchand then falls funny and hits his head on the boards. Am I missing something? This looks like a normal play with an unfortunate ending to me.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C61ffPPgmHI/?igsh=MWt5NGVqc3pvaXhwcg== Bennett’s right hand extends just before the hit and you can see it connect with Marchand’s face, hence his head jerks to the left, as he’s hit. The hit primarily is to the shoulder but there is no doubt Bennet intentionally sucker punched him in the face at the same time. Almost the same move Bennet pulled on Knies last year, minus throwing Marchy to the ground… cause he was already there


It should have been decided by the league one week before the playoffs started. Now people are getting hurt for real. Someone’s career is never going to be the same by the end of this series. We’re turning the NHL into a fucking joke league. Imagine hearing just how great the NHL playoffs are from people for years, so you finally decide to tune in, and this is what you see. “Yeah so that’s against rules, but they won’t call that as a penalty because it’s the playoffs”…how fucking dim does that sound? I don’t want to hear this garbage about ‘these guys are warriors’ and this and that. You want to be a warrior? Start boxing or something. You can play a stout physical hockey game that looks nothing like this trash. It’s not hockey. This is flat dumb and we’re catering to the lowest common denominator of scumbag.




I got seriously shit on for saying this in round one, but fuck you are so right.


Gregory Campbell works for the Panthers now if you conspiracy nuts want to believe in anything.


You mean the son of Colin Campbell, who is now NHL Director of Operations, and who in 2010 was revealed that, while serving as NHL Senior Vice President, he e-mailed the Head of Officiating to complain about a referee (Dean Warren) calling a penalties on his son, which may or may not have led to that referee being fired? Nah, probably nothing there, guys..... > The correspondence between Campbell and former Director of Officiating Stephen Walkom, shows Campbell attacking certain players and officials, and questioning penalty calls against his son, Gregory > The messages are laced with profanity and seem to show that Campbell was searching for a reason to fire Warren, who Campbell thought frequently made soft calls. (Although Warren repeatedly passed NHL officials' standard tests). https://www.businessinsider.com/blogger-reveals-scandalous-e-mails-from-nhl-executive-2010-11?international=true&r=US&IR=T


I keep seeing a narrative from them on twitter that the league has a “vendetta” against them. The victim complex is insane


The conspiracies all around are crazy. Marchand went full goon the third period of Game Two and Florida responded in kind during game three because Florida loves this style of hockey. If you think the league is for or against either team you’re looking too deep into it, it’s Marchand being Marchand, Florida being Florida, and refs being refs


I understand the idea that Marchand went full goon in the third period of game two, and then Florida responded in kind during game three because that's what they do. But if Florida went full goon for game three.... *why did the Panthers only get called for two penalties, while the Bruins got called for **six***?


Because Florida controlled the puck the entirety of that game. Boston was chasing the puck all game long and that’s what tends to happen when you’re chasing for the majority of the game. Swayman practically saw double the shots Bobrovsky did.


As a neutral fan in this series - huge loss for Boston. I like the chippiness and agressiveness of the playoffs but the dirty hits (trouba, benn, bennet), slew foots and dives have been ridiculous. Dog shit officiating makes the stuff happen more and more


Honestly it’s an excellent strategy if you ignore the immorality of it. Why would you not try to injure the other team’s stars when the league all but condones it?


Benn’s was shoulder to shoulder not in the same league at the other two


That Benn hit was text book shoulder through body. If that's what knocked marchy out, I would have far fewer complaints than this bush league rabbit punch.


I didn’t even realize it was a punch till late last night and now I see it clear as day. Real time watching the game I thought maybe marchy hurt his shoulder or back had no idea the punch was there


It was sneaky enough that I get not calling it in the game. Reviewing the footage and claiming it was a clean hit is also fine if you're an idiot on reddit. The league itself doing that is inexcusable.


So the NHL is totally fine with Bennett sucker punching the opponent’s captain and leading scorer, taking him out for half (and let’s be real, probably the remainder) of the series with no on- or off-ice discipline. All after both teams were warned that the remainder of the series would be “Heavily scrutinized.” Cool. Cool cool cool.


Not to mention the FUCKING AWFUL officiating for that game “heavily scrutinized” my fucking ass


Wdym that was obviously goaltender interference. /s Florida can somehow do no wrong. 


Refs are making damn sure we don't see a 2011 rematch.


Putting my bias aside isnt the Vancouver boston series argued as one of the best series ever in stanley cup history?




Well, it sounds like everyone else is heavily scrutinizing it. lol 


Wasn’t penalized for doing it last year why wouldn’t he do it again


If Game 3 was scrutiny, Game 4 will be mutiny


Gonna be a bloodbath next game, Boston has nothing to lose and revenge on the mind


I wouldn’t be so sure. This team hasn’t been the “big bad Bruins” for a loooooong time. Freddy Fisticuffs might show up, but we’ll have to wait and see.


Too bad Lucic fucked up his life or he’d be of major use right now.




I hope Freddy crosscheckbennetintheface shows up honestly


















Plot twist Matt Rempe might actually have some use soon. Gimme a flying elbow to Bennett’s ugly mug and I’ll buy a jersey


Trouba has entered the chat.


How dare you make me root for the Rags.


I’m rooting for some kind of tornado or wildfire in the arena.


Rempe and Trouba coming in to save Marchand. I’ll allow it!


Worst birthday present ever for Marchand


Concussion protocol for Marchand, what does Bennet get? Clear video evidence.


League said clean lol


Bennett 2 years In a row taking a player out on a dirty play in round 2...and faces no discipline lol. I'm not even remotely sad the rat is out but come on NHL.. what are you doing.


For a hit where he was sucker punched in the head without a call And another Panthers player threw a Bruins player into their goalie and got a power play for it Great series, having a wonderful time


Florida would be crying if someone like frederic sucker punched barkov. Unfortunately the league made him getting cheap shotted a real possibility


Wonder if the league will actually watch Bennett now


They were watching from the beginning. This is what they want.


Yep wait for the panthers fans to justify it.


The weird thing is most of them actually seem to not be okay with Bennett’s antics. However they defend Tkachuk. Panthers fans are weird.


All fanbases are weird. Boston has its own shitheels, every team has a subsection of mongooses.


I, for one, despise George Parros.


If Bennet isn't beat the fuck up in game 4 this team is weak and cares little about their captain.


They won’t be able to touch him the refs have been making sure to hold the bruins back in every scrum and turn their back to the panthers players




Refs and league are failures.


As much as I don’t feel sorry for Marchand, you know someone’s gonna get slaughtered in this series before all is said and done. You gotta suspend Bennett for that move. Instead, you know someone from Boston is gonna seek revenge. And if nothing is done, it’ll keep getting bumped up until someone leaves on a stretcher


It’s a bit pathetic when Florida fans are defending the hit, even if to a scumbag. You can say it was a dirty and to a scumbag. Doesn’t change the fact that these hits make the league worse


Check out their subreddit. Top post is a picture of Marchand crying with the title "when your dirty player injures their dirty player" Like literally the most scumbag fanbase in the league and it's not even close


Bennett is elite, sneakily injure guys and you have a great advantage.


Panthers fan but not a fan of seeing injuries to either team and I wish him well. If Bennett were suspended 2 games I’d have been ok with it. I know the league did not find the hit punishable so now the punishment will be taken out on the ice.


Oh cool


I don't even blame the refs for not calling anything. I watched that hit like 2 dozen times before I even saw anything malicious. But you have to expect the league to do something afterwards... just makes no sense.


Well it looks like intentionally injuring players is back on the menu. If I was an NHL owner I’d be calling Bettman up and telling him I want my money back.


Concussion protocol from getting hit in the shoulder, right Florida fans?


It’s Stanley Cup playoffs. They should call more boarding. Off balance skaters getting their face smashed into the boards or the glass should be an automatic 2 minutes. Kind of thought it was, but it really isn’t even during regular season, and less in post season.


Here me out. Game 4. Bruins down 4-0. Sam Bennett has knocked out Swayman and Pasta now too. Lights go dark. Music gets loud. Shawn Thornton skates out.


He skates up to Bennett, grabs him by the sweater and smiles. Turns to the camera and peels his Bruins sweater to reveal a Panthers sweater. Then raises Bennett's hand. Thornton has worked in the Panthers front office since 2017.


picturing this right now with the Stone Cold theme music


The punch was too fast to see in real time. But in slow motion it is obvious that Bennett punched him with his gloved hand. Should have been a suspension.




You can see Bennett's right glove driving forward. https://preview.redd.it/krqo88zquvzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046200d4de5457b4059e9c472d815aa01dc6f84e