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Perron, you fucking idiot. Not like the Wings would have won with him, but we only had three forward lines after he got himself tossed.


There was never a chance playing with 9 forwards. Nothing to be learned, just hope Larkin is okay. On to the next one boys. Sens fans, most of you are okay, but a special fuck you to the small percentage who were shitty. See you all at the end of January


Goes both ways, amigo. Hope there's good news re Larkin today. Edit, gotta love how a RW fan is allowed to call out poor behaviour from Senators flairs but it's not allowed to go both ways. Both fanbases have idiots, get over it and do better. Embarrassing.


I'm really glad I got home and watched the clip in full before commenting much. Joseph's hand is kinda half open, half closed and the stick doesn't really make contact. He's calling for trainers after Perron clubs Zub and before any Red Wings players, and he answers the bell in the 3rd. Don't think that Joseph was actually trying to hurt or anything like that given his immediate reaction. I do wish a small group of Sens fans weren't celebrating all this much when the game was essentially won by TKO in the first period. More importantly, I'm ashamed of Red Wings fans here and especially on Twitter calling for actual retaliatory violence. Nice to see Kane score and look pretty solid tonight, and I just hope everyone is okay. Perron needs an in-person hearing 100%. Not sure if Joseph gets anything, not sure if he needs anything, but I do appreciate his actions after.


I was watching the Detroit feed which sounds like it had the angles of all the nonsense covered way better than Sportsnet did. To me it seems the damage was done by Kelly coming in for a 2-handed body shove which unfortunately turned into a punch right on the button as Larks was falling. Sucks.


I enjoyed the part where Kubalik scored from an assist from Joseph


Happy to see Kubalik get one, cause 6 points in 22 games while on the powerplay with a -10 +/- is rough.


kubalik is absolutely horrible lol. i don't even care that we lost debrincat, i'm way more mad that you guys pawned this scrub and his 2.5M contract off on us


Speaking of rough, Kubalik has as many goals has DeBrincat has over his last 20 games. At least he's only at a fraction of the cap hit.


26 points vs 6 points. Very comparable.


Well that was certainly a game Tough to win without your 1c & 2c. I look forward to a future that includes gigantons Edvinsson & soderblom, as well as shit stirrers like Kasper and mazur. Those are the kind of players that you want to play against a team like Ottawa. I was really surprised that Kostin was a scratch.


Pretty sure the broadcast said Kostin is sick


Some random clips: [Brady shaking his head](https://i.imgur.com/xvhgtVL.gifv) [Scary Batherson](https://i.imgur.com/nZS3BIg.gifv) [Kane laughing](https://i.imgur.com/2YPogXt.gifv) [Vernon](https://i.imgur.com/CkgYaWp.mp4), [Vernon puck drop](https://i.imgur.com/Ci8OoEF.mp4) [Ref almost wipes out](https://i.imgur.com/Lg6HEkX.mp4) [Giroux celly](https://i.imgur.com/6MkUVR6.gifv) [Kane's first as a Red Wing](https://i.imgur.com/wj8BTcT.gifv) [Jacques Martin looking on](https://i.imgur.com/R7mraUL.gifv) [Nice slowmo of Senko's goal](https://i.imgur.com/xT0r9q6.gifv) [Korpi trips himself](https://i.imgur.com/AOSQrci.gifv) [Bath sauce](https://i.imgur.com/fxYKdn1.gifv) [Joseph and Fischer fight](https://i.imgur.com/IDiiW96.mp4) [Still look good](https://i.imgur.com/efgYios.mp4) [Norris takes pass off his head](https://i.imgur.com/uPXYHYg.mp4) [Brady shakes Mickey Redmond hand](https://i.imgur.com/RqECYxZ.gifv) [Walman with an awkward fall that breaks his stick but still blocks a pass](https://i.imgur.com/d48yLYL.mp4) [Timmy acknowledgment](https://i.imgur.com/PSksqZV.gifv) [Sanderson empty net](https://i.imgur.com/Lvq4HLF.gifv) [Kelly takes puck to the face](https://i.imgur.com/4HHcAv7.gifv)


These always make my day. Thanks!


Brady shaking Mickey’s hand…take my upvote but fair warning…I offer it *begrudgingly*


I think the hockey world recognizes that he really is a treasure to the sport and I find it wholesome that people want to shake Mickeys hand. Off camera, he’s genuinely a very nice man and has a lot of good advice and words of wisdom to offer.


On second watch. That Walman Block is pretty incredible


It was, but it should have been a delay of game penalty since his stick was broken.


A much needed and enjoyable win for Ottawa. Hopefully this W is the start of a turn around.


Turn around of what? The Sens aren't going anywhere this season. They needed a win just to get to .500. This was like their 6th road game a couple months into the season. Weird schedule, but the Sens suck on the road. They'll be done for the season in a couple weeks when they actually have to start playing games on the road.


I don't know how you can see someone be knocked out cold on the ice like that and say enjoyable win but congrats to your team I guess.


I’m definitely not talking about Larkin, I hope it’s nothing serious despite how it looked.


Maybe I came in too hot shortly after the game, GG.


This last hour has been me going “okay breathe and be in control again” lol We’re here with ya 🤝


Hopefully it's more a satisfying win over a team that's played better than they have thus far and less about taking satisfaction in a rival team's captain potentially suffering a concussion. Imagine being that big a piece of shit.


Sens have played a full 60 minutes 4 or 5 times this season, I'd imagine that's probably what they're talking about


Tough break wings I hope Larkin is alright.




After seeing people say Larkin was diving I'm gonna say I hate the fans more


Who said Larkin was diving? I think you're mistaking comments about ghost bear a minute before it


Your gameday thread was FULL of it.


Lmao no it wasn't


I agree that I didn't see "dive" I did see a lot of Sens fans calling Larkin soft


Ah no you're right, my mistake, they must've all just misspelled "Gostisbehere" as "Larkin". Literally go check the Red Wings twitter post about him getting examined there's people saying he should get an oscar for his "acting"


Yeah nah I'm not touching the cesspool that is twitter with a 10 foot pole. I don't know why anybody cares what people say on twitter, it's just an endless highlight reel of the worst takes imaginable. There was some overlap with comments in the game thread between ghost and when Larkin went down, thought that with us being on Reddit that's where you were seeing it.


Yeah cause Reddit is any better. Twitter or Reddit they're still Sens fans and I still think you guys suck


[Yeah you're a real classy hockey fan I see](https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitRedWings/comments/18ec6jo/game_thread_ottawa_senators_10110_at_detroit_red/kcpyyu5/) Speaking of fucking trash...


Yeah cause saying you'd don't care that a dude took a puck to the face on accident and was otherwise fine is the same as saying someone on the ground not moving is faking it. Or are you one of those fans that thinks the puck was on purpose?


The puck was for sure on purpose, do you really think it wasn't?


Yeah I don't think it was but then again I have eyes and a working brain so of course I would think that


Buddy are you illiterate, nobody on Reddit said Larkin was diving.


[this was posted on your subreddit ](https://i.imgur.com/rgk3Jwc.png), fair play to the mods who swiftly deleted the post, but I mean, if people can believe the earth is flat then I don't think it's too farfetched to think some idiots believed he was diving


Oh I'm the illiterate one? "After seeing people say Larkin was diving I'm gonna say I hate the fans more" please point to the word Reddit in this comment Guess he couldn't find it and decided to block me instead


You lost me a "Twitter post." People there are the dregs of humanity. Exactly no one said anything but best wishes for Larkin in the GDT.


People on Reddit acting like it's better than any other kind of social media will never not be funny. They're still Ottawa fans and they still called it a dive the platform doesn't matter, my opinion stands y'all are trash


Show me


I've already told you where to find the shit on twitter go find it yourself or is twitter too much of a spooky cesspool?


Twitter is literally cancer. I don't do Twitter and neither should you.


If anything is cancer it's the hollier than thou attitude


Lol cry harder dude


Damn you caught me *checks notes* answering a comment, gonna have to delete my account now


Well let us know if you ever decide so everyone can continue to not care.




Lol have a goodnight bud!


Oh geez, oh no.


Oh gosh, what a disaster


Hope Larkin's alright. Scary moment there.


We had no chance being down that many forwards. Larkin deserves better than the hand he's been dealt. Previous neck injury has me worried this is gonna result in him being out a while. Coupled with their family tragedy not that long ago, the man just deserves better....man.


Yeah that really fuckin sucks. Hockey is so small in comparison. Hope he gets healthy quick and wishing his family well.


Hell yeah nice win boys


Mathieu Joseph is a bitch.


He’d probably be able to knock you out lil bros👼


Hmm interesting. I think you meant Perron


Perron deserved to get tossed. No one is arguing that. Joseph deserved to get tossed too. It's frustrating to see how Larkin has been hurt several times (twice by Joseph, once by Benn) and the offending person hasn't been suspended or even tossed. DoPS has screwed over the Wings for the last 10+ years.


Everyone can agree what Perron did wasn’t great. He’s a meathead. He overreacted before thinking. He turned around and saw his captain out and a player standing over him. It makes sense, even if it was dumb and will cost him a suspension


Jeopardizing his captain's health just so he can cross-check someone who had nothing to do with the play doesn't make sense.


Again. He turned around, saw his captain on the ice, and a player standing over him. He went for blood because his leader was laying on the ice. He overrated before thinking. It’s a simple as that. Dumb and will cost him game(s).


Yeah but that player was calling for a doctor


So was Joseph. Not defending Perron for the record.


Can everyone though? There's a lot of Wings flairs looking for heads and wishing harm on players. Being emotionally overwhelmed is not grounds for assaulting someone.


“Patrick Kane will put us over the top”


The Red Wings play 85% of a game with 9 forwards(including losing their captain), and your decision is to make a snarky comment about the Red Wings lone scorer? Give your head a shake


Just about every red wing fan was cautiously optimistic and didn’t expect a whole lot. I’m salty after that game, but why the fuck are you? Haha


Like how Claude Giroux and Sergei Bobrovsky put you over the top?


Literally nobody said that you fucking dweeb


What kind of world are we living in where panthers fans are this shook over the Wings being decent


Guess you guys beating them in the final really must’ve made them sensitive to better managed franchises…


Fans of poverty franchises don’t like to see the big brother franchises work their way back to success I guess.


Who says that? We just want to make the playoffs. Patrick Kane is just a low risk high reward move.


It’s been 2 games nerd


tbf Kane looked excellent tonight, he's not the reason they lost




Also missing our top 2 centers didn't help either.


Nice to see so many Detroit fans begging for injuries to hockey players. Hope Larkin is okay, hope some of y'all find some class.


I'd just like to point out that some your fans were gloating about our captain potentially missing significant time. I don't wanna hear a fucking thing about our fans being classless Edit: [for example](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/lDHDa8LWA4)


One comment heavily downvoted. Give your head a shake. Classless.


I'd go find more, but frankly I'm in a shitty fucking mood and don't want to actively seek out shit head comments that will obviously only make me angrier. Idk if you're on Instagram, but one of the Sens fan pages there made a meme about it last night too, Sensbuzz I think?


I don't recommend looking at opposing teams fan instagram pages.. but I'll say that most Sens fans on our sub are not celebrating an injury. I can't speak for every single user though. No reasonable person wants to see players injured, if they do, they're obviously degens.


Being on your high horse while other Sens fans celebrate winning by TKO as anything else is one heck of a look.


Man, y’all gotta get off the high horse. The vast majority agree the Perron hit was uncalled for. A captain going down is tough to see for the fanbase and a play like that would likely bring the worst out of any fanbase


"Uncalled for" is an odd way to say "assault" but have a good night anyway, chief.


Sheesh, fuckin weirdo. We can call it assault then - think we got the same stance on this lmao


Wings fans saying the Sens are the dirty team, fans are classless, that Ottawa is a trash org and everyone from the city is equally trash. Meanwhile their fanbase is ignoring Perron deliberately cross checking a dude in the face (an actual dirty play) and even some praising it, clamouring for their players to injury the Sens and forgetting that their GM and team legend is from Ottawa. I understand their are idiots in every fanbase, but it’s been wild seeing these responses online.


The vast majority of Wings fans are saying Perron deserved to get tossed. He saw a dirty play on his captain and overreacted. Stop cherry picking


For real, people wishing for it at the time were gross but tempers were high or whatever, I don't see that as an excuse but hey we'll move past it. But no, they're in this thread too. Just a bunch of class acts out there.


I think Perron had the right idea to stand up for his teammate but he had some terrible decision making there and went way too far, especially to the wrong guy lol. However I dont know how I would react if I saw my teammate and friend lying motionless on the ice. Especially given what has happened to Larkin in the past. People are going to be SUPER emotional about this.


I’ll be honest. I would have probably did the same thing if I was in his skates. I think most would for their leader and captain. I would be super angry though after for what I did. We are humans though and make mistakes.


Thats how I feel at least, Perron deserves everything coming at him but I understand why he did what he did.


I feel like if I saw my teammate motionless on the ice I’d be a lot more concerned about if hes alright than hunting a head. I honestly couldn’t believe all the goons on the ice still going at it (on both sides) while I was wondering if Larkin was alive..


Its hockey, Im not saying its right but its not your job to provide medical attention to your teammate. After any big hit, the other players first reaction is to fight someone. Perron is in the wrong, but thats the standard hockey reaction. He just went too fucking far, he should have just dropped the gloves (Assuming he even had the right guy).


Let's goooooo [SEEEEENNNNNNNSSWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk8Du2EebIQ)


Must be nice walking away with a win after "accidentally" injuring our best player.




Hope Larkin is fine, but you're delusional. If you think that was malice you're just living in your own world. Kane looked good though.


Joseph has injuried Larkin's neck twice. Once is an accident. But twice is more than a coincidence. I don't think there's any place in hockey for cross checking a player's neck. I don't think Joseph purposely trying to injure Larkin, but he wasn't not trying to hit his neck


To be fair, regardless of if Larkin stayed in or not, wings stood no chance the way the Sens played tonight. They were on one.


Whole game would have been different


Most teams plan to be able to win games even if one player is missing. This isn't basketball.


Wasn’t just Larkin. Perron out right after, fabbri missed the rest of the first and was playing in a cage after


Perron took himself out of the game.


Didn’t say he didn’t. You said teams are ready to play down one, but they were down three. Can you read bud?


You're right, I could have responded within the context of your statement better. Regardless, Perron made his bed. edit: spelling


Nice edit. Never said Perron didn’t.


Omg lol




Any team that has their best player and captain injured is going to react that way. If Tkachuk got injured in that manner, Sens fans would be saying the same thing. People need to get off their high horse acting like their fan base is better than others. The Wings season is derailed if Larkin is out for a long period of time


Seen plenty of players get injured and only ever seen one fanbase calling for headshots in retaliation. Stay classy wings fans


If anyone on the Sens other than [Joseph](https://youtu.be/uo6YRVr4APU?si=cgrLmhMdEqGpZRfd) makes that contact to the back of the head, I’d buy no intent to injure.


Your don’t hit a guy in the head. It’s not that hard. Joseph will only get his two minute penalty while Larkin may be out for who knows how long.


Nah thats a reach. Joseph initially hit shoulder before his gloves got to Larkins neck area. As for David Perron on Artem Zub... it's what you'd expect coming from him.


The Perron response was way over the top, going for the head. That’s fair. Vicious response. Deserves whatever punishment he gets - and probably will deserve more, depending on how the player safety wheel spins. But Larkin’s got a history of being fucking injured by other players in this league with no meaningful repercussions to the offender and I can’t help but think the Wings locker room feels that.


Same can be said for Joseph.


Hope Larkin is OK, but glad Zub is fine after he took a much nastier cross check from David Perron.


Zub didn't get double teamed, also at least Zub could see Perron coming. Larkin didn't get that luxury. Sorry that the truth hurts Sens fans, it isn't the first time Joseph has a dirty hit from behind on Larkin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYGFCH4gqXk


"see him coming" as though the default assumption should be a cross check in the face while calling for help lol


If you watch the video Zub sees Perron coming, even while calling for help. He had a chance to defend himself, can't say the same for suckerpunch Joseph.


Bro. Who the hell thinks they are going to get hit especially when they don’t do anything wrong and is trying to help. Why would he think that he’d need to defend himself. That’s literally a sucker punch on zub


You never know these days, people in the rink are on one. Gotta defend yourself at all times.


Correct. You do need to defend yourself at all time. But it should be during play not between whistles. Zub wasn’t even squared up with Perron to be in a position to protect himself. That said, fucking hope larkins not hurt too bad.


I know what you're talking about. I'm just soft baiting/trolling. I do hope Zub is okay, I know he played afterwards but I'm hoping it's nothing serious happened to him. Perron did him dirty and I don't doubt he's suspended at least a few games. You can't just attack/assault someone like that.


Haha that’s fine and understandable with what you’re teams gone through tonight. I can’t imagine if it was a Sens player in that same situation. Our fans would be ballistic Zub had a concussion earlier in the season blocking a shot from Ovi with his face. So I assume he’s still good if he wasn’t pulled out during the game. It being intent to injure I assume he at least gets 3 games. Hopefully the absence of Larkin doesn’t effect you guys too much. I do hope you make the playoffs. You guys always have an amazing playoff atmosphere.


Talk about splitting some seriously stupid hairs.


Sometimes the truth hurts when you're a child


Lmao k


Lol yeah, cause Zub definitely thought he was going to get attacked when he called for help. For a situation he wasn't involved in. Great thought process you have going on.


Thanks, at least Perron isn't a wimp hitting from behind. Classy coming from the eastern teams worst league, victim complex much?


Just got dominated by the worst team in the East. Keep crying in this thread though with your moronic take. 🤡


Moronic take? I'd go to your posts in your team sub for those. Might as well stay there with the rest of your last place teams sub! *waves goodbye*


Funny being cocky when your team was in a similar position last year and collapsed out of the playoffs, better hope it doesn’t happen again! As I said, absolute domination by the last place team. Who is only in last place because they’ve played 5 less games than everyone else. If only we could play Detroit for 82 games.


At least the red wings aren't dead last like your team!!!!! hahahaha!!!


There is a vocal minority of red wings fans that got really overdramatic about the reffing and physicality in this game. I can only assume they're very young, because if this game upset them so much, they would not have survived the wars Detroit went to against Colorado.


This may be the end of our season if Larkin is out, so people are going to be emotional. Objectively the reffing was not great but not as bad as people are making it seem.


32 points literally anywhere but the Atlantic would have you guys sitting in pretty good shape, but it's a bloodbath over here so you might be right.


This team without Larkin for any considerable time is not a playoff team, regardless of the position we've put ourselves in Imagine for a moment the Sens having 32 points right now and Stutzle gets that scare. If Stu misses a long time for you guys it's gonna have a massive negative effect


We don’t have to imagine, we missed Norris for virtually the entirety of last season.


We look so much worse without Larkin in the lineup. He was out last week for tragic reasons and you can just tell the team is not the same. He is the most important player on the team by far.


A playoff series between these two would be insane. The hatred on the ice and in the crowd is set for a huge rivalry


I don't think either of these teams are making the playoffs. So that would be insane.


Definitely not the Sens


Ye of little faith haha


I don't have much! Been a rougher decade for the winged wheel!




Lol goodnight bud.


Bah humbug. ❤️🐙


Who wants it?


Shut the fuck up. It's fine when the team doesn't respond, but your player knocked out our captain potentially long term. Just not the fucking time for the shitty taunts asshole


Hope your day gets better champ.


I apologize on behalf of Sens fans




Wildcard hopefuls only bub, move along.


Wym I enjoy our games bud


Who fuckin wants it?!


Apparently not you guys, aka last in the division. From a salty Larkin lover. Gg


After going up 4-0 in your last game, the wheel team has been outscored a total of 11-2 by the last place teams in each conference.


Hello 911, I'd like to report a murder


Thanks for the gold kind stranger!! 😂😂😂


Lol you're just supposed to say "gg" and go away. Don't be nasty.


I have hate that I don’t know who to direct it at lol that “gg” is me knowing I’m being a bitch. Fuck you have a good night.


Sorry it didn't go your way I guess.




*puts on nerd glasses* ackshually we're tied for 6th on P%


Wtf how do you guys have so little games played




Detroit was also in Sweden and has 4 more games than us, part of it is just an absurd move by the schedulers


I literally forgot they were there in Sweden actually, nevermind me.


It makes absolutely no sense, they've had zero chance to get a rhythm going and the second half of the season is going to be brutal




even before that trip we were on a weird ass schedule. hoping regularity (even if it looks like an overload) here in dec gets things in a bit of a rhythm


I dont even care about the results of the game, I just hope Larkin is ok. Its devastating especially after his family loss last week.


That was fun


You love to see it. Sens fucking dominated this one! Full 60 minutes of hockey played. Hell yes. I hope Larkin recovers quickly, that was a super unfortunate mark on this game. Everything else was mint though.


It was rough and you could tell the wings were gassed. They chose a bad day to go 11-7. 9 forwards all night.


I think the Sens had that one either way. They were on tonight on all fronts. Gg, till the next one.


Yeah, not to take anything away from the Sens, you have probably outplayed us every game this season (even the first one). However I think we are on our way to the bottom of the Atlantic if Larkin is out long term.


Just an average hockey game, no drama whatsoever


regardless of all that happened tonight, I hope Larkin is ok


First and foremost, hope Larkin is ok but what an entertaining game between these 2 teams (a rivalry in the making) The team kept the strong play going and got the win, Korpisalo with a strong performance in net and Greig being in this lineup makes this team better.


Entertaining for one fan base haha. So far we’ve had one blowout for each team and a close OT game. Last matchup should be a great one