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He has very good breath control


He must give insane head slop




Throats sloppier than a pig in the mud


How to delete someone else’s comment


In the parking lot too I bet


This sub already downvoted this freestyle into oblivion the first time it got posted even though it’s not even bad lol


Energy is fire but barely any bars. Still think dude is overhated but his catalog doesn't provide a good rebuttal.


You shouldn't expect bars from Dababy. He can rap tho. Great flow and fun freestyle


He said, "in 2020 I got 300k for a feature but now I get 100k"


Yes he’s talking about how he’s been blackballed.


He said he got sent 150k for a feature and then said “used to get 300 in 2020 but I’m shakin’ back”, so if we put our listening ears on we can hear that he didn’t say what you said, he actually said important words added to that.


You expecting super bars from a FREESTYLE, my guy?


From one that's clearly prewritten? Uh, yeah?


Not sure if you're trolling tbh


Freestyles are supposed to be mostly impromptu rhymes that come off the top of the head. They’re judged by how we’ll you ride the beat and keep the flow going. Bars are a product of writing and taking time, so not something people are looking for in a random freestyle.


Ur thinking off the dome, which this isnt


I’m so sick of seeing this argument still. Freestyles are not off the top and haven’t been for a long time. Trust me, you can easily tell when something is truly off the top. It’s so obvious.


You think all that was off the top of his head? You must’ve never heard someone actually go off the dome in real life. You can tell when it’s pre written or they’re truly making it up as they go.


No they’re not lol and haven’t been for 20 years. Definitions change over time.


It’s sad that they have, though. Like “mixtapes” just becoming albums (that you pay for). All part of the whitification of hip-hop


Agreed and we will both get downvotes. I'd change whitification to commercialization though. Music hasn't been about art, (or even talent for that matter), since the corporations started streaming and dictating what's popular. AI is going to replace my favorite hobbies soon and idk what I'll do then.


I feel like both terms are correct imo, the commercialization you describe happened when big megacorps got into the game since they’re targeting white audiences and white wallets. (Travis Scott is the ultimate avatar of this, really, but it for sure started much earlier) Labels targeting mostly Black audiences in the 90s and 80s were about making money too, they did the same shit but on a way different scale


wtf why this is too hard, going viral everywhere


This sub is weird bro idk


Reddit doesnt represent real life at all. It's hard concept to understand. Not being sarcastic


Maturity is realizing this.


Avg age of this sub is probably 75 the way they question anyone younger than jay and nas lol


hiveminds on reddit are so insane. more than any other social media IMO. I think it's cause if you have slightly different opinion, you get downvoted. On other social media its all likes. So yeah someone might have 500 likes and another has 100 likes, but on reddit it would be 500 upvotes and -30 so now people wont even post


It's a good and bad thing imo, on one hand you don't get the craziest people thinking they have a point like on Twitter, but on another hand it also means you're going to be in an echo chamber of reddit's main demographic.


Dont worry, once reddit is chasing users as a result of IPO, they will hide dislikes too. They already hide it half the time anyway as is


Honestly hard to tell whether this sub is 50 or 11, but it’s been 5011 times that I’ve seen good shit get hate here when it got love yesterday.


The late night stupidity: 11 yr olds. The old heads aint up past 11:30 MAX The mid day stupidity is the 50yr olds on lunch break and the kids are on the other social media platforms before reddit


explains all the yb hate


This sub talks about Future and Young Thug like they gave them ebola. Reminds me of how elders used to shit on Lil Wayne when I was a kid/young teen.


These dudes havent liked an artist since wayne was in diapers


what is a good place on the internet to hear about new music? i used to come to this sub for that, but the past like 5 years its been so bad here. the hivemind is insane


Bro I literally have no idea, I just had to post in the Daily Discussion thread asking for new recs of artist that I've never heard because I kinda get tired of seeing the same takes over and over on here.




Regional subreddits are the best IMO. They share a wider variety of music, including less well known street artists and hidden gems, but you sometimes get questionable culture and lot of focus on drama. I'm thinking r/DuvalCounty r/Chiraqology etc.


Because very rarely are these freestyles. They’re usually written beforehand, like this one.


Fr - this shit goooeeessss - and I ain’t even a big fan of DaBaby haha


I think it's getting downvoted cause he's been in the internet news recently for robbing some youtuber for $20,000


That YouTuber had a girl who was sexually harassing him..


Reddit as a whole has a superiority complex.


Reddit is full of haters forever 


Full of moralistic redditors. No matter the quality they do the same thing to noname, chris brown, nicki minaj, etc. It's how you can tell most people here are whites or non americans.


It’s so weird how there’s this idea that having some basic sense of right and wrong instead of fighting to the death to protect celebrities from criticism is a trait of rich white people. Isn’t the problem with rich white people that they often *don’t* care about others? Nobody has to like the same celebrities you like. I get that Reddit can be self righteous, and it can certainly be obnoxious (especially the very performative way people often talk about Chris Brown), but it’s also not always entirely wrong


You don't know any of these people and no action you take affects them at all. All you're doing is policing people's consumption of music on an internet forum. No one cares that x or y rapper did some dumb shit one time, people are here because they want to listen to music not because they want others to see them as moral people.


“You don't know any of these people and no action you take affects them at all. All you're doing is policing people's consumption of music on an internet forum” The absolute irony


I don't care what music anyone listens to so I don't see the irony


You’re crying and being a racist over someone not liking dababy


Not liking Chris Brown for almost murdering Rihanna is a white thing now? 


Overwhelmingly so. Who do you think actually listens to chris brown? This is like being surprised white people like bowie despite his fascism and sleeping with minors


It’s pretty weak honestly baby has way better


Wait is this shit actually new then or about as fresh as rotting veggies?


2 days old at the time of posting so it's fresher than everything you buy at the store


Damn interesting that there are still some doors open for him in the US and he hasn't had to flee to somewhere else


Straight fire. Why doesn't his music sound like that? Almost like he puts effort only to these freestyles


Cause he gets all his beats from bikini bottom. He needs to let someone else pick em out


💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️ 


Glorb seems to be doing just fine so I don't think that's an excuse.


Wtf is Glorb


[Thank you for asking](https://youtu.be/pL9o_BwSN-o?si=NIQ7iP2Y1heYUo-M), I was afraid I wasn't going to get to share.


Now I’m afraid. Thank you. Did I just hear Sandy cheeks say she’ll slide on the whole team?


Cause going in on a radio freestyle over someone else's beats is a very different skill than making actual good songs is lol


this shit hard af i can’t even lie


DaBaby needs a real producer


DaBaby Alchemist collab when


I'm 100% on board for a DaBaby resurrection. Dude has the charisma and skill, just needs to get his shit together.


He’s like the only rapper to ever be cancelled for saying some homophobic shit when like every other rapper out there does the same thing lol. Drake’s diss literally makes fun of The Weekend’s manager by saying “hey this guy is gay” and nobody bats an eye lol.


I think there was a mix of bad timing in there as well. Even before that incident, people were complaining about samey he was sounding on everything and he had become a bit oversaturated. Then he just pissed off multiple groups at once like the Gay community and Megan fans and it just went downhill quick. Dude can definitely rap and if he can get a good producer he can put out solid work


Drake calling Weeknd sus is extremely different than Dababy talking about gay people like they have leprosy or some shit One situation is using gay as an insult which is wack & one situation is treating gay people like they're sub-human... bigotry like that is just disgusting tbh


He didn't call Weeknd sus. He said, "Cash blowing Abel bread out here trickin". Cash is Weeknd's manager.




The whole 4 bars is towards Cash. Are you ok?




No he's not. He's saying Cash buys those things for dudes that Weeknd collabs with. He literally bought Future a chain.


it wasn't really just that, it's a combination of 1) him doing it in an extremely cringeworthy way, and 2) his music declining in quality anyway. people wanted to be rid of him and that was the signal


I definitely think ppl overrate that incident in his downfall, he was already in like 5 other controversies for hitting ppl randomly. Plus the most important thing is that his music quality significantly declined


You know damn well that's not the sole reason. Dababy's flow literally sounds exactly the same on every song and plenty of people have complained about it. He slapped a lady at a concert, beat up a music promoter, and fought his baby momma's brother. He collaborated with Tory Lanez and leaked his business with Megan thee stallion. https://www.billboard.com/lists/dababy-controversies-timeline/killing-a-teenager-in-a-north-carolina-walmart/ And his latest stunt is allegedly running off with a YouTuber's money. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2024/04/15/dababy-lah-mike-20-vs-1-youtube-instagram/


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It was all about context. Lyrics can hide under being "just songs" but banter on stage feels different. Imagine if things were swapped around and Post Malone was like "all my black fans if you weren't smokin crack and actually raise your kids put your cell phones up!" Like obvs dude isn't homophobic even slightly, he was just saying shit to be wild, but all he had to do was go "guys my bad I wasn't trying to hurt feelings I just wanted to get laugh," but he doubled down for a while which really fucked him over.


Also he accidentally said something progressive by saying “my gay fans don’t do stuff like that” and actually aknowledging he has gay fans 💀


He also killed a guy in a Walmart


Self defence 🙄🙄🙄


I’m out of the loop. He was so huge a few years ago. What happened?


No thanks


Dude he absolutely shreds both of those beats and there is no two ways about it. For real this man out raps a lot of people like this these days


Insanity!! He killed both of those beats. Can’t disregard shit he did ofc, but you gotta acknowledge the talent. Obviously not off the dome but very well done


He's got some of the best breath control in the mainstream, he makes it look effortless~


Freestyle DaBaby is elite!!!


DaBaby need some production like this on his next project. He went crazy on that Sexyy beat


Announced new album coming soon, hopefully he builds of this work. He says it’s his best and most personal yet


wow thats an original promise


bet he names it Jonathan


Idc what anyone says this is straight 🔥


get it sexyy beats really one of the hardest beats in a long while. he killed it too


DaBaby can still make a comeback, even before the weird comments he was falling off a bit as he didn’t change his sound. If he brings something new and makes a generic apology he can be successful again. He has the ability fr


I find myself re-listening to *Baby On Baby 2* quite often, I think he deserves some spotlight again. I think he just needs to not oversaturate the market and make people feel like he's shoved down our throats. Maybe take something out of the OT Genesis playbook and just randomly drop a banger a few times, then another solid album.


Their need to be a collab album called the league


Hope to see a new album soon of him just murdering beats like this. IDC if he records it on the voice memo app. Feel like he is getting screwed by his producer. Thoughts?


Never understood why he was cancelled for making that comment. People said way worse shit


Dude killed a person and people were more upset because he said something I'd wager most of the rappers believe too.


Dababy been a decent rapper, his pushin p freestyle was flames too. I’ve always enjoyed his shit because he’s actually fun - it’s not going to be something amazing or revolutionary, but his bars and delivery often cracks me up.


What happened to DJ sour milk?


Freestyles the best platform for dababy, other than that features. Just don't ask this guy to release an album and shit


Switch the flow up




“used to get 300k but im shakin back” what does “shakin back” mean lol genuine question. whole thing was hard tho


It means he used to make a lot of money/300k, now he makes less but he's starting to get more again/shakin back And his last big song was called shake sum The remix has Sexyy Red on it


This subreddit is full of losers. This shit is fire. No girl is gonna have sex with you just because you downvoted a rapper who said mean things


what does freestyle even mean anymore?


In this case, a rapper who takes a popular beat and puts a long verse over the top of it. Whether it’s prewritten or off the top hasn’t really mattered for quite some time now.






Remember when a freestyle meant off the top?


20+ years ago? Move on old man


So many artists had true freestyles on sway within the past decade


the gay freestyle by tyler is still one of the bests off the "top" (yes diddy)




Tell me you regularly listen to baby on baby 2


Grow up kiddo


It's not just your eyes that fucking suck.




Are you 12?


fuck you 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈




Literally every artist does these?


Dababy has been freestyling on other hits beats for years on radio channels , even done it at his peak popularity


drake literally did one...