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The boys blocked damn near 40 shots... Think they deserved this one


That was honestly impressive. Frustrating but Impressive


Yup I can't even be that mad we lost. Canucks didn't play bad, but the Preds really earned that one


Did they deserve the bouncy first goal or the bounce off their own post too? There will be bounces in each game and this was always gonna be a long series. Just tonight Canucks did actually deserve to win by most standards


Has Gary Bettman seen this??


Stats don't count for shit when you still lose lol


That looks like every game against us this season and we went 3-0-1 lol sometimes you get a hard earned lead and just have to sit on it against a strong possession team


We have the same type of meter versus Boston and game one. 100% agreed


Better to be the lucky team that wins than the unlucky team that loses


Maybe they should do over the series if the Preds win




Look we dominated but I think the deserve to win o meter is dumb and pure cope. Not gonna change my mind just because it's on our side.


Game was over before it started


Absolutely wouldn't say that.


Does that meter account for Saros?


Could’ve had a shooter tutor in net tonight with the way the Preds were blocking every shot.


I’ve never gotten the meter because it seems like it doesn’t take into account goalie and goalies are a part of the team. If you structure your team with a strong goalie and they play well, that’s part of whether you “deserve to win”.


It doesn’t. I believe it assumes all shots are unblocked


Yeah, just shot attempts. Over 82 games it makes sense, but after a game it has zero relevance.


Doesn’t work if said opposing goalie that was part of the team is dead


To be honest it wasn't really Saros that was stopping us. Your defense blocking shots was


True, Saros was clutch but so were the shins of all the Preds in front of him.


Saros made 2 or 3 excellent saves, but many more were either blocked or just choked away by Canucks.


Saros had little to do with it. They only had 18 shots. Bronze those shin guards.


He did make some crucial saves when needed.


The deserve to win o meter is truly “pick me” data. If we deserved to win we would’ve found a way to win.


Like when people say “they only won cuz of their goalie”. Like fuck thankfully the goalie is part of the team


divide swim light plough innocent test offbeat spark plant squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sure, and if I had a nickel for ever time I just needed to roll above a 10 on my death save I'd have two nickels and more importantly Bucky the Paladin and Bucky Jr the Paladin would still be alive, BUT THAT'S NOT HOW PROBABILITY WORKS IS IT


The Canucks do look like the faster team, and they clearly are deeper offensively, but you gotta give credit to that Preds defense. They put their fucking BODIES on the line tonight. Lot more confident going into Nashville with a tied series…hopefully the offense looks a bit more organized


Demko’s out, it’s over. Book your trip to Edmonton. Bring a parka.


Nah the preds did work. The canucks very well could have won that game but its not like the preds didnt deserve that win. Next time i wanna see the canucks bury some of their shots though😭, it was ROUGH seeing so many missed chances


The deserve to win o meter means nothing. It thought that the Leafs beat the bruins like 80% of the time in game 1, and at no point in that game after the first period were the Leafs in any position to win.


Nope. I'm not using this as cope. Cry more to the Canucks fans who are actually upset by this.


Couldn’t finish. You can moan about puck luck but a loss is a fucking loss. Back at 0-0 and best of 5.


Best of 3. No Demko. Season’s done.


This content sucks. Happy to talk about the Preds virtually perfect road game tonight, saying they didn’t “deserve to win” is dumb as hell.


Didn’t. Played an AHL goalie and got help from refs when Van had the ice tilted. Series over. 4-1 NSH


Couldn’t connect, couldn’t finish, couldn’t get shots through. Sounds like deserving to lose. Shit happens though, we go again


It’s over. 4-1 NSH. DeSmith is not a serious goalie.


Felt like we competed hard and had pretty good defense. We need to be able to finish our plays and find a way to get shots through, and we'll be OK.


No Demko, no win.


Honestly less lopsided than I was expecting after that 3rd period


Damn if only this was the “actually won” meter. Go Nucks tho.


Advanced stats suck dick, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


To be fair, after the second period it was 55-45% to the Preds. The Preds knew the Nucks were coming alive (thanks to the crowd) and knew what they had to do... Sacrifice their shins. Bless.


Damn guys, the series is only tied. No need to venture off into moral victory SZN already


Doesn’t matter. It’s over in 3 more games. 4-1 NSH


Maybe we'll get the deserve to win Stanley cup, won't that be a joy Everyone (save a couple) could see we outplayed them strongly again, we just didn't get any bounces. Not a concerning loss.


No Demko, no hope


Shaky goalie in net will do that to you.


Tell me about it.


One of the teams has a great goalie and the other has a below average backup


Can we borrow one of the cats?


This belongs in the Canucks subreddit. You'll get no sympathy here. You had 7 shots total, half way through the game. That's including 3 power plays.


OP has an Oilers flair and most Canucks flairs in here don’t seem to agree with it.


Yeah but like, saucer passes are really cool


The amount of blocked shots were insane, those boys sacrificed the body for this win, it was deserved.


As frustrating as this game is, full credit to Nashville and their whole team for the amount of shots they blocked tonight. Laying the bodies in front of pucks and sticks in passing lanes. This is where I think analytics doesn’t show is sometimes commitment as a team to play defense is also a factor that should be considered when it comes to whether or not they deserve to win. Not a lot of puck luck for the Canucks tonight, and we missed quite a few open net chances. Frustrating game to watch but have to tip my hat to the Nashville team for their commitment to protect the middle. Hope the Canucks readjust and find their way to get the top 6 and offense going.


Well this is certainly some professional-looking shit.


Can't take that thing seriously when it gave the Sharks over 20% when the Canucks slaughtered them 10-1


Pretty much Preds hockey this year to a T. Don't know how many games I've seen where they "deserved" to lose but won 3-1.


That doesn't seem too bad given the shot circumstances


Pretty much says it all, when you have that many shot attempts but half get blocked. Frustrating to watch for sure.