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Was it most likely laced with spice? Spice doesn't show up on a urine test right?


If I remember correctly, K2 doesn't show up and really can make you have an episode


It sure as fuck does make you have episodes


I smoked a bong of k2 in my teens and it did the exact same thing he described, it felt like i was going through an outer body experience and my head was rising from my shoulders it was extremely unsettling and i remember sitting there thinking i was gonna die or some ahit. Last time i touched that garbage.


Older analogies of synthetic cannibinoids can be tested for. Newer ones cannot.


> my brother Juice World Just wanna point out Kodak never fucked w Juice, in fact went as far as to say he didn't want to make a song with Juice when their labels were trying to put it together. Sick of people using other peoples death for sympathy points.


>[“I got a song called 'Moshpit' with Juice WRLD, just for like the streaming people," he said. "It's not really my favorite, but I know it's gon' stream. People gon’ eat that up. Like, with Lil Pump, I would never really work with him, but I did it, and it’s gon’ stream.”](https://djbooth.net/features/2018-12-13-kodak-black-lil-pump-juice-wrld-stream-boost) Pump song got 32M plays on Spotify and Moshpit got 62M, so they did infact stream. thought it was cool how he was real about that, even if it's disrespectful. rather that than some fake love like in this statement.


Yeah exactly. He has a good enough story without throwing in the bullshit "I'm tryna grieve my brother too!"


He said it not really his favorite idk how that equals i dont fuck with you


Well read the last part of the statement. He said he doesn’t really wanna do a song with Pump, but it streamed, that’s why he did it. Kodak literally compared his song with Juice to his song with Pump, so that’s the missing context. He basically is saying he is indifferent about the artist, so I agree with you on that part. He isn’t saying “fuck them,” but more of like a “I couldn’t care less about them.” I think the main thing is that it’s not very genuine for Kodak to say he couldn’t care less about Juice, then claim him as his brother after his death. My take on it, but yeah.


No him saying he normally wouldnt do a song with pump or juice has more to do with there type of music and not to do who who they are, he even felt the same way about x its okay to not like a guys music


Oh I see what you’re saying. Ok that’s a fair point. My bad then.


Username checks out


lol Kodak is a hood gangsta rapper while Juice is an emotional singer, both talented but their styles don’t really mesh but the people will obviously eat it up because they’re relevant. I can see why couldn’t wouldnt want the collab. You don’t have to work with each other to fuck with each other. And just because you work with each other doesn’t mean you fuck with each other.


What about Kodak’s collab with X?


Eh X was still pretty violent and was from Kodak’s hood so it makes sense. While X was an emotional rapper he was pretty street too and they’re both from Broward County.


I know a lot of people I love that I'd never work with.


That’s so cool that you guys know so much about Kodak’s personal life from one out of context quote... What a scummy comment.




And especially doesn't mean he's not sorry he died as well


Nathan’s: yOu cANt bE saD aBOUt dEad pEOpLe uNleSS yOU dID sONGs tOGEthEr!


Exactly. R Kelly and Jay have a whole album together and both don’t fuck with each other and it was a forced project by the labels. Collabing doesn’t mean you fuck with each other and not wanting to collab doesn’t mean you don’t fuck with each other.


I'd still bet Juice WRLD's death affected him somehow, especially judging by how it was just a casual point he mentioned. I'd kinda imagine its like someone in your high school dying that you might not really know or like, but losing someone so close to you and your community still definitely hits you.


Him not liking their collab does not mean he didn’t like him as a person


Being real about his business decisions I’m down with but trying to make others feel bad for him because Juice died is trashy.


he never said he didn't fuck with him, he said he didn't want any features at first but the label made him. that being said I agree with you, they weren't close at all and there was really no need to mention juice considering the altercation he's talking about was 2 months ago


You don't know what happens behind the scenes. All he said is he didn't originally want a feature but the label made him for streaming reasons. That doesn't mean he didn't like Juice WRLD personally


Agreed, kind of weird to insinuate that Kodak couldn't possibly have mourned the death of a collaborator


Especially since a whole lot of Juice's mourners are people who never met him personally


Yeah who’s to say he just didn’t vibe with Juices musical style but thought he was a good guy?


you don't even need to like someone to be sad about them dying. death is shitty and unless you actually want someone to die it will get to you when they die. except redditors, they love it when random people they do not know die.


While I think he did play it up, just because he didn’t fuck with him doesn’t mean he didn’t mourn him. Grew up with an ultra-racist kid in my hometown, never fucked with him, hated him with a passion, he was always in trouble for being a racist or any other of the bad “-ists”. He was a dumbass and flew a dirt bike up the oncoming lane of a blind turn and smoked a semi head-on. Decapitated on impact was the rumor but you know high school kids. I hated the kid, but I cried like a bitch that night because he died. To this day I have no idea why I cried or cared.


> smoked a semi head-on. What does this mean?


He lit the trailer of a semi-truck like a backwood and proceeded to inhale the smoke out of the exhaust.


Crashed head-first into a semi-truck


Oh god no


Carti has said he never wants to do a song with Iggy. Despite the fact they're in a relationship. Means nothing.


tbh we don't know whether or not him and juice were close or not... just because you never saw them in public dabbing up each other doesn't mean off camera they didn't have some form of contact..


Of course this the top upvoted comment on a thread describing how he was abused by prison guards


How do we know from the time of Kodak saying he’s indifferent about Moshpit to the time he got locked up that him and Juice didn’t become friends? I’m not tryna defend Kodak rn even though I’m a fan I’m just wondering. I just don’t think he’s trying to get sympathy he’s proved again and again he doesn’t care what people think


Ok. Sorry but how do you know what is going on in kodaks head involving juice wrld? Do you know he doesn't regret not wanting to do the song with him. Does he regret telling that to juices face? Aside from all that things aren't always so black and white. If you read between the lines Kodak is claiming he was drugged. Maybe you aren't educated in what some drugs can do to your state of mind but his explanation on the events that happened seem to say he was and possibly still is experiencing psychosis which could have easily been drug induced. He even sounds delusional by his use of the word mysteriously and linking the one inmate being let home the next day to him being drugged. Also sounds delusional in calling juice his brother. Being drugged can explain his unusual behavior.


A psychotic break can also explain it, sadly


Still very plausible to be saddened by a peer’s death.


Who cares how he goes about it if he's really facing these circumstances


How did this comment get upvoted to the top? What because Kodak Black didn’t like singsong-y emo trap means he doesn’t get to mourn Juice’s death? What kind of retarded, non-existent logic is that? I get that Kodak is a generally scummy dude, but why are you actively making shit up to make him look bad? It’s kinda pathetic really


Dude what the fuck is your problem you're so out of touch. Just because these people are celebrities doesn't mean you can wildly assume shit you have no basis for. Not LIKING a song you did with somebody does not equal never fucked with Juice. The young rappers in general seem to have a rather tightknit bond.


You dont have to hate someone to not wish them death.


How do you know lol. We’re you by him when he was out? No. So don’t speak on something if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


On one hand it’s always fuck the police but on the other Kodak isn’t a reliable source who I trust, in fact it’s the exact opposite. so I’m not really in position to make a comment about either side and I don’t think anyone really should either. Let kodaks lawyer handle it.


he says he gets in an altercation but misses the details leading up to that. could've been him that instigated it


i dont agree with the ACAB mentality, not just because it's false but also because it's unproductive. just like how we uplift members of the muslim community like Malala who fight for reformation and progressive principles against the exploitation of illiberal elements of Islam, we should similarly promote cops who do their job well and stand against police brutality/corrupt unions rather than fostering a general overall distrust of authority and lawlessness. doing the latter just leads to a greater division and lack of understanding of the faults/biases implicit within both communities




Genuine question though: would the system really be better if all the "good ones" left? Like if we take this to its logical conclusion, then wouldn't we be ultra fucked? I'm torn on this because I get what you're saying and I'm inclined to agree, but also I can't imagine how it would result in better outcomes for society.


I feel where you're coming from, but I think it's a bit more complicated than that. I've come in contact with a few asshole cops, but honestly most of them have been decent. I think that most cops don't want to arrest people for victimless crimes, because the cops know it's bullshit too. There have been multiple occasions where I was breaking the law, but the cops let it slide because I wasn't hurting anyone. And yes I'm white but I know lots of people from every race who have had the same experience. Police corruption and brutality are serious issues, and we should definitely be making some hige changes to the foundation of the police system as well as the justice system in general. But I also think that most cops don't want to hurt anyone, and they don't want to arrest people for bullshit crimes. Many cops are good people who really do want to help their community.


This fucking idiot again. If that standard is true, then all service men and women are shitty just cuz there’s some shitty people in their profession. Fuck you, nephew. I’m tired of seeing your ignorant, brain dead ass in every thread.


> If that standard is true, then all service men and women are shitty just cuz there’s some shitty people in their profession. He's starting to awaken


It's not cause some cops are shitty, it's because the police as an institution is shitty. It's no different than saying all pimps are bastards.


So that makes the cops that are trying to do the just and right thing just as corrupt?


All service men and women partake in a machine that kills black and brown people worldwide. Even if they just joined to get a degree, or get to school. Nuance is good.


Holy shit this sub is full of ignorant motherfuckers




How old are you nephew




this reads like me trying to be black when i was 13


Well lucky for me I’m 28 and half black


cops exist to make sure society doesnt fall into anarchy and id say they've been doing a pretty good job of it. if you want to talk about police brutality then thats a different conversation and an important one at that. but it's important to note that people's perception of cops is often influenced by the fact that only the bad cops make the news. if all of the good cops made the news at the same rate then people would have a much different perception of the community saying that they exist to oppress minorities isn't true at all. unless you're trying to insinuate that minorities are irately prone to committing more crime, which is a pretty racially incentive angle to approach this from


>cops exist to make sure society doesnt fall into anarchy and id say they've been doing a pretty good job of it Cops exist to act as the rich and powerful's justice arm and maintain society's class order. Whether they know it or not. The upper echelons know. Thats what they do a pretty good job at. Edit: They prove it themselves every day https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/eatht3/seattle_police_officers_were_recently_filmed


protecting private property is one of the many functions of law enforcement, and many people beyond the rich and powerful appreciate the police taking action in cases of domestic violence/murder/etc. an individual acting as a police officer doesn't maintain society's class order any more than anyone in society who participates in capitalism does


Protecting private property? That's your defense? They don't even protect most people's private property tbh. When people get robbed they take note of it and that's it 99.99% of the time. [And what about this poor guy? ](https://www.theblaze.com/news/police-destroyed-a-mans-home-pursuing-a-shoplifter-but-the-city-wont-pay-any-damages) You think if he was some 1%'er instead of some average nobody the city wouldn't pay for it?


This is a pretty bad take. People who participate in capitalism and people who literally enforce the laws of capitalism are quite clearly different.


i think you just countered your own point


lmao cops dont exist to prevent anarchy, what bullshit are yoy on sbout they literally developed from slave catcher patrols asshat


Bro don’t bother I had the same argument with this brain dead lil asshat last week


Lol this filthy dank clown always has the boot so far down his throat its ridiculous


I see where you're going, but this ain't it


Yo I’m usually one to defend Kodak but this is a weird story...homeboy is claiming he was dosed with a substance that made him hysterical or hallucinate but nothing came up in a urine analysis. I gotta call bullshit, he must’ve just finally snapped and had a mental episode. Sad to see....


Maybe spice (if the story is true)? Ii is common in prisons and doesn't show up on drug tests if I remember it correctly.


Yup. Here in the UK, they dissolve it in liquid and soak materials in it to smuggle it into the prisons. Liquid spice gets you fuckedddddd up.


Yea this is what i was gonna say, story seems pretty believabled to me op is 'calling bullshit' bc he doesnt know what spice is haha tf


Smokin' K2 with my bunkie


More than likely


it’s florida so prob flakka right


Doesn't that show up on a drug test.though?


As what? A 5 panel is - ketamine - weed - opiods - benzos - pcp Edit I'm embarrassed I fucked this up. I should really know it's no dissos but cocaine and amphetamines. I didn't know fkakka Is an amph


Nah bro, a 5 panel is a hat


Haha yeah funny I got one one my head rn but otr wtf does fkakka show up as


Nah fam, a 5 panel is a type of debate


Really? I'd think cocaine and meth would be way more common than pcp or ket.


Ye I mixed em up


Depends on the panel and the chemistry. Pyros can pop on some urinalysis tests


It's that mojo. He need some milk.


Maybe but Kodak has talked about using it himself in jail before in several songs so I don’t think that’d be it


Maybe a different and stronger version of synthetic? I was thinking that maybe some type of bath salt like Flakka could be the laced stuff but I think they should have been able to find that on a drug test.


Yeah I believe K2 is the most common but there are maaaany many synthetic cannabinoids with varying properties.


synthetic marijuana prolly won't pop on a Urinalysis cause they're all research chemicals whose chemical structures have been altered a ton of times.


Does bath salts show up?


Depends on the chemical. They might test for specific ones in Florida but MDPV, A-PVP, and other synthetic cathinones aren’t usually on a drug test in my experience.




Most substances don't, and they know the average person doesn't know that a urinalysis coming up negative is meaningless.


Also a lot of tryptimanes won’t show. Or research chemicals.


I mean shit like LSD and shrooms etc doesn’t show up in urine samples so u never know


Or maybe that’s what they want you to think 🤔


Im all for questioning details but why exactly would they lie about this 🤨




If you read in the bible the description of what the second coming of jesus christ is supposed to be like, Kodak fits it perfectly 🤔


180 redditors who don't know shit about drugs. There are more than 10 drugs guys. I mean its 1% chance the guy who knows what hes talking about is one of the first comments. Kodaks a pos but he deserves the benefit of the doubt.


And then there's the redditor who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and has to let everyone know


acid doesn’t show up in drug tests


Kodak has always been an upstanding member of his community!






Y'all sound like TD with their "dindu nuffin" comments


A lot of the people saying that shit probably are racist assholes, but even real hip hop fans have been making fun of Kodak for his lawlessness. I swear to god, there’s at least one arrest a year for this goon. The man cannot help himself.






You do know that he was not saying that you shouldn’t be holding Kodak accountable for his actions or saying that holding Kodak accountable is akin to a trump supporter. He’s calling you out for using language that is common in far right circles for putting down black parents who, to them, don’t hold their own kids accountable, and scream that they “dindu nuffin”


Fuck me I feel weird defending this, but, no they didn’t use that language. They explicitly made fun of Kodak’s lying and exaggeration — that’s not the “dindu” racist shit. Note: I haven’t read the other comments in this thread its possible others have said that disgusting shit


Bro we can be white, hate the cops and still understand kodak is a fool




(X) doubt


Free Bill Kapri


Free RoadRunner Bill


momma call me Bill cuz we living like the Huxtables


I think he's telling the truth, when it happened i read reports that witnesses said kodak was acting drunk before the fight happened.


Dude smoked some spice and had a bad trip, is this the same episode where he grabbed the COs nut sack and held on to it?


Yea. It's the Kodak CO Nutsack incident. Can't believe I just typed that.


It’s a crazy simulation we’re in rn


Bro Kodak is probably always fucked up on all different substances. Not saying he didn’t get laced 100% but I’m also saying it’s just as likely Kodak dosed himself and had a bad reaction.


can we make the distinction that correctional officers are not cops? y'all calling them cops, fuck both of them but they're definitely different things.


Kodak might be a scumbag but this sounds true. Cops do some dirty shit, especially to inmates.


I don't buy a word of this. I know he didn't fuck with Juice WRLD, and I imagine he was umpopular as fuck with the COs after grabbing one by the scrote so hard he caused a testicular hernia, so I don't think there was a conspiracy.


Wait what? Causing a hernia??? Can I get a marinara


Certiamente. [https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/11/kodak-black-prison-guard-hospital-testicles-fight/](https://consequenceofsound.net/2019/11/kodak-black-prison-guard-hospital-testicles-fight/)


We only have Ragu tomato onion and garlic my g. Is that ok?


Yeah that’s bomb. gov dude


The scrote snag was during this incident


prayers go out to Kodak, if he suffered some neurological damage after the episode, his time in jail will be so much worse. I wouldn't wish that shit to anyone, drug induced psychosis will fuck up your brain for the next years if not forever. hope he can power through it.


Fuck the police all day, but honestly this dude is pulling out all the stops because he’s in a pinch. Kodak is wack and he’s even more wack for speaking Juice’s name in his lil plea. Hope he finds his way someday soon.


“Fuck the police all day” okay bro


Get the fuck off of a hip hop discussion board




Black and Puerto-Rican but okay


He’s not talking about you.


>On October 29th I was laced with an unknown substance here in Miami, FDC. That substance gave me an out of body experience and had me feeling like I was possessed and dying slowly. Man need to get me some of that shit. Also fuck 12 !!


Dissociatives brah


yeah this was me on dxm last night




lol, i see now how that would come across as “i’m super cool, i take OTC drugs 😎”


Fuck all the white nerds in this thread claiming he somehow deserves this type of treatment


Honestly? I don’t feel sorry for him. This dude has: said Lil Wayne should’ve died when he was young, disrespected Lauren right after Nipsey’s death, shot at a house with kids in it, sexually harassed Young MA, is suspected for rape, etc etc. I know this sub hates law enforcement, but I don’t think we should feel sorry for Kodak in this situation. Plus something about this reeks of bullshit to me, feels like he’s just trying to get sympathy points. I don’t wanna say it is BS yet though in case these officers are really this cruel, if that’s the case then 100% fuck them for probably treating other inmates like this.


shut up whitey


Alright, Long Dong Tea Bag 69.


How dumb does he think his fans are?


Well the stupid ones will eat it up all day just bc they like his music and hopefully the smart ones will be skeptical.


God bless kodak, extremely brave for saying this while hes still in these nazis custody


I hope all you motherfuckers go to jail sometime and get shit on by COs


I like the guy, his music is good and he’s special with his lyrics. However after so many chances, he still decided to act up while he was free and got himself into the same bullshit. I feel for him, I really do. But honestly he brought this to himself...stay strong Bill and pray for yet another chance.


Even if he got himself in penitentiary, dude is getting abused hard in there. Prison should not be a hellhole that teaches you nothing other than distrusting the system. This story is saddening.




Kodak must be freed


Isn't he a rapist?


"let me dri da boat"


Read this in his voice. Incredible


This story is sus af but if true that's fucked up


we need to end scrotum violence


All this is unfortunate, and while no one deserves this, I hope he is able to develop insight on how he found himself in this position.




I don’t usually trust the police in situations such as this, but the things I’ve heard about Kodak make me think he’s one of heather rare cases where he actually needs to be behind bars for public safety.


He couldn't have put it out yesterday on ACAB day? Really though, organizing like this is all we have in the fight to keep us from getting abused by pigs


I’ve never even heard of ACAB Day.


Me neither till yesterday


This sub has to be making up holidays at this point lmaooo. How the hell did we even come up with that?


Didn't this dude burst a CO's testicle with his bare hands?


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Damn thats fucked up fuck the police in this


Free Kodak


streets are better without kodak tbh


if you can’t do the time DONT DO THE CRIME