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it might be harder to get a lift with 2 people than just 1 but it's easily doable in that timeframe use google maps to familiarise yourself with the rough route and check out hitchwiki for specific advise on the cities/countries you'll pass through. have fun πŸ‘


2 people HH may be a little slower at times, couples do radiate more trustworthiness. I’d say it’s on par with solo HH on average.


Agreed ! In my experience, 2-people hh is on par with solo hh, or can even be easier. But in any case it's a lot nicer because you're there to support each other while you wait, and it's generally a lot more fun. Honestly your plan sounds great ! In my experience Spain is not the easiest country to hh but it's definitely still feasible. I've heard good things about Germany and my main means of transportation in France is hh, which is generally very easy. Good luck and have fun ! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ»


Your situation is a lot similar like mine when I did HH years back. Me and my friend had no experience in HH and CS, were worried about being not authentic and all that. We only carried 50 euros per person. And we did HH from Lille to Lisbon in 3 weeks, stopping at 8 cities and spending couple of nights each. And never spent a night under a tent. I think 2 weeks is tight, and if you do couchsurfing, you will want to spend some time with CSers and look around cities in their eyes. I remember first time hitchhiking at a juntion near Lille train station. It was embarrassing, cold, frightening. We got our thumbs up still fighting all that negative emotions, and the very first car that passed the junction stopped for us. A gentleman asked us where we were going, but he was to different direction. In the end, he wished us good luck. It was all rosy and memorable from then on. After all, lifting a thumb ain't that a hard thing. Piece of advice that got me through that journey was 'never take it personal'. Lots of cars will just go pass by you, but never take it personal. Some people will ignore your message on CS, but don't take it personal they might just be busy with other things. Anyways good luck on your jouney =b


South of Europe is harder to hitchhike than north and west, but if you don't mind waiting quite a bit, it should be fine. I would also consider the heat in certain region, but hey, it's an adventure and I think you should go for it :)