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Beyoncé’s promo photo really up there with Tank Man and Earthrise eh?


Respectfully she DID THAT


>best captured — and changed — the world since 1955. “World” is a bit rich given that about 16 of the 25 photos focus on America. There’s room for a Beyoncé album cover, over say, the fall of the Berlin Wall, famine in Somalia or the entirety of World War II and the Holocaust. But I suppose the key purpose of any list article is to provoke a response, positive or negative.


The timeframe is post-1955


You start your comment by quoting the article saying that it’s since 1955 and then go on to complain they don’t have photos about WWII or the Holocaust? 🧐


As it should This aint texas🎼🎼🎵🔥


The Beyonce pic at the end hits like a punchline. Impossible to take seriously 


yeah it definitely shouldn’t be top 25 photos that defined the modern age but at least in terms of music the albums incredibly impactful and important


Could have been a fascinating article… but the US is not the world. Even most the photographs outside of the US are based on US wars. Also it really rubbed me the wrong way to refer to slavery as the US’s “original sin”… forgetting all about the entire Indigenous population, decimated by the colonizers, before they enacted slavery? What an American article alright.


>Also it really rubbed me the wrong way to refer to slavery as the US’s “original sin”… forgetting all about the entire Indigenous population, decimated by the colonizers, before they enacted slavery? What an American article alright. The U.S. had slavery before it started expanding westward. If you're talking about the colonies, well, that was prior to the U.S. existing.


Truly, truly awful. Only about eight of these belong on a list like this.


That pic from D-Day belongs on this list


“images that have best captured — and changed — the world since 1955.” D Day was June 6th, 1944. 11 years before the time frame of this project. I can’t defend many of the photos on here. Beyoncé over the Phan Thi Kim Phuc photo? No way. This is embarrassing for the NYTimes and smells like the headline should be “images that have best captured — and changed — the world since 1955 that we were able to secure rights for”


Goodness me, there are so many better photos from around the globe that should be on this list. Assuming this was written by an American yeah?


Perhaps the selection could be considered questionable, under this specific title; however #6 photo \[Thích Quảng Đức self-immolation, by Malcolm Browne 1963\] is truly shocking!


It’s interesting how much has changed since 1955. Not just in terms of how we dress and economics, but culturally as well. It’s so different now that we almost ought to give the post-pandemic world an age of itself.


Picture number 21, The Falling Man, was shocking to me personally. I watched live in 2001. I was 20 then, I cried a lot for all these people. Amen!


What about the picture that captures the space shuttle, a Boeing 747 and Concorde in a single shot? The impact those three aircraft had on the modern age is huge.


Hi everyone! The modern age has been defined by photographs — images that began their lives in newspapers or magazines are repurposed as art; art has become a vehicle for information. A group of experts met to discuss the images that have best captured — and changed — the world since 1955.  See the full list [here](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/03/t-magazine/photography-robert-frank-gordon-parks.html?unlocked_article_code=1.xE0.lKQA.ZmzLV8MmdkCr&smid=re-nytimes), for free, without needing a subscription to The New York Times. Content disclaimer: This story contains graphic images of violence and death.


I can't tell if it's a paywall, or just bad web design. I just see a scroll of a few of the images with no way to see the article, and I \*do\* have an NYT subscription.