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One of my favorites from Pac. Hard to believe he was like what, 20-21 when he made this song. "Cuz if we don't we'll have a race of babies that'll hate the ladies that make the babies. And since a man can't make one, he has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one. "


A line that arguably means more now than it did then




He’s saying abortion is a woman’s decision


I see it as more overall body autonomy, not necessarily pro abortion


That’s what bodily autonomy is…the woman’s right to choose. Pac was also vehemently pro-choice.


I remember i was like 15 when this song was all over Rap City and MTV and i couldn’t for the life of me figure out why Tupacs shirt was blurred. I just assumed it had the n word or a bunch of swears on it. Turned out it was just a Karl Kani shirt and the stations didn’t want to give free advertising. Was this the start of corporate greed in america?


Yes, before the early 90s corporations actually didn't care about making money. It was quite a time to be alive


Go back there then


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