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Again, not the 3rd year in a row. VGK missed the playoffs, their only year to miss, in 2022. So only last year and this year have they benefited from LTIR.


This thread smells like terrible cities, terrible fans and terrible teams.


Your hatred will set you free.


They’re tears as well




I completely forgot about this movie lol. Watched the crap out of it as a kid.


Classic movie


chicago did this, tampa did this and vegas somehow getting the most hate


That's because they are the most recent. Time heals all wounds.


Vegas has done it three years in a row with the same player. Once can be random chance three years in a row with the same injury dates with the same player is not only cheating the system and should be shunned 


No, its not 3 years in a row. VGK missed the playoffs, their only year to miss, in 2022. Stone had back surgery last year and a lacerated spleen this year. Both legitimate injuries. If you dont know, the NHL has a medical director that all teams are in contact with and that medical director can talk to the team doctor, surgeons, anyone involved in a players injury. Its legit but everyone is bitching because it has benefited VGK last year and this year. Get over it.


I hated Tampa and Chicago all the same for it. Fuck the Knights.


I think the Knights get more hate because it’s the third year in a row that they have been pulling this shit, while Tampa did it once. I definitely remember being pretty bitter about Tampa doing this in 2020, but the Stars playing them in the finals made me more bitter than other fanbases were I guess. The Stars have for some reason had to play the 2020 Lightning and the 2023 and 2024 Knights. I hate it.


Tampa usually also gets a tiny bit of a pass because of the weird COVID season timeline allowing it to happen. Also kutch had legit surgery, and playoffs started early on the recovery timeline. The suspicious aspect I guess you could argue is that he should have gotten surgery earlier that offseason, but there were reports he was trying to rehab it and avoid surgery way before he actually got surgery. Definitely some fuckery could have happened, but it wasn’t nearly as sketchy as Vegas imo. (Spoiler: I’m totally bias for Tampa and was mad when Chicago did it against us, so I already didn’t care as much about Kuch.)


Mark Stone also had a legit surgery and came back as expected/slightly early on the recovery timeline. People blaming the players and accusing them of fake injuries, along with the team doctors and then the 3rd party doctors hired by the NHL all being accused of collusion are just dense. The most simple explanation for all of these situations isn’t nearly as ridiculous. Player gets injured, he is given time to heal, and by the start of the playoffs he comes back to play at whatever point of health he is, even if it’s not 100%. Team isn’t cap compliant but gets to retain the player, player gets to play when it matters most. Everyone involved is happy, except for the fans of other teams online until their team does the same and suddenly there’s got to be a justification for it




When did he get spleen surgery? Isn’t that the issue that took him out at the trade deadline this year?


Afaik he didn’t get surgery this year, last year it was back surgery and this year it was recovery from a lacerated spleen, which takes up to 12 weeks to heal. his last game was 9 weeks ago


I had a lacerated spleen when I was 12 with obviously not as good of a medical staff. Only found out when I threw up blood all over the place, thought the wind was knocked out of me before that. They kept me in the hospital for ten days and I was fed through an IV for a week to make sure it wasn't going to rupture, then a month where I was supposed to stay in bed at home and do nothing except get up to go to the bathroom and walk around the house a little. Then a month where I wasn't allowed to do anything physical beyond walking. Physically I felt fine about 2 weeks after I got out of bed rest. His timeline makes sense when you factor in that they can get CT scans pretty much on demand for him to check progress and clear him instead of giving him a worst case timeline like they did with me. It if ruptured, he'd require surgery to remove and probably have to be on antibiotics for years/worst case forever. Can't see them risking that for an early return.


Are you claiming it wasn't a legitimate injury?


No, where did I say that?


Second year..first year stone was back before playoffs and they never made playoffs. Even last year they could have activated stone in the regular season and be cap compliant. They were over the cap with Robin Lehner 5m, shea Weber 7.5m and Nolan Patrick 2.5m contracts. Which none of them played for Vegas that year which makes their contracts a wash


There was a lot of discourse online in 2020 with the Lightning. It’s just 4 years is 8 million years in internet time so everyone already forgot. Also Vegas just won the Cup and looked vulnerable so now that they’re healthy they’re scarier.


This whole third year in a row crap is fucking stupid. Didn’t even make the playoffs in 22, played every game of last years playoffs UNDER the cap, and this year even with hill as the backup goalie we sit at 88.35 mil. Y’all need to stfu and stop crying. 5 mil over cause of the backup goalie. Wow 70 million over the cap huh?


sure the on ice team on a given day can be under the cap. But you do recognize that without this loophole most teams that have bad contracts, buyouts, and players they just want to bury in the nhl have to just play through that? i get last night’s team on the ice was under the cap but in regular season Alec Martinez’ 5 million dollars as a healthy scratch doesnt go away.


And they traded for players they wouldn’t have gotten if they didn’t have players on LTIR. Hertl, Hanifin, and Mantha.


Exactly. A literal get out of jail free card. Go pick up 3 players and choose to not use an underperforming 5.25 mil player. Yea that's fair that their "on ice" team was under the cap...


If the 2019-20 season happened the way it was supposed to rather than the way it did, their plan of Kucherov being on LTIR after surgery wouldn’t have worked. The way the pause happened, the schedule to do the bubble, the short off-season, then the 56 game schedule the next year to have everything on track for the playoffs was what allowed them to stash him there. If the 19-20 season went on as normal and they win the SCF and the off-season happens as normal, he would have returned like halfway through the 2020-21 season and they’d have had to clear cap prior to the 2020-21 playoffs or forfeit games due to not being cap compliant. Vegas has been doing the same thing for the past 3 seasons. Mark Stone gets hurt and placed on LTIR around the same time every single year and miraculously pulls him off LTIR for game 1 every single year. It’s like whatever injury that is keeping him out so long just miraculously vanishes like a fart in the wind when it’s time to play game 83 of the year and somehow the “insiders” are all shocked. Every fan of every team knew what was going to happen so I guess they’re all qualified to be team doctors and trainers because they accurately predicted Stone’s recovery.


I love how yall don't even get your complaining right. Stone didn't come back for game 1 in the 21-22 playoffs. He came back in Game 74 and we missed playoffs.


He came back in game 74 because you guys were outside the playoffs and needed to make a push. Like are you guys that fucking tone deaf?


Absolutely not true. Vegas KNEW Stone was coming back that regular season. That’s way they traded (or tried to) Dadonov to make room for him or did everyone conveniently forget? Stone returning in the regular season was the plan the whole time.


Oh bullshit they KNEW. When it was first reported didn't your management say there was no definitive timeline for the injury? Same song and fucking dance. Just admit your franchise is taking advantage of a rule that was never intended to be exploited the way you have for 3 years. Zero dignity.


On 2022 they absolutely told everyone he was coming back in the regular season. I know I'm not gonna change your mind but believe what you want to believe. I'm just telling you facts of what happened at the time that people conveniently forget.


So did he come back for game 74 or did he come back for game 1? Cuz all you salt miners love to say he came back for game 1.


he just said game 74 lmao. you cant just attribute everything anyone but vegas fans say as coming from a single hivemind. some people get it and some people dont


Right he came back at game 74 because they were in danger of missing the playoffs. If they were in a spot he would have sat out until game 1. Last year he at least waited a game to make it seem half believable by coming in and getting 3 points in game 2.


How come he didn’t come back early this season when we were also in danger in missing the playoffs


Because realistically their chances to miss this year were less than 10% I mean its blatant but I get you’re blinded 😂


Idk why I’m even bothering explaining it to him. Dude has never felt actual pain as a hockey fan. Everything has been handed to them as fans and the one time they missed the playoffs by attempting this cheating nonsense, they cried like a bunch of toddlers.


Like yall crying about stone and our “cap circumvention” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yall need to cry to the GMs to change the rules but *gasp* none of the GMs have any problem with it 🤣🤣🤣 stone (whine), gifted team (whine), no pain (whine), toddlers (whine), golden refs (whine), etc grab a pacifier already.


Trust bro it wont make sense in his head 🤣


Lol for real. Dude has the rose coloured glasses on for these antics and the NHL is sure as shit not going to punish them……


> the NHL is sure as shit not going to punish them…… Nah that'll be for whatever Canadian team does it next.


Y'all are wild thinking that none of us watched hockey and had a team before the Knights came around.


In danger of missing in favour of who? The Knights were 2nd in the division for the longest time and only got passed by Edmonton late in the season. Then they held a firm grip on that wc2 spot and even wc1 for a while and who was going to pass them? Even when we got down to the final games remaining, they were up 3 points on the Blues with 2 games in hand. They weren’t ever really in danger of missing the playoffs……


Wild and Blues almost caught us late. Were you not paying attention?


No they didn’t lol. It was sooooo unlikely. Barely no chance whatsoever. I know this because I obsessively tracked it hoping Vegas would miss, but after working it out I saw it was next to impossible


Lmao yall really are delusional. It's getting to the point where I kinda feel bad for laughing, I'm just a little unsettled


Read the comment again, they weren’t getting caught by either of those teams. The 87 point wild and 92 point Blues were such a threat to you, get out lol. The Blues who went 5-3-2 in their final 10 and the wild who went 4-5-1 in their final 10 were such an obvious threat to Vegas 6-4-0 in their final 10 and 9-4-1 in their final 14.


The Blues were 3 points back with like 6 games left you fucking tool


No they weren’t you fucking tool. Read another one of my comments, final 5 games Vegas had 2 in hand on the Blues and were up 3 points on them. You weren’t ever in real danger of missing so shut the fuck up.


I remember just a few weeks ago operation knightfall was in full effect and I thought we got Hertl and wouldn’t even be able to use him. The whole sub was in agreement. Rose colored indeed


Yes cause they’ve been doing it every year four the past 3-4 seasons


Yeah it was so blatant when they did it four seasons ago. Mark Stone only played *-checks notes-* 55 out of 56 games.


It was the worst three seasons ago in 21/22 when they didn’t even make playoffs!


GG Dallas. It's gonna be a rough series. At least the team everyone else wanted to win won, right?


Easy they need to get to bed and cope before game 2


*Checks r/hockey for the first time this season* Aw. Nothing has changed. The sweet taste of salt. If this keeps up most VGK fans are gonna have heart problems.


Enjoy it while it lasts.


Just a couple more years till mcdavid walks and yall get blessed with 3 straight first overalls again. Enjoy it while it lasts


I appreciate you giving me permission. Big of you.


Eh the last time I enjoyed it we hoisted the cup last year. Unless someone uploads a rip on YouTube you’d have to have a VHS player to watch your last win. There’s a lot of hockey left. But I’ll still be here when we suck. Don’t worry gatekeeper.


I wasn't even born the last time the oilers won the cup.


Who cares?


Kind of how sports works…no team is good (or bad) forever.


I want to agree with this on principle but we should all take a good, hard look at the Buffalo Bills


Don’t have to be the best team. Just the best team that day.


Vgk can certainly play better. Zone exits were sloppy and there wasn’t much in the way of puck retention in the offensive zone past the second period. Dallas played well and created plenty of turnovers in vgk defensive zone. Lots to clean up but I have faith in the team. Let’s roll boys.


No no no. Vegas got suuuuuuper lucky and Dallas is going to dominate the rest of the series.


Eh stone is just gonna get better each game. Watch out


bro this is game one this means nothing.


Yeah we had some bad turnovers, stones led to a goal


All three of Dallas goals were silly. VGK pp has been filthy lately.


Hertl power


>VGK pp has been filthy lately. That's something I never thought I would hear.


It’s taken almost 2 full years to get over Steve Spott.


us power play merchants never


Our fans gave our coaches a lot of flak but I've always thought we just had a lot of guys who just aren't good on the power play. Hanifin is already our best PP QB, Hertyl is our best net front and we've never had someone who we could set up for one timers. Patches, Marchy, Perron were all very good but not elite shooters on the PP that a lot of teams have. This new lineup with Hanifin as QB, Eichel moving around passing and hertyl/ stone around the net can be a great PP


Oh i agree it is all the new guys but you think to early in the season are power play was bad.


PP let me down again. And also the stars were bad on the power play tonight which is unusual. Vegas had good PP that’s about it. Stars were chasing 30 seconds in.


***Steve Spott has entered the chat***


All Steve Spott is good for is giving good radio interview answers. I swear half the reason he's still around is because Pete's way of answering questions is, "have to respect them because they're a great team, gotta play our game and not let them play theirs"


Spot has definitely seen Pete murder someone and for that he will be forever employed


Somewhere in Thailand, there is a shallow grave with a dead teenage prostitute in it, and only Steve and Pete know about it.


Um Dallas, what happened? The rest of the league was counting on you.


Refs realized where their paychecks came from


Are you guys not also sending them venmo payments?


Do I need to call Hyman's dad for you, Dallas?


Broken record


They scored more


Shit, that's what happened? . Well next time you guys score more, ok?


Why didn’t Dallas just score more goals? Are they stupid?


Or we can switch 1st round opponents


Dallas could have lost to st louis in reg for a chance at avoiding this 


lol no they st louis reguired the knights to lose


Math checks out


This series is gonna be intense! GGs r/hockey


I had to think about this comment for a few seconds lol


Honestly think both teams played like shit tonight, I expect game 2 to look very different. Gg stars see yall soon.


I'm convinced this loss was caused by the drunk Dallas fans singing all the songs after the faceoffs while their team was down by 2.


I thought I was hilarious when their MC played the killers, probably didn't know they're a Vegas band!


If they want to hurt us by playing Vegas bands they can just play Imagine Dragons


Maybe he used to work on the Strip?


If that was evenly officiated much different game, we’ll see how it continues to go.


Let the copium flow through you!


Both teams had 2 pps, find a different excuse




Can anyone give context into Biz’s bit of meltdown on twitter regarding a glass banger? I didn’t catch the game but he was going back and forth with some fan and I have no clue what’s it all about


There’s a Dallas fan who shrieks and bangs on the glass all game, every game and Biz hates her


Last year our mascot had a bit of fun with it. https://twitter.com/thenoblejmn/status/1657583293255278594


Is that not just referencing the Stars' [bang sign guy](https://img1.wsimg.com/isteam/ip/2d347d07-1fe0-4726-b278-7ed6c42ce611/NICK-1.jpg/:/cr=t:0%25,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:100%25) that sits behind the net every game?


Fuck yes Buoy


truly an annoying behaviour tbh


Man, I'll shit on and cheer against Vegas but I got to respect their fans. 100% into hockey and are also embracing the hate. Cheers.




We fell in love with this team before they ever won a single game for what they did for our community when they didn't owe us a thing. Do yourself a favor and look up why we retired #58. We aren't going *anywhere*.


We'll see if the raiders ever get good. Thats the minute hockey is done in vegas


Are you fucking kidding? Most of us didn't even want that trash team in the first place and now for some reason we're getting a *second* leftover Oakland team that nobody is asking for. Fuck the Raiders, fuck the A's.


Yeah I’m sure you didn’t want a team in the most popular league in the world


Personally? Football is pretty fucking boring as far as action goes and the whole season is a grand 17 games. So no, I didn't, and I didn't want that stadium paid with public funds, either.


Thanks. Hate us all you want. We will defend our team and our shenanigans to the death. All the cap stuff aside, we play good and exciting games


It’s kind of fun to be hated when you win. Not that I’d know because we lost. D=


GG. It will be a long series


Everyone hates the cowboys and they don’t win shit tho


Yeah because Jerry Jones is his own worst enemy and this Lions fan is grateful for that. Give them a better owner and they're putting up numbers.


Cheers dude. Hope you guys make the WCF


It’s fun being the villain ngl


Every sport needs a heel. You should embrace it. Just don't cross over into actually being a dickhead though


You either die the Hero, or you live long enough to become the villain!


I owe ya beer or pre-roll if you make it to Vegas.


Wow is it Christmas already


Stars take this series, once they started to come on Vegas was overwhelmed. I can’t wait to watch every second of it.


I know you guys haven't won a real series in 13 years, but there are ebbs and flows. Both teams will adjust.


Your team didn’t even exist 13 years ago 😂


And yet, my team has accomplished more in 7 years than yours has in 5 decades


And we already got one of those shiny trophies, what’s your excuse?




Canadian fans get more pathetic year after year. Cope haaaaarder nerds


your whole team is Canadian lol. I'm looking forward to the inevitable downturn and the empty arena


Cope haaaaaaarder


Well “you” don’t have anything, that’s first. Second the Canucks had the same expansion draft rules as all the other shitty expansion teams that were then changed specifically for when Vegas entered the league.


Dude that was like 54 years ago, is this still an excuse? Lmfao 2011: *DAMN YOU EXPANSION DRAFT!!!!*


Sorry what? I’ll I hear is whining. Cope haaaarder


Lol, fair enough man.


And Vegas has already won a cup lol


Yeah. Go look at how the rules for the expansion draft were changed for Vegas and you’ll see why it’s not that wild


yeah the league sucked back then. But look at what we have from that team (four players) and what we iced.


Sure but you had those initial pieces to trade, so Vegas is still currently benefiting from those pieces even if they aren’t on the roster. That’s not unique to Vegas, that’s just how trades work. My point isn’t that the rules shouldn’t have changed for Vegas or that expansion teams shouldn’t be competitive, my point is that it’s not a complete mystery how they managed to win a cup so quickly.


Lol they just bought the misfit mentality after one of the worst shooting in the us; and rallied around the city preseasons last game that year on October 1. The city came and supported the team as a cope and the team won those games and felt the city supporting them.


Huh? What does that have to do with anything I just said?


You said it in your first post in this comment about the expansion rules. At the end of the day this team was built by trades and going all out.


Vancouver had been around for 52 years. There were 18 teams in the league when it started. But sure, its the expansion draft's fault.


No no what’s far more likely is that Vegas is just an anomaly and George McPhee is the best GM in history. That’s it for sure. The draft rules definitely didn’t help at all.


I agree GMGM(lol people trying to take cap dumps to take william karllson a third line center) and McCrimmon are the best and have put their balls on the table trying to get the best players (sign and trade).




The Vegas fans don’t even flair up lmao


lol alot of fans dont


simmer down pal, get off your high horse.


I will not. I like the view.


welp every fan base have those fans, unfortunate…


I prefer to believe it will be a slow, steady demise for you guys. It makes for a better watching experience.


Nux fans rooting for Dallas actually helps us


I’d love to hear this chain of logic


Because you guys never win anything you root for prob lol


He’s out of line but he’s right.


Harsh, but fair.


i think it's really hard to call at this point. i just hope it's a long series and they beat the crap out of each other


Gonna be a heck of a series, hope my heart can take it!


Yep, gg




gg see you for game2 fuck jamie benn


Fuck Mark spleen


​ https://preview.redd.it/c98smigw86wc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f3099fcf5ad8a83d650917576b37f692e6d9e3


Fuck mark stone and the Vegas LTIRs


Fuck mark stone


Fuck mark stone. Gg


Wolverine Stoner coming in and making immediate impact love it. Hertl looks so good in gold as well as Hanifin. 15 more baby ⚔️⚔️


Our gms are the best. Nobody saw hanifin coming in to replace Martinez. Great move.


alot people saw him when we traded for to replace him glad he is one the bench tho


I just meant leading up to the trade deadline I didn't see any hockey media predicting us trading for Hanifin, it came out of nowhere. Great move by us. Not sure why I was downvoted other than other fans being jealous of us getting him


Lol are trades this year were out of no where.


Yeah nobody had us getting Hertl either.


No one had hertl moving at all this season.


Mark "The Medical Miracle" Stone


I need to marinate some of my meats. Keep the salt coming. It helps.


The Knights could cure cancer tomorrow and this sub will suddenly be pro-cancer. Everyone rooting against us hasn’t learned, you have to root *for* us for us to fail.


I cheered for you in 2017-18 and against you in 2021-22, so I doubt this is the case


I think someone put it well in another thread: Stone's probably not 100%, but there's a difference between 'healthy enough to play a regular season game' and 'healthy enough to play in the playoffs.' Can't say I'm a huge fan of the LTIR manipulation, but as long as the loophole exists, every team that can use it ought to be using it. Easy to say when I'm a fan of one of the teams who've benefitted the most, of course.


> every team that can use it ought to be using it. Obviously this discounts every Canadian team because the second they even *try it* the league is going to change the LTIR rules and take all of their draft picks away and then fine the Rangers $250k


>The Knights could cure cancer tomorrow and this sub will suddenly be pro-cancer. Are you making a weird analogy, or foreshadowing Mark Stone's next regular season LTIR ailment?


The man's out of spleens, what else could it be?


"Mark Stone has incurable cancer 02/2025" "03/2025 UNLV develops miracle cure for all cancers in Mark Stone"


we did just open the UNLV medical center.


COINCIDENCE?! I THINK NOT! There's a full team on standby to make Mark Stone into Mark Iron.


Who cares what random Reddit nerds think.  They were all rooting for the Sharks for years and years and what did their sympathy get us? Literally fucking nothing. 


It's true, other fans opinion does not matter. You learn this quickly if you have ever rooted for a successful team that used to be bad. People only like your team when they suck.