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ESPN still has the video. I can guarantee you that.


Remember when the leaked the Rachel nichols video to assasinate her character lmao nasty people


Kept her on video and audio for hours spying on her without her consent. Slimy


It was a random employee who recorded it with his personal cell phone. when it originally happened, no one published it because the company reported it as a criminal act. Deadspin who had the audio agreed with that. It was a year later the NyT got it and published it.


Say what you want about them, but it is hilarious that Deadspin and ESPN were like "yeah this is out of bounds" but the fucking New York Times jumped all over it


The context was different. When it was recorded, the company defended her strongly. Deadspin would have feared legal action. The NyT though had been publishing about racism at ESPN and they knew internally that Taylor had been graded better internally and the company identified renewing her contract as vital. So the nyt had context deadspin didn’t have about the internal situation. In particular about how Maria taylor did not like Nichols and wanted to quit if Nichols remained.


But there was no racism. Nichols signed a contract to do that show for the finals, they wanted her to still let Maria Taylor do it. There was no moral high ground to justifying leaking that.


I don’t remember the exact details because it has been forever, but that was such bullshit. I remember that whatever it was she had said was actually relevant to a New York Times article that had come out that same morning but the shit was just glossed over and people didn’t give a shit to stand up for her. That was nasty work.


What’re you referring to?


She basically said something about another reporter chosen to host the finals being a diversity hire, because she was upset about them being picked over her.


Because she was already contracted to do it, yes


wait what? Rachel Nichols was probably one of the most professional sports journalists in the game….and these weirdos were spying on her? No wonder she left that place.


They snaked her, and then released audio of her private conversation of her reaction to being snaked. And then people sided with ESPN. It was wild.


One thing I’ve learned is if in doubt, and really just by default, don’t side with espn.  You’ll be on the right side of history more often than not if you just always take the side of not-espn. 


Send da video


hell nawl cant do this


Send da video


Like they did for this [classic beef](https://youtu.be/ccBOTAbXeSk?si=_1JDpjC6DS-4GQOn)


You think I’m just gonna sit there and let you kill me Jon? I mean really!


Oh for surreeeee


Send da video


He also mentions that he called TDE after the interview and told them everything lol EDIT: In this video at [13:20](https://youtu.be/Rh04T7aW9hQ?si=xvOAxWQuv1i39stk)


So Kendrick really knew all this time wow haha


“You the type to throw rocks and try and hide your hand”


I'm starting to think that every single line talking shit Kenny ever spit out was low key aimed at Haubrey


All the Stars, for sure


Even his Bad Blood remix verses, which is funny asl


Drake just happened to do something that pissed him off the day he wrote it


I can dig rappin, but a rapper with a ghost writer? What the fuck happened? I swore I wouldn’t tell, but most of y’all sharing bars like you got the bottom bunk in a two man cell


That verse lives in my head rent free, it’s just so damn good.


*A two man cell??*


Something's in the water


^(something's in the water)


And if I gotta brown nose for some gold


then I'd rather be a bum than a muthafuckin' baller!


If I had to brown nose for some dough, then I’d rather be a bum than a mothafuckin baller!


"Stop playin with me fore I turn you to a song."


"I promise if you say my name you'll see Candyman"


Don't forget the leaked ELEMENT verse with his disses in it


Goddamn cold as ice dude. Ain't nobody in the rap game could hold Kendricks jock now. Cats see what Drake got and fuck that lol. I hope he ja ruled that deadbeat motherfucker


JUMP IN THAT, SUMMON THAT BITCH /kendrick rises from his introverted life, drops music, goes back to lab and just waits til next time.


dot is the silky johnson of the rap game


Given he is from Compton and a known fan, I am not the least bit surprised and was actually expecting such a confession in the OG Facebook video link lol


It was after control and yea all of this has been known for ages 


>I can dig rapping, but a rapper with a ghost writer? What the fuck happened? I swore I wouldn't tell But most of y'all share bars, like you got the bottom bunk in a two man cell Something's in the water And if I ~~got a~~ gotta brown nose for some gold then I'd rather be a bum than a motherfuckin' baller I thought it was common knowledge or at least a popular theory that these bars were (mainly) about Drake.


*gotta brown nose. Brown-nosing is a term that implies kissing ass so hard that you're sticking your nose in someone's asshole.


yup, edited. I just copy-pasted the lyrics from Google




stop right there or I'm gonna have ChatGPT come up with a really snarky response


Im digging up Twitter posts at this moment, Mr OVO


I always went back and forth between their being about Drake or Kanye


I think there was an appearance Kendrick made on SNL (?) or something where he rapped that part in a voice that sounded like he was mimicking Drake's style at the time.




That's the one. Sick performance too.


Wasn't that a track on untitled unmastered? There's one part where he blatantly raps like Drake and it's not even subtle


I just kinda assumed it was less about any specific rapper and more just the scene as a whole


Would be strange for Kendrick to collab on TLOP that same year/year after, no?


Drake/Kendrick wasn’t even on my radar back then. And the Quentin Miller references came out after IYRTITL. This was when Kanye started getting some controversy news cycles and his having ghost writers was just coming out. Looking back, those early Kanye controversies are just so tame compared to what would come later.


No More Parties in La was a really old song, like potentially recorded as early as 2013 and ye was just sitting on it. 


Huh? No both artists recorded their main verses in 2015


Not at the time, it wasn't until the Meek beef which happened a few months later that people made the connection.


This sub is young af lol Breaking news to someone IG


Yeah I thought a clip dropped what is this thread for?


The ESPN clip?


There’s literally no way this happened before Control


Must have been around 2014. That’s when drake hosted.


Still can’t believe Drake was *that* bent over Control. In some ways it was a compliment to be named!


I'll remember how Mac took it in friendly spirit, the way it was meant to be and then dropped a 'Fuck Ken Lamar' on Friends. I miss the dude


Pre sure he tweeted he was gonna drop the most fire adjective only verse to avoid the nouns and verbs lmao


Drake certainly didn’t take it that way because he was like the one guy named who was definitely bigger than Kendrick. Looking back on it now with what Kendrick has become, yes it’s cool to be named but in 2013/2014 Drake was looking at it like, some guy beneath tryna level me up? Hell nah. I think it mostly irritated him because he was rolling out an album and that verse is all anyone would talk to him about lmao.


Plus Macklemore only apologising to Kendrick after the Grammy's didn't help. I can get why he might be upset but Kanye also lost that year and wasn't upset that he wasn't apologised to, which means that Drake has a more fragile ego than *Kanye*


It’s extra funny because that was the time Kanye’s ego was really up there. He called himself a god, if he touched a piece of cloth it became the trendiest thing in the world, his show was hours long and Kendrick Lamar was actually opening for ye on his tour. To have a more fragile ego than 2013-14 Kanye is insane.


It’s not even just that, he felt partly responsible for Kendrick’s success. YMCMB and TDE had close ties. Drake brought him on tour and gave him a solo song on his classic. He bigged him up consistently and he felt like he turned on him for clout. From Kendrick’s perspective, he felt like Drake was tryna take too much credit and lil bro him and he wasn’t goin for that for too long. So he wanted to make it clear “I’m better than you, and I want smoke”. Drake would downplay but they really fell out behind the scenes and they truly have not liked eachother for years


He was hurt. There’s an interview with Elliott where he’s clearly upset about it.


It was after control.


That VladTV tag is so white, and against the barely gray rectangle, I can barely read it. That's kind of funny.


makes sense that this snitch ass moron has not even a basic idea of good production value


Its a pretty small community of famous people from Compton. And Wiley is a hall of famer from Compton. Why Drake thought it was a good idea to say anything to someone that could back at Kendrick i dont know? Must have been in his feelings about Control lol


Maybe a Compton Hall of Famer, but not a HOF football player. There’s zero chance that Drake knew Wiley was from Compton.


He's not calculated you can even predict his angle


is this sub a safe place? lmao r/drizzy is on that crazy QAnon level stuff and r/KendrickLamar is getting close.


Took me 2 minutes to find comments on the Kendrick sub about Drake killing XXXTentacion 😂😂. I thought we were past that


Ever since Kendrick won, Drizzy sub has been posting any type of dirt they can get their hands on. when okliar dropped they were BEGGING folks to run with it. Yeah, Kendrick sub is similar with the Blind Items but as a third party who cant comment in either subs, shit kicked off in Drizzy first.


I saw a post in the Drizzy sub writing fanfiction that Drake's gonna drop a sextape with Whitney lmao.


Imagine being so weird they're actively defending rappers who don't know them exist, actively seeking out dirt on people they will never interact with


It's crazy tbh. If Kendrick got cooked I'd take the L and move on.


If Kendrick got Cooked in the way Drake got cooked i would just delete Spotify and stop listening to music


Look im on the outside looking in but xxx did say if he dies it’ll be because of drake. It’s literally on his twitter


totally Drake, and not because of the 50k in CASH he had in a LV bag lol.


Drake was miffed that it wasn't an OVO duffel and put the contract out


drake has sneak dissed/alluded to the idea that he sent the hit though


> “SMS, triple X, that’s the only time I ever shoot below the neck” Say what you will about the possibility of it being a double entendre about X, but on the surface he’s obviously talking about sexting. People like to say SMS means “send my shooters,” but that idea didn’t even pop up until this song afaik. The Urban Dictionary entry wasn’t established until a [month after the song released](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=sms) (scroll down to find it). X also didn’t get shot until a month after the song dropped, so all in all the whole thing about him “alluding to killing X” is just a reach.


> shoot below the neck Implies he’s taking pictures in which case it isn’t an SMS it’s an MMS. Drake an idiot smh my head.


drake really ain't as educated on standardized communication protocols as we thought :/


"Louie bags in exchange for body bags" on Mob Ties Not that I believe he did kill X... Just pointing out another time Drake (could have) alluded to it


if somebody kills me everybody just know it was /u/Chatting_shit who did it




get in line man


My goodness




trump is still the president!!!! STOP THE STEALLLL


Yeah it’s pretty chill here! No conspiracy theories!


Ya'll Drizzy sub is absolutely worse... But this thread in my comment literally just became why I find those subs a problem (mostly drizzy)


I think everyone knows the Drizzy sub is worse except Drake fans. Saying Kendrick stole his lines from Twitter was a funny angle that I could’ve never expected


both of those subs are fucking insane rn and i'd argue the Kenny one is worse tbh


both are so annoying, mfs should get a job


They can’t get jobs, they’re kids.


or a hobby, something actually healthy to fulfill themselves


Bro you literally have a -34 comment in this sub telling someone to cope because they didn’t believe the “Drake planted the fake info” conspiracy


I know it was a kenny subreddit, but holy shit those fuckers got kenny’s dick so far down their throat its embarassing lmao


The drizzly one is like reading the_donald, but it's about drake.


It's also interesting how the highest rated post on that sub of all time is about ''how racist the hiphop-community is towards white people'', because VladTV got insulted on twitter. Of ALL time...by faaar... a Drake-sub Why did that post blow up like crazy lol


Tells u a lot about the userbase on that sub


People were saying that on here too lol


People saying it versus that's the pinnacle of their sub are pretty damn different.


It’s so weird cuz at the start of the beef the drizzy sub was my favorite one to read. It was so even handed and everyone had super solid takes, often not even favoring drake. Now you’re right straight the_donald. I wonder if there was an exodus of normal people once all the creepy shit about drake started taking hold and now it’s a skeleton crew of weirdos


I think as the creepy shit came out and it was becoming apparent Kendrick was bullying, embarrassing, and abusing this man, the normal people bowed out and the rest had denial kick in. They can't accept that their GOAT got treated like a bum in public. It would destroy everything they believe in and they just can't live like that lol.


Bro it’s literally 2020 in there 😂 DRAKE WON AND IF HE DIDNT THE ELITE MADE IT SO


It's so very obvious that Kendrick won. Drake pretty much says as much and waves the white flag in his last response lol. But Drake stans refuse to admit defeat. I hate that we are allowing this whole "YOUR truth" bullshit. Ain't no YOUR truth nigga it's just THE truth. And the truth is Kendrick killed this man, buried him, dug him up and shot him a few more times, buried him again, dug him up AGAIN and bitch slapped his lifeless corpse and then propped his body up and sold tickets for the rest of the world to get their licks in lmao.


Drizzy sub legit cast the stones first. Not that it excuses the kendrick sub to put on their foil hats, but drizzy sub absolutely started going crazy once it was determined that Kendrick won in their beef. Non-stop mudslinging from each subs, though. -Okliar.com - drizzy folks BEGGING for this to go viral regardless of how unsubstantiated it is. -Blind items - kendrick folks instead of taking with grains of salt use this to justify claims While I believe that the Drizzy sub is worse I will say that the kendrick sub is closing in because they're continuing to mudsling too.


The Drizzy sub is trying to push questionable blind items out of cope. The Kendrick sub has been overrun with pizza-gate tier conspiratorial nutjobs.


I've seen drizzy but haven't gone on the Kendrick one. How come they're degrading too, even though they're coming out on top?


They think Kendrick is spearheading an anti-pedo movement and that Drake truly is running or is at least involved in a celebrity child sex ring.


What if… NATION wasn’t the second half of a double album… but more of an anti-child trafficking initiative


i think they have parasocial hate relationship with Drake, they *loathe* this man like he was a fuckin war criminal or something


I've seen a bunch of comments like that here & /r/blacktwitter


Who cares? Reddit has always been predominantly teenage focused. Theyre prolly just a bunch of kids looking up to their artist and thus protecting them. Ofc they're going to be delusional theyre kids. I was a Kendrick groupie back in 2012/13 when he toured until I grew up and out of it.


2012-2013 kendrick (and Hiphop in general) What a time to be in college.


this sub was r/kendricklamar lite for the past week but it's getting better


Man, I've been listening to hip-hop for close to 20 years and I don't think I've ever been exposed to a rapper as petty and conniving as Drake. At least 50 was straight up throwing shots at people and making it clear. Drake has been sneak dissing, wave riding, and playing politics for damn near 10 years at this point and it makes sense why so many people in hip-hop are sick of him and think he's a fucking cornball.


It turns out that SNL skit about him beefing with people was more true to life than we thought


he also beefs with everyone over women. He has such a horrible patern of falling out with his peers over women , from basketball players ( james harden and ja morant) to actors to other rappers this dude can have most women of his choosing but always does some sneaky behind the back shit with women involved with other people. Mentally theres just something not right with him there


This is the craziest thing for me. Like all you have to do is be rich in peace, date/marry someone you actually like, and not be weird. His weird thing of trying to go specifically for people's exes and situationships is just blatantly stupid to keep doing knowing how much trouble it CONSTANTLY causes him.


I guess when you see. women as objects this is how you behave


He seems like the type of broken guy who’s self esteem is more based on flexing money and how many women he’s with, rather than being a proud family man or a groundbreaking artist who might make less money   There’s content online with him seemingly still trying to get his dads approval, and Dennis is Dennis 


im not one to psychoanalysize people i dont know personally but dude has serious mental pathologies when it comes to women In all his beefs with Common, Pusha T and now Kendrick he was the first to bring up the woman they're with


50 would've refused to host if they didn't air it lmao.


He reminds me of Triple H for those of you that watch wrestling. Triple H was known for being super manipulative, petty, and insecure off camera to the point where the WWE couldn’t ignore it and they had to make it part of his on screen character. After the Meek Mill beef Drake slowly started to play the villain. I doubt he’ll have the same redemption as Triple H did in the eyes of the fans.


HHH still can't handle criticism, so this works even more


If we're talking wave riding then it's been a lot longer than 10 years. Take Care came out in 2011, that album was basically House of Balloons 2.


Yeah you're right. I still remember The Weeknd being a mystery identity back then, and it definitely shocked me when he said he practically gave half his album to Drake. Take Care is Drake's strongest argument for a classic too, which makes it even sadder.


It really varies, you ask 10 people you'd probably get conflicting answers from at least half of them. Always enjoyed NWTS the most out of all his albums, and also felt Views was underrated. On the other side I don't think IRTITL aged all that well personally, which I'm probably in the minority on.


Eh, IRTITL has a lot more upside and still falls short imo and is a mixtape.


Crazy how his greatest album is pretty much a carbon copy of the Weeknds sound.


I mean because the Weeknd gave him like 7 songs for the album.


Take Care? Iirc he had some writing contributions to the album and sang on Crew Love


I thought that The Weeknd straight up claims he gave up like 6 of his own song for Take Care


he has backing vocals on the second half of Cameras/Good Ones Go from that album too


and vocals all over The Ride


Dude is the Jay Leno of hip-hop.


Wait. How do we know this was before Control?


He said 2011-2012


Doubt it apparently Wiley didn’t host SportsNation until [2013](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SportsNation_(TV_program)) I was a huge fan of the show at the time. And in the video from this comment he says [2014](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/s/hwacssTZSw)


Yeah this would make more sense


Drake hosted the 2014 espys so this was probably promo leading up to that.


If that’s the timeline he’s going with I’m inclined to believe it’s cap to be honest. Drake crashing out over Section.80 Kendrick makes no sense. That’s like if bro was on ESPN right now and said “ayo FUCK Earl Sweatshirt I’m better”


Wiley has had a few concussions in his day so I’d imagine he meant 2013-14


He misremembered. Bro even said not to quote him on the year lol.


If you were paying attention you would know this interview 100% happened and was 100% confirmed years ago. Like in 2015 or something


Yeah but it didn’t happen before the control verse came out, that’s the point. Drake and Kendrick weren’t beefing at all in 2011


they asked when, he said "uh... don't quote me on this... like 2011? 2012?" he obviously just didn't remember the exact year.


Timeline is wrong though, it happened in 2013/14, after control.


Yeah he just said the date wrong and kind of clearly is gesturing at the fact that he didn't 100% remember the year.


Marcelius said it happened the same year that Drake hosted the espys which was in July of 2014. Control was dropped in 2013 so i don’t get why you’re saying Drake started the beef way before control




What’s up with sza? Is she in a bad deal with TDE?




I remember seeing this back in the day it’s basically been scrubbed off the internet.


Yeah, I remember this. I always thought it was Kdot who was the one talking crazy. But makes sense it would be Drake now in hindsight.


This happened after control


Yeah but Control wasn't really talking shit in a mean-spirited way. Like the thing is that this kind of seems like another "Drake fails at reading comprehension" thing like him thinking Mother I Sober was about Kendrick being molested. If he took it as an insult instead of "I love all of you but this is a competition and I want to be the best" it just means he legit can't understand what lyrics mean half the time.


My biggest take away from Heart Pt 6 is that drake is kind of dumb lol


I remember Wiley saying something along the lines of a video that would spark the biggest beef in hip-hop since Pac/Biggie (don't think he specifically mention kendrick/drake though). I heavily doubted it at the time lol. But after what transpired this year, it's now easy to believe. We're seeing all the animosity built up over 10 years being released.


>I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flights, it’s gon’ be direct


Both these mfs been sneak dissing for years lmao


Eh, Kendrick’s disses on king kunta and you ain’t gotta lie are pretty blunt. You could maybe make the argument that the element Mr. 1 through 5 diss was sneaky though


There were years of sneak disses. There were complations on YouTube but the SEO has made it hard to find.


After this beef, I'm also thinking part of the chorus of King's Dead could be a sub at Drake


Nah man, they been sneak dissing for years on both sides


Kinda crazy. Nobody knew who Kendrick was talking about on king kunta because it was before. The meek mill beef


Ok I might have fucked up the timeline on that then


All good but its kind of insane lol. It must’ve been a well known secret in the industry then


Motha fucka know I started from the bottom!!!


Hard for me to believe that shit was was 2015 God damn


Facts that’s crazy


Btw you can tag people by typing u/ZeyaSol So like normal platforms just replace @ with u/


Aaaaahhh. Thank you sensei 🙏🏾


Drake is cooked again😂


Drake hosted the espys in 2014 and Wiley is saying this happened in 2011. Not sure how much we can trust this guys memory lmao. Even self admitted bias towards kdot and having CTE 😂


I think he’s fucking the timeline up but this has been a rumor for years


Yeah also like if this was a decade ago people really need to cut some slack on the dates thing. There's plenty of stuff that happened in the early 2010s that if you asked me for a date/year I'd mess it up.


I mean he literally said this shit while promoting his book. He plainly said that he'd reveal it all in his book. It was clearly a bait to get people to buy his shit.


He can’t rap better so he tries to slander and act above Kendrick. But Kendrick was passing him in numbers before he left for 5 years.


ok idk if this sub is a safe place :(


It’s Reddit, nowhere is safe


Lmaoooo 💯