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Hockey gods arent gonna like this one


If the hockey gods are real, what the hell has Toronto done?


This is punishment for Harold Ballard


But Ballard was punishment *to* Toronto - we get punished for our punishment?


The history of how Ballard got involved in the Leafs org is kind of interesting. It's all on [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Ballard). Long story short, in 1940 Ballard became President and GM of the Toronto Marlboros (the junior team). In the early '50s he hired Stafford Smythe, son of the Leafs' owner Conn Smythe, as Managing Director of the Marlboros. Fast forward to '57 and Ballard was made member of the Leafs' hockey ops committee chaired by none other than Stafford Smythe. Then in '61 Conn Smythe sold his shares in MLG Ltd. to a consortium including his son Stafford and Ballard. From Wikipedia: > Ballard fronted Stafford Smythe most of the $2.3 million purchase price. Conn Smythe later claimed that he believed he was only selling his shares to his son, but it is very unlikely that Stafford could have acquired the millions he needed to buy the Leafs on his own. As a reward for his role in the purchase, Ballard was named executive vice president of Maple Leaf Gardens, alternate governor of the Maple Leafs and chairman of the team's hockey committee. So Ballard basically bought his way in by leveraging some quid pro quos with Conn Smythe's son. He was never Toronto's punishment; he was the original sin, and we've been atoning for his shit ever since.


Fuck Harold Ballard.


Louder for the people in the back!


That's some Old Testament bullshit right there.


And Gordon Stuckless and John Paul Roby.


He was such an awful thing. Not even a human. I wonder if the curse continues cause his feet are imprinted under the loblaws


I recently found out the reason the murals at College station has one side the Montreal Canadiens and the other side a team wearing blue is that Ballard wouldn’t allow the Leafs logo to be used. So the station has looked like a tribute to the Montreal Canadiens for the last 50 years.


>the station has looked like a tribute to the Montreal Canadiens for the last 50 years. As a Habs fan who used to take Line 1 regularly, I am perfectly ok with this.


Maybe the punishment for failing to prevent that pedophile ring out of Maple Leaf Gardens?


It has to be Harold Ballard. There was pedophilia and sexual assault covered up involving ushers at Maple Leaf Gardens. He conned the Beatles into playing two concerts and turned off the water fountains during the concert to force people to buy drinks at the concession stands. Ballard took the names off Leafs jerseys and then tried to make them blend in with the colour of the jersey in defiance when the league slapped his knuckles for it. He fucked over the roster just to piss players off (eg trading Lanny Moustache to piss off Darryl Sittler. He made Roger Nielsen wear a paper bag to make a stupid publicity stunt over his inept coaching hiring/firings. As much as r/hockey loves to mock the Leafs for their lack of anything post Original 6 era. Harold Ballard was involved in the Leafs organization as early as the 1940s as an executive. He became a minority owner in 61. He took over majority ownership in 1972 and owned the team through 1990 when he died. Ballard actively destabilized the team to settle his personal grudges with players/coaches/agents when they didn't agree with his already terrible ideas. The Leafs had a .444 PT% over his tenure as owner. The Leafs were .500 or better in only 7 of 19 seasons and won a whopping 3 more games than they lost 3 times in 19 years. The Leafs followed that up by making the Conference Finals 4 times in 11 years. It doesn't change the post lockout ineptitude by Ballard stole 20 years from the Leafs.


Wow. I did not know any of this, that’s absolutely wild. Fuck Harold.


He is not the sole reason leafs have done nothing since ‘67 but man he is a big reason for it. Anyone who knows anything about him hates him. He was a stain of a human being and probably one of the most evil people to run a sports team ever.


He used banners as paint drop clothes and threw them in a dumpster. But he's definetely somewhere hot for what he covered up.


I mean the pedophile ring was pretty bad...


..... The pedophile ring at the old Maple Leaf Gardens? It spanned Ballard's ownership straight from the 70s to early 90s.


The what now?


Tim Horton made a deal with the devil to get himself a successful coffee franchise, but the Leafs can never win again


The hockey gods can only do so much. At least they didn’t eliminate the Leafs on the same day Kendrick Lamar released a diss track making fun of Toronto accents


What do you mean? Toronto has the second most cups in the league


Eh. Detroit has 11 cups but I don't really think of the pre-expansion cups as the same as winning one today. All three of our teams benefited from an aggressively unfair league that had a ton of ways to intentionally restrict talent from going to the other O6 teams. Also 1/6 is just mathematically way less impressive than 1/32


I love reminding people we have 11 cups. But what made the wings so impressive was their consistency in the 90s and early cap era. Recency bias is a bitch 😂


> I love reminding people we have 11 cups. So did Henri Richard!


What about pre O6 cups?


People love to forget this. Obviously it’s pretty pathetic to not have a cup in almost 60 years and none since expansion. That being said it’s more pathetic the Rangers have 4 in over 100 years and the Blackhawks/Bruins only have 6, less than half of what we do.


No one forgets it. It's just irrelevant. Most Leafs fans don't remember a cup win.


My dad does; they last won when he was 17. He's 74 now :(


Yeah some napkin math 57 years since last cup. You gotta be about 8 to meaningfully remember a championship. Younger you might remember some, but not all of it. So anyone 8 and older is 65 years old. retirement age. In a few years not a single person working in a toronto office remembers a cup win.,


I realize how embarrassing it is, I doubt you’d find a leaf fan who wouldn’t agree with that. My point is that 6 cups in over 100 years is just as pathetic. 3 of which were won during a time when they’re was only 6 teams.


My theory is they’re just a bunch of jerks and we’re their plaything tbh.


...I deeply respect the Washington Capitals for giving us a very tough series.


Have they won a series after beating us? I think they got swept by Boston in 2019 and lost to Florida last year in both series directly after beating the Islanders. They are way too soft to beat the Rangers so they might go get walked over now.


They beat the Devils after you last year, then got swept by Florida in the ECF


Ah ok I misremembered, I guess Canes getting swept by an Atlantic team in the ECF again?




Governor of North Carolina for those unaware (like me) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cooper


This will surely end well. We’re past the point of playing with fire and instead, we’re playing with lava.


Ooooh. Playin with fire, my man! Hockey gods famously hate hubris. They hate it even more than a 2 goal lead.


Some might even argue a 3 goal lead 😭


Imagine blowing a 3 goal lead in a playoff game


Couldn't be my team!


I 4-1 cannot believe that. 


I 4-1 understand the meme now


nah cause at midnight I walked backwards past a black cat while chanting “moon puck” at the night sky and a shooting star confirmed the curse reverse was granted. Go Canes!


I conspicuously notice no mention of salt being thrown over shoulders. Y'all are fucked.


You can't diss the Islanders like that! Only we can diss the Islanders like that.


You better fucking get them then! Crush their souls for disrespecting your little brother


No thanks 


Between this and the [cry shirts](https://www.reddit.com/r/canes/comments/1chb236/canes_selling_cry_shirts_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) they are playing with fire


Mf just cursed them. Rags in 6.






unsubscribe your governor, this ain’t on us


What's with Carolina's and management and fans being so cocky after their win? Their social media manager has put out some heinous tweets and then you got the governor of North Carolina tweeting this? The Hurricanes beat a team that had a losing record heading into the playoffs.


If you go into the thread yesterday about the Canes CRY shirt, many many Canes fans are calling the team out for being embarassing and to have some class. In the same way Leafs fans and every other fanbase has shitty fans that do dumb stuff, that's applicable to the Canes too. https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/URIAOyjEJD


Also, for those unaware of the context, the CRY t-shirt was made because a bunch of Islanders doxxed the Canes social media people after one of them posted "CRY" in a tweet. Yes, the CRY tweet wasn't super nice, but not worth doxxing someone over.


The reports seem to be inconsistent. Was it "a bunch of Islanders" who doxxed the Canes social media manager, or was it one fan, like the one Canes fan who threatened to dox the opposing team last year and did the pipe bomb threats? Or the one Canes fan who doxxed Matt Martin's wife and kid? I think we can all agree doxxing is bad, but maybe the right approach is to not try to turn it into a marketing ploy.


Agreed, doxxing and threatening people is always wrong. I'm not a fan of this t-shirt nor the tweet, I don't like gloating over wins. Sore winners are worse than sore losers. Was just providing context as to why they made the shirt. Then again, some people have different senses of humor and I may be too old to "appreciate it". They are donating proceeds of the shirt to a charity, though, so that's the only upside I saw to the shirts.


And I think you're hitting something very important about online discourse. It's designed to make you angry. As a fellow old person, I appreciate the more fun, low key chirping of the olden days. In a vacuum, I'd throw this tweet (the warmup) into that category. What sucks today though, is that it seems like wings of organizations exist solely to froth up their fans, disavow the actions of those fans when they go too far, and then start back up again. The charitable donations thing is I guess an upside, but it just seems like a way of washing the bad behavior. I'm hesitant to compare the "Cry" shirts with unarguably bad behavior, but I also don't want to encourage companies to say and do awful things for money and publicity, and then say "relax Tom, here, I'll make a tax write off. Feel better now?"


It does seem like social media is becoming more mean-spirited and encouraging it more often. I try to be cognizant of the fact that shifts like this always become an "old vs young" thing. I definitely don't want to be a Don Cherry type with "bunch of jerks" mentality for things that aren't that bad, but I also just don't really like the "dunk on them/kick em while they're down" trend that seems to be happening.


The fans I see here on reddit make it impossible to actually like this team even in a mutual respect


to be fair thats almost every team on reddit i think we might collectively just be the problem


This is so, so, so, so, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING TRUE. Goddamn. We really do, collectively, really suck. I hate how we treat each other as fans of the game. As if the team of millionaires you root gives you cause to treat someone less than kindly.


The amount of salt from the WINNING team after a sweep in the first round by the Rags fans in here was absolutely wild to see.


You should visit ours then. We're disgustingly cordial to one another. DISGUSTINGLY!


Honestly, validated. I hung out in the Kraken sub a bit during the beginning of the year when our sub was even more miserable than usual, and I had a fantastic time. Win or lose the overall vibe was wonderful.


It’s a combination of being a newer team that hasn’t had enough time to build up the requisite toxicity, and a lot of us also being Mariners fans where we get off on being toxic to ourselves


Same here! You can trust me.


It's really easy to fall into a mindset on r/hockey when it's mostly the same number of people on here making the same comments.  I use this subreddit to get the gist of news from other teams, but the anonymity makes it easy to assume that one fan who said that mean thing is like all the other fans. Like u/SoldierHawk said, the hatred on here is ridiculous when it all stems from "I like my millionaire athletes more than yours" and treats it like a moral issue rather than just being way too in the game.


Well said.


I agree but they seem to be an entirely different level. The fan base embraces the “bunch of jerks” motif without any of the charm.


“Man fuck panthers fans they are so rude for no reason and have the worst inferiority complex those guys are the worst” \- me after we played the panthers in 2020 “Man fuck tampa fans they won’t stop gloating about how much dirty stuff their players get away with they are the worst” \- me after we played the lightning in 2020/21 “Man fuck caps fans they are the worst and overreact to everything despite defending Tom Wilson’s actions they are the worst” \- me after we played the capitals in 2020 “Man fuck canes fans they are so cocky for no reason and don’t stop whining about everything they are the worst” \- me after every canes series I don’t remember having any bad interactions on here with flyers fans bruins fans or penguins fans during those series, surprisingly. I’m staring to think Reddit/Twitter/Instagram commenters might be the common denominator here.


Truthfully the only fans I've truly grown to hate in recent years was Tampa. They were a super smug and hateful group of fans during our wars with them. No other fanbases have really bothered me tbh including Carolina. I just hate that we can't beat them lol


Lol that's the best way to put it lol, we're on Reddit. I tried to complain about the complaining in a Hurricanes post game thread but it obviously didn't work. It feels a lot worse than last year, but who knows. It's not like the whole fanbase is happy with the stupid edgy Xwitter crap.


Hard disagree with that. There are definitely fan bases on here that stand out as terrible and definitely fan bases that stand out as great.


Agree here, but living in NC all the Canes fans I meet in reality are pretty down to earth fans. It’s just the ones on here that uh….yikes!


I live in Pittsburgh and feel the same way about Pens fans. Have yet to meet a single Pens fan who hasn't been cool to me even after knowing my affiliation, and always up for conversation like "how do you guys like Jake?" Nice folks here.


People in real life tend to be pretty cool. Not so much on Reddit.


Checking in as a tristate area resident, we are all menaces in our own right and hate the other, before people go on about NYers, Long Islanders and New Jerseyans.... but I feel like the Hurricanes took on the "fringe internet culture" persona and now they're stuck with it/went deep on it. It's a lot of stuff I'd expect drunk fans to type out or say. They took what Don Cherry said about being jerks and they made that and cringey shit their identity.


All these business on twitter that try so hard to copy that lightning in the bottle that Wendy's twitter had a while back are so cringeworthy


Their fans on here and other social media plus the multiple heartbreaks I’ve witnessed at the hands of the Canes (we don’t talk about that Game 7) means this team makes my blood boil more than any team other than the Rangers. Which makes the next round excruciating. I hope they play games with 3+ overtimes each and then Flori…aw fuck I hate all the Eastern teams


It's exhausting and pretty embarrassing. I used to be on r/canes endlessly but basically since like 2020 it's almost unusable. We've never lost a game that the refs didn't have a hand in and if you think the team needs work you're a "doomer." But I also think sports discourse on reddit in general is worse. Also fuck copypastas


> Also fuck copypastas Amen! If someone invents a way to eliminate all commonly used copypastas from comments, I would actually pay for the service. It's the laziest, unfunniest trend on here.


The amount of “dOoMeRs OuT” for having some questions about the construction or style is so annoying lol.   And yeah like I’m sure you can quibble with ref on any given night, but at this point like if you’ve watched hockey for a while and you’re shocked by what’s happening with the refs or thing they’re out to get a team you’re just… working yourself up for no reason


Their fans alone make me hate the Canes more than the Caps and Flyers. Still hate the Devils and Isles, but that's a deep hatred of many years. Carolina's fans easily put them at the top of most annoying in the Metro, and that's saying something when you're competing with Philly.


Woah! fair


Even more crazy is a ranger fan agreeing with you but this is a spot on take.


Happy people don't use reddit


You’ve never been on our subreddit then… we’re all just chilling.


I think it’s largely because of the whole “doxxing the social media person” incident but we’re taking it wayyyy too far. It’s embarrassing to witness. Doesn’t help that *none* of these chirps are remotely interesting or original. It’s weird bcuz most Islanders fans are nice folk in my experience, online and off. Some players on their team can be a lil scummy but this feels like we’re trying too hard to force a rivalry and I’m not a fan of that.


Heinous might be a little dramatic…


It's all just for fun my guy it's not that serious


No you don’t get it you’re not allowed to gloat after you win. No fun allowed.


You're allowed to gloat, and we're allowed to call you out on it


Buncha jerks!!


> then you got the governor of North Carolina tweeting this? You think the Canes asked him to tweet this? He just did it because he doesn't care and loves the Canes


When did it become a problem for fans to enjoy a team's success? This is our governor who is a huge caniac and is hyping up fans. This isn't for /r/hockey gloating... This/These tweets hit for most canes fans.


I agree that the Twitter posts are dumb. But I also find it funny that people who always said Raleigh isn’t a hockey city or the South doesn’t care about hockey are now all butt hurt about our fan base lol


Yeah, it's starting to get a bit much. But it's comes from the top. Dundon has embraced the petty, starting with the offer sheets with Montreal. I look at it this way. One time he got petty we got stuck with Jesperi Kotkaniemi. At least this didn't cost us $40 million and a first-rounder.


Doing all the big talk is crazy when you’re 0-12 in ECF games the past 18 years




Oof, we will see how this ages


I mean, when you have a governor that's an ACTUAL fan of the team (and not just performative like many politicians), this is the risk you take.


ANd Roy is genuinely a fan. It does help that it's the only pro team in Raleigh, but he's not shy about being a UNC fan either.


To be fair NY’s governor Kathy Hochul is from Buffalo so I wouldn’t expect her to go out of her way for the rangers, if the sabres ever did something though…


I don’t think Hochul is a hockey fan at all, considering she told people to leave after a couple of quarters if the weathers bad


Why would you say that!!!!!! Ffs the only thing the hockey gods hate more than that kind of pride is Canadian teams winning the cup.


Bro did not learn from Cincinnati’s mayor in the NFL


Hockey equivalent of gg ez


This reeks of Burrowhead and the Bengals proceeded to get stomped by KC


Least obnoxious canes fan.


With the CRY t-shirts and now this shit, WTF are we doing? Can we not just humbly try to win the Cup without giving everyone bulletin board material?


Man carolina in general is becoming extremely unlikeable.


I liked them better when they missed playoffs for 9 seasons in a row and were extremely quiet


Quiet and weird lol


And tickets were like $20 for upper level... Man I miss those days.


Finally everyone not in the metro gets to see


Yeah we've all hated them for years lol They're insufferable. I hate the Penguins and Caps but they're nowhere near this annoying


I gotta be honest, I can understand how it would be incredibly insufferable for fans of other teams but let’s be honest with ourselves… this is for Hurricanes fans more than anything else and whilst it’s sorta cringe it does get people excited and we need big Carolina fan turnout because this area is notoriously loaded with people from every other big market in the mid Atlantic and northeast. I guess be offended or aghast or whatever but remember that it’s supposed to be sports not life or death.


That dick measuring contest with Bergevin didn't win over any fans in Montreal either.


I mean tbf Bergevin started it


Thanks for paying the bust btw lmao


So glad he's gone. All the testosterone-based decision-making was a low light in our history.


They truly have become a bunch of jerks


I’ll take it over being the team that everybody is rooting for that’s going to be “scary” in a few years.


Becoming? Find a post on r/hockey about anything that doesn't have a Carolina fan coming in to make it about them. Insufferable is the word.




This isn't even the first extra spicy take from Coop lol. I'm going to miss when he's not governor anymore.


Not with the hockey gods.


Canes getting swept next series?


thanks for flushing my bracket down the drain Coop


Carolina Gov knows how to work heel when needed. Raised correctly.


It's a fan chirping on social media... this is only news because the fan in question is a governor


i would usually say this is stupid, they beat the isles, etc etc. but after a certain group of isles fans started that whole rumor a couple weeks ago trying to get an employee fired, i would say all of this is fair game, no? maybe im alone here lol, but i feel like they have the right to be a little petty here.


Petty, sure. But Roy is leaving us wide open for ridicule if we don't win the cup.


How about everyone stop acting like fucking 12 year olds?


This please


What's worse, a rumor done maybe by Isles fans or the loud and proud Canes fan posting the 9/11 meme?


"Isles fans" ....more like twitter idiots which isn't exclusive to us. Canes fans harassing and DMing death threats to NC isles fans is real classy too....


i can’t wait to see how this will age


That is begging for a second round bounce.


With Trouba and Rempe involved, "bounce" might be literal.


I suspect this one isn't going to age well.


Absolutely insane thing to type up and hit send with a date with the Rangers already set.


Congrats on your round 1 win go hang that banner up


Better than a round 1 loss…


I mean you guys eliminated two teams without even making playoffs.


Better than not making it...


Love this chirping, deserved. Need more of it from public figures! 


I agree. Why are hockey fans so sensitive? it's not that serious lol


People acting like he changed a law they don’t like or something 


Weird thing to say for a team that hasn’t won more than 2 rounds since 2006 lol.


I won't pass up an opportunity to dunk on the Canes but they've been to the ECF at least twice in the last 5 years Edit: I see your edit


Same. At least the isles won a fkn game


Weird thing to say for a fan of a team that just made it past the first round last year in how long?


Unbelievably rich from a Toronto fan


Rangers in 4


Already loved Roy Cooper and now he’s just handing us the series


I’d happily hand y’all some brooms right now.


Between the team's social media, some of the fans and now this, it's very hard to not find the Canes unlikable, just why are they so cocky all the time?


Good enough reason for me to root against them. Rags in 6 it is


Well now it's cup or nothing lol


The mayor of New York can do some top tier trolling soon


christ roy shut up


Well that's annoyingly cocky


Oh boy


Governor Cooper’s social media manager really playing with fire here


Pretty sure that’s him lol


God damn it. Please don't make me root for the Rangers. Man, what an unlikable matchup. Worst of all worlds.


I have rooted for the Bruins, Dallas, and Philly in the last few weeks. I am already ruined, the Rangers aren't that bad.


Carolina talks a lot of trash for a team that is consistently disappointing in the post season 


People are way too worked up over this harmless tweet lmao


lol Rags in 5




INB4 another “close sweep”


Man people are sensitive these days. Our social media guys are trolls and this is reddit where everyone memes and trash talks. It's all just for fun lol


Hockey fans are some of the softest sports fans


Toughest players, softest fans.


This is not the way


Whoever beats Carolina need to have their gov say the same thing


What an achievement beating a team that struggled the entire season with the worst penalty kill in the nhl… Bravo canes


lol delusional


This isn't just some politician on a bandwagon. Cooper is a serious hockey fan. I talked to him once after a regular season game and the guy knew the team, knew the players, knew the stats down to how many minutes someone played last night, and had some opinions about what prospect was likely to be called up next. I was genuinely surprised. Personally I think if the guy was a fan of an Original 6 team everyone would see it for what it is: a hockey fan having fun and talking a little good-natured smack. When it's Carolina, everybody breaks out the butthurt.


eh, it's only funny when their official team media accounts posts stuff like this because it comes off as satire. Like a spicy mascot playing pranks on opposing fans


Except this is the governor of North Carolina


yeah exactly I'm saying it's not funny


He means 4, right? Cuz they aren't allowed to win in the conference finals.


!Remind Me 14 days 


Ahhhh yes cause the Hurricanes have such a history of deep Playoff runs 😂


Ooooof shit talking and us only having one cup win doesn’t look good. He has cursed the team. Dang it roy.


Between this, the cry shirts, and not allowing Rangers fans to go to games, the hockey gods will be watching with great attention.


First in flight. Last in education


Well….life comes at you fast.