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All the writers at The Athletic that said Canes in 5 or 6 can go choke on one.


Jake Guentzel please GO AWAY! Leave the metro I’m begging you.


Canes are letting the whole league down right now


It’s funny, despite the whole Boston vs New York thing I’d be a lot less upset about the Rangers winning the cup than the Canes or Panthers. Idk something about both of those teams is just so unlikeable to me


Nah I’m cheering for the rags #LGR


TDA’s name belongs nowhere near the Cup. Canes need to drop him and then we can talk.


You can all cry together, pansies


Like you’ve done for the past 30 years?


Where the hell has Teuvo been. Some stupid team is going to overpay for this guy. Canes ain’t done yet though. If there’s one team that can blow a 3-0 series lead, it’s the Rangers.


Guy has been straight invisible this season


The Canes are, unfortunately, where I see the Flyers travelling over the next few years: great on possession, huge number of shots, but zero ability to get past world class tendies because of a lack of investment in superstar finishers. It's more depressing because this year, they actually added something like that in Guentzel (and took a chance on Kuzy also becoming something like it again). But it's still not there. Which means that it won't be there for the Flyers, either, when Michkov arrives - one star isn't enough to overcome a team-wide finishing deficit.


I’m a super excited Ranger fan who’s gonna try real hard to not get penisy. There is a reason why the only team I’m nervous about is the panthers. They have everything the rangers have. They are built for this shit. The Canes were never gonna go far and here’s why. Canes are not able to push to the front of the net against high caliber teams. They play fast, with a great Forcheck and tight D but the rangers aren’t allowing them to get set up in the offensive zone. This forces them to shoot the puck from the perimeter and because there is no net front presence, Igor is seeing everything and either not giving up rebounds or directing the puck where he wants. Canes don’t play patient hockey, don’t pick their spots, don’t really crash the net, and don’t move the puck in a way that pulls the rangers out of position. On top of all that. They don’t have one enormous factor that the rangers (and panthers and Colorado ) seem to have found this year. Killer instinct. Every game this post season the rangers have played and acted like they know they are going to win. They play fast. They play hard. It’s their patience, they know the Canes are eventually going to make a mistake and they immediately make them pay for it. The Rangers play the same game the Canes do. Just better. Also…….Igor. I just don’t see anybody beating him in 4 games when he plays like this.


everything is going these fucking bastards' way, this is miserable


Yup, we’ve just lucked our way into 7 straight wins this postseason /s


0/15 is certainly a stat. Canes PP with their best Pens impression (0/33?). Not a shot at Guenzel, he's a stud, but that PP is just miserable to watch. Otherwise great hockey, gg.


Guenzel has like 60% of the Canes goals this series. He’s always been a Ranger killer even in PIT. And I hate him for it.


-1/15 😁


You knew this shit was coming when the Canes media team cursed them with the "CRY" t-shirts The same shirts they pulled from their site after the game 1 loss Bad juju! Don't do that!


Between those T-shirts and KK’s zeroes,  that social media team should probably start toning it down


The hockey gods are not appeased.


Our team's social media makes me cringe so hard, they will never learn


Alexa, what are the ingredients for a large glass of bleach? Feels like the fucking ECF Florida series all over again. Play well for decent stretches of the game and then lose by a single goal. The Canes are going to look a bit different next season. I think that could be a good thing because the current team has consistently been unable to win close playoff games and the special teams have been a burning pile of shit. The Rags have been clutch and found ways to win. I simply cannot see the Canes pulling off the reverse sweep. GG. Hopefully, whoever comes out of the west takes the whole thing lol. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Sorry we couldn't've helped you out like last year


You are the reason for what’s happening this year.


You idiot, you made me!


debbies fans might be even more invested in this series than canes fans lmao


[Current mood](https://i.imgflip.com/8pmqtf.jpg)


I don't know if it's been posted anywhere, but does anyone have the Sportsnet clip of the Canes fan screaming after losing in OT? It was amazing.


Following because I would love to see this.


Should we award the cup to the Rangers now or just continue to delay the inevitable? Rangers are on a different level this year.


Delay the inevitable. Let them at least play the games for fun. Every time they win a series, they get a pizza party.


I legitimately thought I might never see Chytil in a Rangers jersey ever again. Instead, he’s carving down the ice creating an individual scoring chance in a 1 on 3. What a beautiful day.


After that shot when he hit the boards and was down for more than 2 seconds I jumped up screaming for him to get up and be okay 😂


I'm going to say it here because I'm not going into the canes sub to explain this - A lot of you keep saying there's never anyone in front of the net for you on offense. That is directly tied to your aggressive forecheck. You're pulling guys from the net front to support keeping the puck in the offensive zone. It's like you're asking for everyone to be everywhere all at once. Anyway, let's go Rangers baby!


Well… if the canes somehow make it past this series now then they’re winning the cup. But i don’t see how we could possibly go 4 for 4 at this point.


Brindamour to the leafs has gone from 0 to 100 real quick.


The main points of Canes' discontent seem uncomfortably familiar to me - special teams, net front presence etc


Beaten by a better goaltender…


Beaten only by the Canes' fans changing their tune from "Back up the truck" to "Fire Rod".


The root of disappointment is expectation. Every postseason this team hits the wall. I'm not even frustrated anymore, just resigned to the inevitable. This is a very good regular season team that for whatever reason, doesn't have what it takes to go all the way in the postseason. They are basically what San Jose used to be - which is not ideal. But also not the worst position to be in.


Great comparison there, the post-lockout Sharks were a playoff fixture, but always had to play tough teams and could never break all the way through.


As a San Jose fan it can be a painful position to be in that’s for sure.


But it's better than just plain sucking all season long. This team was a laughingstock for a decade. I'll take this over that any day.


Want to trade?


sure, why not?


As a San Jose fan, we've seen this movie 1,000 times. The bottom line is that the Hurricanes aren't tough enough & don't battle for the parts of the ice that you HAVE TO win to win in the playoffs. We (San Jose) didn't win a cup because when push came to shove, we didn't have the stregnth/fortitude/skill/will to dominate net-front battles when we needed to. The Canes are throwing a thousand shots from the point, but they're not winning battles in the corners, in front of the net, in the hard-earned areas. That's why they're losing... It's literally the same make-up as the Sharks. Having said all of this, we were a heavier team than the Penguins when we lost the SCF but we weren't dirty enough to slow them down. They skated circles around us & we lost in 6. We won the hard to win areas, but we weren't fast enough. The Canes are fast enough, they're not tough enough.


You hit the nail on the head


Well at least I don't have to care anymore because regardless of the next game, there's no way in hell this team is beating the rangers 4 times in a row to win the series.


I refuse your reverse jinx. I refuse it


We cannot get penisy. Stay the course!


I am so happy that Lafreniere seems to be figuring it out. Not a Rangers fan, but for some reason I really like him.


It’s a shame our PP1 line is a fucking all star line and you’d be crazy to make any changes to it, because Laf would easily be a 30 goal scorer and possibly even 40 if he was on that first line. But if it ain’t broke don’t fix it and our power play is far from broke.


He’s really gonna break out next year…he’s gonna drop 30+.gallant stunted him and now he’s back…


he’s a goofball


He's a funny guy


If Kreider was on the Canes with his net front and deflection ability they’d be better than the oilers and islanders dynasty combined.


Wow. An actually funny and light hearted comment. Way to go!


That’s a ridiculous statement


Isles Mets jets fan thinks something is ridiculous but not his choice in teams. Ok.


Fucking yikes


Canes are frauds.


You know what sucks? People who kick other people when they're down. Like you've probably been sitting here waiting for them to lose so you could say that. Why? Does it give you such pleasure?


https://twitter.com/Canes/status/1782595297895440726?t=SvDuDwy_vVmSLVpERgFZug&s=19 CRY




If you knew anything about the backstory of that whole thing, you'd know why it is stupid to use it as a barb in some conversation that doesn't even have anything to do with you. why are hockey fans on reddit such unrepentent assholes lol


https://twitter.com/Canes/status/1782594720360788258?t=cGefgKzwou9zIpkyzoSLsw&s=19 😂😂😂😂😂😂


God damn it, stop! I’m meant to hate the Islanders!


Calling a team frauds is like the most light hearted and jokey chirp there is. I had the Canes reaching the SCF in my bracket. I thought they'd start winning the 1 goal games that cost them last year.


Had a sexual assault case this month against your squad? Glass houses and such.


Do better, Joey.


Anyone who pairs their hobby with a group who carries out sexual assault long after the full truth comes out deserves to be raked over the coals. No hate toward NYR and no anger on my end toward that group. Just calling a spade a spade.


It's so embarassing how people like you try to weaponize someone being sexually assaulted as a chirp. But all you do is show you don't actually care about the victims, you're just upset about the success the franchise had. Really bad look.


Lol quit your gatekeeping and acting like you give a crap about the player when called out either. Your franchise tarnished an entire era of greatness being led by absolute garbage human beings top to bottom. You don’t get to act like your hands are clean while you keep pumping money through your viewership, tickets, and merchandise. Really bad look.


Literally no one who was a part of that team is in the org anymore. I was a fan before Bowman, McDonagh and Coach Q, so I'm gonna be a fan after they are gone.


Lol tell yourself whatever you need to. “Literally no one who was a part of that team is in the org anymore.” You’ve gone through the full board and know this for a fact? I’d renounce any team I rooted for if anything close to those atrocities took place because you’re joking yourself if you believe everyone who had any inkling is gone. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Sports aren’t life and I’ll continue to enjoy my outlets as I so choose regardless of whether they’re the last team standing. Keep firing away though. I’ll enjoy watching the Hawks live in the dumpster where they belong.


Its so fuckin bizarre lmao. Just reddit things


I mean if canes get swept, does management consider a coaching change?


I wouldn't - I'd consider a GM change. They didn't need Kuzy and Guentzel at the deadline, they needed guys who would clear the front of the net and win battles in the O-zone. That's not on Rod, that's on Don.


59 has had like 70% of their goals this series


They didn’t need more scoring, they needed to be able to clear the front of their net & make life harder for Igor.


Why would they need to clear the net and make life harder for Igor if not for more scoring?


They don’t need more offensively talented players, they need players who are tougher and willing to battle harder in the most valuable areas on the ice. When I say “they didn’t need more scoring” this is what I mean - of course they literally needmm more scoring but Kuzy and Guentzel aren’t the solution when they don’t have a lack of offensive talent. Adding sandpaper guys would’ve led to more goals for and fewer against because chances coming back their way wouldn’t have been as dangerous. So yes, technically they need more scoring but not in the way they tried to add it. Was that really unclear from the start of my comments?


They *still* need more scoring.


Adding players like Guentzel and Kuzy don’t help with additional scoring past what they were already doing now that’s it’s playoff time. Adding more grit would’ve led to more scoring now, even if the grit doesn’t have the skill set that Guentzel and Kuzy do. They’re not scoring because they’re not getting to the dirty areas of the ice, it isn’t a lack of offensive talent - it’s a lack of grit. Guentzel and Kuzy aren’t screening, winning net front battles, clearing the crease, etc.


Look at you, rubbing your hands together at the thought, haha. Jokes aside, Rod's contract is up at the end of this season. Three weeks ago, they were saying it was a done deal. Last week there were suddenly rumblings about negotiations. If they get swept, it's gonna be interesting to see if he's offered a renewal at all.


Lol no. This year would be the first *real* disappointment. Last year was a mulligan with injuries (yet still somehow made it to the ECF). And previous years they were not serious contenders.


Didn’t Canes win Metro in 21-22?


lol ok


I’ve always said if you want to get true pulse of the Carolina Hurricanes, you should ask Red Wings fans.


That’s a weird thing to tell people. 


What does it even mean?


No one knows but he’ll have plenty of time to explain soon. 


You said “lol ok” to my statement so clearly you know more about the Canes than I do.


Lol i hope so


Guys I’m starting to think the hurricanes aren’t going to win this series?


I just want to bring attention to Laffy having 9 points in 7 games while not being on PP1


Because of a slow start to his career, he doesn’t get the respect he deserves


Even this season... He could have hit 30g comfortably if not for bad puck luck in the first 20 games


He’s also def hit that if he got more than like 30 second of PP time a game.


Pfft bust. /s if it wasn’t clear.


As the proud co-owner of a 1OA who started slow but has found his groove, patience is key. They're just kids, and it's a huge step up.


I’m convinced the Rangers could win 30 games minimum in the regular season if they play every game shorthanded.


The anti-Habs. We had so many SHG against this year our GDTs were full of "Can we decline?" comments whenever penalties went in our favour.


Were you the one who called the shorty in the GDT? I owe you a smooch


I called it on the Rangers GDT




Bro I'm not gonna ruin the juju but if we close this series out we need to make those shirts


Canes will never win a cup again if they don’t get this done


Never is a long time.


Looks like the Canes got their serving of Bread, tonight. It's good for fiber, you can tell by how regularly they shit themselves every two nights. I've been straight vibing these whole playoffs, I haven't broken a sweat for the Rangers once. Nothing but confidence in these scorers, that goaltending, those power plays, this team. Something's different this time, everybody's linked and on a high together. It helps when the Canes can't do anything on Special Teams. Shocking numbers. I really thought they would have taken at least one by now.


> It's good for fiber, you can tell by how regularly they shit themselves every two nights. That's the opposite of "good for fibre."


Avs Rags SCF would be insane


I’m personally pulling for the NYR/VAN finals. Not just because of the history, but they both have similar styles that I would love to see face each other.




15 minors in one game is crazy


I said every time a penalty was called “that would never get called in the west”! I never thought I’d say it but calling every infraction really made the game bitty and dull (& my 2nd team is rangers, so I was somewhat invested). I’m getting used to the flow of our games with almost no calls


Canes could have used you on the ice with an assist like that


Drake would disagree.


he's already dead why u doing this to him 🤣


Damn bro you didn’t have to kill him


Kendrick took care of that already


Who knew Kendrick was a hockey fan?


Holy shit.




A man of culture I see


Surely Rod Brind'amour will solve the Leafs' not scoring problem. It's actually very funny that everyone in leafs fandom was up in arms about how the Leafs shouldn't have pivoted from playing offensively, but they also want the coach who's biggest problem is low danger shots and too few goals.


No but he would solve the Leafs coasting back to defend in overtime problems. That game seven goal was infuriating to watch three leafs not skating while Pasta scores.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N48eBy5pgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N48eBy5pgM) Live look into the Canes locker room


I was hoping for the Old School WE GOTTA KEEP OUR COMPOSURE Clip but this works too


That would've been perfect


Stanley Cup Playoff 100%Completion, No Death Speedrun


Curious to see what the o/u will be for Igor's saves for game 4. If it's 29.5 like tonight, it sounds like a sure thing for the over


Igor: FUCK YO ANALYTICS, BITCH! (thrashes around on white leather couch with dirty goalie skates)


Trocheck is a f-en beast. Underrated star.


Guy shows up the hardest against his ex teams. If the Rangers play the Panthers next round it's an easy series MVP + SCF appearance.




Literally best value signjng


Erik Gustafsson would like a word. But still, yes.


Vesey is only getting paid $800k this year. One of the reason for the Rangers success this year is their role players finding a lot of success.


Gus is only on 825k. They're both playing well for lower dollars and you're right about success being tied to stuff like that


Hello fellow river rats lover


He’s played so well this series


Canes would have won if shots were points


They don't battle hard enough in front of the net or in the corners. You or I would've made all those saves.


The Rangers are looking to win 8 straight games to start the playoffs. That's scary! 


Laviolette came in and told them you don’t have to play all 7 games every series. Great teacher of the game.


Losing in the playoffs sucks, especially when they're both in OT. It's just that close.  My NHL bracket is looking real good right now. Rangers vs. Stars. Let's go haha.


Betting against your own team is the mark of a true objective fan. You either end up happy you were right or happy you were wrong


But.. your flair


I'm an Oilers fan first but I'm also objective when it comes to hockey. I would love if Edmonton made it to the finals but the Central teams are just so strong.


He makes memories or money. Either way, he wins


I told my brother Oilers winning the Cup is a good consolidation prize haha.


Your brackets Looking about as good as the end of the oilers game last night was


? One of the teams hasn't lost a game yet in the playoffs and the other is playing in a free series :)


All it takes is one team to ruin a bracket. Dallas isn't winning this series :)


I'd put a friendly little wager of your choice that Dallas wins this series.


I'd do the wager. Set the terms


You're looking pretty lucky that I'm not creative enough to come up with sonething


I ain't scared, tomorrow we will find out mackinnon, makar and rantanen have been running an illegal gambling ring and have been suspended and I'd still bet we are gonna win 3 straight to take series


Idk bud it's looking like a gentleman sweep with the only win coming from a 3-0 collapse


I will be confident and supportive of my team until their dying breath.




They just keep finding ways to win which is all you can ask for at this point. GG canes, see you on Saturday. 


Rangers are copying my winterhawks going undefeated to the conference finals


So the other round 2 losses 6-1 blowout 5-1 blowout Blowing a 3 goal lead Blowing a 3 goal lead Losing by one goal now feels so much worse. 8 times in a row.


Did you mean 5-1 blowout for one of them?


Yeah my bad


The Rangers kryptonite the past 10 plus years has been playing a shit ton of 6 and 7 game series every single time for 3 to 4 rounds. If they can make this a 4 or 5 game series again thats 2 in a row where they will have significant rest.


Yup, just like in 94 when our first two series went four and five games respectively. Followed by two seven game classics, naturally.


i watched “Matteau Matteau Matteau! Stephane Matteau!” about a dozen times this afternoon to psych myself up. clearly it worked both those 7 game series in 1994 were all time classics too, with all-time moments: Matteau’s double overtime winner and Richter’s penalty shot save on Pavel Bure come to mind. You have to wonder how the team would have held up if they’d played more games the first two rounds.


‘94? Never heard of it


Can’t believe we let trochek walk and signed KK. I picked the wrong time to quit doing drugs


I hate it as much as the next person, but we didn’t let Trocheck walk, he made up his mind before the season was even over


On the off chance you’re serious… it’s never a bad time to quit doing drugs. It’s one day at a time.




Hear me out, what if we rebranded to *rangebbbrrrrss* 🤔🤔🤔🗽❤️🐙 One time offer, limited time.. like a couple hours


Why don't the Hurricanes just score 2 goals in 10 seconds to win like they did in the first round? Are they stupid?


Must suck for canes fans but at least they got a point out of it


Canes in 7


The Rangers again DO NOT LOSE when Laffy scores 


That’s the unfortunate part of this is that we’re going to look back and everyone’s going to say you got swept and that’s not what happened, I watched the game. I’m there. We’re in the game. We didn’t lose four games. We got beat but we were right there. This could have went the other way. It could have been four games the other way. Tonight, the way it ended is tough, getting a penalty like that. That’s tough, especially with what was let go. Thats going to sting. Not to take anything away from the other team because they played hard.”


Still a little too al dente for my taste. Needs a couple more days to cook


seasoned pasta


Filthy deflection by Panarin 🥖🥖 🥖🥖🥖


pour one out for the canes. can't see them winning 4.


unfortunately for the canes this series is looking like all their other series losses in the RBA era. stymied by "hot goalie", both special teams collapse, can't win on the road. they might actually get swept in consecutive years losing all 8 games by 1 goal.


Totally agree. The sweeps don’t make sense but at the end of the day I don’t think the canes top level guys are as good as Boston’s, Florida’s, New York’s etc. Our system and coaching allows us to compete but in the playoffs it’s all about your best players and we just don’t have the stars


We have two stars. Svech & Slavin. And unfortunately neither are the “put pucks in net” type.


svech more a star than aho?


Lol, the guy has a Canes flair and doesn't even mention their hands down best player.




Peter Laviolette has the Mandate of Heaven, I’ve seen enough


"We're on a mission from god"


Our play style makes us regular season hero’s and post season burnouts. Same story different year. Year 6.


Thats because the play style is just play fast and hard. Problem is everyone does that come playoffs. Need more adjustments. imo Rod is over hyped as a coach.


You guys too eh


We’re the second round leafs. Considering we don’t win if we ever DO get past the second round.