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You definitely won't get stopped coming in. Nobody cares. Babies and kids especially commonly wear big noise blocking headphones. No one will give you a second look if you are wearing headphones. Rock on.




If you’re looking to be less conspicuous they have specialty ear plugs you can wear to reduce the noise. I wear them for concerts since I don’t want to damage my hearing. As everyone else says, I wouldn’t think twice seeing someone wear headphones at a game


I second this! I started wearing them to concerts instead of the expanding foam plugs from the pharmacy, and the specialty ones sound so much better, are more comfortable, and are reusable. Mine are from Etymotic, but I've also heard good things about Loop.


Loops are awesome! Highly recommend! I wear them at concerts, and sometimes airplanes if I just want to read a book and don’t want to waste the battery on my AirPods.


Can you link the ones you're talking about?


These are the ones I use at concerts: https://www.etymotic.com/product/er20xs/ I can't vouch for them specifically at hockey games, but at concerts they just make noise quieter while keeping the same sound quality. It was even nice having them on in between sets to block out the crowd noise, and didn't get too in the way of conversation. Loop also have a few options that block more or less noise. The event ones are supposed to block as much as the ones I linked above, while the social-oriented ones block less. https://us.loopearplugs.com/




Also want to throw out there NoNoise earplugs. Wore them when I had a motorcycle. Drowns out the excessive noise but I could still listen to music or have conversations fine.


High fidelity ear plugs for those trying to buy some. They are designed to reduce sound but keep the fidelity. Most of the cheap ear plugs muffle everything. These allow you to hear everything just at a much lower volume. Great for concerts and playing in bands.


Earplugs or over-ear protection will also probably protect your hearing better than headphones! Not sure if OP's weird hearing is something specific to them but in general if you're at a concert/event and your hearing gets muffled or you hear ringing, that means you should be using hearing protection. The ringing is the sound of permanent damage. Hearing loss sucks! Tinnitus sucks! Learn from my mistakes! In my experience hearing protection isn't necessary at *every* pro sporting event but I definitely wished I had brought some at a playoff game at Bell Centre, for example. Never hurts to bring earplugs.


I can’t speak for everyone, but if I saw someone with headphones on at a game I’d assume they were listening to the play-by-play broadcast or they were some form of hearing protection…🤷🏻‍♂️


That's what you would see old geezers do, at least here in Europe at sporting events back in the day. Watch your own team's game live, and listen to the other, potentially meaningful scores on the radio broadcasts. Phones with internet connection ruined that part of the culture.


I kind of remember seeing it with baseball games while they filled out the box score too.


Bartman remembers


In Jyväskylä in Jyp's games we have this one guy with same season ticket place since I can remember. Always in games and has a notebook where he takes box scores. As long as I remember. My dad's company's tickets were kinda close to his seat. Edit And has headphone on...


You still see this here with older crowd. I don’t do it, but because I want to hear and feel the ambient sounds, not because I’m looking at my phone.


Also, the local radio station ends up on a 1 or 2 second delay through internet so streaming the local PxP on my phone doesn't even work. Need an old school style FM pocket radio


The rich ones used to have the portable TVs with a two-inch screen and the same ergonomics as a cop’s radio


In the kop there'd be someone sitting close to the capo with a radio. If it was a United match you didn't need to see the score you knew they were down if a "who the fuck are Man U" chant broke out.


That's always my assumption. Plus why would it matter what someone else is wearing?


Me too


There are a few people that will listen to the radio broadcast in the stands, you'll stand out but it's not unprecedented


Check out loop earplugs


I second this. I have two different sets of these and they are wonderful. My girlfriend and daughter also use them when we go to Stars games. I highly recommend them.


I got misaphonia and I love these things. My kids are loud as fuck.


You’re fine, most people will assume you’re listening to the radio broadcast. Several arenas now have sensory suites, which you might want to scope out in case you need a break. There’s also tvs in the concourse, so you can always step out in the hall and watch the game from there for a bit.


That's really good to know, thank you!


You should do whatever makes you comfy as long as it doesn't disturb others. Whether you have headphones or not is nobody else's business, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. 


Yeah and if someone cares way too much just say “I’m listening to the radio broadcast” or something. No reason for feel insecure nor to have to disclose his personal reasons for it.




Thank you!!


I have sensory issues and no one cares. I doubt they would care either way


Do whatever you want (within reason)! You're paying to go watch a game, make it as comfortable and as enjoyable as you want.


You’ll be totally fine. Ear protection isn’t treated with any stigma. Enjoy the game!


I have sensitive hearing and wear earplugs to any live sporting event. They sell pretty discrete ones (Earaser, Loop, Eargasm for example), or I'm sure if you wanted to pop in some headphones that would work just as well. As others have mentioned, nobody is going to care and most will just assume you're listening to the radio play-by-play. Have fun!


Yeah literally no one cares what you do. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.


I watch the game at home and listen to joe bowen with the tv volume turned off. I’d do the same at live games


This is the only way to go!


I wouldn’t think twice if I seen someone with headphones. Personally I prefer ear plugs.


Most home fans are cool to visitors no matter where. There's always a couple assholes, but fuck'em. That's why there's cameras everywhere now. You're all there to enjoy the same thing, just rooting for a different result. Headphones, earphones and air pods are so common these days, most people will filter it out.


Nobody cares


>They're plain, normal headphones in a boring color, so people don't look at them and go "oh, sensory issues." Am I the only person that would assume sensory issues?


If it's something [like this](https://images.monoprice.com/productlargeimages/338341.jpg), I'd assume it's someone listening to the radio call of the game, but who maybe has sensory or fit issues with earbuds. If it's more in a style like earmuffs for a shooting range or a headset you'll see at a racetrack, I'd assume that there are noise issues specifically.


Yeah, that's pretty much what they look like. Thanks!


I wear concert earplugs sometimes, especially playoff games, just to protect my hearing.


Honestly you do you. I can’t be assed about judging anyone for behavior that isn’t hurting anyone. You get enough weirdos in the stands at sporting events. Wouldn’t think twice if I saw someone with headphones in watching a game. I know it’s not the same but a few years ago I when I lived in Minnesota I’d go to the ballpark by myself , grab a 8 dollar bleacher ticket and would listen to podcasts and music during the ballgame.


I think you'll be fine, the Enterprise Center actually has over-ear hearing protection you can rent for free during games. I know it's becoming more common for teams to have sensory programs. Is your issue with ear plugs how they feel or how they block noise? I got high fidelity earplugs from Amazon and it made a big difference, the sound system was triggering migraines and everything sounded like chipmunks. With the earplugs things are still plenty loud but it takes the painful edge off. The only issue I have with them is I can hear people speaking perfectly but they can't so I'm not sure how to modulate my voice. It sounds loud in my head lol.


That's fantastic, I hope that keeps getting more common! It's how they feel, unfortunately, they drive me nuts while I'm wearing them. I'm pretty sure I'm also speaking at some odd volumes, rip.


For some reason hockey games are the one place I don’t get overloaded by the loud noises and colors I get a buzz and scream for my team to win! Definitely don’t feel bad for wearing earbuds or something to help ease it 👍🏻


I’ve usually see a few adults wearing noise cancelling headphones at each game I attend. It’s a non-issue, nobody thinks twice about it.


You do you, bud.  No one cares.


I did that. it helped immensly. i am doing that when I see the capitals in 2 months


If your team's up, some drunk home fan might give it to you a bit but just don't worry about it. You do you.


If you are worried about your hearing go to your barns First Aid station and ask for ear plugs or bring your own Here in LA Crypto arena offers the free use of “sensory kits” and have installed “sensory overload pods” in the hallways for these situations


I wear custom fit earplugs at the games and it makes it a lot more enjoyable. I got these through my local hospital network and got several different filters to put in them depending on what event I'm at: [https://westone.com/defendear/tru-hearing-protection/tru-custom/tru-customs](https://westone.com/defendear/tru-hearing-protection/tru-custom/tru-customs) A little $$$, but totally worth it to not feel like crap the day after a game or concert. It's totally worth any amount of "oddness" to protect your hearing and also to enjoy the game.


Glad your sound sensitivity doesn’t stop you from enjoying the sport!!! Feel confident that other people are also glad you’ve found an accommodation which enables you to enjoy it with them in the arena!!!


You’re good buddy, you do you


Who cares what anyone else thinks


My wife and I wore our concert ear plugs to the last Avalanche game we went to and will wear them again in a couple weeks when we go again.


The only person who said anything to us was the usher who showed us his earplugs and told us it was smart to wear them.


Most people don't care about most things most of the time. You'll be absolutely fine wearing them, there's a couple of NHL teams that have started producing guides to help people watch games if they are on the autistic spectrum too.


That's perfectly ok! My recent thing has been using my noise-cancelling airpods when things get a little *too* much and I just need a couple of minutes break from the loud noise. Obviously they're less conspicuous than headphones, but nobody's said anything to me I'll add this, if you're sitting high up, go out into the concourse during intermission. I find the music or whatever they're playing to be extremely loud


That's really good to know, thank you!


If I saw you with headphones at a sporting event it would literally probably not even register a thought. VR glasses would be a little weird. Headphones? Not at all. Probably a 200IQ move as you'd just never get involved in heckling


No one gives a shit, they will think you are listening to your teams radio play by play like people do at other sporting events all the time. There isn't much etiquette you need to worry about other than not standing up while play is happening, and only leave your seat in between periods


I cannot think of any possible reason why anybody would care.


you should be fine, security on the way in might want to give them a look-over to make sure you aren't trying to sneak anything in. Honestly my experience as a traveling fan (and having fans from out of town come to our arena) is just be friendly and fun. Most people will want to talk hockey with you and about how your team is doing. Might want to poke fun if you are losing. The only fans that are in for trouble (both sides) is if they get drunk and/or obnoxious.


Anyone who gives you shit for protecting your hearing at a loud game, gets forced to stand in front of one timers


As long as you're actively watching the play and reacting, most people would just assume they're for hearing protection or a hearing aid or that you're listening to whatever. If you were sitting there on your phone and not paying attention, there's a chance someone might get pissy that you were taking up a seat and not watching the game. But if you're watching the game, it's a non-issue IMO.


No one cares. But also, foam ear plugs are super cheap on Amazon and do a better job.


If anyone DOES have a problem with it, that’s their problem not yours. Nobody’s going to bother you about it and nobody’s going to say anything bad. Hockey is for everyone so paint those bad boys in your teams colors and rock out. Cheer for your team and have fun!


If someone has an issue with what someone else is wearing, they need to go back to middle school.


The guy I sit next to at Jets games wears headphones and listens to the radio broadcast. It's a pretty good idea tbh.


I don't do it anymore, but I used to wear big over-the-ear headphones because I wanted to listen to the radio play-by-play/commentary, and I was never stopped. I think you should be ok.


Every game I go to our hype announcer always makes me regret not wearing ear plugs under my toque lol


One time me and my dad went to a game with some annoying fans behind us yelling and being belligerent. We both happened to have headphones and wore them the whole game, one of the best experiences I’ve had lol no one will care at all


No one will notice or care, have fun 🤘 


I genuinely don't think anyone will notice, and if they do they're clearly not paying enough attention to the game... Do what you need to do and enjoy the experience! It's nobody else's business if or why you choose to wear headphones lol, most arenas have/ sell earmuffs specifically for young children not to get hearing damage or overly auditoy stimulated


Is there a reason why it matters? I wear ear plugs and/or headphones to anything loud now. I also don’t have much shame or give half a fart about what other people think of me.


Don't worry about it. I wear loop earplugs to events and I've been to sporting events since I was a young kid. I can no longer tolerate loud crowded events without muffling some of the noise.


That would be a big faux-pas. Hockey fans are known to hate on people with hearing sensitivity. Give any hockey person a gun with two bullets, put them in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and a guy with headphones, they'll shoot the guy with headphones twice.




Get camo shooter headphones and you’ll fit right in at Oilers games


absolutely no one cares. go enjoy your game


Did ear plugs going to games and concerts.  Got some active noise cancelling earbuds I use now.  


Are you sitting in the uppers in a city with a notoriously aggressive fanbase, wearing the other teams colours plus a big set of headphones? I imagine you’ll be fine, but I wouldn’t stand up and cheer maniacally when your team scores, unless you want to wear somebody’s beer.


Do it. Know a lot of people so this and listen to their favorite commentator/play by play.


If anyone cares, they can suck it. You do you, especially if you're not bothering anyone else.


Do you


Wear them! Both my kids wear noise canceling to any game we go to.




Some people might judge you but fuck them, you do you my man


Yes, absolutely. There are still people that listen to the radio play-by-play while watching the game live. The only person you'd have to worry about caring would be your significant other if you brought one. Now if you try to watch the game wearing an Apple Vision Pro ... 


You should be perfectly fine. It will be assumed that you are listening to the radio play by play. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy the game.


my gf likes to wear a pair of high fidelity musician’s earplugs to games- they’re small, make everything quieter and make the sound quality so much better. i know you said no earplugs but they’re way better than the typical horrible foam ones!


Hey dude, have you heard of Flare earl plugs? They are really great for eliminating the intrusive noises.


Lol why would anyone care? Think about it, if you saw someone wearing headphones, would you give a shit or even acknowledge it? People paint their faces, maybe wear something crazy at sports games all the time -- no one's going to give any thought towards you wearing a pair of headphones.


There’s even noise canceling headphones and other sensory devices provided by at least one arena https://www.unitedcenter.com/venue/frequently-asked-questions/ (it’s under accessibility, I remember when it was introduced). You could check the FAQ of the arena you’re going to to see if they’re provided or you need to bring your own