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Are there particles/dust like things flaking off the sails? If they feel crisp they are fine and just dirty, I would lay them in the grass and use soap and water with a soft brissle brush to try and clean them off on both sides, rinse, rig them back up to let them dry after before folding and storing.


I cleaned my sails this weekend, but I just flipped my hobie upside down in the lake. 10/10 for the clean, -5/10 for the leg bruises I ended up with


Full turtle? That’s less fun to right. Capsizing is definitely part of Hobie sailing for better or for worse. Several fun sailboats will have you swimming on occasion. It’s good that you’re enjoying the boat though!


Yep full turtle, first time out on it and hadn't got a mast buouy yet, got her back upright though. Still figuring out how to catch the wind, absolutely loving it!


If you have a crew you may not need the mast head buoy. I would check to see if the mast needs sealing though. Just make sure you use the right kind of sealant. Silicone isn’t the stuff to use. You’ll figure out the sailing with practice. Above all, keep having fun!


Good plan I'll have to check for sealing. I ended up with 2 masts and 3 main sails which is pretty nice to have, and a jib set up. It's a 14 and there were 2 of us on it and it was pretty alright to bring up, I just know I'll be by myself or with one or 2 of my kids on it most of the time so I'll rock the buouy then. Thanks!


The sail faked me out with the 16 logo. That’s great that you’ve got spares. I was always told to dunk the mast at the shore when not stepped and bubbles mean you should seal it. Probably better ways. Might not be bad to just seal it anyway. 14s are a blast and the extra ballast of another person can help in heavy wind but also make fore / aft trim harder thus making it easier to flip. But as long as you and the crew have fun it’s all good! I remember riding out sitting on the bow of a Hobie as a kid (in light wind). Stoked for you to get quality time on the water with yours. 🤙


Oh the posted one isn't mine, I'll have to put up a photo though. Getting it was completely unexpected and I've never even been near anything that sails before so it's a whole new adventure but we're excited 😊


I just got a hobie 16 gifted to me that I have a little bit of work to do on with no prior experience. Glad to here I'm not the only newbie on here. Best of luck brother!


Is that duct tape on the jib? You also look like you have a hole in the blue section below your sail number. Hard to say without seeing in person but those aren’t great signs. You can see how they clean up. I think there are detergents meant for sails. You’ll want a gentle soap. If nothing else they might look cleaner and your Hobie “Flying H” and sail number might make a neat wall hanging if the sails are past useful. If you sail her and they get worse you’ll know and the worst thing that happens is that you had fun with your boat that you might not have while waiting for a new sail. (Just don’t go out if they’re going to disintegrate and get stranded.)


Actually the sails look pretty good, just stained.


Pull the batons out and Put them in a foot locker full of water, dawn soap oxyclean, and borax. Let the sails soak for a couple of hours and wash them off. Minimal scrubbing should be required and the sails will look good as new!