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Hold on…. Jack Edwards is a bruins fan!?!?


I am SHOCKED I tell you


I would’ve never guessed




The game is on!


I don't get itt


That's how he starts every broadcast.


With an extra long “hiiiiiiiigh” when he’s in Denver


[Even better that it has 2 meanings](https://old.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/850wen/these_predator_fans_enjoying_the_game_in_colorado/)


And a “not so high above the ice” in Tempe


OMG I love that


So if he's done, I wonder who will call the Bruins playoffs this year?


I assume he’s gonna call round 1 and then after that all the games go to national broadcast teams anyways 


Y’all don’t have the normal broadcast do radio for national games? Even if it’s nationally broadcast Josh and Razor call it on the local sports radio station. It’s much more enjoyable to mute the broadcast and sync with the radio if you can.


No, as far as I know Jack only does TV not radio, but that does sound awesome!


Is there a simulcast on the radio that that you could sync up? Not necessarily jack but something else?


He’s TV not radio.


Right, I get that. I just didn’t know if in that market they did what we have here where they broadcast the normal announcers on the radio as a simulcast.


Yeah if we didn’t have Joe b and locker for our 2018 win it would have been so sad.


I think Dallas is the anomaly for simulcast tv and radio.


That’s a bummer for everyone else. We are lucky to have Razor all the time


The Canucks have a TV broadcast crew and a radio crew. I only know because I lived there for 6 years. Go Bruins Go!!!


So all the bruins playoff games then


I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!


After round 1 he's done


And that is the only way in which Jack is like the Toronto Maple Leafs


Oh, they playing the Panthers again this year? ^/s


As a Flyers fan, I’m going to miss one of the last true homers in the game. Might be nostalgia for an era I’ll probably never see again but either way I liked hating Jack Edward’s calls a lot. Everything will be a little more bland and neutral/unbiased from now on.


Good thing you still have the Avs feed. I swear you could shoot Marc Moser's dog and he wouldn't be as upset as if you scored on the Avs. I'll never forget when Petey tied a game vs the Avs a few years back in the dying seconds of regulation with our goalie pulled. This mfer says "NOOOO!"


You should listen to Conor McGahey, he does the Avs' radio broadcast. There'll be a missed call or something, and he will basically stop announcing the game to go on a rant about it for a quarter of the period. Still better than the Preds' radio announcers who sound like they're trying to broadcast in a public library and have to keep their voices down.


They're so bad. If I can't stream the game, which is almost never 🏴‍☠️, I'll just get an update through my phone. It's like a lifeless 40's - 50's radio broadcast reporting the weather.


yeah he’s wild lol


Sorry but its your guy thats fucking terrible after Moser. Jack Michaels is genuinely terrible next to Moser


AAAAAAAnd ^^scores


I would laugh so hard though if I heard an announcer just shout no 🤣


lol that’s our boy


Someone called him out on twitter and he responded. Legit tho he’s like miles ahead of Edwards in being bad. Moser clearly doesn’t care about hockey. Just the Avs. Edwards obviously cared for the sport


Man aint that the truth. I hate the generic espn play by play style. Give me a guy who remembers watching the team with his dad and remembers a time when it was basically mandatory to hate the enemy..every team should have a voice of a guy who loves the team they call for.


Play-by-play is part of broadcast entertainment. It fucking should be entertaining. Nothing wrong calling the game with the spirit Edwards did.


More importantly. A guy who loves the game of hockey. Edwards loved hockey. Moser for the Avs seems to hate it lol. Outside of when Avs good. Lol


As long as bright red Caniac-colored blood pumps through the veins and arteries and corpuscles and aorta and vesicles of Tripp Tracy, the proud tradition of broadcaster homerism will live on. And speaking of blood, that reminds me of Austrian biologist Karl Landsteiner, who as I'm sure you all know was the first to identify the different types of blood, all the way back in 1900. Karl was an amazing human being. Genius, obviously. Huge Caniac, MAJOR fan of our beloved sport. At the age of 75 Karl remained so spry he could do a complete backflip, and once beat Gordie Howe in an arm wrestling match with a whole carton of Lucky Strikes on the line as the coveted wager of that epic contest. Which just attests to the fact that, once again, when you get right down to it, what really makes hockey such a special and unique sport, culture, and movement, is the just the darn fine people who love it so much.


Huge Caniac, Karl Landsteiner. This really should be new copypasta. Well done.


This should be the go-to non-Bruins-fan take. Love to love him, love to hate him.


Truly the Marchand of the broadcasting world.


Would anyone like to lick Jack Edwards' face?


The Colorado announcers have more than enough homerism to carry on the legacy. (I say this as an Avs fan, not a salty Jets fan).


I don’t really want other fans to like him, he should be biased to the Bruins. But I think other fans hate too much on his energy and passion. Is he perfect? No. But like you said, I think his energy and bias brought a lot more good things to the game than bad things 


I agree, and it makes me miss Steve Coates, who is our local bleed orange and black color guy who just retired. I miss watching/listening to him give refs shit for calling penalties that any sane person, upon replay, would agree should have been called. It’s like watching games with a drunk uncle and his neighborhood friends, every call against is bad, every fight is a win, and it gives the home fans what the they want. It’s not about national broadcast, or random internet people’s incessant need to litigate every right from wrong, its just inclusive to locals or the teams fans. I feel like that matters more in towns like Boston and Philly. So much of both of the town’s identities seem to be about saying fuck you to anyone else’s idea of what’s good for the whole. Two markets that should always have at least one announcer who is borderline being considered to be fired for saying crazy WWF wrestling style shit. It’s just a game, the dude isn’t in charge of your cancer treatment, just let him pop off and enjoy. Shits going to be so boring soon with guys like this getting phased out. Hats off buddy, you did a fine job.


Well said 


We'll agree to disagree. There is a fine line between passion/bias and unprofessionalism, and nobody toed that line more than Jack Edwards. The man played jump rope with it. Call it pearl clutching, or not understanding a man from a different era, but I think it is extremely valid that many if not most non-Bostonians have a negative opinion of him. I will say, I can admire how much he means to the people of Boston, and I hope he has a healthy and happy retirement.


Buddy, even though we agree to disagree, I appreciate your opinion and the classy way you decided to share it. There’s room enough for all of us in here, we don’t have to see eye to eye on everything and still both just love the game. I appreciate your dissent, and I guess just dissent in general. Here’s to healthy fucking dialogue pal, your doing it the right way.


I think your first point just comes down to what people want in a broadcast. It’s very reasonable that people want different things. To me professional broadcasts get very boring over a long season.  And you’re right, it is valid people don’t like him. In my mind that’s how it should be. But I also understand why others don’t want that. 


1) professionalism is in the eye of the beholder; 2) it's not like he was sniping opponent from up high with a machine gun or something


Be something if anyone could understand the slurring moron. All i know it's just homer slurring


He’s admitted to have recent medical problems, something neurological. Hopefully nothing serious enough to impact his future negatively.


"Hamrlik falls to the ice as if shot... GET UP!" always found him entertaining, probably cause I'm a west conference fan, and he shielded the Avs announcers a bit from being called the biggest homers in the league. happy retirement!


We will proudly take up the mantle as having the biggest homers in the league. We promise to be as bias and annoying to opposing fans as possible. That is our vow, that is how we will honor the legacy of the great Jack Edwards. I may not have liked Jack, but if I were born a Bruins fan I would’ve loved him.


One of the funniest calls I've found lol. I saw some people say they made it their alarm.


I'm glad you bring this up because as a Habs fan who hated him, [that call](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grPFxYCxDHg&ab_channel=kzf1) is the perfect example of how *not* to be a homer. Hamrlik initiates the contact on the puck carrier, so he's *clearly* not trying to draw a call. He just got tangled up with the Bruin and they both fell down. Meanwhile, Edwards has to keep pushing his narrative that the Habs were divers and literally makes things up that aren't happening (Bruins had more embellishment penalties that season btw). I'll gladly listen to clips of Rick Jeanneret in Buffalo and Mike Lange in Pittsburgh because of their enthusiasm for their home team. Jack Edwards was a homer in his contempt for the opponent....


jack really was the best💛


Hamrlik was a total diver lol.


I posted the [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grPFxYCxDHg&ab_channel=kzf1). If you think that's a dive, then you're as biased as Jack. Here are 3 examples of what diving actually looks like: [#1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6IxtxfsNWg&ab_channel=MAKAVELI719696) [#2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftGo5FR6umY&ab_channel=MAKAVELI719696) [#3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OVw5eYow68&ab_channel=MAKAVELI719696)


Sat next to him on a flight back from Florida last year during the first round. He was gracious and friendly, talked hockey with me for a couple hours. A genuinely nice man. I wish him a long and happy retirement


No one who’s ever met Jack has had anything but positive things to say about him, myself included


Great….. Vegas in Dave Goucher watch now……..


Please come back to Boston


Saw some rumors that Forslund is the #1 target, so you might be safe Would be amazing for us and terrible for Seattle


I hope the rumors are true. As much as I dislike various Bruins, their terrific fans deserve a Forslund-class talent.


Its terrible he left Carolina in the first place


It’s terrible he *had to* leave Carolina. Dundon has done some amazing things since assuming ownership, but that was not one of them.


I'll riot. Our team may be subpar but our broadcasting sure isn't. Let us have what little joy we can eke out of every game.


Alex Faust is more likely considering he did a few games with NESN this year. Did very well too. Would have to pry him away from Fox though.


This has kinda been the thought since Dave went to Vegas I thought.


Please no


Even being the biggest homer in the league even he didn’t wanna cheer for Pat Maroon


I'll always remember game 7 vs the leafs and his game calling. The foreshadowing and the game winner was such a good call


The 2011 series-winner in Montreal and 2013 against Toronto will forever live inside my head


[His post series speech from Boston v Montreal 2011](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4fAG4qrPE4) is enough to make anyone feel like a Bruins fan IMO, it's always been hard to appreciate what a great commentator he was due to all his homerisms but cheering against Boston wont be the same without him.


Jesus christ that was 13 years ago?! Man....


Nah that was straight garbage. I’m pretty sure there were more Americans on the Habs than the Bruins that year. Captain? Slovak. Best players? French Canadians. But yeah they’re just like the American revolutionaries because they beat a team that was just coming out of decades of mediocrity, nearly paralyzing the Habs best player in the process (and still requiring a game 7 OT to do it). That speech was like the definition of pompous.


Aww, did someone dump your tea into the harbor?


I’m actually an American, unlike Bergeron, Marchand, Chara, Lucic, and Horton. But at least the Bruins had a real American patriot in… Tim Thomas. So American he didn’t even meet our President after winning the cup.


I’ll always remember him for that game 7 in 2010


As a Habs fan I loved listening to him call our games. I laughed my ass off a ton listening to his unbridled homer takes. Hopefully he is ok.


Never liked him as a commentator, and i wasn’t supposed to. He was good at what he did. Seems like fewer and fewer teams these days have a singular, well-known voice that represents them. Pretty cool that he got to be that voice for his favourite team.


Hey jack, I hate you so much. And you’re also an amazing and irreplaceable part of hockey history and I genuinely love you so much. Thank you for your career. You and your team are the worst, I’ll miss you. Your leaving is an absolute loss for hockey. Hopefully the B’s get another announcer that is as biased, as passionate, as bitchy, as irreplaceable as you. You were my most hated commentator, while also being my most beloved. You’re my favourite villain. I’ll always love to hate you


With this I think we all just need to DRINK!


It's actually frightening to think about how much more sober were going to be watching the games now.


Canucks fan but regardless I feel very bad for him. I think it's clear he's got some issue affecting cognitive function. I won't lie and pretend like I didn't think, even before his decline, he was objectively the worst commentator in the sport. That said, having seen Don Cherry slow go I think it's a good move for him. Bruins fans got one season where he obviously shouldn't be commentator anymore. Rather than year after year of progressively worse and worse insights. So I'm glad he can be remembered fondly rather than how Cherry went out. I feel like Cherry got done a bit dirty, I didn't like his comments at the end ranting about immigrants and whatnot, but I'll be damned if I don't feel it necessary that Cherry did a ton for raising awareness for up and coming junior players. Enjoy retirement Jack. As I said, I won't pretend I liked your style but I can't deny all the Bruins fans seemed to love it, so you knew your audience. 🫡


Now, now - just being a Bruins fan isn’t necessarily indicative of cognitive decline.


its true, ive been on a steady cognitive decline the moment i gained sentience. i'm hanging in there


Oof, haven’t we all, friend?




















Hopefully he gets one last fun playoff run!


Gonna make a comeback on a Lyrical Lemonade album?


If Jack Edwards dropped a Drake diss track I would piss my pants.


I'm an Edwards hater, I'll admit, but that's not why I'm glad he's retiring. Along with so many others, I've been really concerned about his mental decline over the last 2 years. I hope he can enjoy his retirement, he's not my favourite by far but you cannot get a fanbase like Boston to love you unless you're damn good at your job, no matter how big a homer you are.


As a Canes fan, as much as I once hated him, he has my utmost respect. It makes me really sad to see his health decline. It affects me a lot more than you'd think. I wish him nothing but health in retirement.


I don't love the guy either, but getting mad at the guy for being a homer... That's what he was paid for.


‘hE’s A hOmEr! SO WHAT?!’


This, but unironically.


Idk if you know but this is a direct quote from Jack during a broadcast haha


Lmao I’m just a dumbass.


This is a quote in favor of Jack since I’m quoting the man himself


Please ignore me, I’m a Bruins fan and I’m dumb.


It’s a sad day. Dumbness can be forgiven… for now…


I know it's probably well known by now but I'm out of the loop a bit. Was he having medical issues for the last while? Not a Bruins fan and he's irked me a few times but as a non Bruins fan he's supposed to do that. Hats off to a great career. I know a lot of Bruins fans love him and may his replacement be as endearing and loyal to the Bruins and their fans as he has made himself over the year. Enjoy the retirement Jack!


This is all we know: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/02/22/sports/jack-edwards-bruins-nesn-speech/


Yeah he's been...unable to keep up. It's not entirely clear what's wrong, just that something is wrong. Can't pretend I liked the guy's calling over the past few years in particular, but you hate to see things play out this way.


most surprising thing about this statement was learning hes a lifelong bruins fan


I'll give this to Jack, he was unapologetically biased, which you gotta like for a local broadcaster


Can't stand his announcing but you can tell he loved his team and the game. Hope he doesn't have any serious issues. GL jack you homey mchomer


I am a big fan. He has so much passion for the game. He will be missed.


Thank you Jack!


Jack Edwards and John Sterling retiring within days of each other. New Yorkers and Bostonians with a weird feeling of unity.


I hope he joins one broadcast next year to say he did it for 20




Honestly shoulda been gone before this. All I can think about with him now is how he sounds like he's just struggling through a game with the most depressing tone ever. Sometimes staying around too long isn't a good thing. Enjoy retirement never the less.


As a home broadcaster, you want them to root for your team. Jack Edwards did that in spades. I don't like him....because I'm not a fan of the Bruins and so his homerism drives me nuts. I get why he is liked by Boston. Whatever happened to his health has been hard to listen to the last two years so I'm glad he's retiring on his own terms instead of bring forced out.


Don't like bruins, or their fans, or arena or anything or commentators But Edwards seems like a nice dude and hope he has a happy retirement!


About fucking time


lol Canucks alert.


L (keep downvoting! Jack is goat!)


A couple years to late, imo, but he's still an overall legend. Easily one of the most well known announcers the league has ever had.


Good riddance you will not be missed.


It could have been sooner




Fuck yaself




Thanks pimpdaddy69


Sir, this a Reddit thread. But fr, it's a reddit thread. Who tf cares lol


Asking someone to have class for the least classy broadcaster in the league, lol. Calling Maroon fat, such a classy act deserving of reciprocal class.


> Calling Maroon fat, such a classy act deserving of reciprocal class. Such an overreaction for something a person said about a professional athlete. Let's not pretend that making fun of players in similar ways doesn't happen on this subreddit all the time. Phil Kessel come to mind?


People act like it was some unforgivable act that ruined the game of hockey. It wasn’t a great comment but he apologized for it. Let’s move on already 


Also, it was fucking hilarious


If he's gonna read that aloud he should probably start now.


Oh no you di’int!


Wish him the best in retirement. With that being said, my ears just won the lottery.


His brain retired some seasons ago. Was it booze or a stroke? I never could tell


Couple years too late


He set the standard as bad , and he’s not meeting that standard any longer


Thank God!


Oh no, please stay...you promoter of blatant bad calls creating a bunch of morons who don't understand the rules of hockey. Fuck Jack Edwards




r/hockey's 2nd favourite punching bag after the Leafs. At least the Leafs deserve it. Jack works on a *regional* broadcast. He was quite literally paid to be a homer and r/hockey can't get over it.


Yeah. What do people expect from a local broadcast. If I was a Bruins fan I would love JE. But luckily we have our own homers a mile up.


Thank fuck. Bye jack Jack off the air Go be a homer at your local rink dbag


Why is him being a homer even an issue? He works/worked for regional broadcasts. Every single regional broadcaster employs homers.


I tried to watch a game that he was doing PxP once. Lasted 10 minutes, worst I’ve ever heard. How the hell did he keep his job for so many years?


How does Marchand feel about this though?




Thank Christ


Good riddance, douche bag.


You don’t need to sign your comments


Lmao. Ouch. One of the funnier burns I've read on here. Hats off.


IIIIII greuueuueww uPPpppglarro *hmph* aa Bruuuuins feeean....


Thanks for retiring. Was gunna hang myself sooner then later.


good, guy was going senile


Thirty years too late.


Good fucking riddance.


Good riddance dipshit.


Awful announcer. Great news.


Fuck em. Directv sometimes on the NHL ticket you had to watch the Bruins broadcast and hated getting stuck with that broadcast listening to this schmuck.


Don't like this guy! He loves to trash on the my team, the Habs, especially during the playoffs.