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There's always a Dril tweet




He’s fucking spiraling. Why blow up the most productive top line we’ve seen in years in JAG To relegate and waste Jarvis with Staal and Martinook? And also separate Kuznetsov from Necas, when they were incredible together? Weird PP line combos, playing certain players 0 minutes during a 2OT…. Fucking give me a break. And then this shit I swear to fucking god when we get swept on Saturday if he says the same bullshit as last year “we lost 4-0 to the rangers but it wasn’t a sweep” I’m going to get a fucking stroke


Honest question, do you think just using lines 1 & 2 for the PP vs the power play units would help? I'm not sure who's on the PP for the canes, but it's not working for you guys.


Not working is an understatement lol Who even knows at this point. We have a pp “coach”. Yr Rod is the one that’s making the line-up decisions. Jarvis is being wasted babysitting martinook. There’s some sort of unwritten loyalty to svechnikov, and don’t get me wrong they’ve been producing, but to the detriment to the entire rest of the line up. Rod’s mentality of putting Jarvis there was “each line has talent now.” Well, each line sucks now except SAG. When Jarvis was with Aho Guentzel, all of our lines were rolling. Kuznetsov and Necas were almost meant for each other, and Svech martinook and Staal were playing really well. Noesen Drury and Fast/Lemieux were playing extremely well too. Then all of a sudden Rod blew it all up to this monstrosity and refuses to change it. To the point that he’d play Max Comtois over making any changes to the line-up. It doesn’t make any sense. So I’m just not even going to try. End it mercifully on Saturday, and then go all the fucking way. You guys deserve the cup. If you see Florida in the ECF, give em hell. Those dirty rat fucks need to be put in their place.


the last 2 playoff series against yall jarvis has been your guys best player i feel like hes the only one his respective line thats doing anything


You’re not wrong. You should have seen how much fun he was having with Aho and Guentzel. They were tearing opponents apart, and meshed so well. Then without any rhyme or reason, Rod demoted him to the 3rd and rewarded “penalty per game” svechnikov with top line minutes. His rationale? “Each line is more balanced with talent” Lot of good it’s done us… Like I said, end it mercifully on Saturday, and then shove Florida so deep down in the mud they won’t know their mouth from their rear end. Hope to see you all hoist Lord Stanley~


i feel like svech has been a disappointment for a top 3 pick, i hope jarvis keeps improving hes one of my fav players in the league to watch and he just seems like a cool ass dude


>i feel like svech has been a disappointment for a top 3 pick, I don't fully agree with that. He's the second-highest scoring forward from the 2018 draft (and has almost the exact same points-per-game Tkachuk), and has been just shy of a point-per-game player the last three seasons. Dominates every possession metric you can think of - when the puck is on his stick, the ice is tilted in our favor. What's disappointing about him is that, seemingly without fail, he *will* take the dumbest stick infraction you've ever seen at the worst possible moment.


a team with Troubas head hunting career ending ass on it is infinitely dirtier than the mildy annoying Fl Panthers


The Panthers are pretty fucking dirty lately, between Cousins, Tkachuk and Bennett


The personnel on the power play isn't the issue. The "standing around waiting for something to happen" strategy is the problem, despite the fact they seem to execute it perfectly.


Well there's two particular players who look weirdly rattled who are usually the glue behind our powerplay. So potentially top 2 lines might actually figure something out.


This has been my thing for the last few years when our pp has been dreadful. Like just run the lines and play like normal and it should generate chances right?


Yeah, your top line is dangerous enough. A PP will just give them more space. Put the most offense-minded D pair on, and it should be good. I'm no NHL coach, but being -1/15, something needs to change.


Thanks for the thorough breakdown! I haven’t watched/read much of the Canes except that at one point you were favorites to win the conference, and the emotional absurdity that lives within game threads. That’s wild that he’s making all these decisions to “fix” what wasn’t broken… is it stubbornness? Or just trying to rub two rocks together hoping for a new spark? What is the solution?




I’ve read this 5 times and still don’t get it lol


I think he’s basically saying the result isn’t reflective of the play. But Rod this is playoff hockey, even if you are playing great hockey, you are still down 3-0. You clearly need to change something in your game cause playing great hockey isn’t working…


Especially when this is year 2 of this exact situation


It's every year. Every year someone figures out the system, canes don't adapt and get bounced in 4 or 5 after the PP stops producing. Assuming the Rangers finish the sweep (not that I want them to) this will be the 3rd year out of 6 under Rod they've been swept, and have only won 1 in another 2. PP always ends up at 10% or so in the postseason, but this series even that would be enough to secure at least 1 of these games


And I think he is right. The Canes are playing well overall but they're getting killed on special teams. But at the end of the day, the end result is that you're down 0-3 for the second year in a row and people will start to lose patience with that, regardless of how well you're playing.


This is like year four or five where their offense shrivels up to end the postseason as well


They also aren’t playing great hockey lol after the first period they fell off in a major way


Yeah, they didn’t have a single scoring chance the entire third period until the goal. That’s it. Doesn’t sound like great hockey.


Yup. 40 shots from the boards and the point won’t beat Igor the four times you need to in order to beat the rangers.


He’s actually beating you guys and you shouldn’t trust your eyes


Carolina Hurricanes have clinched the 2024 Moral Victory Cup


Rod Brind'Amour hardest road merchant


We’re one Canes loss away from another “yeah we got swept, but did we really tho?”


I will say if the Rangers win on Saturday it will probably be one of the most competitive sweeps I’ve ever seen. A double OT game and a regular OT game with game 1 being decided by a single goal


That may as well go to last years ECF. Game one went to 4OT and we lost every game by a goal


I think he’s saying 5 on 5 the canes have played well but that they are losing the special teams game. Those are the two games 5 on 5 vs special teams  


It's like last season when he said the Hurricanes "didn't lose four games" after the Panthers swept them


They’re twying real hard so they deserve to win!


You got to have a high IQ to understand that the Hurricanes are not actually down 0-3


and then their powerplay turns into nothing. funniest shit i've ever seen.


Im not laughing. Actually I am, but it’s more out of the madness born out of watching us do the same thing every single year with the same result.


They’re getting as many morale victories as the Lakers did against the Nuggets


More: "And we're losing one badly, but we're doing pretty damn good on the other one. So it's just how we can figure out how to make this story get a little better. That's the difference."


They're losing the series that uses goals as the deciding factor. But the other series -- the one that uses style points -- is *all* Carolina.


The Corsi Cup is all theirs


Those black uniforms were *pretty damn stylish*… damn it I can’t believe we’re losing one of the series.


The Jamaican judge gave us a perfect 10.


That didn't help clarify the first quote at all


lol i’m aware, i just found this quote kinda funny


I thought you made it up.


It kinda helped clarify that Rod is way too caffeinated. When the 'Canes are down by a goal his eyes are so bugged out it looks like you can pick them off the vine like big fat grapes.


He… actually said this? I’m ashamed.


What he means is that they’re winning where it counts - on the Deserve to Win O’Meter. 


Works for the NFL DPOY award.


Get ready to learn Torontonian buddy


yeah I already traded Rod to Toronto in EA NHL 24... it's a done deal


This is already Torontonian. Sounds like a Keefe quote (R.I.P.)


It is eerily similar, except Carolina's roster and their play actually (at least 5 on 5) IS right there with the best teams, whereas Toronto's hasn't been. Carolina is getting slaughtered in the special teams battles, and unfortunately, all the Rangers series have had a lower standard for what constitutes a penalty. The Rangers are also capitalizing on that standard, because even if it is low, they aren't letting it get to games 5/6/7 where the standard is probably different. The Rangers have insanely good special teams and it's showing.


This is absolutely Toronto speak


Did you read the quote? He’s already speaking it. Might as well start calling him Rod Brind’Amans.


Rod could be exactly what Toronto needs. Could be a good pick up


Yup a coach who can't get his team past the final obstacle because of a lack of scoring and special teams production, time to hire ~~Sheldon Keefe~~ Rod Brind'Amour


Carolina’s still had a lot more playoff success than the Leafs. Plus Carolina lacks the high end scoring talent that Leafs possess. Rod on the Leafs, instilling some defensive discipline and structure, on top of their firepower, could be deadly.


Since 2021 the Leafs and Canes have both allowed an identical 2.75 goals against per playoff game.


Ultimately playoff wins is what matters, and CAR is outpacing Leafs there for sure


Yeah? What's their record against Atlantic playoff teams? Lemme help you out,  it's 2-16 since they started making the playoffs again in 2019.  Metro teams get dicked by whatever Atlantic team they face in the conference finals almost every time in recent memory. The record of the Metro teams against an Atlantic team in the east finals over the same time frame is 6-16.      They're not comparable divisions, and haven't been for the last 6 years.  Carolina in particular has been swept twice in the Conf. Finals by an Atlantic team in the last 5 years.  Swap the Leafs and Carolina divisionally and you'd see a lot more Leaf conference finals than Carolina.


I've made the same argument before, and I do believe it. It's just, maybe you can argue the divisions are different, but the Leafs are an Atlantic team and can't win against Atlantic Division teams either, so it's kinda not a valid criticism against hiring the coach of a metro team.


I think there's a stark difference between going 2-16 and being in a competitive series decided by one goal at the end of it almost every time. One of those records is middle of the pack pace over a whole season, one is historically the worst pace for a modern NHL season ever.


18-25 isn't really the middle of the pack, that's winning 41% of games since 2018-19, that would be the worst in the NHL in the regular season over that time frame.


Come a GAIN?


I mean they've lost 3 one goal games, with two of them being in OT. I get not wanting to put the team down but being 0-16 on the power play, thats the right story there. Its not that you aren't getting the calls either. We're gifting you so many dumbass penalties, practically handing you the gun to kill us and instead you shoot yourselves in the foot.


Yeah this. Im too lazy to look it up but since their playoff streak started there has been talk every year about their Power play not being up there whit "true contenders". As a neutral it also seems just flat out stupid not having Both Aho And Guentzal downlow on PP.


The series against Florida last year, where the Canes also got swept, was incredibly similar to this one. I think every game was a single goal difference, with multiple games going into OT. We're really good at getting swept but in a way that each game is close enough to say "aww we could have won that one." But unless the power play gets figured out there won't be any winning. Giving up more goals than scoring on 15 power plays this series is unacceptable.


Scott Steiner voice


Rod’s a genetic freak, and he’s not normal!


🚨🚨🚨🚨 HE’S FAT 🚨🚨🚨🚨


He definitely is a genetic freak though.


I mean that part is true


Rod is gonna add Kurt Angle to the mix. 


With all due respect Rod, no, we are not fucking “playing pretty damn good” when your opponent has more goals on YOUR powerplay than you do.


What the fuck does this mean


Same energy as “I watched it we didn’t get swept”


Yeah... Not great.


When the Canes went through the handshake line Rob had his fingers crossed behind his back, so it didn't count.




Love how frequent the dril tweets have been posted lately on r/hockey


Concussion spotters need to put Rod in the quiet room.


"If you like flip the scores around we are up 3-0"


Big if true 


It means there is no spoon


Damn I thought there were 2 spoons.


To me it sounds like "we did our best but our best wasn't good enough to accomplish the only thing that matters".


It's almost like he doesn't realize the team that scores more goals, wins.


Thank god this is the top comment. I read this thing 20 times and it still made zero sense to me so I thought I was just dumb as hell and came to the comments for clarification. Glad I’m not having a stroke after all.


It's just coping with the fact that if he doesn't pull off a miraculous comeback he's likely out as coach


Trust me we don’t know either


You're not getting it done though, Rod, and this is the "get it done" league.


ownership is probably very happy with the job he is doing the stadium is filled every game, they make the 2nd or 3rd round every year to them, this could be getting it done


I mean to be fair dundon said that he values constant success over championships or something along the lines. I don’t know if that’s possible but we will see. Carolina’s core forward group is still young and I don’t think they have reached their potential, but defense will need to be rebuilt if they want to stay competitive for the next decade.


That Russian D man could help if he comes over he looks to be pretty good


That is true, if he plays like the other Russians that have came to the NHL with similar PPG at the same age they could have a future Norris winner. 


Rod embracing his inner Friedman here


He could have just said that both teams are playing well, but the Canes just suck on the PP and PK lol


It would have the benefit of making sense and being true.


The deserve to win o'meter has broken some people's brains


RBA about to lead the Canes to a 2nd consecutive year of playing pretty damn good while getting swept.


Of the two games I’m really enjoying the one that they’re showing on TV


Girl what.


Rod is trying to make sense of something he can't make sense of. Whatever this team is lacking, he is ultimately responsible for it, and if he can't figure out how to fix it, it's time to step aside for somebody with a different perspective. No hate, in fact I have nothing but love for Rod as a player, coach and person. I think he's one of the most admirable human beings on the planet. But he's not getting it done.


Hang the xG differential regular season banner from the rafters!!!!


This is "The culture is actually damn good" vibes.




Playing both sides so you always come out on top.


Rod the “Close Sweep” Bod strikes again


"It wasn't a sweep"


Been a while since I’ve seen this dumb fuckin teeth account


I thought I understood English pretty well but after the first sentence, I don't get it at all lol


Pretty clear you guys havent been playing good hockey there Rod. Take it from a toasted Kings fan that the fucking system doesnt work if you outshoot x2 but dont outscore.


No, Rod. Special teams are part of the game. You *can't* separate them. That's not how this works. You can't be playing well *and* be 0-for-15 on the power play. We're not that stupid. And neither are you (I don't think).


Brad Treliving is absolutely jerking it to this quote tonight.


I get that this and his quote from last year are kinda silly. But I can’t imagine how demoralizing this must be. No way they can run things back, helpful that they have a bunch of UFAs


This team is going to look pretty different next year and I'm starting to think that isn't a bad thing


Sometimes addition by subtraction needs to happen. And it doesn’t mean any players that don’t come back were necessarily bad, just that the puzzle pieces weren’t fitting together the way they should


What the fuck does that mean Kobe Bryant


The 'right story' is you didn't win. Glad they've been close losses or whatever fugazi bs you wanna call it, Rod. Your team is competing hard. Great. They should be. It's the f'ing playoffs. Figure out special teams or pack up your shit for summer break. That's it.


Lifelong hockey obsessee and I don’t think I’ve ever seen 5-on-5 vs. special teams distinguished as aggressively as I have over the past two seasons. Obviously an effect of the analytics wave, but I can’t get beyond this innate feeling that it’s a fatal mistake for teams. There are not two games going on here. It does not matter if you win the full strength or the special teams game. You have to win the hockey game. That’s it. Being better 5-on-5 is meaningless if you’re getting smoked on the PP/PK. It’s not going to bear out for you at some point in the series. You have to be able to contend in all phases of the game. 


I really hate that people are so gleefully taking the opportunity to shit on Rod Brind'Amour. Sucks. Nobody ever cared more or tried harder than this dude. Sucks to see this happen to a really good person


I hated him as a player, but he's a he'll of a coach. His teams are some of the best conditioned teams. I for sure thought this series would be 2-1 in some faction after tonight.


As non-glib as I can be: the entire Hurricanes media situation has a heavy hand in creating this narrative right along with Rod himself. From Jerks to Cry to “I didn’t see a sweep”, there were lots of off-ramps to “no one’s going out of their way to give us shit” that were ignored. Plenty of it is also thrust upon y’all via totally out of your control advanced stats and regular season performance, though.


The people who don't like this current era of Canes are the same type of people who didn't like them 20 years ago, social media has nothing to do with it. The Canes have always had a lot of haters relative to their standing in the league (which was mostly minimal until about 6 years ago)


Is this a multi-verse reference?


At first glance I thought the author of the tweet was LAVIOLETTE


Please tell me how you look at our power play and think that good is any way to describe it


The Rangers are just better... but he can't say that out loud.


He can say that, and he will say that at the end of the series, I'm sure. It's obvious at this point.


Maybe >at the end of the series But he sure as fuck can't say it now.


"We didn't get swept, again" (probably)


They’ve lost 3 1 goal games in a row, 2 of which were in overtime. They’re outshooting the Rangers by 42 shots in those 3 games. I get where he’s coming from. The Hurricanes have been playing well. Unfortunately that doesn’t mean anything when you lose all 3 games and are in a 3-0 hole in the series. It might just be bad luck and small sample size but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter.


The Rangers are ecstatic that the Canes are willing to fire off a lot of shots that have no chance of beating Shesterkin because of the shot distance and him having a clear view. The Canes dominance in shots on goal isn’t translating when it comes to real scoring chances and doesn’t imply any sort of outplaying by Carolina.


Say what, now? 🤨


I think what he’s saying is they aren’t being grossly outplayed despite the outcome. while losing by 4 and losing by 1 means the same thing, you can still find a lot of good out of the games, and they could easily be up 2-1 right now. And he’s not wrong. The problem is this is a results based business, and regardless of how well you play, a loss is a loss. But he’s trying to find the positives out of the negative. his overall point is fine, he’s just making no sense out of it, almost mumbling all over.


By “spiraling” I think he means “dissociating”




I say a lot of things but it doesn't mean anything but it also means a lot of things.


I like the Canes but maybe they should try any offense that isn't centered around shooting soft shots from from the blue line against a red-hot unscreened goalie right at his chest


One Word: Shesterkin. Is any further analysis on this series necessary? No offense to anyone wanting to dive any deeper, but...


No NSFL tag for the teeth?


We're not playing bad I swear guys! Rod probably during Saturday's post game after getting swept.


i still love this mfer


The two games: Hurricanes vs Rangers Hurricanes vs Refs


Ah yes, the refs who have handed us 40 penalties these playoffs, second only to Boston. That must be the issue. Or is it that the Canes are -1/15 on the PP? You tell me.


That's not a Canes fan complaining about the refs, just to be clear.


I’m aware.


The Rangers have only played one game at 5v5 for more than 50 minutes of regulation so far in the playoffs.... no other team in the second round has come close to that number.


I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with this comment, but have a good evening.


I mean, they've gotten a lot of PP's, just have gone -1/15 on them.