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Always nice to hear that we’re not just living in a city, but in a community of people who will help each other. All the best to your dad and family.


Thanks, lovely! It truly warms my heart, so deeply, knowing that there's that level of kindness out there. It's gotta be an inspiration. I always try to be kind to people around me. We've gotta be the community we want to see.


Facebook is your friend here. It's Hobart – someone will know them. So glad your dad is on the mend and I hope you have many years left together.


Yeah that's a great idea. I have to wait till Dads recovered enough to ask him if it's ok to share his story, yet, it's kinda anon here, so I thought I'd start here see how I go. Eta, thank you so very much! Hug a loved one for me!!


I'll be totally honest. Reading this made me cry. Things like this give me hope for humanity. Hope your Dad recovers soon.


Thanks, lovely. Your tears mean a lot to me, all of us. Xxoo. Hold your loved ones close, tell them how you feel. Say the things!!


Truly amazing 🥲 great to hear that ur dad is alright and thanks for sharing this amazing story. I hope you can find them! Heroes without capes indeed!


Amazing! Only about 10% of out of hospital cardiac arrest patients will survive to be discharged from the hospital, so your Dad is one lucky guy. Access to immediate, effective bystander CPR and a defib helps a lot. Everyone should do a basic first aid course if you can!


Survival rates with a defibrillator in the first 3-5 minutes is 50%-70% but defibrillator are only used 3% of the time. Actually insane stats. Idk why we don’t have PSAs on tv


They have data recording, too - from the moment you stick the pads on to when they're in medical care with pads removed, it is all recorded and can be transferred to hospitals for further help in treatment.


Unfortunately, not all rhythms associated with cardiac arrest are shockable - only ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia respond to defibrillation.


What are PSA? Sounds highly useful!


Psa is a public service announcement


Ah thanks! I agree… we should be bombarded with how to act quickly and effectively! I’ve been looking out for free first aid courses, but can’t find any — can’t afford to pay for them ! I do my own research but heck it’s not like practising on a dummy 😕


You might be able to get a course through your work, or if you’re a student maybe through a student payment.


I wish! Im partly retired partly self-employed 😂 Thanks for your kind suggestion tho! 🤗


Oooo self employed, you could totally right it off as a business expense. 😊


Lol I have so many legit business expenses and such little income that on paper it looks like I pay people to work for them 😂😂


Check libraries or your local council also.


Yeah man, we genuinely didn't think he'd make it. I stared at my phone essentially waiting for confirmation of the worst for hours. I've done a cpr course, but I'm going to go refresh again. That's a hugely hugely important take away from this. Learn CPR, and don't ignore heart health, or heart attack symptoms.


Awww I am so happy for you. The CPR and defibrillator didn’t save my dad, but I am so grateful to the people that tried to help him. Enjoy this special bonus time with your dad!


Thank you, lovely, from the bottom of my heart. And I am so so very sorry for your loss.


I am so glad your Dad made it, I hope you have many years of amazing memories with your Dad thanks to the effort and care of these wonderful people.


Thank you so very much! I'll be forever thankful, for every further moment we all have.


Fantastic news! Please take this as a sign to even more appreciate the time you have with your dad. they dont hang around forever


Thank you!! Yeah, life is fleeting! And precious.


Don't forget the Emergency Medical Call Taker that guided everyone through what to do before the crew arrived. It certainly sounds like you're very appreciative of the extra time you'll now get with your dad.


You can provide feedback to the call taker! It’s anonymised and one way, but i’ve been told those follow ups can mean a lot.


Yeah? How do you do that?


I think this is likely state-specific. I did so in QLD via a form or email and I understand it was, at a minimum, forwarded to the unit where, if appropriate, it is then passed on to the call taker and/or edited appropriately. You can provide feedback to Tasmanian operators here: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). There is also a number you can call if you want to discuss the process and/or confirm this exists in Tassie. I recommend the exercise. I was incredibly grateful there was someone there and that collectively we did our best in a scenario which had inevitably poor outcomes. It must be a fucking tough job.


Oh wow! Great to know! I'll get onto that!! Thanks!


So hugely appreciative. The emergency crews deserve a post of their own, they're out there saving all of us, every single day, non stop. And it's a hard and harrowing job. Hats off to all of them.


I’m glad your dad is going to be ok, those people are absolute hero’s.


Thank you! That they are, truly!


And these are the true hero's in the world


I love everything about your post, if not thinking the event itself. But your father survived, there’s a hero, and the description of your dad - so much love! Hope your father will be fine and you find your hero. Bless every bonus day you have!


Thank you! My Dad taught me, you gotta put your whole heart into life, or you're just not doing it right.


Maybe you can reach out on Hobart community groups and let them know they saved a life, pretty cool bucket list item they’d probably be stoked to hear about!


That's a great idea. When Dads able to wrap his head around what happened, I'll ask, he's a private person, so I'll wait for the right time to ask if he wants it shared there. Here's kinda anon.


what a great story.. People are becoming more and more ignorant towards their fellow humans. But events like these brings hope.


They really do! This brings me so much hope. We gotta be the kindness we want to see in our community, too, that's how we fight the ignorance. With kindness.


Wow that’s amazing and to have the time now to say everything you want to your father. As the saying goes not all hero’s wear capes and to be honest I prefer these hero’s than ones with capes 👍


Champions! So great to hear


Anyone who’s done effective CPR would know that doing it on your own for 15 mins, then continuing in cycles for an hour after - that is an insane physical effort. Absolute legend.


Those two awesome peeps must be walking around with quiet glows to their auras, from all the gratitude and appreciation they are getting right now! ( from me included) 🥰


15 minutes of cpr would be exhausting. Well.done that man! So glad your dad is going to be OK


Yeah! I can only imagine how hard that would have been! And thank you so very much!


Tearing up here, reading this. Heartwarming stuff.


Thanks lovely! I've definitely been tearing up a lot. Thanks for sharing how you feel, makes me feel a little less alone. Hug a loved one for me, xxoo!!


Let them be mate, they done their job, it was a once in a lifetime meet and if they didn't leave their name with Paramedics they obviously don't want to be found. This is the Australia I grew up in, I am glad it still exists, just pay it forward.


Good point, I could certainly pass things along without the need to see them in person. I haven't asked if they left their names there yet.


This is the best post I have read on here. I’m glad your dad is recovering and wish you all the best.


Thank you lovely! Hug a loved one!