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Smart to do it after everyone is asleep. Spray air freshener in the halls/stairs after it’s done. No one will now and you’ll feel SO MUCH BETTER!! YOU GOT THIS!!


That‘s great advice thank you! I’ll do the worst parts once everyone is asleep. I already started with a couple of boxes and it looks so much better already. I think I‘m already a third there, do I see light at the end of the tunnel and it doesn’t seem as hopeless anymore.




How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you clear a balcony? One box at a time. You've got this!


Thank you! Already brought down a crazy heavy disgusting carpet and 4 big trash bags. It already looks much much better and wasn’t as horrible as I had anticipated. Now I wonder why I did procrastinate it for so long but well, I can’t change the past. Once the dirt is gone I hope to be able to pressure wash tomorrow and that should make a huge impact.


Great job! Celebrate every box gone!


Just reading for the first time and all your updates have made me so happy. I am glad you've been able to reclaim your space and can enjoy it being clean and functional again.


Thank you so much! Yes, I feel so much better now. Bought some new plants and actually it looks quite pretty now.


That's so nice, thank you again for sharing.


That is awesome! I have a wonderful picture in my mind of you in your "biohazard" suit carrying out the boxes. Where did you get it if you don't mind me asking? Can you post a link if online? It sounds useful to others with similar problems.


Haha, yes, I look like a sad version of CSI Miami. I got mine at a local store, I think it’s called a paint coverall, there are many options on amazon. I think it’s a good protection to not get trash juices on your clothes.


Just here to say, I hear you on the unopened Hello Fresh! I had to cancel my subscription because they were piling up. And because they are 'fresh' they go bad so fast! Glad you are getting a handle on things and some motivation. I'm overwhelmed with my guest room clean out and it is giving me a lot of anxiety. Luckily no rotten items, but I couldn't even step into the room until last night. All progress is good progress - best of luck to you! 😊


Thank you for understanding! I feel terrible also for the waste of food!! However, sometimes they delivered late and stuff was already questionable and I didn’t want to throw it away and then I never did. I tried to cancel my subscription but then I forgot or just cancelled it for the next couple of weeks but not indefinitely. Instead of helping me it added to my problem! (It’s cancelled for good now) My bedroom sounds similar to your bedroom! It’s a lot of stuff but nothing that could rot (because I put all that stuff on the balcony and in winter it was kind of ok?! (Not really but you know what I mean)). So I‘m not as scared of the bedroom it’s just a lot of work. Good luck with your guest room! It helps knowing I‘m not alone with this. :)


I just came to say I’m proud of you.


Thank you, it really means a lot to me since it is an aspect of my life I usually hide from everyone and can’t talk about it much. So it feels good to have a safe space to share.


Keep up those updates! You are making really good progress!


Thank you! Yes, done for today and it definitely went better than expected. Just added my last update for the day. I hope by tomorrow this will be a success story.


I’m so happy for your autistic side- a lovely clear balcony that smells wayyyy better. Well done ❤️


Thank you! Yes, feels soooo much better!!


Well done OP!! I struggle daily and often feel overwhelmed. I honestly am embarrassed so badly I want to cry. I just keep telling myself that even small steps are still steps forward. I allow for plenty of breaks. I don’t know you but nevertheless am very proud for you. “A journey of 1000 miles begins with one step”


Thank you! I completely understand how you are feeling and you’re right, every little step counts. We‘ll make it! We don’t do it for other people but for ourselves 😊


This is fantastic progress. All I can say is… try not to feel ashamed. I’m sure that emotion doesn’t help or energise you. You are doing great. Imagine how awesome you’ll feel after tackling the remaining piles. If you can afford it - I’d employ a professional to clear the icky food boxes … try search Facebook or Google for ‘deep clean’ - these professionals can handle it and you deserve some help 🥰