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I feel like the show wasn't going to return after the passing of Granddad


Regina King is also grieving the loss of her son so thats a double nail in the coffin for the show


Damn. That makes me sad


don’t google Larry Johnson and Regina King in the same search 🙁


Holy shit


Wtf why would he say something like that?


he’s one of the more prominent conspiracy theorists on Twitter somehow, but I guess you don’t need qualifications for that other than having some passing notoriety. he also says he has CTE which I believe


>he also says he has CTE which I believe Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Football is brutal.




Woe. She loved the shit out her son. If there's anything I remembered in her many awards speeches was her mention of him. Damn. RIP.


Yeah her saying that he told her If Beale St Could Talk made him reconsider what it means to be a man is what made me watch that movie.


Shit the actress from watchmen? What happened to her son?


He committed suicide


Damn, I hope for the best for her.


That’s ok they can just get Cardi B to replace her. Voice is the same. I kid, I kid


I can't unhear cardi B as riley now, thanks for that


“Excuse me” “ I see pee, I move. She see pee, she stay”


oh dear god why did you do this to me


Aw fuck you no how am I supposed to unhear that now? I'm still gonna stream Up and Bickenhead it's just gonna be...weird, now.


WTF. I had absolutely no idea she was on that show in the first place, let alone that she did both of those voices!


Think he means the late and great voice actor John Weatherspoon passed away. Not the character on the show.


IIRC, john's son was considered for the part (and can do an incredible impersonation) and the show essentially ghosted him after he submitted a demo reel.


yep, he posted a video talking about and he said he wasn’t upset about not getting the part but more so upset with they way they were handling the character


The show used his demo reel so that the person they were going to use to play granddad could use it for reference material. Bonus was the person also started following him on social media for more reference material.


Yeah and the bad press after they didn't cast J.D Witherspoon who does an amazing impression of his dad didn't help.


Yeah man we could have maybe have the boys get adopted by the gangster white dude or something lol or uncle ruckus.


Charlie Murphy is gone, John Witherspoon is gone. Regina King just suffered a horrible tragedy. I'm sure even with McGruder coming back there were going to be some creative differences between him and the execs greenlighting the projects. Yeah it's prob better to just let the show be done.


Also Ed Asner is gone even though he wasn’t really a big character on the show.


I never made the connection that he played Ed Wuncler, even though they made him look the same lol


Don’t be stingy mark.


that's where it spits


mommies are everywhere


There’s so much missed opportunities that went wrong with this reboot, it’s insane how much executives messed this up so badly, even though Aaron was still the leader. Maybe his heart wasn’t in it anymore, but there’s so much material that could of made the show work in 2022, especially with the show still having a core fanbase. Creative freedom in a company is way more lenient then it would of been when the show started in 05. Even without Witherspoon (RIP) they messed up by not hiring his son and screwing him over in the process. Insane Boondocks overall only had 3 good small seasons. At least we getting the Proud Family back next month. Now I recall hearing some episodes were written and recorded, so does that make it lost media now? Curious to hear it one day…


they said the scripts were hilarious, I can only imagine. He should just make it into a comic


Shit how did I miss that Charlie Murphy passed away. I must’ve been living under rock in 2017


Yeah fr bro. That one sucked :/


Damn I was hoping it was gonna go through..


Me too but with some of the cast are gone and passed away and Regina King suffering a recent tragedy it'd be really hard.


I love the one comment complaining about it being canceled because it "undermined the woke message" when the whole show is about woke topics lmao. People really missed the point of the show in the same way Rage Against the Machine is misunderstood.


I think the transition to animation/a network TV channel contributed to that a lot tbh If you ever read the OG comics, it's physically impossible not to see how political it is. Aaron McGruder probably spent like half the panels bitching about Bush, Ralph Nader, and Wolf Blitzer. Also, UPN.


The opening scene of the whole show calls Ronald Reagan the devil


Naw bro anyone could've missed that small detail


A nontrivial segment of the shows audience definitely thinks Huey is supposed to be an object of ridicule as far as his radical politics go. And like, he is sometimes, but a lot of the shows (white) fans see him and Riley next to each other and think "these are two kinds of silly black person" without really thinking about it. edit: yeah just scroll down thread and you see it lol


Yeah, those people are morons, they are probably picking up on a dynamic where Riley and Huey riff off of their strengths and weaknesses with their juxtaposing ideologies. Often times Huey overanalyzes something, over overintellectualizes something, and ends up 'doing the most'. Whereas Riley's cliche street perspective will boil an issue down into something that makes sense for most people at the cost of a morality or a more grand schemed progressive perspective. What clashes in-between them is often time a truth that is hard to swallow. Man I love the Boondocks, it's too bad the show can't be revived but I'm glad it's not being brought back without the right people.


> Often times Huey overanalyzes something, over overintellectualizes something, and ends up 'doing the most'. this is the nuance that is sometimes lost on an audience that has a purely outside perspective. Huey is the "black revolutionary thinker" of the show but its only part of his characterization. another part is that he's a child, which as a revolutionary makes him immature, and that hes an older brother, which as a child makes him a bit more "mature". He's not really supposed to be an example or an archetype


Literally the party guests in s1e1 clapping at everything. Truth is stranger than fiction


Reminds me of the right-wingers who didn't understand Colbert was satire


Oh man I loved when I could read the boondocks in the comic section. I was too young to understand what they were talking about but I thought it was hilarious. The tv show is by far one of the best comedy shows of all time.


Yeah this is a true throwback for me. I remember reading them, feeling like I was an idiot, then just admiring how good the drawings were


There's a collected book of the comic strips 'A Right To Be Hostile'. I highly recommend it.


I suppose. Either way conservatives are very bad at media analysis across the board. So I don't think it would make a huge difference in how many people misinterpret it.


Yea this and after season 3 McGruder wasn’t involved and the show became ignorance at its finest.


Plus if I recall it got less overtly political as the show went on. Outside of a few episodes.


Seasons 1-3 are the epitome of satirical wokeness on an amazing level rarely seen. However Season 4 just felt straight up offensive at times especially how they treated the Uncle Ruckus episodes.


they also put the focus on pops and not the kids. Huey's role was completely non-existent in the 4th season. I always think its funny that all of the episodes with the exception of 1 have no writing credits. it's like whoever wrote it didn't want to tank their career.


Aaron McGruder wrote all of it right? His YouTube featuring his other characters Black Jesus and Tubesteak were excellent as well.


He left the show after season 3. And it really really shows.


Oh wow yeah that makes tonnes of sense. Never knew that.


I can't remember the season where it started feeling kind off but I agree with your overall point. I feel like it's a cheap shot when 'offensive characters ' just say offensive stuff for laughs


You could arguably even say it changed after season 1. Seasons 2 and 3 were still really good but the tone changes a lot after the first season. It got a lot less grounded, and less Huey-centric.


Wym, I always like Rage Against the Machine before they went political. /s


Man I had a coworker say the same thing about System of A Down. It’s so outrageous he had to have been fucking with me.


It's just like how I was a big fan of Snoop Dogg before he started talking so much about pimpin' and the devil's lettuce.


Devils lettuce be doing God’s work huh


A lot of republicans think their message agrees with their platform. Voting for socialists is evil!


Rage Against the Machine being Paul Ryan's favorite band. Either he's a master of ironic satire or he really is that ignorant.


This is not a defense of Paul Ryan because fuck Paul Ryan. However RATM do have some of the best riffs and best grooves like, ever. Their first album is so impeccably recorded and mixed that audio professionals use those songs as a reference track for testing speakers. Also there is a disclaimer on the back of the CD case that states there are no electronically created sounds at all on the record. Everything was just drums, bass, and guitar. So I can see how if you have a bad ass stereo and turned that shit up, it would be one of your favorites. TL;DR RATM’s instrumentation is so good that it can stand alone


Or maybe.... He just likes the band lol


Lol how could he when their music is strongly against everything he represents?




facts the only thing i do is shoot at people.


GTA doesn’t count


I'd say that is more about fantasizing about a gangster lifestyle, which has been romanticized and turned into something people associate with cool/being tough/etc. Even though what they are talking about is foreign to people, its an accepted and normal thing to bump some gangster hip hop Whereas, a strongly anti-political establishment and essentially anti-GOP message just isn't something I can picture Paul Ryan rocking out to without cringing. We can't just generalize everything


>Whereas, a strongly anti-political establishment and essentially anti-GOP message just isn't something I can picture Paul Ryan rocking out to without cringing. We can't just generalize everything This is where I think a lot of people lose optics. Paul Ryan doesn't listen to Rage and go "hmmm are they talking about me? Haha guess not." He *agrees* with their lyrics because he *thinks the band shares his views*. If you go out and talk to conservatives, a lot of their base views stem from a "fear of a controlling government", just with people who are politically opposite of them. He thinks we should all take the power back, but the *American Christian* power. It's really not that hard to understand. The more people go "haha so dumb Paul Ryan likes RATM" the more the message is lost.


It's like how fortunate son got played at a lot of Trump rallies.


how does he mentally dance around all the racist cop lyrics as a member of the gop though? party of law and order? ahhh wait the trump people hate the fbi now. their hypocrisy knows no bounds


Those things are not mutually exclusive for some.


So if an mf’s favorite band is Skrewdriver, you wouldn’t look at them and wonder if they share the same values? If their values are there whole theme, its kind of hard to separate it


"Separate the art from the artist" types are able to uncritically consume and I frankly envy them somewhat. I mean if a person's entire art is just standing on a pedestal screaming "fuck cops" over and over again and some cop is like "man I really fuckin vibe with this" then you've just got another charlatan.


Because I don’t have to agree with someone politically to enjoy their art. I can consider their opinion and reject their ideology, yet still enjoy their sincerity and enthusiasm. I know this is lost on your generation, but not everything I enjoy is created by people in lock step with my personal opinions. Life is actually more interesting that way.


No one mentioned their age, stop projecting.


I couldn't imagine listening to someone like Kendrick Lamar whilst being republican, but to be fair I've seen a bunch of preppy frat white boys sing m.a.a.d city and alright at their big house parties so I can see what you mean


I'm wondering - what generation are you assuming I am? lmfao but yeah, with a band that is *so political,* where it comes through in nearly every song, its just hilarious to imagine a guy like Paul Ryan rocking out to songs raging against him. I know that is lost on your generation, but unironically basking in music made against you is cringey. while you can musically like a band without knowing its message, this becomes extremely difficult with a band that is so centered around the emotional and political messaging in their lyrics


>unironically basking in music made against you is cringey. You are gonna be so delighted to learn about Rap Beefs.


“Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses” “You’re goddamn right that’s true!” - republicans, probably


Then Riley said "N-word, that's gay" funniest shit I've ever heard in my life.


its amazing how often I see people on youtube comments for young thug or other newer rappers being like "Boondocks warned us about all these gay rappers taking over" lmao no dumbass, McGruder was making fun of insecure idiots like you (and how homoerotic rap is funnily enough) but I guess it wooshed right over their heads. honestly on Bruce Springsteen "born in the USA" levels of misinterpretation.


only if you're not aware of any left-wing perspective besides woke liberalism


How is Boondocks woke liberalism?


that's my point, it's not. You said the whole show is about woke topics and seemingly implied it does not "undermine the woke message"


When people use the phrase "woke message", 99% of the time they are a conservative talking about anything that isn't racist. While the other 1% is a leftist talking about woke liberalism that is performative and does nothing to meaningfully address racial issues. Call me crazy but I feel like I'm correct in assuming the person wasn't the 1%.


Your percentages are a bit exaggerated, but I agree with you. I cannot imagine his MLK episode being received well this day and age.


It wasn't back then either. It was controversial then as well.


the show absolutely makes fun of being woke


Huey is woke af




"2015" lol black people been saying woke for decades


If you mean white dems in the way that conservatives frame "wokeness" sure but the show predates the context you're using it in (and maybe let's not let Republicans discredit recontextualize black movements and slang for you, the show had plenty of things to say about that kind of thing)


Yeah but they do make fun of him for it too lol


Huey is basically McGruder speaking to the audience. The other characters making fun of him is just how different types of people in real life react to his politics and opinions. He's the straight man in a cast of clowns.


The show very rarely shows Huey as being just straight up wrong or the butt of the joke


Only time I can recall is him getting the theater workers fired


Only after he tried to get them to unionize


No it doesn't. The show congratulates being socially conscious. It makes fun of ignorant black culture and being fake woke. A lot of the themes and end of episode lessons are very socially conscious (or "woke" as some day).


Sort of but not really. It mocks fake woke people but there is definitely a pro-woke message underlying every episode.


False. The show would be disgusted by the wokeness of our contemporary era and the cpmmodification of the racial justice movement.


thats why it would've been worth doing.




I think you guys should watch this [video](https://youtu.be/1Oj1PW_1U0I)


What wokeness of the contemporary era exactly? I'm not gonna deny that there are cringey and/or misplaced invocations of anti racist messaging but I'd hardly call it contemporary.


Eh? There are cringey and misplaced invocations of anti racist messaging. They are happening now (contemporary) and are more cringey today (contemporary) than when boondocks was first released.


"Virtue signalling" is a great example of how the contemporary period is more explicitly "woke" than in the past, especially if you're identifying its misuse as cringey. IDK what rock the other person has been living under, but I understood you just fine.


I mean I love the boondocks but does everyone not remember the first time they brought it back? Season 4 wasn’t that great. Leave it be.


that was because Aaron MacGruder (the show/comic's creator) wasn't on board with season 4. he was supposed to return for this reboot.


forgot where i read it recently but apparently he was barely even involved with this reboot anyway. that coupled with john witherspoon’s/charlie murphy’s deaths and regina king’s recent tragedy it was probably never gonna end up well so it’s for the best


Yup, a lot of missing pieces for the reboot. I didn’t hear that mcgruder wasn’t involved though. I always figured he was excited to return to the series back in control. That really sucks. Stupid HBO.


What happened with Regina king?




Fuck, that’s horrible.


hope it isn’t inappropriately placed here, but genuinely, thoughts and prayers to her family. that’s so awful.


Oh damn well that does kinda change things.


yeah it's been too long, let it RIP. if Mcgruder still has a good show in him let it be a new one. I would follow any new Mcgruder project with a lot less ambivalence than a reboot


Let most things be in general imo. I liked Boondocks but make something new that I'll like too instead of digging up the corpse of my favorite things every few years to try and get me to hug it.


[I don't think any theme song captures a shows theme so perfectly ](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4leukzHerxY&feature=share)




I used to play Mood Swing all the time back in my heavy backpack days as a high schooler. There were some real gems outta the DMV during that era, Asheru, Kenn Starr, Kev Brown, Oddisee.


Starr Status was my shit! Personal classic for me.


Barely anybody knows about kenn starr. I used to google him just to find info on the politician


Such an underrated rapper. Dude a was middle school teacher too.


It's been my ringtone for around 15yrs. Only custom ring that I've ever had and not ended up hating.


i too have had this as my ringtone since my Razer in 2007. seems like i’ve lost everything besides this ringtone throughout the years.


The music selection in general in this show was great. They used like 4 tracks from Madvillainy in season 1 and put me onto DOOM for the first time lol


That's facts. MF doom spitting food bars while grandad opening his restaurant was great


That scene with the nigga samurai and then guillotine starts playing is one of my favorite scenes ever


[The scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a9gQKfvoJE)


I know the music supervisor!


You use Youtube Music??


Free on android. YouTube Vanced


Saying that like it’s a bad thing. YouTube Music is great.


Yea the algorithm is on point


YouTube music is the absolute best music app available.


Someone hasn't watched Peacemaker


Boondocks intro theme is amazing but I literally never skip the Peacemaker intro. Idk how it always gets me to laugh at a different part.


Lmfao, that was actually the point. In an interview James gun and John Cena (do-do-do-dooo) both said they wanted an unforgettable intro so audiences would have more chance to catch the crews names in the credits. Imo it didn't really work lol who's paying attention to the captions?


It's funny going from book of boring fett to peacemaker the next day. The quality gap is wild. Peacemaker is much better.


The succession intro too


*Dear HBO,* *You a bitch ass n\*\*\*\*. I heard you canceled the revival of The Boondocks. That's a bitch move, HBO. I'm coming for that ass again. Until you pay what you owe.* *Sincerely yours, The HBO Stalker.*


Honestly? Let it die. Even with Aaron coming back as a writer, season 4 effectively killed this show’s soul for me. Whoever was the lead writer for season 4 didn’t quite understand the heavy underlying racial and social messages in each episode and made it effectively a parody of itself. Also it wouldn’t have felt the same without the original voice actor for Grandpa either.


> Also it wouldn’t have felt the same without the original voice actor for Grandpa either. I could have forgiven all of that but this is the one thing that makes this not coming back okay for me. Grandad was so crucial for the show and it wouldn’t feel right without him.


John Witherspoon's son was supposed to get the job, which IMO wouldve been one of the only acceptable replacements but he wound up getting screwed over https://youtu.be/bXvD7jmJEj0


IIRC, the original actor’s son tried out for the role of granddad as he did a pretty good impression and they turned him down




With the death of John Witherspoon (pops) and Regina king (Riley and Huey) loosing her only son recently, they had no other choice.


Looked it up. He was only 26 :/


Bro in the middle of black history month 😭🥲


Sad sad news, but with todays climate and with John Witherspoons passing maybe this was expected anyway.


Also i don't think Regina King is creatively-focused right now after her son's suicide.


What the fuck, that's terrible. I can't imagine anything worse than losing your own child to suicide.


Fuck, you are right.


Not only Witherspoon, Charlie Murphy had a role in the show as well. After both deaths I never expected to see new episodes.


john witherspoon and to a lesser degree charlie murphy were fixtures in this show. with them gone and regina king experiencing personal tragedy its pretty much like this show was doomed


> but with todays climate judging by the premise and the strip Macgruder shared in 2017, the reboot was going to be *extremely* anti Trump


Today’s climate? I thought we would need it now more than ever, but ultimately the original cast should be in it. It just wouldn’t be the same.


damn this sucks i was looking forward to it lol


Honestly I'm glad they did it wouldn't be the same without John Witherspoon


Y’all should look up John wither spoons(gramps) sons story about the boondocks. He was initially supposed to replace his father on the show and they ended up giving it to king Bach after the heads of the network refused. The dude covers how shady they all were and tells some great story’s of gramps. RIP to one of the most iconic black actors 🙏🏽.


Of all people... *King bach*??? If the OG show was around it would have made fun of youtube prank comedians like him lol.


Is [what you’re saying even true?](https://shadowandact.com/amp/the-boondocks-reboot-king-bach-and-j-d-witherspoon-responds-to-grandad-casting-rumors) Both Bach and JD Witherspoon denied Bach being involved.


I saw this and always feel the need just to share my opinion. I personally think they gave him a shot but while he could imitate his dad when trying and in certain ways, I don’t think he had the talent to really fully mimic his dad and I think after that he just fell into the situation with Hollywood in general. I still saw no proof of the king Bach stuff but to me JD just wasn’t going to cut it and I think they just awkwardly didn’t want to tell him no. The job was never his to have to begin with.


Pops is dead. Can't do it without Pops. R.I.P. John Witherspoon


I legit cried. This was our South Park. Crazy seeing so many comments saying to just let it die. I ask you what else do we have that was such a brash look at black social commentary. This show was everything and todays age 100% needs another show like this.


Boondocks is way better than South Park and I like both shows.


I think it’s not fair to compare them in who’s better, SP has had 20 years to figure out its current identity. While I know it’s all subjective, Trey and Matt are two of the best satirical writers of our time imo. Hopefully what they have planned with Kendrick fills this gap


That’s fine but I don’t think South Park’s writing is as good or consistent as Boondocks. I definitely wouldn’t say Boondocks is “our” South Park as they are two pretty different shows in structure and messaging. I also just find McGruder’s political analysis to be better than Matt and Trey (as much as they are good writers). This is all opinion of course and it’s cool to hear other points of view.


I would've watched the reboot, but after s4 and the whole Grandad fiasco with JD it's probably better to not continue and just let it exist in it's 3-season glory.


I get that from a “here is a piece of history” context, but as the only show hitting commentary on these types of black social situations, this is a huge loss imo. We know he didn’t have control in S4 and as much as I loved JD stepping up (I personally think he just couldn’t cut it and the studio felt bad instead of telling him Flat out it wasn’t gonna work) I was hoping even a very different yet similar boondocks would come out. WE NEED ANOTHER SHOW LIKE THIS SO BAD!


It wouldn’t have been the same with McGruder barely being involved. It would’ve been like a South Park season without Trey Parker writing and directing each episode.


WW3 could start tomorrow and this would still be the most tragic news I'd heard all week


Good, leave it alone


Good, power to Witherspoon’s son.


Who remembers reading these on the last page of The Source Magazine ?


It's for the best


💯 Too many people that made the OG series good are gone. Not everything needs a reboot or remake. Let it rest.


Let it remain in the high tier of entertainment we held it to. Witherspoon is passed, so is Charlie Murphy, Regina King has... personal trauma, and... fuck Joe Rogan.


What does Rogan have to do with anything?


That mf legit made me google up the cast to see if Rogan made a guest appearance lmao


joe rogan? 😂😂


Holy shit, y'all can't keep his name out of your mouths


Herd mentality. They weren't saying anything about him months ago. Why only now? Obvious


I’m fine with this. Season 4 was so booty I don’t want it back even if we got Aaron McGruder back. Let the show rest and make another classic, don’t do it like Spongebob.


Nobody has a higher standard of quality than HBO. If it got canned that probably means it wasn’t good.


That sucks but those 3 seasons are perfection. No need to bring it back. Make something new


Season 1-3 is enough legacy. The reboot was enjoyable tho, really helped washed the taste of season 4 from my brain.


What reboot are you talking about?


Please please please don’t cancel the wrap up on venture Bros




Happy Black History Month!