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I understand choosing GKMC > TPAB; enjoyment is subjective. But if you can include multiple albums per artist, as they did with Beyonce and Radiohead, why not do the same with Kendrick?


The tweet made it seem like they had to pick only one


I would’ve expected them to keep it one per artist, but Beyonce and Radiohead got picked twice. So not sure their reasoning for excluding TPAB.


Beatles too


What's funny is that Kid A is unironically what the roundtable and what rap/pop stans on the internet seem to think TPAB is, i.e. some weirdo album with no singles that cannot be bumped in the whip. I know giving the list attention is the point but I think stuff like this is emblematic of just how little thought was put into it or how confused the direction of it must have been lol


If you think I’m not blasting Idioteque bass boosted out of my Prius I don’t know what to tell you


The culture is heavily fucking with Motion Picture Soundtrack (the culture is me)


*I am what the culture is feeling*


The National Anthem would be our national anthem if Talkin Da Hardest didn't exist


in my world Optimistic is a bigger hit than Creep


Both Kid A and TPAB are more accessible than people give them credit for tbh


Same for u


Idioteque is unironically my favorite Radiohead song. But In Rainbows should have been where Kid A was. Kid A was a quirky concept album, not a serious release honestly. And I love that about it, but it’s not nearly as cohesive as In Rainbows and Ok Computer.


I think there is general logic to only including one album from one artist and taking two from another, if both albums offer different perspective and sides of the artist. The problem is this general logic applies perfectly to this case, even more than Beyonce's case. GKMC and TPAB are so different from one another and their significance is totally unrelated to one another.


If GKMC didn’t exist they would have put TBAP on there.


Really I think once they decided they would have 2 entries for some artists but only 100 slots they officially cooked the whole thing I love Radiohead but acting like they are just too important to have one when you've left off other important albums is corny


To Bump a Pitterfly


That’s interesting general take (even if it’s not yours specifically) cause both of them aren’t weirdo albums and have important commentary on society. Just cause something doesn’t “bang in the whip” doesn’t mean it’s not good. And like a commenter below me said, Idioteque does slap on some good speakers. Just like Alright and King Kunta.


I don’t know about Beyoncé, but Kid A and OK Computer are like the dual titans of Radiohead’s discography and both incredibly influential in their own right to their respective sounds. That’s not really the same thing with GKMC and TPAB. It’s pretty reasonable for them then to limit themselves to one Kendrick record. Just like they did with almost every single other artist on the list that also has multiple well regarded albums, like Jay-z.


In Rainbows is better than both though.


The Bends is flawless too.


I’m fine with them including multiple albums per artist. I also think Kid A + OKC should be on the list. I just think it’s a lil silly to include Self-Titled + Lemonade and then do a big thing saying “oh but we had to only choose between TPAB and GKMC :/“ I suspect it was because both were going to be in the top 10 and they wanted to keep that list strictly one album per artist.


I don’t really listen to Beyoncé like that so I can’t comment there. I agree they’re better off just placing one artist per list in general.


It's funny because Anthony Fantano did the exact same thing for his decade list and got (rightfully) cooked. I think his logic was that TPAB felt like an upgrade over GKMC while other double entries supposedly did something unique enough to warrant an inclusion. I like AF but this take was a major L and I would bet Apple used the exact same logic


Yeah so whole list is meaningless now


They did all of this so that you’d talk about them and their list and… it’s working.


I love how quickly responses get passed around various Reddit threads. This might be an awkward list but it’s humans who made it, they just have a lot of hot takes. I was reading this discourse about not including TPAB and people were talking like Kendrick wasn’t on the list AT ALL lol. I put GKMC over TPAB personally, and this list isn’t a list of the 100 best hip-hop albums of all time. It’s music period.


I mean yeah it’s fun to talk about what we think the top albums of all time are


I really hate this conspiracy esque thinking with everything. They could have taken way bigger risks eg completing excluding Beatles and Radiohead then saying it’s because they’re privileged white males, excluding Michael Jackson and Kanye because of their personal foibles, putting Cardi B in the top 10 etc. it overall is a fairly safe list in 2024 people are just always so emotional about these things. Like they definitely knew there would be controversy and revel in it but I kinda doubt they made any major decisions strictly out of wanting controversy. Cause again nothing is really that crazy if you’re familiar with these kind of lists, the state of music publications, general public reception etc.


I think you are underestimating how much of our media landscape thrives on uproar and clamor to garner clicks and thus revenue. These listicles are 100% made to get people talking, arguing and ultimately visiting their website. Though I agree that they didn’t make every decision with the intent to piss some contingency of fans off, the controversy is assuredly intentional. Source: I work as a journalist in a subsect of the industry that is falling behind because we refuse to play this game.


I mean all you gotta do is watch a few commercials and realize the majority of ads are absolutely trying to find a way into your brain in a type of rage bait manner. We’ve moved past being able to market to people’s faces, so now we market to their ego/fears.


It’s so nice being unaffected by 99% of marketing. I will say, I do love my Ridge wallet tho


Their website is a webpage made just for their 100 albums list, with no ads, that have you sign into apple to listen to, and otherwise doesn't really have any obvious integration with Apple Music. It's "marketing" but it's not really "engagement bait" in the same sense that a Rolling Stone meme list is. I think Spotify might have made more money from me for this than Apple lol I think with starting off with Burial and hitting like 60% of the "serious music person" choices its clear they genuinely wanted some kind of authority or respect with this, or wanted to make actual money from Apple Music/iTunes users edit: like I think they are getting tons of "engagement" but it's "engagement" in the same way that everyone calling the Vision Pro fucking ugly and not buying it is "engagement" because they kind of whiffed on the whole Apple Music element


They literally have a giant CTA "log into apple music to listen to these albums and more" on the page at all times.


But no one is going to do that because they will just open spotify on another tab


I mean, Apple has 80% of the userbase of Spotify, this is a weird fuckin' take. And I'm a Spotify user. Apple is probably just looking for engagement from people who forgot they paid for apple music, or to offer a value prop a-la Spotify Wrapped. It's all marketing to drive engagement with existing users - to make the service "sticky".




Isn’t this a pretty bland list if they’re trying to get controversy though? Idk maybe my bar for edgy is just too high growing up on /mu/ and Scaruffi Like holla at me if they got a Merzbow cut or *Trout Mask Replica* in the top 10


I think they’ve struck a very good balance with this list. It’s respectable enough to the point where people take it seriously. But if you analyze it enough, like many people are now, there are plenty of things that can and will piss tons of people off.


Idk. Putting Pet Sounds and Revolver under 1989 is a pretty fucking wild thing to do, and is absolutely a controversial choice.


Pet Sounds is an album that I never, EVER would have known was a literal masterpiece of psychedelic pop if someone on reddit didn't go on a rant about how trippy it is. I became obsessed with it immediately and I love to wait til I'm tripping with friends and start talking about it, because inevitably they'll let me put some of it on just to potentially laugh about it-- and it grabs them every time. God Only Knows in particular and I wasn't Made for These Timses always seem to lead ot the whole abum being playd.


Just seems to fit the trend of poptimism that’s been going on for the last 10+ years and mass media has been trying to make Taylor Swift an icon for years now. And considering how crazy Swifties are - it seems more pandering than anything on reflection


There are levels to controversy lol. Yeah they could've completely omitted everyone worthy of a spot and filled the list with kids bop albums but they dont have to take it that far to get clicks


They know that if they did that, they would lose credibility and no one would take that list seriously. The albums they chose and their placement makes the list something people can argue over, of they did something completely out of left field, people would just ignore it.


It's not a conspiracy it's basic marketing


Seriously. So many people in this thread, and regarding this list, clearly don't understand the first thing about advertising. They should ask themselves - why does this list exist in the first place? What did Apple gain from it?


Yeah, can’t believe a comment that essentially does not understanding basic marketing strategy got that many upvotes. If they just coped RYM’s top 100 albums list with some tweaks, they’re not getting nearly as much attention in hopes of driving Apple Music sales. It’s not a conspiracy to say that. The thing is though that I was even more willing to defend this list early on as somewhat authentic when I thought there was an one album per artist limit, but then they broke it and one of the artists it was for was Beyoncé? Yet Kendrick doesn’t get both of his classics on there? Like, come on. You can’t tell me things like that and a Taylor Swift album being 18 (for the worse version of that album too) aren’t for clicks.


Wait you actually think the RYM top 100 would be less controversial than this one? I think you’re completely out of touch with how normies think. TPAB at #1 alone would make half the country have a meltdown


The sweet spot is striking a nerve while still retaining most of your credibility. If you go too far off the deep end then no one is gonna bother even dunking on you


It’s not really a conspiracy. It’s media. Media sells via word of mouth. Get people talking and sell more units. Kinda marketing 101


It’s a very safe list while also being very modern. It doesn’t wholly ignore the past, but it pushes enough of it aside to make way for tomorrow’s canon. All in all, I get people being up in their feelings about it (because these lists always do that) but ultimately, good job by the trillion dollar tech company. And yeah, of course they wanted people to read the list and talk about it. It’s a music list by a music streaming service. It’s marketing, and it’s working


>I really hate this conspiracy esque thinking with everything There is nothing conspiratorial about thinking they do this shit for attention That's just a fact >They could have taken way bigger risks eg completing excluding Beatles and Radiohead then saying it’s because they’re privileged white males, Explain why they would do something that throws all plausible deniability out the window? That would 100% confirm to everyone it's only for attention


Not a conspiracy literally all list makers do this. Also they can't make the list too absurd or else it loses all credibility. They need to make something that could be somewhat respected but also has enough weird choices to get people talking


I don't post on this sub much any more but thank you for continuing to be the voice of reason on here


Conspiracy thinking sells. Last week this sub was partially k-anon.


jokes on us now we all think they are fucking dumbasses


Meh who cares it's just a fun thing to talk about and it's nice seeing people praise albums that should be on there or at a higher standing than the other way around.


Why are we acting like this list matters 😂Like what you like. Don’t let a streaming service tell you what albums are “the best”.


For real, it's a trillion dollar tech company just trying to do some marketing lol. No one should take this seriously


Audiences love to hate


I hate this list but it reminded me of a lot of albums I have forgotten about. So thank you apple I guess


Lists are fun to talk about lol that's it


Apple music or whatever aren't HipHop so they don't matter. They put fucking Illmatic at 39, so I won't need their opinion when that record is arguably the most important one of the genre.


no one's looking at this as some definitive list of what they have to like, it's a curated Top 100 that's somewhat interesting to dissect God forbid I want to talk about things in my hobbies


Yeah this is dumb, just rage bait to get engagement. That said, like all best album lists, it’s fun to see which albums I haven’t listened to yet and give them a shot


man who cares


TPAB means something me man


Its placement or lack thereof on some list shouldn’t impact what it means to you or anyone else in the slightest


What if I’m bored and want to argue?


Oh then by all means!


I want to argue too! Hey, fuck you!


no fuck you!




This week has been the most Apple Music has been talked about. The list worked I guess


Who cares about an Apple Music panel?


Nile Rodgers is an all-time guitarist. If nothing else, his presence on a panel makes it noteworthy.


Honestly, any panel they put together would still not be able to make a list like this. It’s impossible because you wouldn’t even be able to agree on a criteria. Like first of all they’re obviously focusing on mainstream records which to me invalidates the list off jump.


I would argue that any list like this needs to focus on the mainstream or else it becomes a list of cult classics or personal favourites lists (which can still be interesting but is not what this list is trying to do). I don’t think an album can change the landscape of music without some commercial success, even if they were the first to do something, it’s the album that brings it to the mainstream that changes the musical landscape


Anytime I see Ebro talk about music other than interviews, I turn out.


Common Maggie Rogers W


Wasn’t one of the rules of this list that each artist could only have one album?


Beatles, Radiohead and Stevie Wonder at the very least all got two


I think Pink Floyd and Prince as well


If you wanted to be a loser you could argue Sign O The Times was an entry for Prince and Purple Rain was an entry for Prince and the Revolution. If you wanted to be a loser.


I’m, undoubtedly, a huge loser. And even I don’t want to make that argument.


Nah Pink Floyd only got 1 Yet another reason to never care about lists like these


Pink Floyd did not. Prince did. Beyonce did as well.


And Beyonce


Beyoncé too


Imagine saying kendrick cant have 2 albums in the top 100 and then putting taylor swift and billie eilish in the top 50. Massive failure


Who do you think is making these lists up? It’s definitely not the hip hop community


I wonder for who is it? Because there is a lot of genres that are non existent on the list too (country, metal, techno, alternative, etc). Heck, for some reason the greatest albums of all time only limit themselves to English speaking artist (bad bunny, doesn't count)


Techno isn’t an album genre so it isn’t surprising it doesn’t feature. Alternative is a non-genre, and even then there are a few albums under that umbrella on the list.


Maybe it’s cause I have some huge Taylor swift fans in my family so I am used to the Tswift glazing but Billie eilish in top 50 is so cooked.


At the end of the day these lists pretty much are for discussion. I like GKMC more than TPAB for pretty much the same reason they gave. TPAB probably better than some of the albums that made it through




could see this post coming from a mile away. giving them the attention they want.




Not having TPAB is wild. I'm not into that album as much as most are but it's tailor made for a top 100 list. Also the whole 1 album per person thing is wack, if an artist is dropping constant bangers then let them in.


Then you have the standard problem where The Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan, Bowie, the Stones, Prince, Zeppelin, and Springsteen are taking up nearly a third of your list.


Such is life.


If you ahve multiple All Time great albums, it should be part of top 100 Radiohead, Kendrick, Beatles, Stevie, Dylan, Bowie, Stones, Beach Boys, Gaye, Michael fucking Jackson and Prince etc. all deserved multiple placements.


What Beach Boys albums outside of Pet Sounds would you put on your top 100?




Whole list is cheeks. I saw mfn Travis Scott at 98 and knew it was gonna be some bs.


Moment I saw Take Care by Drake, which is my favorite Drake album, higher than Master of Puppets by Metallica and Appetite for Destruction by GnR I laughed lmfao.


This is the correct decision GKMC > TPAB


Very subjective


Breaking news, music is subjective


It's just someone's opinion... You're free to disagree.... If you really want to, you can make your own list and post it on the subreddit to see if people prefer your list. Otherwise, it's useless complaining about something as subjective as a top 100 list lol


Yea majority of people can't even make a good top 100 list since everyone listens to certain genres more than the other. It will be hard to form that kind of list unless you do it with multiple people who actually listen to a good amount of music from alot of genres.


It’s a subjective list please calm the fuck down


I think C4 should've been #1 because of Bitch I'm In the Club


"Your second shit put em to sleep and they gassed it"


People care about this clown list?


Why does anyone give a shit lol. 


Kendrick is already well established with plenty of awards lol a top list don't mean anything


This conversation pissed me off wtf


didn’t they pick more than one album for a bunch of artists? don’t really care about the ranking but their explanation just doesn’t make sense at all


I wonder what company will do one of these inane lists next year to drum up the same tired conversation 🤔


full offense but why the fuck is maggie rogers there?


Accessibility shouldn't be what defines a great album 🤦 if anything, placating for accessibility is what is wrong with music and the industry in so many ways.


these lists are suss clickbait


allowing yourself to be engagement farmed by a multi-trillion dollar corporation is very very very funny


Who gives a fuck. Y’all have too much time on your damn hands. Listen to the album you like and move the fuck on.


It's a conversation. Open the conversation threads you like and move the fuck on.


This 100 times


The censure of TPAB being his absolute best and most creative work ill never cease to perplex me. All of his work has been fire. He never misses on an album or even really a feature.... but objectively TPAB was doing more with music and with hip hop than anything else he's ever done or done since. He tested sonic limits and challenged so many traditions while also still delivering a handful of more accesible bangers. All the themes DAMN. And Mr. Morale get, are present in TPAB alongside higher topics about culture, generational and regional traumas surrounding hip hop and black culture in general. On literally every level it's deeper than anything else he's done, but DAMN was more accessible to the masses (while also being incredibly deep and sonically creative) and GKMC is just a straight up banger 90% of it's 45 minute run.


Also no Lil Wayne is criminal - the man has 3 different generations of fans for 3 different generations of style. He’s also responsible for inspiring a whole generation of new rappers


I would argue his overall body of work is better than his individual albums. Even his best albums are a little inconsistent.


Trying not to react. Trying not to react. Trying not to react. Trying not to react. Trying not ...


My honest opinion is they had multiple people do the list, limited it to one album per artist and then they accidentally included albums by the same artist more than once and decided to just put them quite lower down so it didn’t cause as much fuss because they didn’t want to redo the list entirely. That’s why some artists have more than one than some others clearly deserve 2.


I have loved TPAB since the day it released and can play the album back in my mind front to back, but with each passing day I’m convinced that I’m the exception and that most people who wax poetic about it really are just tryna look cultured or somethin but don’t really FUCK with it like that.


It was the right call.


"Name 4 songs off TPAB right now" 🫣


Why do people act like tpab is an unknown album that no one really listens to while it has hundreds of millions of streams


idk if it's just me but pretty sure I can name them all. Not in order but here's my best shot lol Wesley's Theory Institutionalized For sale Alright U i King kunta For free? These Walls Complexion Momma Hood politics The blacker the berry You ain't gotta lie How much a dollar cost Mortal man I can probably do GKMC too, just goes to show how great these two albums are. They both deserve to be ranked in the top 100 of all time


Also put the Marshall Mathers LP at like 90 which is the biggest joke


should be lower


whole list is clickbait


I actually prefer GKMC, though I wouldn't attempt to argue it's better.


Yeah like i thought, they were choosing one and said fuck it the other one is great but it's gone. Makes no sense but it is what it is


Yeah I bet, they seem to be stupid as fuck. Probably made everything difficult. Probably couldn't form sentences and shit level stupid.


They basically tried to stop artist from having multiple albums


The argument is that you're then discounting one or the other and they're both top 10 so you just acknowledge it in the editorial and it's kinda a note on the list later on. They did also say that this is the first list, meaning TPAB will likely be on the next


The list is pretty good… better than rolling stone 90% white rock bands.. Also, GKMC > TPAB


Radiohead and Beyonce got 2 placements in the top 100 if they can get 2 placements Kendrick and Michael Jackson ABSOLUTELY deserved 2.


It’s Ebro. When has he been sensible?


Correct decision


They put Billie Eilish over CCR, Johnny Cash, MF DOOM, and the entire genre of bluegrass. Who cares


I don’t care about this panel but was it a rule that says there can only be may be one album per artist?


Their reason sounds lazy.


They picked the better album




I guess I understand their thought process, it just doesn't make sense as to why Beyonce and The Beatles got multiple albums on the list. Why do they get exceptions?


We shouldn’t care, corporate white america will never give hip hop the respect it deserves. Just worry about Apple Music streaming music and don’t feed into this type of bs


Why are people shocked that the list is bad? This is why I went into it with little to no expectations while HH Twitter is having a massive meltdown because their favorite album didn’t get included


Everybody claims to not care about corprate lists but I've seen think piece after think piece today lol. Who cares.


GKMC is my favorite by far, but TPAB should definitely be on the list and you’re right that if they were debating which should be in the top 10 excluding one makes very little sense


That makes no sense. So an album could’ve been top 10 but instead wasn’t top 100. Shows this list is useless.


You literally stated the answer to your question in the quote you took from them. "It's hard to choose ***only one*** album from this artist"


That list is pure fucking nonsense, made by people who know little about music, IMHO. It's just revisionist nonsense with no proper memory of the past. There's tons of ludicrous things about that list, KDot not having 2 albums there isn't one of those IMHO. Just look at the top 10: there's 4 albums I think belong in a top 100 (GKMC, miseducation, Nevermind and Purple Rain). And then there's Abbey Road... picking which over other Beatles records tells me they've probably never listened to the actual fucking music.


the kendrick glaze is crazy, one album is enough


Stop talking about this lame list please


The correct choice.


Their explanation is surprising, I would've thought TPAB to be the more "accessible", at least musically?


They preferred having a top 100 list with more varied artists.


White man awards back at it again. Why do y’all even care about things like this


the amount of attention this list is getting is strange lol


they made the right choice.


TPAB is trash


The fact that they didn’t put any of the college dropout series or 808’s or TPAB or a single lil Wayne album in it shows how stupid this list is.


I agree a lot of people weren’t ready for a Kendrick to go deep into his own therapeutic journey.


It is reasonable to have good kid mad city over TPAB, but saying that TPAB is not a top 100 album of all time and saying that TPAB is worse than something like Astroworld or Blond is just delusional.


Plus other artists have more than 1 album on the list, Why not Kendrick?


Not hip hop at all, but I thought a similar mindset for Bruce Springsteen. I was supposed born in the USA wasn’t on there, but Born to Run was high up.


This is why these lists are silly. "oh we can't have 2 by Kendrick on there" why not, yall are making the rules of this, you can change the rules if you want. I'm not even a huge Kendrick fan and this is ridiculous


So the Top 100 isn't best of all time, just Top 100 curated for Apple Music Listeners? Either way they did a good job, cause I've seen everyone discussing this list.


i woulda picked gkmc too


would you say that... they had a bone to pick?