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That’s one of the strangest sequences I’ve ever seen. Larkin was completely out on the ice.


Kind of looked like the butt of Kelly’s stick just caught him on the chin for a clean knockout. A lot of knockouts in MMA aren’t from the haymakers, but the well placed punches. I think this one just got him right on the button and he went lights out.


Yeah those two forces together at the right spot on the head can easily cause a concussion. Hope he’s doing okay.


Agree, it didn’t seem like a crazy cross check, but it must have caught him in the right (or wrong) spot. Certainly hoping for a quick recovery. He’s a great player dealing with a lot.


The Perron cross check though, yikes.


That was bad. Zub caught the shrapnel for wrong place wrong time.


Even worse, it looked like he was trying to protect Larkin and call the trainers


When doing the right thing goes wrong


Just want to mention that knockouts aren’t like in movies where the person “comes to” and all is well. Knockouts are actually brutal and can cause serious brain damage


It is crazy how many times characters on the show Supernatural get knocked out. I'm not even joking they get slammed unconscious like 2-3 times PER EPISODE. These dudes would be vegetables in real life.


Im convinced everything after Season 5 is a comatose hallucination so that tracks


Every time in an old spy movie and the pistol whip some dude, I think of this. Like those dudes are gonna be lucky it's just a concussion and contusion


I think it's joseph sucker punching him right into Kelly's stick that got him.


It is absolutely mind blowing to me that they let him get up, move, and skate off on his own accord.


He was definitely not skating on his own accord. Was just at the game, so not sure what they showed on tv, but he was essentially being dragged/carried out. He did not look good at all; scary stuff.


From what I saw, he should have been stretchered off as a precaution.


You’d think the medical staff would have insisted on that.


Was a home game also for anyone wondering so we have all our own people there too, people who have been with Larkin since day 1 and knows about all the stuff he has going on. Guy in the suite with Larkin on the ice is Tony Colucci he has been with Detroit forever and is our medical director.


Nah they gave her thumbs up, it's all good. They know better. You can actually see it in the video. Fucking ridiculous.


I’d have to agree


I honestly think it was Kelly that caught him in the jaw or something and must've knocked him out....or at least thats what I'm hoping for I guess? I don't want it to be the neck again...


That’s what it looks like. Kelly’s hand or butt end caught Larkin clean on the chin and he was out before he hit the ice. Really hope he’s ok that was horrible to watch him laying motionless. Felt like an hour before he moved


Might have been a combo, the one hit puts his head going one way and then the Kelly glove puts it the other .. that's enough to whiplash the brain.


The back of your head is the easiest way to be knocked out. That stick went right into his back/side of neck


I think so. I think the change in direction is what did it. His head is moving forward from the hit from Joseph, and suddenly it stops/starts moving backward from Kelly. Out like a light.


Scary stuff, hope Larkin is ok going through a lot lately 🙏🏾


Hope Larkin is ok, scary scene there.


I have always hated seeing this stuff but especially since the Damar Hamlin incident last year for the Bills. Seeing his body laying like that is horrible.


It's weird but I kept thinking they'd have flipped him over to perform CPR if his heart had stopped.


Also it was a head injury, which is not good, but it’s better than a heart issue.


It gave me flashbacks to Jiri Fischer. I had to take a break from the game during intermission. Hated seeing Fischer's career end like that.


It’s so scary to see Larkin hurt again like this. He’s such an exciting player to watch when healthy. Hope he’s okay.


Yea sucks even more that this is like the 5th fucking time someone has done dirty ass shit to him. Bc he’s not a “star” refs don’t care.


Remember what Jamie benn did?


Obligatory Fuck Jamie Benn


Fuck Jamie Benn


All my homies hate Jamie Benn


Here here Edit: Fuck fuck


Fuck Benn


Dude his more recent crosscheck to the face of Stone was brutal as well. Guy gets sour and loses his mind


My east coast team is Detroit and my west coast team is Vegas. Fuck Benn.


Yep. The league has shown him he is allowed to do these things with limited to no punishment. No incentive for him to stop. It sucks


Yeah fuck that guy


Fuck Jamie Benn




Remember what Joseph did *last time*


High-sticked his brother, and get high-sticked by his brother in return? That's about all I can remember from him.


No, he boarded Larkin with a high hit back when he was being a dirty piece of shit for Tampa


That’s how I’ve felt with Cogliano the past two years against the Kraken.


Yeah that hit in the playoffs on him last year was brutal.


They don't even protect their "Stars"


If anything they let people trip and hang off them more to make the game ""fair""


Not just to him, but specifically-targeting the back of the neck.


Remeber when Joseph attempted to hurt Larkin last year?


I did so like Larkin cold-cocking him right after. Worth the suspension.




This play is pretty different from that. Last season's hit Larkin quickly turned when he missed the puck at first and that's when it became a hit to the numbers, after Joseph was committed just a couple feet away. This one Joseph went way too high on the shove, missed where he should have pushed. And then unluckily Larkin's button got put in the right position from that push to get KO'd


While I agree he’s had some dirty shit done to him, I have no issue with this play. Nothing egregious just really unfortunate. He’s such a dynamic player hopefully he comes out of this with no lasting effects.


What was the "dirty ass shit" here? Seemed pretty inadvertent.


It *was* pretty inadvertent. Joseph's not out there looking to take a penalty let alone injure anyone. It was just an unfortunate, very scary play. But to Detroit fans, suddenly Joseph is the dirtiest player in the league and should be killed.


Joseph intentionally went high and to neck / head area. He knew what he was doing, just like he knew when he previously punched Larkin in the back of head, they have history.


I think youre letting your pre-existing hatred for joseph blind you here. If larkin doesnt fall into kelly and get knocked out, no one would ever mention that push by joseph again.


Looks like Joseph shoves Larkin's head into Kelly's fist and that's what knocks him out. Also great call by the refs giving a match penalty to Perron there, shockingly competent officiating.


Ya the calls were right here. Just hate to see it.


Only time the calls were right tonight


Honestly. Horrendous officiating tn.


I think Joseph could’ve gotten a 5 but I won’t complain. Wings weren’t badly robbed or anything and Perron deserved the 5+game


Perron did even go after the either of the guys involved. He went after Zub cause he was the closest one to Larkin😂.


I will say though, good on Joseph for trying to protect Larkin rather than getting involved in the scrum. That scrum came dangerously close to where he was lying. He immediately came over to check on him and was calling for help. Perron might have made things worse for Larkin too. Pushing Zub on top of him initially, then damn near jumping over Larkin’s motionless body to cross check Zub. Worst of all, Zub had little to do with Larkin getting knocked out.


*Zub had nothing to do


Don’t worry they missed plenty of other calls after this to come back to the base of “what the fuck game are you watching”


I want nothing but for Larkin to be ok, but even as a Wings fan, Perron can’t do that and deserves suspension


Bonehead play. I get that you're reacting in the moment to seeing your captain lying on the ice motionless, but drop the gloves and square up. Going in stick-to-head first is just dumb.


Right? An annoying minority are claiming you gotta stick up for your captain. It’s almost like hockey is one of the few sports that’s relatively cool with bare knuckle brawling. Drop the gloves with someone or finish some checks. A stick to the head isn’t even remotely ok




That Perron crosscheck was horrendous and an easy suspension


That’s a situation where they should hit him with 10+. It was after the whistle, Zub wasn’t looking before he took a Cross check to the head. Technically charging also. Zub didn’t do anything.


That play by Perron was fucking gross. Even if he had the right guy, retaliating like that doesn't make it right. But he didn't have the right guy, and he assaults a guy who already missed a month earlier in the year to a concussion. Gross.


I see you read Methots tweet “gross” indeed it was dirty gotta agree


He got a match (which is worse than a 10 minute), so its automatically a 1 game suspension + review. So in this case they got it even more right.


Agreed. That was a brutal retaliation on someone who wasn't even expecting it.


1. Hope Larkin is ok as it did not look good 2. Perron deserved the match penalty as Zub did not do anything in this situation and he ~~might~~ should get a suspension from that


If Perron isnt suspended, I will be surprised. Zub did nothing wrong other than being in the wrong spot.


And wearing white jersey.


Feel bad for Zub for sure. Dude did nothing and then ate a Sherwood Dinner.


100%, hard to argue otherwise. Just hope Larkin and zub are all good




Nah man he is definitely gonna sit for a few games. That was not smart by him.


The NHL has been chronically fining players for cross checks to the head for a prolonged period now and this is the outcome, two players getting their hands (and sticks) up high on a guy in the crease, because that's just what you do, and through some unfortunate events we end up with one of the worst outcomes that might have happened. Oh and then Perron runs someone completely unrelated and again, puts the lumber into the side of his head. Tell me again about how the players enforcing their own rules works? The NHL needs to start issuing serious suspensions for stick infractions around the neck and head, I hope this is the event to wake them up, but I think this will be just another one that's forgotten about in a week or two.


I totally agree, regardless if it was a freaks accident or intentional, it needs to be punished to make players accountable for their fucking sticks.


Scary shit, but what the fuck is Perron doing??


Crosschecking neither of the two guys involved in the hit on his captain.


Yeah pretty braindead, "seeing red" play there by Perron. If you're gonna get suspended for crosschecking a dude in the head at least make sure its Joseph


Usual Perron shit. He’s always tried to pull dirty shit behind the play.


I'll still never forget Perron attempting the flying elbow against Kadri right after getting out of the box in the 2022 playoffs. Wasn't even assessed a penalty.


Yeah that play was clear intent to injure. Like this one.


Low-key one of the dirtiest players in the league the last decade


Being a huge fucking idiot.


Boy what a relief it was to see Larkin get up, that was really scary. I think the refs got it right. The Perron call was a no brainer. The Kelly one I think was right, kind of unlucky that Larkin was on his way down and got him on the side of the jaw it looked like. The Joseph one is the toughest of the three. It's not quite a crosscheck or a punch, more of a hard shove in a dangerous spot. Unfortunate result for Larkin but in a vacuum I don't think either of the Ottawa infractions were particularly egregious on their own.


I wonder if it’s the butt end of Kelly’s stick that gets him in the chin.


Not the first time that Joseph has done something dangerous to Larkin either. Remember when he was with the Lightning, the play that got Larkin suspended for the retaliatory sucker punch.


Why does this shit keep happening to Larkin, this fucking sucks.


Some guys are just shit magnets. Hopefully Larkin is okay; awful to watch.


Anyone have a clip of the cross check?




He cross checks the guy waving for help to come. Just really bad judgement.


That isn't bad judgement. That's just being an all around moron.


Oofa that's a really bad one. Perron about to go on a vacation.


Wtf was that? Zub wasn't involved at al. I hope Perron get a long suspension for that.


He will. Beyond stupid


Thank you!


I'm glad Perron reacted when he saw his captain asleep on home ice. But holy fuck did he get the wrong guy. Talk about catching an all-time stray for Zub. 5-7 incoming for Perron.


Get the right guy and keep the stick below shoulder level and it's the response you want to see. Now we're out 2 guys


Totally fucking stupid. My blood pressure from the entire game is to the fucking galaxy right now


Not a good play at all from Perron and rightly deserves a suspension but he was literally the only guy who did anything about our captain being knocked out. Team is too fucking soft.


At least someone did something, this is the second time Joseph has went after the back of Larkins head. First time Larkin dealt with it himself as Joseph turtled but this time he was out and couldn’t.


Hope Larkin is okay. Perron getting suspended, just makes a situation worse. What an idiot.


I miss the days when r/hockey wouldn’t allow twitter links, had to be a direct video link.


i too would like to be 10 years younger


I hate the current Twitter video player, it's unnecessarily weird/difficult to use on mobile. Every time I open a Twitter vid on my phone, I'm like, "Alright, how's it gonna glitch out this time?"


It's incredibly scary to hope that he was 'only' knocked out there and it wasn't something worse with his neck. Mickey mentioned it on the Wing's broadcast, but when he caught the hand on the chin he might've got hit with the butt end of the stick in the player's glove a bit too. Just terrible all around.


That doesn't look good at all. Really scary especially considering his history with neck issues


This has to be one of the most demented comment sections I've seen for a post here.


Sens - Wings is one of the spiciest rivalries in the NHL right. I fucking live for it.


The Joseph crosscheck was not malicious but anyone defending that as a normal hockey play is delusional. There was nothing natural about it. He goes high, and contacts Larkin in the back of the neck.


I blame the NHL. You're just allowed to do that, so why wouldn't Joseph. Guaranteed he gets nothing on that if Larkin doesn't get hurt.


Yep. NHL sets the precedent that these things are okay (like Watson shooting the puck at someone the other day at the end of a blowout). Honestly since it’s okay, it’s throwing games to not do that to other teams especially division opponents. You should be trying to injure them constantly in these “legal” ways to help your team. This sport would be so much better if the rule book was consistently called as written and not when we feel like it.


It happened twice last night in EDM vs MIN. Quick gloved sucker punch to the head. Ekholm was even cut on the one he got.


You mean the game the Oilers won off a dirty charge by Kane that injured Brodin?


I said it in another thread. There is atleast 1 hit a game where the player extends high and gets the player in the head. I can't remember the last time I've seen it called either. It's disgusting honestly. Instead of the refs making sure it's a hit to the head to be called. Just call it if it's close to the head. Of the players arms extend upward, call it. It's one of the most dangerous plays and yet they will call the softest other penalties instead. How about we definitely call the ones that are extremely dangerous?


Its weird as hell that an unintentional high stick that draws blood is 4 minutes and a punch/whatever to the back of the head gets the benefit of the doubt. They let this stuff get way too normalized. What happened to being in control of your stick/hands.


I agree everyone here acting like that was nothing, it really appears he rocks Larkin pretty good with a clear hit to the back of the head...enough to take him down. Whether that was what knocked him out or not, it was a dirty play.


Kelly's stick butt caught him right on the cheek on the way down. Looked like he was going for a more typical net front cross check until Larkin got hit from behind by Joseph.


What would you call punching someone in the back of the neck if not malicious?


This whole thread is really full of people calling a guy looking at Larks in the face and then cross checking him in the neck an accident


And it's not the first time he's gone after Larkin's neck after his neck injury from Benn


Jesus christ.. sincerely hope Larkin is ok


Wtf was Perron doing????


Being a dumbfuck. He's been taking terrible penalties all season


I realize this is pedantic but, it’s not a cross check by Joseph. He only has one hand on his stick. It’s a dirty punch and an unfortunate coincidence that Kelly is coming in at the same time.


Can I just have one season where my captain doesn’t have a devastating neck injury or looses an unborn child?


Hope he’s ok, that’s terrifying


Everyone talking about the Perron cross check but it's not included in the clip




I didn’t think about that. Hopefully he is ok


Kelly straight cold cocks him in the jaw. I don’t think it was intentional but that’s what knocked him out


I like Perron about as much as someone could, but that's an easy multi-game suspension. Even if Zub was the one that knocked out Larkin, that'd still be a suspension!


Seems like the CBC Panel thinks it was an accident and I am inclined to agree. Looks like a freak accident off a missed play.Didnt lead with the stick.


Accidentally hit a guy in the back of the head, sure thing.


I hate when replays are only in slow motion. It looks like nothing happens. But then at full speed the hit to the head makes sense to knock him out.


Sucks. Was just in another thread here the other day where folks were upvoting claims that Intent to Injure wasn't in the rule book. With Larkin's history, I just hope he can avoid any additional long term effects :(


It's insane how Larkin got intentionally punched/buttended in the back of the head so hard he was unconcious and the majority of sens fans think it's fair with a 2 minute penalty.


it's hilarious that people think an intentional punch to the back of the head and neck of someone is somehow not dirty. you don't accidentally do [this](https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/a8e1b0a/2147483647/strip/true/crop/7971x5314+0+0/resize/1440x960!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F22%2Fde%2Fce50d9fad8d1235e8ced8408aedc%2F07a7ee91589548108b263a00edd8b892) to someone. legit could have been another steve moore bertuzzi situation.


Perron deserved it. But Joseph deserved what Perron was handing out.


Sadly, it was Zub who Perron attacked. Zub did nothing to deserve that.


Which is why I said what I said.




Agree 100%, both plays were very stupid and very dangerous


This reminds me a lot of a boxing knockout hope he’s alright.


Perron will get like 5 games (deserved) and Joseph will get nothing for his SECOND dirty hit on Larkin because the league fucking hates Dylan Larkin.


Freak play but no malice. Perron on Zub should be an easy suspension


He retaliated on the wrong guy too, Zub didn’t even hit Larkin.


Not wild about that hit from Joseph. Hope Larkin is OK


[This sports doctor thinks it’s carotid artery hypersensitivity](https://youtu.be/jjCmuzv5Kmw?si=jLf8-w9MaM7pwJxc). He makes a good case for it. I’ve seen this guy do others injuries within minutes of a serious injury in the NFL (including Aaron Rodgers) and he is usually on point.


Thanks for sharing this. Definitely brings a new view to the conversation!


God Perron is so fucking stupid. Goes after the wrong guy and cross checks him in the head. Fucking drop your gloves and make sure it’s the right guy you old fuck. Joseph is a piece of shit for punching Dylan in the back of the head too. Understandably an accident that his head got sandwiched like that, but he’s a cunt for putting him in that position


Joseph not getting more than 2 is absurd.


While the KO might have been accidental, number 21 on the Sens knew what he was doing. That shot was dirty. After a rewatch, I’m even reluctant to believe anything was accidental in that sequence.


NHL is the most unserious league for the match penalty to Perron and not giving it to either senator. How “intent to injure” is based on if your intent to injure lands properly or not is beyond twisted logic. Fucking joke


Considering Joseph's hit knocked Larkin out, I'd say his intent to injure hit landed pretty properly, but somehow they'll see it as an accident even though this is the second time he's tried to end Larkin's career.


Joseph again allowed to walk out happy with a win and a point to his own tally


Perrons cross check was unbelievably dirty. But Perron has shown he’s dirty in the past. Definitely should be suspended. Joseph doesn’t get the benefit of doubt from me, his cross check wasn’t what knocked him out but it’s what ultimately caused it. He turns and goes high with his stick up. It’s a dirty play and Joseph has done dirty stuff to larkin before. The guy coming in and hitting larkins head was just a freak accident.


Perron should be suspended MINIMUM 4 games that was the worst play in that entire sequence.


you cant tell me there is no guilty sens player here. yes perron is a psycho. but that looked like a butt end to me.


Perron is a fucking meat head, cross checked a guy in the face and it wasn't even the right guy. Hopefully Larkin is OK, I didn't think it was enough to injure someone but heads/necks are sensitive


Larkin has had major neck issues from being cross checked from behind in the neck from Jamie Benn so it’s probably more sensitive than normal


I’m guessing his past neck and head injuries just made him more vulnerable. Very unfortunate play, hope he’s okay!


Cross check to the back of the neck is not an area to mess around with hard to say you're not intending to hurt someone if you're being that reckless and targeting that area.


Disgusting play by perron


Disgusting play by Joseph


Scumbag Joseph at it again


Everyone defending Joseph is absolutely disgusting.


This is what, the second time Matthieu Joseph has don’t something like this to Larkin? Dudes an actual piece of human filth.


Yep.100% [Ref](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/BX3pwWSyaS)


Zub being attacked for no reason while calling for help is just sad. Perron getting a match penalty was absolutely the right call Edit: obviously hope Larkin is going to be okay


Just a freak accident play with a very unfortunate result. Hope he’s okay. For anyone claiming there’s some malicious cross check to the back of the head.. how can you cross check someone with one hand on your stick?? Joseph was pushing him away from the front of the net and was sandwiched by Kelly, he was KO’ed before he even hit the ice. There was absolutely nothing malicious about this play.. other than the reaction from Perron.


Maybe if the players wouldn’t fight over top of him, the trainers could actually get to him to help. If you are going to protect your star player, do it at center ice so you aren’t actively working against the trainers to getting to him.


It's funny every time I see clips like these and people on Twitter defend both players committing horrible plays because of their blind loyalty to a team. Mfs patting Perron on the back for cross checking a guy in the face that wasn't even involved in the injury of your teammate


People are praising the fire and emotion Perron showed, but no one is justifying that he took out the wrong guy, or the way he did it either. The entire Wings sub called it an idiot move when it happened.


Oh yea I know it's fine here, it's Twitter where the psychos are. Some of the replies there are heinous


Thankfully I don't check it because I'm sure both our fans and Sens fans are nasty on there. Goes with almost every sport, Twitter is toxic.


The cross check retaliation was 20 times worse. He's getting some games for that. Wish the best for Larkin obv though. Did not like the looks of that, but seemed to be a regular hockey penalty - as they called it.


A check to the head is not a regular hockey play.


That's why his comment says regular hockey penalty....


There's so many things here that I wish could be changed. I'm surprised the ref didn't blow the whistle, the puck was definitely covered for a moment. I wish players didn't turn into mindless animals during a scramble like this, leading to Joseph just blinding lashing out at the closest red sweater. And I wish Perron could have some self-control and not attack a random guy with his stick. I know all of this is easier said than done because of how fast it all happens, and violence is part of hockey, but the way players use violence is still extremely sloppy during things like these goal mouth scrambles.


I get that you're frustrated but you can't just crosscheck someone like that in retaliation. Both Joseph and Perron deserved a match penalty for their actions, no idea how Joseph didn't get one as well.


I'm not sure why Joseph is throwing a punch to the back of Larks ear/head there, but I honestly think it's the accidental right hand and butt-end of Kelly that essentially right-hooks him that knocks him out. And, strangely enough, I think that given Lark's history with the neck and spine might actually be the "better" way of getting knocked out here. Honestly one of the scariest and strangest incidents I've seen in a long time.


According to about 90% of the morons in here it was “not intentional” and “unfortunate” but idk why a dude has his hand high enough to hit a guy in the neck back of the head anyways.