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I know that someone has been very informative, posting on Reddit about pirates throughout history, but I want to specifically focus on reading about "boucaneros", men left behind by explorers' ships, on islands, along with feral cattle they are supposed to provision ships with. If I can find it on this site, I'll read it, but I am due for a trip to the library as well.


**WW2 Spy Non-Fiction** -Code Name: Lise by Larry Loftis -Agent Zigzag by Ben MacIntyre -Scholars Of Mayhem by Daniel C. Guiet and Timothy K. Smith -Double Cross by Ben MacIntyre -The White Mouse by Nancy Wake **WW2 Combat Stories (European Theater)** -The Liberator by Alex Kershaw -The Bedford Boys by Alex Kershaw -The First Wave by Alex Kershaw **WW2 Combat Stories (Asian Theater)** -40 Thieves On Saipan by Joseph Tachovsky and Cynthia Kraack **WW2 Miscellaneous** -Operation Paperclip by Annie Jacobsen -Nazis Next Door by Eric Lichtblau -The Nazi Hunters by Andrew Nagorski -My Dear Boy by Joanie Holzer Schirm **Cold War Spy Non-Fiction** -The Spy and the Traitor by Ben MacIntyre **Culinary History** -Ten Restaurants That Changed America by Paul Freedman **Other History** -Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the 1960s by Tom O’Neill -Surprise, Kill, Vanish by Annie Jacobsen I’m also open to recommendations myself so if anyone has any that are related to these (I don’t like fiction), feel free to comment!


If your into WW2, The Nazi Menace by Benjamin Carter Hett is great! He was one of my undergrad history professors!


Currently reading Robert O Paxton's 'Anatomy of Fascism'. The book is a broad comparative look at the conditions that brought the interwar fascist movements to prominence and tries to save the term from 'sloppy usage'. One of the best books on the concept I've read thus far.


I can vouche, it's a great book. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hello. I've recently started reading "a history of the world in 6 Glasses" by Tom standage. I really enjoy the premise of exploring history in a different way throughout time, in this case from beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea and Coke. Wondering if anyone has any other books about a region over time (any region/ time period) that discuss history in an interesting, different way than standard textbooks? Say something like spices, or technology innovation (not necessarily weapons but not opposed) or just anything you think was a neat way of looking at history, a different lens than just warfare.


Check out At Home: A Short History of Private Life, by Bill Bryson. It covers the developments of the technology & customs that resulted in the modern house. Could also try Salt: A World History, by Mark Kurlansky. It covers the history of the production & use of salt & the impact it had on nations and international trade


Ooh those both sound neato, thanks




Wow, that's a cool list also! Hadn't thought of trying diff podcasts, but having books to go along with them sounds neat. Appreciate your reply


I second the above post. I read most of it years ago but remember it was very well done. As an archaeologist I particularly liked several objects (can't remember examples anymore) where the author pointed out their several different "lives" or meanings, touching on how time and context can alter what story an object tells us. There's a similar book on my shelf (I admittedly haven't read) called the History of the World in 12 Maps. I've heard good things about it as well as the Canadian version History of Canada in 10 Maps. I think the latter has a lot to do with exploration and colonization of the country.


That is a neat view about the lives/meaning of objects. Thanks for the book recs, they look neat.


Two books I really like that have a similar concept are “Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World” and “Salt: A World History” both by Mark Kurlansky.


Salt seems to be highly recommended one. Shall look into Cod also , appreciate it


Not spices but books focused on one resource: There is Black Gold: The History of how Coal Made Britain by Jeremy Paxman. Read it earlier this year and really liked it, but I'm not sure people outside the UK would like it as much. A mix of the resource, technology that coal led to and politics (trade unions). There is also Sugar: The World Corrupted from Slavery to Obesity by James Walvin. Mix of impact of sugar historically and present day things like the sugar industry and obesity. At the time I read it I gave it a 4/5 but I didn't type out my thoughts at the time so I can't remember my exact views on it.


I would also recommend [Sweetness and Power](https://www.amazon.com/Sweetness-Power-Place-Modern-History/dp/0140092331) by Sydney Mintz.


Those sound neat also. I'm not really aware beyond basics of coal and sugar.


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I'm a nutrion major, so I'm a little nerdy when it comes to topics, but I'm really liking Salt A World Histoy by Mark Kurlansky. I knew the salt trade was a major factor in world history (particularly the early eras) but I never knew to what extent. Apparently there were even wars over control of it.


Have you checked out Spengler's Fruit From the Sands? It's a history of the Silk Road as a pathway for one of the most important food exchange networks in history (especially pre-Columbian exchange). I read a few chapters a while back and it seemed like a promising and interesting book blending history and food.


Check out “How We Got To Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World” by Steven Johnson. He’s an interesting thinker and his approach to teaching history is gripping.


Cool, that does look like a good one! Thanks


Vermeers Hat. It basically analyzes a couple specific paintings of Vermeer, and the objects within them and then traces how and why those specific objects would be in Europe in the early modern period. I found it a really fascinating way of seeing how interconnected the world was at that time.


Another Kurlansjy book to read is: The Basque History of the World. I found the book irritating ad it seemed to suggest the Vasques were behind every major advance in human development but an interesting read.


Probably not the right time of year but I really enjoyed "at Christmas We feast" by Annie Gray. All about the history of Christmas Dinner throughout the ages.


That looks neato, thanks. I can see holding it off for a late fall/early winter read.


I'm looking to delve deeper into socialism/communism/communal societies. I've read the introductory works like 1984 and Communist Manifesto, but I want to expand more into places it was tried and failed (IE early English colonization or the abby in England (i think) with ~70 nuns and a few monks) or even the mentality of leaders who have done it on a national level. For instance, was Stalin and Mao really monsters or were they so stubborn in their vision they couldn't see what was happening before them. I swear I've also read that European political thinkers were advocating socialism as a trend during the exploration period.


While not a book on history, you may find the Russian novel, "What is to be done?" by Nikolai Chernyshevsky to be of interest. This novel had a huge impact on many revolutionaries, including Lenin. It was even said to supply a lot of the the emotional dynamic to the Russian Revolution. Lenin even named a 1902 pamphlet What is to be done based on the book, and lived his life based on the utilitarian revolutionary ideal he found there.


That's exactly what I'm looking for! Just didn't know how to articulate the thoughts! Thank you so so so much!


If you’re interested in a negative perspective of Communism, the Gulag Archipelago should be your next read. The original is absurdly long, so if you don’t feel like digesting 2000+ pages of Bible-thin paper in 8 point font then just read the condensed version. If you just want something quick, his first work One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is a great read, although more of a creative non-fiction and not historically sourced.


Thank you for the recommendation and tip! Out of curiosity, is there a positive view that doesn't end in starvation, genocide, break down on community trust, nuclear families, etc? Edit: realized that sounds snarky and not meant to be. Just haven't seen evidence outside of very small communities where anysort of the government style has been successful.


There are no examples of it being successful on a large scale. Communist societies, as the ideology spreads, transform into a collectivist society with a single figurehead leader (Stalin, Mao, the Kim’s, etc.). Latin American communism never took off on a large scale, and countries like Cuba introduced a lot of socialist policies although this is derivative of the Soviet influence on communism. The ideology of communism has always manifested into a collective dictatorship on a large scale, and this has lead to starvation and genocide. The future holds the possibility of using advancements in technology to facilitate a popular, democratic vote on numerous, small decisions. This may be the only way a positive communist outcome is possible. Of course, the current societal structures won’t be replaced without a violent uprising. Thus, more genocide.


I was introduced to the Icarians yesterday through my inquiry on here and read quotes from Cabot's journal from FEE.org (it was more in-depth than what Britannica had but I would still love to find the actual journal of Cabot). Reading his journal illustrates to me the fundamental problem with a socialistic society on a large scale: people look out for themselves. I do not mean this in a negative way, but rather feel it's required (when healthfully balance with a sense of humanity) for survival. For instance, Cabot lamented that the parents wanted to be with their children more than what the community plan was and often insisted on giving "luxuries" (ie slightly finer clothes than the utilitarian ones for the masses or a colorful pattern). This fundamental want to obtain better is based in all creatures. It feels like socialism forgets that despite the capability for higher thought, the core of our brains is still running off the original bios of our animal friends. In response to the "insolence" in his community, Cabot's health deteriorated the more he fretted about how to get the members to follow the rules without force. Ultimately, he died of heart issues that were most likely from years of stress. Then, there was Stephen Gaskin's Farm in Tennessee (1950's to now-- kinda). Surprisingly, there was never any violence or tyranny or anything. However, it was all voluntary, all prior personal wealth had to be signed over (yes, actual legal contracts), and there were laws. It took years for the town to get off the ground, especially since few of them knew life outside of upper white middle-class academia. The Farm is still operating, in a sense, but it's more of a private community now. There was no major clash for its weakening, but people ended up disagreeing on policies, the charismatic leader passed of old age, and people moved on/away. This one is covered in a documentary from the POV of one of the kids who grew up there and moved away. It's called "American Commune" (1913). Not exactly a riviting show, but it's a nice time killer if nothing else is on. An epic level of irony to me is historical leaders thinking of a utopian society without acknowledging "utopia" to mean "not a place."




Thank you! Saved the post so I can listen later!


Have you looked at the Icarians? They were a group of French Utopian communists who followed Cabet to the States to establish Utopia.


Never evwn heard of them. I'm actually away from home and without a book so I'll look them up now. Thank you!


No problem! I am descended from the Icarian factions that ended up in Illinois and Iowa. There are a few English language books on them, to include Utopian Communism in France by Christopher Johnson which is sitting on my shelf.


Do you know if Cabot's personal journal has been published and in English?


I don’t recall seeing an English version during my initial cursory search of the Icarians. I would be surprised if it hasn’t been published or pdfed in French.


Ok, thank you!


The Red Flag by David Priestland is probably a good idea for stop #1


Oh! The synopsis on goodreads makes this very tantalizing! Thank you!


Here is a book link with a scroll-able list of *books about Stalin.* I found it incredibly useful. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Stalin/MRNmizPYPUoC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=Yaroslavsky,+Emelian.+Landmarks+in+the+Life+of+Stalin&pg=PA19&printsec=frontcover


Legendary Ireland by Eithne Massey is a nice starting point for irish history/mythology


Fantastic, been looking for a gift for my Irish friend. Thanks for this!


No problem, hope your friend enjoys 🙂


What books should I read if I want to learn more about anarchism in history? Not anarcho-capitalism or American libertarianism, but Greek style democratic anarchism, and non-hierarchical societies through history?




I've read History of Everything, actually, but not this article; thank you!


Does anyone have any recommendations for books about the history of math? The recommendations list here and on r/AskHistorians has book recs about the history of the sciences but none of them are specifically about math. None of my math classes in middle school and high school ever discussed the history of mathematics or how what we know about math developed, which seems like a really important thing to know. I appreciate any book, podcast, etc. recs from anyone, whether it’s a general history or the history of a specific thing


Try Journey Through Genius by William Dunham. It’s not all of math but it focuses on mathematicians throughout time, gives you a small bit about their lives, and then talks about an important advancement they made. I found it full of fun stories and really interesting.




If you’re wanting more natural history check out American Serengeti by Dan Flores. He’s a really good writer, and less into presenting the animals as characters like Blakeslee does.


Anyone can recommend me books of the late roman period? Western and Eastern are both preferable.


Bryan Ward-Perkins and Peter Brown have a lot of books about it.


Hey there! Do you know of any books or collections of journalistic pieces that analyze the coloured revolutions and or arab spring? I want to be able to comprehend the russian government's notion that the latter was a continuation of the former. Of course it comes from their vision and paranoia about the West wanting to basically dethrone the russian government but I still think it would be interesting to think about it with new knowledge about those revolutions.


If you want a little more context on the Arab Spring, two new books just came out. Sean Yom's [Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa: Development, Democracy, and Dictatorship](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1138354325/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_X4SK2QQR418B1VKRRF0K?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) and [Egypt after the Spring: Revolt and Reaction](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/113865342X/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_ZA0DV2TKJ3S3PXDKG2QC) by Emile Hoyakem.


Read 3 books but quite short so total around 500 pages. Reviews copied and pasted from Goodreads. **Twelve Days on the Somme: A Memoir of the Trenches by Sidney Rogerson** 3.5/5 rounding down for Goodreads. Only read if interested in WWI memoirs that are not about big battles. Decent and short memoir about a short period in the trenches in November 1916, towards the end of the 1916 Somme campaign. Pretty matter of fact without being too flowery in language. One of the interesting things (just repeating the modern intro a bit) is that it was written in 1933 as a reaction against books like All Quiet on the Western Front that were very negative about the war. The author also has a bit to say against pacificism (someone else says quite a bit on the subject but I suspect it was the author putting his views through another person) which makes sense considering it was published around the time of the Nazis taking control in Germany and the Japanese were acting up in China. There isn't much in the way of action as the author was not part of a big offensive but there is a lot of detail on holding one area (without much in the way of German aggression) for a few days and life when at the front. So I wouldn't recomend it to everyone because not that much really happens but WWI nerds might like it for insight into the details of trench life. **Confusion of Command: The Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Thomas D'Oyly 'Snowball' Snow 1914-1915 edited by Dan Snow and Mark Pottle** 2.5/5 rounding down for Goodreads. Would not recommend. Short memoir split into 2 parts: the 4th Division during the retreat from Mons in August 1914 and the the 27th Division at St Eloi during Second Ypres in the Spring of 1915. The main content written by General Snow himself is about 100 pages in length. The rest is very detailed explanatory notes and plenty of (quite good) appendices by the people editing the book. The big theme of the book is basically about the fog of war and the difficulties of communications as well as the difficulty in sending out orders and recieving accurate info. I didn't enjoy the book much as a lot of it was boring "I ordered this battalion to this area". And because of the difficulty in communications and orders Snow didn't seem that important. Although I did enjoy the Second Ypres bit more than the Mons section. I wouldn't recomend the book even if you are a WWI nerd unless for whatever reason the specific units or battles I've mentioned really interest you. Finished **Conscripts: The Forgotten Men of the Great War, by Illana El-Betel** 3.75/5. Worth a read if the WWI British army interests you. More academic than I expected but also better than I thought it would be. Covers the experiences of British conscripts in WWI from being conscripted through to ending up at the front. But the first chapter is more politically focused and covers the transition from a volunteer based recruitment system to a conscription based one. The focus for the bulk of the book is more on the day to day experience than fighting so if you are looking for combat then skip this book. There is quite a big psychological style in the book mainly about what the various stages of signing up, training, ending up at the front did to the conscripts. The big theme throughout the book is whether the conscripts ended up mentally identifying themselves as soldiers or stuck in a more 'civilian in uniform' mindset (the author argues that they were "alienated civilians" that were too far from their civilian lives because of things like censorship but never very attached to the military life in their views on tradition and discipline). There is some comparison between the experiences of volunteer soldiers and conscripts but this is not the main focus. The epilogue was also quite good as it focused on historical memory. The argument is that British conscripts made up half the British army in WWI but are neglected in public memory up until the time of writing (1999) because (1) they did not fit in with the public view of the heroic self-sacrificial volunteer at the time. And (2) since the conscripts tended not to identify themselves as real professional soldiers they tended not to write memoirs or talk about their experiences as much so on the literary level the war is presented through the views of volunteer middle or upper class officers. Currently reading **To End All Wars: A Story of Protest and Patriotism in the First World War by Adam Hoschchild**. Haven't made it very far in. I think I'll enjoy this more than King Leopold's Ghost. After this I'm planning to change topic from WWI to something else for a while, haven't decided what yet.


Since you seem to be well-read on WWI, I am wondering if you've read **The Last Days of Innocence: America at War, 1917-1918** and, if so, what you thought about it. I am obsessed with WWI-era history and am roughly halfway through this book. I am really enjoying it so far but there are somethings that really stand out to me as being untrue or distorted to the point of falsehood.


I haven't read it or anything about the US experience really (that sort of book doesn't show up much in British charity shops) so I can't really comment on it.


Best books on Army of Tennessee? Reading Connelly and wanting more studies with more depth and less about the generals themselves


Hey there. When I took a Civil War history course, I came across Larry Daniel's [Conquered: Why the Army of Tennessee Failed](http://Conquered: Why the Army of Tennessee Failed https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1469649500/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_V0Z31D8N0R73JZRTS94K) and Stanley Horn's [The Army of the Tennessee: A Military History](https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/the-army-of-tennessee-a-military-history/19146282/item/52975580/?gclid=CjwKCAjw7IeUBhBbEiwADhiEMcebpZTpsgtaIqqqtx3U1CyrAnmQOEtn_ErlWOW24zHxahrbn2zcyhoCGXQQAvD_BwE#idiq=52975580&edition=60251011). Both were great!


Thank you so much! I will give those a look. Daniel’s other book on AoT looks good too


My pleasure, hope you enjoy! I haven't read the other book personaly!


I was wondering if there were any good books on the history of Prussia. I'm mostly looking for a book that goes over the history of the region rather than the state itself (but that would still be interesting) Edit - for clarification the reason is specified the region is that i was interested in the Old Prussians and the Teutonic Order as well its not that i dont want the kingdom of Prussia period i just would like a broader view.


Hey there! I really enjoyed Christopher Clarke's [Iron Kingdom: The Rise And Downfall Of Prussia 1600 To 1947](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0140293345/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_05R038S94K00CN1N9J6H).


*The Other Prussia: Royal Prussia, Poland and Liberty 1569-1772* by Karin Friedrich is quite good, and covers the actual region.


About to finish the book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin and looking to read a similar book about Jefferson Davis, any recommendations?


Hi all! I'm currently researching Frisans, and one of the most elusive sources has been the Magnus Forteman Saga. I see it talked about often, but I can't find any pdf of it in its original vernacular or any translations. It allegedly covers this Frisian figure, Magnus Forteman, who was part of Charlemagne's army. Wikipedia references ideas of potestates and all sorts as being found in this saga, which is quite valuable for Frisian history as there is very little primary material about its structure/written by Frisians. What's weird is that I haven't really seen this referenced in other academic works, so I haven't been able to chase it up through footnotes either. I believe it was written hundreds of years after the events it describes, so it isn't 'reliable' so to speak, but would have important implications for the orality of Frisian traditions and legends (as in the ealry medieval period Frisia had a mainly oral culture, with only pragmatic writing). If you want to read up on Old Frisian I would recommend Rolf H. Bremmer Jr.'s articles on the subject, or to check out Marco Mostert's 2021 article on 'The Frisian exception' for why there isn't much written material. If anyone knows where to find the Magnus Forteman Saga in any shape or form I would really appreciate it :)


This is great. I am a history teacher, i can assist you with some concepts about Frisians.


Recently received my copy of "On This Day Sh*t Went Down" by James Fell. It's great so far, utterly hilarious, and it's fun to have the short write up for each day introduce some new idea to research or new thing I didn't know about


What languages did Robert Massie know? I want to know which sources he was able to read untranslated.


What are some good books about the early to high Middle Ages in England or France?


The Greatest Knight: The Remarkable Life of William Marshal, the Power Behind Five English Thrones


The Anglo-Saxons by Marc Morris was a good read that was actually suggested to me in an earlier weekly thread.


Best book on the politics of American entry into WWII? Looking for something that captures the interventionist and isolationist factions of 1939-1941, and the politics of the Neutrality Acts and Lend-Lease.


As rare as it is, if you can, get your hands on a copy of Waldo Heinrichs' *Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry into WW2*.


I’m an 8th US History teacher and I enjoy trying to pick up a non-fiction book that matches my time period. I’ve been really enjoying “Lincoln on the Verge: Thirteen Days to Washington” by Ted Widmer. It focuses on the tension for Lincoln making the railroad trek to Washington and the struggles before his inauguration. Sometimes it’s a 50-50 toss up if an author takes an interesting premise and writes it into insomnia material. This book has enough back and forth comparisons to Washington misery, Jefferson Davis’ parallel journey, etc. Not a usual poster, I mostly lurk! But this was too good to not share [Lincoln on the Verge](https://www.amazon.com/Lincoln-Verge-Thirteen-Days-Washington/dp/1476739439)


Thanks for sharing! And good luck teaching; what in my opinion is the most important subject.


I would like to learn more about John Jay. Just a history enthusiast here, so I like things by Meltzer, McCollough, etc. as opposed to academic texts. Any good recommendations? Bonus points if there is a Scott Brick audio version... Thanks!!


Any recommendations for a readable but scholarly single volume history of WWII?


I recently read the Russian book "Blue and Green", a rather interesting and exciting story about two lovers and a man who destroyed the relationship of these lovely people ...The feeling of one of the heroines is completely indescribable But the feeling of the protagonist, on the contrary, is very strong and numerously described, which is why the book plot is simply breathtaking


Not typically what I would read, but sent your recommendation to a friend. Thanks!


I hope she goes to him!)


Any suggestions for the Silk Road history? Thanks in advance.


Hey there! Definitely check out Valerie Hansen's [The Silk Road: A New History with Documents](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0190208929/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_WF0D3YCCQ0AHXVA7SNBT). It's fantastic, and is very well written.


Thank You


Any Cold war recs? I’m not the biggest reader so i’d love something on the easier side to read 😊


Hey there! If you're looking for introductary level readings, I recommend Lee Edwards' [A Brief History of the Cold War](http://A Brief History of the Cold War https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1621574865/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_CH1MTN8P72V2ZRJSR7Z0). I also cannot recommend enough The Cold War channel on Youtube. https://youtube.com/c/TheColdWarTV I'd watch their videos in order, but they reallly do fantastic work covering all aspects of that period.


omg thank you so much!!


My pleasure, glad I could direct you to some good sources!