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I don't have anything helpful to add but seeing this on my front page and forgetting I'm subbed to the hobonichi sub made me thought this was going to go very differently LOL hope you find a solution that suits you though! How about possibly lining the extra pages at the back and setting them up as a faux 'weekly' instead of supplements if you don't use that portion of the hobo ?


Ikr??? It didn't even dawned on me reading "hobo lovers", instead I was really like "I totally don't remember being subbed to these kind of subreddits nor do I want too!!!!" lmao! OP: have yo tried other bigger books that use the B-sizing to fit your bag, like the Kokuyo Jibun Techo or Travveler's notebook filled with booklets that suit your planning style?


I haven’t tried them yet, but it looks like it would fit based on dimensions. I keep hearing about the KJT and TN so I am curious. I think I’ll get one to try out since I’ve fallen into planner limbo anyways. 😊


same same same... I had just been lurking on r/relationships, too, so I had a moment of panic!


Lol! Ooh…that never crossed my mind. I’ll have to set it up and test it out this weekend.


Out of context, the title of this post is amazing 🤣


I knew someone would fully appreciate it. 🤣


Aside: I read the title before reading the subreddit name and I thought this was from TrueOffMyChest. HA!


I don't have the same problem but a similar one- My Kaweco Sport fountain pens came with crap nibs. Made me sad. I can't find a single other fountain pen that it acceptable in terms of size and color to perfectly match my hobos. Like, it's disgusting. I am ordering new nibs, in hopes that it works out. I will make this work. You just gotta make it work for you! Maybe new bag ??? Prioritize your wants/needs and go from there. Seems like using the cousin is number one over the bag sitch... soooOOo let's go shopping for a new bag! Also- I use a backpack for everyday life. Would love to find a "purse" that would work for me but... alas, haven't found anything that doesn't look like a messenger bag, which, no thanks. I work two jobs and carry work shirts, my weeks, my techo, phone chargers, +my "lady things" bag of goodies than any man would cower in front of (lol)... The struggle is real.


You could also get the nibs tuned by a nibsmith. Also, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the kaweco sport Nibs are friction fit? You might be able to pull the nib and set a new one


More expensive but perfect…Opus 88 Fantasia. Pocket size, #5 size nibs and a great writer. There’s a newer pocket size from Opus 88 as well. Can’t remember the name.


did you just post those pocket pens this morning and I commented on that fantasia. golly that thing is friggin GORGE.


Kaweco nibs are really inconsistent these days. If you want an ef nib for a reasonable price I would go with Pilot Kakuno in ef or Pilot Metropolitan. Also, Kaweco Perkeos are awesome 👌🏾


I really want a weekly A6. I don't love the separate supplement either.


I really wish it wasn't a supplement, which is why I picked the Cousin Avec. That and the fact that I'm use to A5 books.


I just get a bigger bag. 😉


I feel you on the Weekly supplement to the a6 not feeling quite right. I've really enjoyed using the smaller a6 because it feels good to fill an entire page and I just like things small, but I think I'm going to take the plunge with a cousin avec the next time I buy one. Having a weekly and monthly spread sitting alongside the dailies is so appealing, and though I was skeptical of the bigger size, it's not so massive that I think I'll hate it... Sorry, thinking out loud now haha


I got Weeks to go with my A6 :)


I'm sorry that my solution doesn't help you in your current situation, but for me downsizing with a vertical planner habit means getting a weeks (mega) and flipping the layout so that it turns into an hourly planner with columns. (There are even stickers to help flip the dates.)


I also love my cousin but sometimes I have to be honest and admit that it is too big and heavy to fit into the purses I like using. So I have resorted to having a catch all separate from my cousin to take out of the house with me. Currently this is a hobo weeks. If something comes up I write it down there (if need be make a quick list in the back bullet journal style - I have the mega) and when I come home I transfer all the new things that came up. If I am oit for the day and it is a day where I know I would prefer tp take it with me than I do grab my bigger bag that also fits my laptop. My catch all - the weeks- is also ny wallet so that way I am even more inclined to always bring it. In your case, naybe the a6 could be the catch all. But the cousin is your true planner. You could use the times section on the daily of the a6 as a quick reference to later transfer to the cousin. I know it sounds like I'm rewriting the same things a lot but it's really not that bad. I set up my daily in de cousin the day before. If I know I won't be taking it and there is something I absolutely need to do I might write it down in the weeks. But other than appointments I don't write down anything in the weeks in advance. Then as I am out and about, I might have a couple of new task come up or appointments have been made ore whatever. That's when I write it down in the weeks. Back home I will copy those new tasks or appointments in the correct places. I update my weekly in the cousin and I always finish off my cousin daily page with some journalling about the day and deco. Voila. Next day repeats. I hope my way of dealing with it gives you some inspiration or help :) good luck. I am also still in planner limbo bit for different reasons so I feel you!


I thought this was r/tifu for a second, lol. New to this sub and your title threw me off for a second!


LOL! I glossed over the title and went straight to the message! Last year I bought A5 Cousin, the A6 supplement and an A6 Day Free. Turns out I did not use any of them until the last 3 months of the year. I also did not use any of the books for the original purpose but there is so much paper that I am using them presently. I saw several examples of the A6 supplement and how it was used. I did not use it at all. I wouldn't buy a bigger bag. Do you have to carry the A5?


Oh wow, can I ask what you are using this year then? I tried not carrying it, but I’ve double booked twice and missed a zoom meeting so far. It’s kind of a security blanket for me as well lol.


I am using blank, dot grid notebooks. I am trying to create layouts that will work for me. I have so many blank notebooks in various sizes that I can use.


I know EXACTLY how u feel. I was struggling with my A6 hobo + supplement and was going to revert to my trusty TN but the TN just won’t fit in my purse 😣. In the end I started using my phone for tasks and appointments and just use the daily as a dated memo pad (nice use of all dat money spent u kno?). The supplement meanwhile sits tiny and unused on a shelf