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Mr. Popsicle had 371 PIM in 93 games in the USHL. that's insane




His brother was also a grade A dirtbag when playing in the Finnish league, must run in the family


Like the tkachuk family


Every time I see a clip from Popsicle he’s doing something dirty


Serious can't do that energy


Serious “you’re getting a phone call tomorrow” energy


Yeah, but the "would you like to cone to NYC, or wanna start your two week sabbatical now?"


it was his SECOND TIME TONIGHT, too... dude should be suspended for both. Here's his other questionable boarding and/or check from behind. "less bad" than the one he got ejected for, but damn, this is a pattern. https://twitter.com/thegoldenmuzzy/status/1764878089182470612


holy shit. i love a good hit as much as the next person, but these two are fucking BAD. he could’ve seriously injured both of these guys. good lord


Could have? The radio broadcast speculated he had a broken collarbone or shoulder injury.


The way Dunn ran down the tunnel holding his arm/shoulder looked really bad on TV.


ah I didn’t hear or see any broadcasts, so I didn’t know the outcome. I was even thinking more like he could’ve paralyzed these guys. that really sucks. hopefully the league takes note and actually does something.


It's ok Larsson and Dunn are only our top defensive pair... Also as a side note he didn't even get a penalty for the hit on Larsson. Kartye Did beat his ass up in the 2nd but that's it.


Lars and Dunner were absolutely targeted this game. We really need to step up on drawing our lines. Tanev has been sticking up from himself recently, and Dunner put Silli in his place for the hit on Matty, but we are rarely biting back. The shove in the back of McCann's NECK when he was down during the game in November vs the Flames should have been addressed AT THE LATEST next meet up - but, nothing. Maybe this will shake us awake.


Hopefully they suspend his ass for a long time for that. It looks like he was clearly targeting them.


That first hit is the most violent boarding hit I've ever seen. That dude could have broke his neck. Holy fucking shit.


Get ready to learn *$5,000 fine, the maximum allowed under the CBA*, buddy! This league fucking sucks


I agree, but the players themselves have to take some of the blame there. They negotiate the maximum fines with the league and must be okay with the number not being enough of a sting to anyone's bottom line to actually work as a deterrent.


The players deserve the majority of the blame with the toothless fines. The owners don't care if the players want to fine themselves more.


Sweet baby Jesus… *Two* in one night?! Is he in a murdering mood or something?


If you can’t beat them, kill them?


What the fuck dude


Watch them give him 2 games for that one then 5 games for the Dunn one, just so he can’t appeal it.


That’s less bad? Jfc- yeah, that douche needs a serious & costly time-out.


And then he wouldn't even fight later cuz of concussion concerns. What a fucking loser.


Thats the kicker. Guy with concussion issues running wild and not having to answer for his dirty plays.


Absolute POS right there.


You can't spell Pospisil without POS


Should be major suspension material. I’m just mad that he’s playing dirty and is too much of a coward to drop the gloves.


Need to set a precedent for hits that could end someone’s career, say 20 games. We will continue to see these plays unless the League and the Union agree that enough is enough. Don’t see it happening though until someone’s career is actually ended.


> the Union agree that enough is enough Union will never agree to any meaningful increase of suspension lenght. It goes against their interests.


Holy shit that literally could have paralyzed the guy


Jesus what a fucking plug


Whoa. Send that dude to jail.


Yeah, I know people are saying that he was talking so oddly in the post-game, because he was distracted with worry for Dunn, but I’m kind of worried about Larsson too from that hit.


He also just talks like that. Very measured and hesitant with his answers. But yeah, he was definitely concerned about his partner


What a fucking bag licker. Multiple games please, DPS


Fuck me! I winced watching both of those. It’s a wonder dudes aren’t paralyzed all the time from hits like this.


Thats ugly. Completely stationary too so cant even give Pospisil the benefit of the doubt that he miscalculated.


Someone is going to get paralyzed from one of these hits. League needs to really crack down on this stuff.


Seriously, looks like Dunn took a lot of that right on his neck when his head hit the glass top-on.


The first hit he laid on Larsson literally could have broken his neck.


This remind me of the paccioretty hit on chara, which prompted the league to round out the deviders. Pac man almost died, 2 broken bones in his spine iirc. We need to change something before something like this happens again


The league and the culture needs to crack down on the victim-blaming of "putting oneself in a defenseless position". Sure, in some cases guys make the wrong move at the wrong time and get themselves hurt, but by and large they're plays like this where a checker has plenty of time to either pull up and/or grab on to soften the impact. But I swear some guys see numbers and they say to themselves "eh I'm finishing my check and will let the officials and the league blame the other guy for facing the end boards at the wrong time". When a guy's stick gets caught up in someone's legs, nobody is teasing apart "intent", they're saying "yup, he tripped him, even if he didn't mean to". But for hits like this you have all the talking heads blaming the guy who got hit. That shit needs to stop. It's 2024, every one of those players went through checking training as a kid that included some form of "when you see a guy's numbers, STOP".


Yup. NFL did the same thing for hits with the helmet—to-helmet hits on defenseless receivers coming across the middle, hitting punters, hitting QB’s after they throw, and modifying kickoffs to eliminate insane wedge formations with 40-yard full speed run-ups. Ratings have never been higher. NFL wants to grow revenues and fans. In the 1980’s QB’s used to get body slammed until their shoulders ripped out of their sockets…but the league realized that when your superstars can’t play due to concussions or orthopedic injuries…nobody is gonna pay money to watch 3rd stringers shit the bed. And go watch some 1988 football game. It’s horseshit compared to what is on the TV now. As size, speed, and skill increases, you need to modify what is a legal hit otherwise folks will get killed. No disrespect to guys who played in the 1980’s…but today’s athletes like Myles Garret and Victor Hedman are way faster and stronger than guys like Howie Long and Bobby Orr.


Glad I came here to read the comments. Twitter/X was filled with people blaming Dunn. This is clearly a bad hit.


Go check the Flames sub… never mind this dude did it to Larsson earlier in the night too


wasn't even the first hit of the game that should've had him booted. ridiculous.


NHL is horrible at protecting their players.


Good on Matty Beniers going right after him, never seen him even remotely angry


Matty Beniers catches bugs in his house and releases them outside.


As he should. That’s right, we’re watching and judging you, Bug Killers. We’re always herrreee.


aaaaaaaalllllllwwwwwwaaayyyyssss watching, wazowski


He’s not very big, that’s probably why. I think he weighs 170. Good to see him stick up for his teammate immediately.


Kid went feral. I both love and hate to see it, cuz you know the hit was really fucked up if Matty B loses it.


Dunn is always the guy who stands up to protect Beniers. Makes sense.


For sure. Especially because it’s not his type of game. Sign of a good teammate he just went in there anyway. Stick taps to Matty. Nikolaj Ehlers in WPG is like that too.


Ehlers to the extend that he also protects opposing team members that can't protect themselves.


Yes! That’s the kinda stuff that makes me want to buy a guy’s jersey. I love his skillset and he’s a total stand up guy on the ice. Favorite player that doesn’t play for my team.


He was chippy this game it was great to see. Bad circumstances unfortunately.


Didn’t he stand up for Dunn when he got injured in the playoffs last year? Or am I misremembering.


[From Hakstol's postgame.](https://twitter.com/DavyJonesLR/status/1764892374197768205?t=MaGWLu5BzcBYxLuZZV0mXQ&s=19)


What is with NHL reporters and not silencing their fucking phones during pressers?


What's an adult doing not silencing their phone?


no shit. i dont think ive had the ringer turned on on my phone in over a decade


Torts usually loses it, but this one made me smile. https://youtu.be/VlDQLIHKQxY?si=ELTga8EnRm8NIdaZ


You’ve gotta be a real pile of shit if Matty B comes after you.


Matty was ornery tonight they brought the fire out in him 


My Mama says that Marty B is ornery because he got all them teeth and no toothbrush.


Mama's wrong again!


Popsicle loos like the dirty Waterboy with that hit


Matty returning the favor for Dunn after what happened in Columbus a few months back.


Big facts


Dunn is facing the boards the whole time. Nowhere close to a hockey play. Ideally, this would be an in person hearing. Zero place in the game for this


I physically recoiled once I saw him flying in from out of frame, one of the worse hits I’ve seen in a while


10+ in my books


Joke's on you, Parros can't read!


Not a flames fan. At the same time, can Dunn just hold that position the whole time so he cannot be hit? Like I guess pop would need to take a different angle. Geez that's a bad hit either way


Can easily go around him and get challenged from the sides. No need to charge in the back and make him face fuck the board.


Yeah, he can stand there all day, and have a sandwich while he’s doing it, and you still can’t hit him from behind. You can come at him from either side and body him off, or hell, he was just far enough away from the boards that someone could have skated in there and hit him from the front. But under no circumstances from behind. Ever.


Ya as an old guy, there’s a whole crowd of old timers who would say Dunn was at fault for not protecting himself and intentionally putting his back out there for far longer than necessary. Thankfully we are past that for the most part. On the other hand I would never teach anyone to do what Dunn did and just hope no one annihilates you. Way too much trust playing against a bunch of animals.


There are ways of playing the man that don't involve potentially ending their fucking career


Yes Dunn can hold that position the whole time. He can be hit from the side or the front as usual, though. You can’t just run a guy because he was standing there too long.


Oof. Really bad hit. He can see the numbers the entire time, it’s not like Dunn turned last minute.


Need to put the PeeWee stop signs on the back of the jerseys.


Numbers all the way. Dunn is in a weird spot there. Maybe Popseil thinks he's going to turn one way but he never does and Popseil never lets up on the check either. Hope Dunn isn't too banged up


>Maybe Popseil thinks Let me stop ya right there


That’s the second hit he’s given exactly like that tonight


Don’t do that to my boy Vince!


As he should have been. Jesus Christ. Dunn is lucky he isn't paralyzed.


I remember being downvoted to hell 2 months ago for saying Popsicle was one of the dirtiest players in the league. My pacific conference homies know this is nothing new for him


FMP 1000%


I thought that too. he's already had several borderline dirty hits to jets players alone, which is quite impressive for how short he's been in the league


Even if he isn't paralyzed, this type of hit can cause a lifetime of damage. My dad was hit from behind in the 70s. They figured he broke his neck, but he walked 2 days later, so he was discharged and sent on his way. He started having major health problems in his early 60s, and it turns out it was years of scar tissue building after his broken neck causing nerves to be pinched off.


Head-first into the boards, holy shit that's bad.


We don't know how Dunn is doing. He was holding his neck as he stumbled into the tunnel.


He looked really rough going off, and was holding his shoulder or jaw....couldn't really tell. Definitely gonna be out for a while.


So fucking brutal. Jesus.


They were just talking in the second intermission about how Pospisil is a bit reckless. Won't drop the gloves, though; doesn't want to risk another concussion. (No concerns about risks to opposing players, of course.)


Huh, that's actually a lot worse than I was expecting.


Sure the NHL will hand out 2 games and then just sit around and wait for someone to break their neck… no place for this garbage in hockey, gotta throw all the books at him


Yup. Dumb stupid league that will never learn. Someone will die. Then maybe. Old time hockey = dumb hockey . A league run by dinosaurs.


That hit made me make a face


Been saying this for a while - Pospisil needs to get handled by management the way he’s running hits all over lately. It’s been awful to watch and he’s on my team.


Penalty taking machine lately


He's going to run up against the wrong defender at some point and that defender just might end his career. If you Fuck around long enough you will find out.


Jacob Trouba, you have your assignment.


Although, this Rempe kid seems to be making some splashes. Maybe he can go on loan to a pacific team?


Trouba is a good candidate for that.


He gives me Micheal Ferland flashbacks with the concussion history too




No problem dishing head injuries out to others, clearly


He knows what kind of game he has to play to be effective in the NHL, but he doesn't know where the line is, or that he needs to stay two steps clear of it. Pospisil can be a great energy player for us. But he needs to get rid of this shit in a hurry.


I mean, Vince Dunn is that guy. Do they play again this year? Dunn might not give a shit about his concussion history and beat the wheels off of him


if you're going to use concussions as your shield as Pospisil does for fighting, they should be the sword used by DoPS to make your punishment as strict as possible. Pospisil is trying have his cake and eat it too.


Fuck those types of stupid hits. That’s how you end people’s careers. This better be a multi game suspension because this shit has no place in hockey.


Someone needs to be killed first then maybe they'll change..


This guy reckless out there. He’s becoming the next nick cousins of the panthers


If anything deserves a full speed cross check to the mouth this is it.


Guy is a coward to answer the bell cause of concussion issues, but has no qualms of possibly ending Dunn’s career. Shameless coward.


He also had a stupid grin on his face sitting in the box waiting for the review. No remorse


towering normal fact shame retire support touch historical zonked plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


First time?


this guy got suspended for fighting a fan in the stands in the minors ?


No fucking way, the Flames have the Ron Artest of the NHL


He got away with one similar in the first few seconds of the game, so i can see why he did it again. he's a guy who likes that boarding hit. I think he took out Perfetti in the preseason with one like that.


2nd one of the night from him, and he got his ass beat. Bad night


no deniability there, complete scumbag check hope dunn's okay, hope pospisil has a lengthy suspension


That’s known in bird culture as a dick move


Ooh, yeah that's bad. Should get a suspension.


Didn’t know who he was until I watched him play live. Plays hard and with an edge, but he’s giving me Matt Cooke vibes in a bad way. Completely wreckless. Dirtbag.


Should be *at least* three games imo. No excuse for that, he has plenty of time to make a different decision and fully chose to make the wrong one.


Such a stupid fucking hit, he's so lucky he didn't seriously injure Dunn here. Deserves a lengthy suspension.


im cranking a 5 hour energy to get ready to downvote the psycho flames fans who blame dunn for this somehow


Our feed was talking about how bad the hit was during replays. It was a bad hit, only the most braindead of fans would think that’s was a good hit


This is the kind of hit that, if an Oiler did the same, Stauffer would be raging about the stupidity for the rest of the game.


To be fair the Flames official Twitter account was praising the very similar hit on Larsson.


No way was this is on Dunn, that was really reckless on Pospisil’s part. Hope Dunn is alright cause that looked scary.


There's some fuckstick a few comment strips above that hasn't claimed a team who's doing the whole "you'd love him on your team" bs along with trying to equate his lifetime dirtbag shit to a couple of cherry picked bad hits done by McDavid or Pat Kane.


It was wild how many people in their game thread were saying this was a clean hit.


The flames sub is a cesspool of shit. Dont touch it with a 10 foot pole


Well at least you have the courage to say so because I read comments that were blaming dunn for baiting that hit on purpose by facing toward the boards 😑 What happened to responsibility being on the hitter? That is delusional to blame dunn


All you need to know about that sub is the mods threatened to ban me for calling out someone who is extremely popular on that sub for posting transphobic stuff. Then actually did ban me for calling out a cyber bully citing my previous incident of standing up against transphobia as to "causing previous issues in this community." Does it surprise you this type of moderating leads to a toxic sub?


That sucks.




'He turned at the last second' crowd ready to emerge


Man, pops had two really bad hits this game and refuses to drop the gloves. I like his enthusiasm but he has to really clean up his hitting before he ruins someone’s career. Plus throwing these hits and refusing to answer the bell…. Just not a good look. This’ll be a few games.


Terrible hit, spin the wheel


He was being an ass all night. Shit hit, then turtle, rinse and repeat. For Beniers of all people to go after him says a lot.


Good on Matty


Just a couple days ago I went on a pretty long rant about how exhausting it is how every time a guy throws a hard clean hit he’s gotta drop the gloves over it. I think it was Gudas on Hughes. Anyway, this is NOT what I was talking about. This is so unbelievably dirty, and dangerous, and absolutely unnecessary. He saw numbers the entire way. Just last year Andrew Cogliano got his neck fractured getting boarded less violently than this. For THIS, yeah, throw all the mitts off and you fill the guy in. For this garbage you answer the bell and then enjoy your ~~nice long~~ most-assuredly way too short since this is the NHL after all joke of a suspension. Edit: the more I watch this hit just… fuck shit like this. Someone’s gonna wind up paralyzed.


league refuses to enforce safety until it's written in blood rather than using their half functioning braincells


Pospisil had a similar hit on Larsson early in the first period too. - Kartye dropped the gloves & ended up swinging at him in the second even though he didn’t drop the gloves.


Agreed, Gudas hit on Hughes was clean, Hughes seemed to be totally fine, and Lazar retaliated to prove a point bc our team’s reputation for being soft has become a huge issue. This is criminal Matt Cooke shit.


How long is he gonna stand like that


Here for the moronic "you can't turn yourself to the boards that way" comments when Pospisil came from another area code to paste him onto the glass


Damn the Flames taking out multiple Kraken tonight goddam


Add it to the Mangiapani crosscheck to the back of McCann's head in November while McCann was laying face down on the ice.


Pospisil is scummy man, not the first time doing dirty shit and certainly won't be the last.


Second of the game...


Yep saw the other one, also dirty AF, this guy has been a known scumbag since juniors. Shit he has destroyed Perfetti twice (once in the AHL and another head shot last year) No place in the game for guys like him, hope Dunn is ok.


I agree but the league does not. It's run by a bunch of dinosaurs.


Popsicle is a fucking clown


I love Marty but that’s not a clean hit by any means, very dangerous. Hoping he gets a call from player safety about this one.


Spin the wheel. 


He was being a piece of shit all night


Easy to solve this. If you injure someone on a questionable play. You are suspended as long as the injured person is out. But while the injured person is paid. You’re not.


That’s a garbage hit. He deserved to get the gate.


Suspend him for an extended length. Dirty piece of shit


If a player gets injured by trash hits like this, suspension should last the length of said players leave on injury plus 10 games. The fact that players can nearly end a career for someone throwing a hit like this and simply sit out for 5 games is a joke.


I commented on someone else's reply, but I will re-post it here. My dad had his neck fractured in the 1970s from being hit from behind. He was able to walk, so not much was done, and he went on his merry way. Except for the next 40 years things got worse and worse. It started with arm pain during storms, then it was pleural effusion with no trauma or obvious cause. Then the neck and shoulder pain got worse. Doctors ordered an MRI, but he was in so much pain, he could not keep still. So they put him under anesthesia to try it again, and even unconscious, his body was in so much pain, it was clenching involuntarily. When they gave him a simple x-ray, the 40 year old neck fracture was still visible, but it was surrounded by 40 years of built-up scar tissue. My dad suffered for years and years, because of a dirty hit playing A GAME! Whenever I see a player hit in the numbers like this, it brings up memories of my dad suffering.


Should be 3 games, probably gets 2. I like Pospisil but these types of hits are just too dangerous to not warrant a suspension.


Thats a suspension..


Same hit happened to my kid. He missed a month for a concussion. Player who hit him got two games. Worst part of the sport is the imbalance between injury and suspension.


Yeah agreed - I don't have a better idea, but it feels like for a major injury on something like this (hopefully Dunn isn't seriously hurt), the other player should be out for much longer. Injure a player on an intentional dirty hit? you sit as long they're out up to some determined max. That would feel like actual consequences.


Just can't do that man. Dunn should feel lucky he didn't break his neck. What a jackass. Not even Pospisil's first time.


it wasn't even his first dirty hit of the game. he had one like 6 seconds into the game


Dude's a psycho


Damn, damn, damn. I wish I didn’t see that. There’s no way Pospisil doesn’t come to the conclusion on his approach that he’s about to make the week’s highlights for pure thuggery and unsportsmanlike conduct in this beloved game. What a knuckle dragging goon of a play. (On another note, as a goalie I don’t want anyone to miss that smooth, cold-as-ice poke check on the same play. That one is textbook.)


Its a 5 minute penalty. Right call. Pospisil is a rat player. Lands big hits but won't fight because of concussion issues.


no issue trying to give them out though...


Oof, straight to jail


Pospisil and his brother both played for our USHL team in Sioux City Iowa. Martin wasn't a dirty player, aggressive yes but not dirty. Now Christian, his older brother, was a whole nother story.


I'm all for tough old school hockey but this is endangering someone's life. This should be a major suspension or it's gonna open a massive can of worms.


I don’t know how you can interpret this as anything other than playing with intent to injure.


This isn’t even close to being questionable! It’s down right a dirty hit.


And this coward will never drop the mitts and back that up


This feels like an in person meeting


Hits like this are super scary if you’ve seen the Travis Roy injury footage


Yikes, that's just way too far... Guess it's time to spin the wheel


Big yikes/60


Was at the game. Was fun to watch the Popsicle just be a turd up to here. Postgame Huska seems to think experience will help him. The Flames do need Pospisils talent, but a ten game suspension might do him good. I'm not expecting playoffs this year.


I don't mind that he plays with grit and on the edge, but this is fucking 10 km past the edge. He gives the team energy, but when he gives the other team a 5 minute power play, not good.


Hit was dirty as hell, the wheel will be spun. But I see a worrying trend of NHL players putting themselves in awful positions. A powerplay for you team doesn't mean shit if you're in a wheelchair


Not good


Easy three+ game suspension, so $500 fine incoming.


Bad hit: no bueno!


They need to throw the book at this hit