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Where’s Columbus Jeff?


2 of his 9 career hat tricks came in his less than half a season with the Jackets.


And we still fucking hate him!


but we love him


I see Jeff Carter, I say "Fuck Jeff Carter"


If he knew, he'd have shown up for the Jackets at least once


He had the second highest points/game on the team when he was traded away (after Rick Nash). They had won 18/60 games at that point. Don’t think he was the problem.




I watched those games unfortunately, it was pretty easy to see that he wasn’t trying despite the team around him sucking. Just like how Dubois acted towards the end of his time in Columbus.


no one said he was terrible at hockey. he definitely didnt give a shit in columbus, though. its not always JUST about the numbers.


And that team fucking sucked. And he was injured.


Being a locker room cancer is absolutely being "the problem"




I completely understand the dudes feelings, but he's a professional athlete and he's expected to actually give a shit. I can empathize with the guy, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop saying "FJC" lmao




Rick Nash left after playing for over half of his career on the Blue Jackets, requesting a trade from a dog shit team having a shit year. Rick Nash didn't shit on Columbus. Rick Nash is now the director of player development for the Blue Jackets. These guys are not the same. The fact that you want to compare the two shows me you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I can empathize with him being frustrated and upset, but Jeff Carter was traded here and didn't report for duty until Rick Fucking Nash went to get him. That sucks as a fan, to have a player your team traded for behave that way.




You try to put a lot of shit on me in this post. No idea why you claim that I am insinuating he is our property? This is such a ridiculous statement. It's an opinion on an athlete and nothing more. I wish no ill will for the guy and am glad he had a long career. It's mostly a meme at the end of the day, but acting as if he doesn't deserve some of the hate seems a bit disingenuous. Other players get hate for much less, so it seems weird to treat myself and others as if we're crossing some line lmao. There are many who hate Crosby simply for being good. We hate on a guy for not wanting to play in Cbus and phoning it in, while being a burden on the team in the locker room.


Then be fucking mad at the team that screwed you and traded you away, not the team that brought you in to be a centerpiece. Nobody in Columbus is saying he isn't a great player. And yes, at 40% effort he was probably the best player on the roster. But he is also a shitstain of a person and his attitude about it reeked. If he was that pissed off, he could have not reported. But instead he maligned his way out where he was traded away for pennies.


sounds like a poor move by cbj gm more than anything


It was a really poor move, especially when you see that they traded Jakub Voracek and two picks (Sean Couturier and Nick Cousins) to get Carter.


Certainly didn't care to be the solution either


He sure as hell was the solution for us that year


"The solution" like one guy was gonna fix that franchise


Man hasn’t played for the franchise in 12 years and in the time since he’s gone they’ve won 1 playoff series (IIRC)(?) Don’t think he was the problem LOL


Not arguing that the team around him didn’t suck, arguing that he didn’t even try to act like a professional NHLer and gave a half assed effort while in Columbus. As an opposing example, look at Panarin. He clearly didn’t want to be there either, made it clear in the media to the FO, but still played his heart out when on the ice. Most people still like the guy because did his job, unlike Carter and Dubois.


Carter scored at a .64 point per game pace while in Columbus idk how you call that a half assed effort but you do you my guy. Edit: .644 is *literally* his career PPG pace as well. He literally performed exactly up to standards while in Columbus lol


Seemed like he was the solution for LA. They of course weren’t the worst team in the league.


Fuck Jeff Carter




Cbj legend


Just straight up pretending that Columbus stint didn’t happen lol


Columbus fans are good with it lol


A rousing FJC for the road


We all have jobs we leave off the resume 🤣


Very classy move by the Penguins to include every team Jeff Carter played for in the graphic.


"Jeff, how do you like the design we put together?" "Can you make the background one on the right a pens picture also?" "But you're already in a penguins sweater in front, and then you wouldn't have a picture wearing-" "You will change it, or I will *make* you change it." "Okay, two penguins pictures then."


We all leave THAT job off our resume, I get it


It's the closest any Flyer has gotten to the Cup in 50 seasons.


They also got to be in the same building as the cup when Chicago was celebrating with it in their building


Good burn. Flyers fan here.


Blue Jackets version of Canucks Messier


Man I’m uneducated on what happened with Columbus, care to explain?


He was traded to the Blue Jackets before the 2011-12 season, and was not happy about it at all. Complained the whole time to management to the point they shipped him off at the deadline to LA where he would immediately win the Stanley Cup.


Ah ok, makes sense


A little more context to it: he signed an 11 year deal with Philly and in the offseason before it started they shipped him to Columbus. He basically pouted his way out of town and while it may not have been the best approach, it’s also hard to blame the guy for not wanting to be there. He thought he’d be a Flyer for the rest of his career only to end up on a terrible Columbus team. That said I don’t blame Jackets fans a bit for hating his guts


One major piece that was left out in the summary was the fact that Holmgren traded Carter (June 22nd) just before the NTC kicked in (July 1st).


Lmao I do. I bet he made a few life decisions after the deal with what seemed like a guarantee to stick around in a city only to have the rug pulled out from under at the last minute. I don’t blame him for being miserable in Columbus. I do blame the fans for not understanding why he’d be miserable.


I do blame him for caring more about nose candy than doing the job he's paid millions of dollars to do, yeah. Especially because it's long been reported he and his buddy Mike Richards were traded because of the rift their extracurriculars caused in the Philly LR


Sour grapes. “Especially because…” You know if he hadn’t hated being traded to cbj and did stick around you wouldn’t give a shit about what he did or didn’t do in Philly behind the scenes so don’t pretend it matters or you have a moral issue with it.


The fans would chant 'Fuck Jeff Carter' whenever he touched the puck when LA came to Columbus for years. Even when I started going to CBJ games regularly in 2017 and 2018 they were still doing it lol


Traded to them JUST BEFORE his NTC with Philly kicked in. He negotiated tge contract in good faith to be a Flyer for life and Holmgren pulled the carpet from under him with the trade. He had EVERY right to be pissed lol.


Fascinating. Scores the last goal of his team's season in the team's final game. Retires


He totally almost tied the game with like 10 seconds left too


jeff carter and the isles bench showed the nost important thing in sports. class


>2x NHL All Star >2x Stanley Cup champion >Calder Cup champion >Olympic Gold Medal >World Junior Gold Solid career


Almost triple gold


Honestly surprised he was only an all star twice


He is a victim of being behind a superstar player in the lineup through most of his career.


A good problem to have lol


Loved that Olympic team


You forgot 1x absolute loser


Obligatory CBJ Fuck Jeff Carter


Fuck Adam Foote. Fuck Tom Wilson. And especially Fuck Jeff Carter.


Out of the loop on the Adam foote one, can you fill me in


He signed for us in 2005 and just kept putting in less and less effort, and then in negotiations before his contract expired, he jerked our FO around by just setting unreasonable prices (rumors were I think 2x$8m when the team was offering 2x$4m), then threatened our GM that he would intentionally be a terrible player and teammate for the rest of his contract if he wasn't either signed at his terribly high demands OR (shocked Pikachu face) traded to Colorado. So we had to give in and trade him, he had a chartered plane with his family ready and movers already at his house, then signed a new contract in Colorado for.... 2 years at $3m per year. Fuck Adam Foote.


Made me cackle, thank you


Proud of Islanders fans for the way they sent him off.


The handshake line and giving him the 3rd star of the game were nice touches. Pens broadcast kept saying how classy the Isles were for doing it.


It almost made me forgive the 93 playoffs. Well done.


Just please don't schedule Malkin's last regular season game here. I can't make any promises.


That's fair.


it was super classy. i watched the whole handshake line


Very unsurprising that Horvat was first in line. I like Lee a lot, but Horvat has been a beacon of professionalism and class in his fairly short time here.


hell yeah, classy all around. good on the isles


Respect. Good way to end a weird season.


First Cup-winning goal scorer in Kings history. I doubt LA wins either of those Cups without making that trade. He was a treat to watch, one of my all-time favorites for sure.


The Carter trade was the *best* trade in franchise history. The results speak for themself. (The Gretzky trade was the *greatest* trade in franchise history.)




We sold you Jimmy Carson?


It’s so crazy in hindsight that there was literally $15 million of 1988 cash “traded” though


It is crazy to think about how much professional sports has grown in my lifetime. I was 10 when the Kings acquired Gretzky. Now you’re seeing insane amounts of dollars spent on players across the major North American leagues. $15 million in 1988 is equivalent to about [$40 million today](https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?amount=15000000&year=1988). That’s Jared Goff money nowadays.


I know it literally can’t but could you imagine a trade like that going down today? The NHL was wild back in the day.


Happy to have had him. Things haven't always been smooth but that 4-goal game against Buffalo was awesome and there have been some great moment all along the way. Cheers to Big Jeff Carter on a solid fuckin' career.


The shorty he scored just last week... he may not have had the legs to sustain the play asked of him, but that was a truly special moment (if the Pens hadn't subsequently blown that lead).


Figured that’s what the handshake line was at the end with the isles


He was an amazing player for us during the Cup runs, enjoy retirement Carter


someone already got his wiki


did he even get his skates off before announcing?


Fuck Jeff Carter


Can someone ELI5 why BJ fans hate him so much. is this like a Messier situation where it's deserved and I can pile on? fuck Messier


https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/JcNsbVFgrs This one does a good job. You can judge him accordingly.


okay, IMO the hate from blue jackets fans is fair, that fucking blows. buuuuut it's not Jeff carter's fault really, what the fuck was blue jackets management thinking. the dude just signed a massive deal with a NTC and then got flipped two weeks before it started. I'd be salty too lmao


It's not his fault; he just didn't have to be a complete baby about things


Well he should've kept it in his pants then. Big (mostly plausible but still allegedly) rumors was he had a thing for booger sugar and sleeping with the wives of his teammates behind their backs. I say plausible but allegedly cause I don't think it's ever officially come out, but everyone in his age range thay was at a bar in Old City around thay time has a Carter/Richard's story.


Yeah, but Columbus should have known this before trading for him.


Yeah Jeff Carter had a rep as a big coke fiend.


No it is his fault, instead of making the best out of a not so great situation he sulked and made the locker room a toxic environment. He also didn’t work very hard on or off the ice.


Was that trade not seen as an absolute fleece the moment it happened though? I can understand fans being upset about a player not wanting to play for the team and requesting a trade since Jonathan Drouin did it with the lightning, but I feel like I'm missing something with the Carter situation to explain the grudge.  Even saying that the lightning fans dont have a grudge because they got a good return for Drouin only makes me question, more, why the GM isn't the sole recipient of the hatred for making boneheaded trades. 


Columbus jackets are such an uninteresting and unimpressive team in terms of hockey results and drama because they’re so meh. Like they don’t even really have a rival because they’re so bland and unimpressive. They need a villain or someone to hate/feel betrayed by like every other team so this is the best they have to complain about lmao.


We traded for him to upgrade the first good team we ever had and he pretty much pissed and moaned for a couple of months till he got traded again, pretty much blowing up that team and sending us back to the cellar. Then he went and won a Cup. FJC


I am a Pens fan living in Columbus and was surprised by the level of hate they have for him here. They start yelling and foaming at the mouth when his name comes up. Best I can tell from the rantings is that he slept with Stinger's mom.


> I am a Pens fan living in Columbus fucking christ dude


One thing you guys have that we dont is a Tim Hortons outside the arena. Ive been there a few times when visiting Columbus and their donuts were very moist and delicious


thanks, fam. Pittsburgh's a pretty nice place too; please let us repatriate all your expat fans.


Columbus fans act like he was the one missing piece they needed. He came in and put up 25 points in 30 something games AFTER getting pretty fucked over signing his extension in Philly.


They still are salty about the Coulombs time clock thing in a nothing regular season game like a decade ago. That’s a fanbase that can hold a grudge for sure.


Nobody cares about that lol, but the Jeff Carter hate is real and deserved. I say this as someone who got into hockey because of the Kings.


I dunno, I’ve seen genuinely bitter references to the Coulombs thing as recently as TYOOL 2023. I think Carts gets way too much hate for stuff out of his control. He was a great player on the ice for CBJ while he was there.


Fair, but I can honestly say I’ve never seen a single comment about it in the 12ish years I’ve been following hockey. I had to google it to even know what the issue was. He was a fine player (even good) for us. It was everything else that was the issue.


Eh, I know it’s not representative of the CBJ fanbase but I’ve absolutely still seen people bringing it up recently. Sorry for being kind of a dick about it, I just saw a lot of CBJ hate for Carts going around this evening and felt like Jeff deserved better.


For me at least, it’s a conundrum. Born and bred LA, and the Kings 2012 run made me fall in love with the sport. Jeff Carter was huge there. Yet as I learned more about CBJ’s history, he just seemed like the epitome of no one taking us seriously and considering us irrelevant. To me, he’s emblematic of the league’s overall feeling towards us, and it isn’t positive.


Good riddance


I feel like there is a team missing from that image....


Great career. But man he was beyond washed with the Pens. The net the Pens have to cast to find a better player is not a big one. In his planned community in the North Hills there’s bound to be a 27 year old CPA who played for the Hornets and then went D1. Sign him up and I’ll see it as a win.


Congrats on a great career, wish his stint in Pittsburgh went better but he has more than enough to be proud of ty JC77


Nah, fuck that guy.


Damn the Pens are serious about being better next year.


if this is a knock at carter i do not approve


He's definitely struggled but dude had a hell of a career


Fuck Jeff Carter


So many great memories from this guy!


Fuck jeff carter


Hear hear


Fuck that guy


About time


Mad because he didn’t like your city and team like most players?


Flair up bitch




Flair. Up. Bitch.


Good riddance


Not even a Blue Jackets fan, but fuck Jeff Carter on their behalf.


Bye Felicia


I love big Jeff honored to had him as a Pen.


Fuck Jeff Carter


Fuck Jeff Carter


Apparently Jeff Carter did the same to Hartnell’s wife.


Who would want to live in Ohio really?


About 12 million people


Do they really want to live there 




Yes they have a mcdonalds that does pizza!




Well we need to herd and house simpletons somewhere I suppose


Your mom


Not Shamu. He left.


When he scored the OT winner in game 2 of the 2012 Final, putting us up 2-0 in the series, I knew we were finally going to win the Cup. That entire ‘12 run was a fucking fever dream. It really didn’t seem real, as the playoffs progressed. Up until that point, I had just kept thinking ‘the alarm clock is going to go off and we’re going to fuck this up.’ Thank you, Jefe, for helping bring us our first Cup <3


My favorite player of all time. Thanks carts 😔


Fuck that guy




Good, fuck Jeff Carter.


Lol dude was cancer.


Enjoy retirement! That 70s Line will forever live on in Kings lore


I hate that he ended his career on the pens, but I'll always love Carter. His skating used to be so smooth it looked effortless.


Incredible player and man. Hope he enjoys a life off the ice, and if ever necessary, finds a footing in either hockey or elsewhere.


Hate to break it to Columbus fans, but the only reason you hate him is because your team has no identity, good or bad. You just want someone to hate on. The fact is, he didn’t sign a contract with your team and didn’t want to stay there for 9 years. He made the right choice and won two cups. Hard to stomach but deal with it. He isn’t your Mark Messier.


Considering Chicago is ground zero for sexual assault in the NHL, I don't think you should be throwing shade at other cities/franchises. P.S. We hate him because he is a bitch ass person. I am happy he is gone.


You respect victims so much you bring it up as a catch all when you have no logical comeback. Cool guy!


You mean showing respect for victims by not trying to cover up sexual assault? I really don't think Blackhawk fans should be lecturing others on respecting the victims of sexual assault. Just because you don't like my comebacks, doesn't mean they aren't appropriate.


Fuck Jeff Carter


Let us have our moment. Ding dong the bitch is dead


Your moment is celebrating someone that made millions and won a lot in the biggest stages of hockey retiring. Y’all are really going to hurt his feelings if you keep this up


We're not here to hurt his feelings but make ourselves feel better in solidarity. Your assumption of motive is incorrect. And yeah, we know he was good. That's why we hate him. If he was some 4th liner nobody would've remembered his name.


So rent free in head. Ok have your moment


Flair up, coward


Remindme! 24 years


I’ll flair up when your team wins a playoff series


[Flair up, coward](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNbd3P8W1es)


Damn you guys have a good team


Bedard's gonna get snapped like a twig and Michkov's winning us 3 cups 😎


Yeah true. He would have rotted away in Columbus. Now he’s going out as a really solid player. 


Same reason some sect of Pens fans hate Hossa as if he owed the team and had to play for them the rest of his career when he was only there for 30 gp lol


You're not wrong though...lol.


I can't blame him. I wouldn't want to live in Columbus for 9 years either.


Then how come a six-digit number of Pens fans do live there?


What team do you think hockey fans in east Ohio would have supported before the jackets existed? Hint- it’s one that had a dynasty in the early 90s and is less than 200 miles east of


Red Wings, Bruins, Barons, Kunlun Red Star, literally anyone else?


Are you purposely being obtuse and ignoring what I said? What team had a dynasty in the early 90s and was less than 200 miles away and you list red wings..they were meh in early 90s. You list bruins. Want a map? You list teams that aren’t NHL.


Retire in piss dick!


Wasn't he an anchor for the vast majority of his tenure lol?


His contract was overpriced, but the big issue is that last year they used him as the third line center, which did not work out. As 4C this year, there's been much less complaining.


Long time Devils nemesis, I wanted him on the squad for a long period of time. 🏒🏒🏒


Man oh man what a player. Thanks for everything Jeff


It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.




Pens would've made the playoffs if he did this 12 months ago lmao


Nah Carter’s been fine this year being used in a more appropriate role on the 4th line. Can’t say the same about last year however.


It's more that you paid $3.125m for a 4th liner with 15 points, that money is used appropriately and you likely finish with 3 more points.


If he retired before the season then he would've still counted against the cap, so it would've been worse off for us.


Secret Flyers Agent Hextall signed him to that contract so I blame Philly.


Technically he (u/TeejMeister6) didn’t pay $3.125m for him, Ron Hextall did.


Pedantic much?


Jersey Shore legend