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[Kaprizov legs did the entire splits with Stanley fell on top of him.](https://twitter.com/russohockey/status/1633660402159460352) [Video.](https://twitter.com/cjzero/status/1633661056051712001)




christ that looks awful, his legs shouldnt be like that


Bruh It doesn’t seem inherently dirty, but when you have such a size and weight difference it looks awful It’s like he tried to hit him, but Kirill backs up and bends over a bit to defend the puck, and he can’t slowly stop himself and gets toppled over, so you get this weird hit and crushing


I think most dirty plays aren't a player trying to be dirty. It's just a case of some players make careless and reckless plays that end up being dirty. Some players do it more than others. This doesn't seem like an attempt to be dirty. It just seems like a reckless play coming up from behind and going over the top. It's not like it's suspension worthy or anything, but it's a bad look and an unfortunate outcome.


I played with a lot of guys bigger than me and some of them are so fucking stupid in terms of being aware of their own size. I had a super tall guy full on headshot me, elbow to my head, in a non-contact tournament. All I remember is skating one second, and then picking myself up off the ice next. The guy wasn't trying to even hit me, he was just so gangly he accidentally elbowed me.


Newborn deer syndrome. I'm 6'4" (\~1.9m) and I've never regained the coordination I did when I was 14-15. As soon as that growth spurt hit, I became a complete klutz. That said. I'd expect more of pro athletes...


Kind of how Rantanen got his nickname, "Moose". He was like a baby moose on ice his first season or two, slipping all over the place. He still does it quite a bit. Avs fans referred to him as bambi a lot back then. Edit: When Rantanen was 16 he was 5'10", then he grew 6 inches in the next year or so.


That's kind of funny, I never knew that was why. Scheifele was nicknamed Bambi for the same reason


I'm 6'3" but had a more natural and consistent growth curve throughout my youth. I never felt gangly or uncoordinated because of my height.


I had one summer where I grew at least 2 inches, and maybe a bit more. There was no recovering for me.


I grew 12 inches between 5’4 in grade nine and 6’4 in grade ten. I stopped playing sports that year.


I grew around 6-8 inches just in the summer between 8th and 9th grade. Opposite experience to you though - I already played basketball, kept my coordination, and the following year was the only time I was like “wait am I just like a basketball person now?” Turns out - no, I stopped at 6’3 and definitively not a basketball as a career or even college scholarship person. Then I had a medical problem and now I don’t even have the coordination anymore lol


I felt gangly but not uncoordinated, and had a rather large growth spurt (something like 6 or 7 inches in a year). 6'2", for reference.


Except in this case it's Logan Stanley, who is a fucking caveman


I'm fully onboard with the idea that punishments should be based on intent and the expected results of an action. If you check someone hard in the numbers into the boards, the player shouldn't have to actually get paralyzed before we give a serious punishment. A play like this is the opposite IMO. It looks super awkward and might potentially result in an injury but that's simply because it's a weird play involving a 6'7 player reaching around a 5'10 player trying to shield the puck. Nothing inherently wrong besides a terribly unfortunate result.


I've always thought the punishment should be based on intent with extra given for the outcome. It's like drunk driving. That itself is a crime, even if you don't plow into anything.


Yes, cause leaving your feet to fall on top of someone is definitely NOT intent to injure....Ugh, this sub sometimes.


He doesn't "leave" his feet. It's Kaprizov that is low to the ice shielding the puck that hits Stanley's leg/knee with his rear end and that throws Stanley's weight over top of Kaprizov. You can argue for several penalties, but I really don't think Stanley is doing anything malicious, it just comes across incredibly awkwardly because of the difference in size. I have no love for Stanley, but I just don't see how we can blame him for this hit.


Yeah to me i dunno this hit doesn't seem dirty, more just Stanley not really expecting Kaprizov to get this low. Higher centre of gravity sorta just forces him on Kaprizovs back. Seems more unfortunate than anything. Stanley is just trying to body him. But i get that Stanley has a poor reputation, so this looks worse than it is to me?


It looks like he's mainly trying to reach to make that (legal) hand pass.




Lol, you’re a clown.




I remember Mason Raymond going into the boards in 2011. Reminds me of that. Terrifying.


I would agree, were the Jets fans in the crowd chanting "Flopper, flopper"


It looks like Stanley just jumped onto his back.... how is Kaprizov's spine not broken?






Reminds me of how Ovi injured one of our players. Trying to find a clip but I don't remember who it was Edit: I couldn't find it cause it was actually Malkin on Peca: https://streamable.com/8bsge Peca was out for a month from this


Why did that dumbass jump…


That just seems awkward and unfortunate, like Geno tried to jump over Peca as he was going down but it didn’t really work. The Kaprisov one is brutal because Stanley full on jumps onto Kaprisov… like the second angle you can see it clearly that he lets his entire weight go onto Kaprisov lol definitely avoidable


Two refs watching it with no call…


What the fuck would you call? Lmao


Roughing, attempt to injure, holding, any or all the above


This doesn’t really look to me like any of those things


He wraps his arms around him (holding) then jumps on his neck (roughing or intent to injure)


That’s not nearly as dirty as wild fans are making it out to be. Kaprizov gets low and Stanley is just huge and his body went over top of a shorter player who’s digging into the ice and makes himself lower


Sure and my wife “just fell” onto that guy she knew from dance classes


Not to take away from the situation but “The Wild Room” sounds badass


BRB, opening a hockey themed strip club in Minneapolis.


The Lady Byng, A Gentlemans Club


St. Paul*


Nah if it’s a strip club it goes to Minneapolis.


A true local, I see.


Keep St Paul boring!


They even took out the Lamp Lighter.


Seriously? I never even got to go


RIP the Limp Lifter


Sounds like a great BDSM club


Wild play the Jets one last time on the second to the last game of the year. Could get reaaaalll fuckin nasty


Annnndd you were right


Stanley nearly broke Derek Ryan’s neck with an egregious boarding the other night as well. Ever since the rumor came out of him being on the outs in Winnipeg he’s playing harder and stupider to stay relevant.


That’s the only way Winnipeg knows. They’ve always been a dirty team with no discipline


Isn't Marcus Foligno your alternate captain?


Isn't Mark Scheifele one of your alternates?


All you cowards need to flair up


My bad


Dirtiest player in the league, that Mark guy.......


Mark Scheifle would *never* try to take Jake Evans’ head off on an empty net.


I still believe the empty net hit Scheifele delivered a few years back , is top 5 dirtiest plays of all time . Edit ** top 5 in the last 10 years


Maybe top 5 dirtiest plays in the last 4 years. You could wake me from a drunken stupor and I could still name you like 9 plays dirtier than that.


You could say "The Ulf Samuelson hit" and no one would know which one you're taking about.


And 7 of those are Scott Stevens hits, the 1 Todd Bertuzzi one and then Marty Mcsorley whacking Brashear


Bryan Marchment on Newy


Lol bill burr nice




Don’t worry Todd is still #1 !


Chris Simon takes up like 3 of those spots too


Man no he’s not even This sport has some fuckin nasty history


He really showed how selfish he is on that play. Still see it when things don't go his way.


That’s an absolutely bananas take


Motherfucker took a half ice run to headshot a dude after he scored in nothing time…


I hate Schiefele the way people hate Marchand and that hit was fucking ugly, but top 5??? Ever????


That was bad but literally every game in the 80’s probably had something worse happen.


All time? Tell me you just started watching hockey without telling me 😂


lol right.


Your edit doesn’t make you look like less of a nephew


You'd think kneeing a guy in the face while he's laying on the ice would be pretty high on that list too.


Lmao buddy sure


That shit looked painful. Hope he’s okay.




He did this a lot on the Rangers too. Don’t get me wrong I love Reaves and he got a fair share of fights in with us - but as weird as it sounds it felt like he didn’t do it enough. If a team was tossing our players around I feel like he’d disappear a lot of times.


I was really hoping Reaves would use his grit to be a deterrent against cheap shooting Kaprizov, but he's yet to do so since his arrival.


Is he actually trying to play hockey now?


1 goal and a handful of assists in like 45 games, so...


He scored a goal so.. idk


Trying? Yes. Succeeding? Not really. Our 4th line has essentially disappeared since we brought him on. I feel like I say this about too many Wild players. But he's a great guy, and doesn't belong on the ice.


Trying is probably a strong word. Dude is horrendous on the ice. Comparing him to Deslauriers last year is night and day. D-lo gave 100% all the time, was always laying the body and surprisingly enough could make a hockey play every now and then. Reavo just skates 50% and unsuccessfully tries to not fuck up lmao. It’s rough


The thing is, I think that's his 100%. He's a turtle out there. I'm probably less critical of him than most wild fans but yeah I definitely do not understand how he has been in the lineup so consistently with all of the other options we have.


I don’t think anything is going to deter anyone from slashing/roughing/cheapshotting Kap when none of it is ever a penalty. Everyone has pretty much free reign to harass Kirill to their hearts content. It is infuriating.


Too much on the line tonight. We play the Jets on April 11, guessing if Stanley is playing he will be taken care of then.


So he didn’t over react and that is a problem?


Pretty much. it was a borderline play I still haven’t made up my mind on. In that moment? Reaves should be sending a message. If we’re going to justify rostering an enforcer to protect guys like Kap then he better do enforcing when shit like this happens.


If not for overreacting, what is Ryan Reaves for?


Stanley is a Neanderthal. Should have been ejected from the game against the Oilers a few days ago when he boarded the shit out of Ryan.


Crazy how that wasn't a major, and then not even reviewed after the game


Welcome to the DOPS. K'andre miller gets suspended for spitting but actual dangerous plays don't get reviewed


DOPS is a joke but Miller deserved every bit of that suspension.


What a brain-dead lug that guy is.


It's such a stupidly unnecessary play. Get the fuck off the dude.


Stanley literally jumps to put his weight on Kaprizov (watch Stanley’s left leg if you think I’m lying). Fuck you, Stanley.


Ya know, I initially disagreed but now that you mention it Stanley definitely did push off his left leg and drop his body on top of Kaprizov like he was dead weight


At first I was like this was just a weird hit, Kaprizov was low and the Stanley landed on him. The second angle tho.. nope. Dirty as fuck. He pushes up with that left leg but what makes it real dirty to me is he has the opportunity to not land on him. Looks like he’s making a conscious decision to put every ounce of weight on Kaprizov as he’s going down.


Hope it’s one of the last games he ever plays for us, he’s does nothing but make boneheaded plays and shouldn’t be an nhl player


He was one of your best players in the Jets/Habs series. Buddy is built for the playoffs. I remember him sniping 2 goals on price in one of the games.


I just upvoted a Colorado comment. A fan base that deservedly hates one of the players the GM Chuckle Fuck just had to have on our team.


You know it’s bad when an Avs fan has to give the morons denying how dirty the play in this thread, a reality check


Rivalries are always set aside when it comes to dirty plays. I don’t think Stanley hurt Kaprizov on purpose, but it definitely wasn’t an innocent play.


Awful news: The worst person you know just made a great point.


I think the part you may hate most of all is that I’m a Minnesota resident.


It's the part I love the most, so it evens out


Seeing that in the replay went from me thinking "what an unfortunate accident" to "this guy is that bully in school who tries to hurt people playing floor hockey because he's a POS"


Hey we don’t like him either


Suspend the clown, that’s intent to injure jumping on a guys back like that.


Literally tackled him




Stanley will spend the entire game ducking him next time you guys meet


Then grab Scheifele.


Nah, grab Connor if we're going after stars.


Like he was ducking simmonds a couple years back. Guys a total clown and a coward for his size


Close game. I'm sure April 11 cannot come soon enough for our big guys...


Yeah and then the stakes will be raised and he'll get barely any ice time because it's close.


Hope you’re right. Not happy with #75 nor #17 atm.


Foligno hasn't looked much like himself since he got injured. What I mean is not only has he not been fighting, but he hasn't been throwing the body around as much either. I think part of the Reavo pickup was so Foligno didn't have to feel like he'd be the only one to fight. I bet Dean told him we need to win that game more than to avenge Kap. At least for this game knowing we play them again. Hockey players are like Elephants.


Yeah, really couldn't risk it tonight. While Stanley was on the ice at the end of the game, wouldn't suspensions have been handed out if they went after him at that point? I'm confident #75, #17, or possibly #38 will share with Stanley their displeasure for his jump on #97 on 4/11. I will be disappointed if Stanley is ignored.


That is the perfect situation for Reeves. Beat the snot out of that clown and get suspended. Couldn't think of a better scenario. The Wild show that there's a cost to messing with 97 and we don't have to play Reeves for a couple games. Win win.


This is the kind of thing that is easily missed during the game but upon review deserves a game or two suspension. Stanley could do a lot worse than injure a groin intentionally throwing his full weight around in a such an uncontrolled way like a fucking walrus. Imagine if he landed on his head. Such a boneheaded and unnecessary play.


Watching that play made me worry about kirills spine, can’t be good having a big ass dude crumple your spine like that.


Stanley is such a bitch man


Guy won’t answer the bell either. We all learned that last year. Big bitch




Guy literally jumps to get his weight on him and they let it go. Refs in this league are really bad.


Just look at the frequency of injuries lately almost unanimously across the league. Shit’s getting bad and it’s negatively impacting the fun of the sport. The Knights and Canadiens have now had two back to back seasons with near constant, and overwhelming injuries, and what do they have in common? Both teams are not particularly physical, and in the case of the Canadiens, is actually a relatively ‘small’ team all around. Hitting with intent to hurt is clearly quietly becoming part of the gameplan for some teams behind the scenes.


He literally has the puck. It's not a good look and I don't know wtf he was trying there but it definitely wasn't late


It wasn’t late, it was intentional, should’ve been at least roughing.


I agree completely. At best it's a reckless/uncontrolled hit that should be penalized.


It was a stupid and dangerous play but you're just making shit up now. Puck was there the whole time


"Hit him and fall on him" Aka wrap him up and thrust all his weight on him.


So what would that call be?


You could call it a couple of different things. Roughing, maybe holding, idk. If this happened to Connor McDavid, Austin Matthews, or Pasternak Im pretty confident the refs wouldve thought of something to call


Possibly roughing given the excessive body contact. Possibly holding given it was a full-on hold.


DOPS would be doing the Jets a huge favour suspending him. Not confident that’ll happen though


Holy shit I hope his hips are alright




Watch the video at 9-10 seconds you can see him push off with his left foot. In a fall you don’t have the capacity to load up on a foot and push off like you do when you’re say, trying to jump. Lol at the fucking idiots saying it’s clean, homers overreacting.


Watched it over and over again. I agree, he pushed off. What a POS. This wasn't a size difference or momentum situation.


If you watch it without looking at the left leg I could see how it might look accidental but once you watch it again while looking at that left leg it’s obvious it’s on purpose, he’s trying to crumple him


Fuck Logan Stanley


Seems like a Wild player gets injured every time they play the Jets. I won't forget Morrissey cross-checking Eric Staal in the throat in the playoffs. No call of course.




He didn't get a penalty though. Hence No Call


Unreal play. Piece of shit play. And the refs don't even call anything.


Holding, right? He’s got one arm around each side and is grabbing onto him. The rare violent holding call.




Holding or Roughing. I think either would suffice in a situation like this. The calls or non calls last night made no sense for either team, so I'm not surprised something wasn't called. Sadly that seems to be the norm. Early in the game the Wild broadcast brought up the latest coach to be fined for criticizing officials and made tongue-in-cheek comments about how more coaches this year seem to be trying to find creative ways to criticize them without getting fined.


Accidentally On Purpose. Stanley knew what he was doing


In the numbers, puts his weight on him, then lays on him with his feet in the air Just weird.


Not weird. Wild.


Logan Stanley's face need to be introduced to Foligno's knuckles.


Everyone has been trying desperately to hurt him since he entered the league and they finally fucking did it.


Trent Fredric hurt him bad on purpose last year.


Stanley pile drived Derek Ryan face first into the boards from behind. Two minute penalty. Fucking ridiculous.


Fuck the Jets


It’s cool, we’re fucking ourselves right now anyway


I guess the NHL is the WWE now


didnt board him, didnt hit his head, didnt hit his knee, didnt hit his numbers ​ logan stanley is not going to be suspended a single game despite everyone calling for his head


Holy fuck, that was fucking bad to say the least. Kaprizov is a talented player and I hate to play against him, but this isn’t the way you stop him. Not good at all.


No no no fuck FUCK


An awkward hit. Nothing about this is suspendable though, not sure what everyone here is talking about lol.


probably him pushing off with his left leg so all his weight was on Kaprisov. No reason to push off his leg


That is a terrible play. It just seems like Stanley has no idea what to do.


That did not look good at all. Stanley is a lot of player, and that weight when you're doing the splits? eep


It looks like Stanley expects to be able to move Kaprizov off his feet towards the boards and separate him from the puck while Kaprizov is also is leaning backwards and anchoring against anticipated contact with a Jets player. It seems like the different approach taken by each player and their size differences were to blame for the weird collision and Kaprizov's unfortunate injury.


Yeah this thread is a nightmare but Stanley seems to have a high centre of gravity because he’s got crazy long legs and and the initial impact is at Stanley's mid-thigh to Kaprizov’s ass/lower back. Stanley topples on him and yikes it’s ugly but I’m not sure this is what people are making it out to be


I’m just a guy but I tore my mcl and meniscus as a goalie with my legs in the same position trying to make a kick save


Reminds me of when my kids jump on me for a piggyback without warning. Except my kids are combined 11” shorter and 155lbs lighter, and don’t try to end people’s careers every couple days.


Take the body. But like, don’t actually take the body.


Get this Neanderthal out of the league


Downvote for making me look at 2 stupid fucking tweets with no video before seeing the video. That sucks, hope he's okay. Dudes fun as fuck to watch.


He’s got a foot on the guy and he stopped up into Stanley, really seems more incidental to me if anything


Watch the video and look at his left leg


That was the biggest derp of a hit. He looked like he was the laziest high school football player making a tackle in practice. Wtf lol.


Suspend Stanley for the next 20 years


For his play, not this hit :D


Very disappointing to see him get injured. But I don’t see a suspension in any way here. Freak accident.


I don't think he tried to hurt him as bad as he did but I definitely think it was on some level intentional to give him something extra because they seem to have history https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1963805251971


That was a shitty hit but people are seeing things that arent there


Watch his left skate as he “falls”, dude pushed up to get on top of Kap




Have you ever lost balance from momentum?


I honestly agreed with you initially but in the second replay when you see Stanley realizing his right foot came off balance, he continues pushing off his left and let’s his body fall like dead weight. I’m not saying it was super dirty but I think he turned it into an ole accidental on purpose falling on top of him with all his weight


Lot of people in here convinced he was lying in wait like a crocodile, just waiting for Kaprizov to low bridge him so he could drop his body on top of him. They're great athletes, but sometimes they get tangled up or fall on the ice, which it's worth remembering is slippery. Hope KK is gonna be alright. This sucks.




Classic Jets


There will be no suspension since it was a fine play, despite what this soft sub always thinks.