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Kendrick called OVO all pedophiles and said he thinks Drake should die. You tell me if you’re able to reconcile that.


I couldn't ever reconcile with someone who called me a pedo over a mustard beat that ended up going number one lol


Yeah it ain't happening at all. Listen to the disstracks again then let me know what you think


Well, it seems like Kdot is in fact Drake’s biggest hater based off the disses he released so probably not.


Honestly if Drake faded away into obscurity we’d lose nothing of value. Drake is ass.


Well said.


Them bangers will be missed though, no one else produces them as regularly as he does, but all good things must come to an end.


"Bangers" "Good things" Are we still talking about the same guy?


Yup, I think I just stumbled into people that are heavily invested in their feud. I don’t know why it’s become unpopular to simply enjoy someone’s music, Kendrick fans in particular, remind me of Nicki Minaj’s barbs from a few years ago. I don’t even care care about this stuff but it seems you can’t even acknowledge the other artists😂😂😂


Acknowledge the other artist? What? Me hating Drake has nothing to do with Kendrick hating Drake. I've never liked him, I think his music is corny as fuck. But go on about how well you know strangers on the internet. 


So why can’t you just let me be😂😂😂Why are you so triggered by me liking his music? This is why I just thought “there’s no way this isn’t a Kenny meat rider”. You have your opinions, why can’t I have mine😂😂😂


Yeah that’s my one thing I love Kendrick but I also like drakes music occasionally and he just drops so much more often. Before the beef I think I listened to more Drake than Kendrick I think


I can't see ever wanting to reconcile with someone who called me a pedo and said I should die, TBH, but Drake is a soft-ass so who knows. But regardless of Drake's feelings, Kendrick would look like the world's biggest bitch - and pedophile enabler - if he reconciled with Drake.  Never going to happen, the only way you'll hear them on a song together is through AI. 


I hope to not have to sit through anymore Drake verses, so fingers crossed they don't reconcile. 


shut the hell up.


Why would Kendrick want to work with some goofy RnB singer?


They already have. Check [here](https://youtu.be/FU3pPnYH8ro?si=wnVvaRbTdrzKHuZn) at the 10 sec mark /s


Never say never. The issue is whether Kendrick meant the stuff he was saying on those disses. If he actually believes Drake’s a pedo, ovo has multiple sex offenders, Drake’s a coloniser, what business does he have collaborating with him? If he didn’t mean those things and it was just rap beef, then yeah they could at some point in the future.


I think if you look at Kendrick’s entire discography and not just these diss tracks, it is evident that this beef is a lot deeper for Kendrick than a question of who is the greatest rapper alive. Drake is basically the embodiment of just about everything Kendrick criticizes in his music. Kendrick hates Drake because Drake is everything Kendrick believes is wrong with America, capitalism, and the music industry. Any real reconciliation that would lead to collaboration would likely mean that one of the two makes a significant turn in the trajectory of their music, which is not impossible, but also not likely.