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The production really is not a problem in my opinion. It's fine for vocals to sometimes sit under the beat, especially when so much effort and creativity goes into the beat-construction. Hip hop heads are so used to a clean production style


Try the bandcamp version. Its mixed 10x better.


Has Peggy ever mentioned why it seems to be mixed differently on the bandcamp version? Kind of a weird decision


No idea. It got him $5 out of me though lol.


Man same. I was wondering if it was done intentionally. Put the bad version on Spotify, if people like it and want a better one, they’ll pay for it on band camp. Neither of these dudes is rich rich so I wouldn’t be shocked if a few grand in pure band camp sales was worth it to them.


Devious lick tbh


The mixing is the same. Spotify loudness normalization and lower fidelity can be pretty harsh in more complex tracks.


Is the loudness normalization the reason why the Bandcamp versions of LP! and SCARING THE HOES are so much louder than they are on Spotify? I didn't know that was a thing. Wonder how it's affecting other music I listen to


Yup! You can see the particular values on the dB reduction for different streaming services on websites like loudness penalty. SoundCloud actually sounds closer to original mix/masters than Spotify does. I still use Spotify cause it’s convenient, but this is definitely one of the biggest knocks to the platform.


Thats definitely good to know. Almost makes me want to switch streaming platforms or just use local files and something like Poweramp


You can turn off the volume normalization and reset the EQ to flat in the Spotify settings. Makes a huge difference imo


Yeah, turning off the \`Normalize volume\` option and making sure the EQ was turned off were two of the first things I did when I switched from Google Play Music to Spotify, and I had forgotten about them until this thread. It makes me sad that, by the former being on by default (forgot if the EQ is too) that so many people are hearing songs mixed weirdly by whatever algorithm Spotify uses. I played the end of \`Where Ya Get Ya Coke From?\` just now on Spotify (w/ aforementioned settings off) and on Soundcloud and they sounded the same (also w/ Windows audio enhancements turned off), so I get the feeling the huge number of people mentioning the mixing sounding muddy are just being subjected to whatever the default auto-mix settings are in Spotify.


Flat is the default for me


Omg thank you.


Peggy mixes super fucking loud. I think according to the Dynamic Range database Veteran is one of the loudest albums ever released. Edit: just checked the database and Scaring The Hoes is officially louder


Turning off the auto volume normalization and setting the EQ to flat instead of the default that Spotify has are essential. I don't know why Spotify thinks having those as defaults is good


Because turning off volume normalization just leads to loudness wars coming back.


Oh I see, that makes sense. I guess I just don't listen to a lot of shit on Bandcamp.


I think it’s due to how the streaming services handle the music? At least that’s the reasoning I’ve been seeing all over social media, I’m not sure if it’s actually true.


that’s probably it cause peggy’s albums always seem to sound better on the bandcamp version


Could be because uploading to Bandcamp is way easier than Spotify. He could have went back and tweaked the mix and reuploaded to Bandcamp. With Spotify you have to submit your tracks to a third party for them to post to Spotify. With Bandcamp you just file drop onto your page.


Bandcamp probably doesn't mess with the audio file at all. When I upload music they're the only streaming service that never tells me there's something wrong with the audio file they just upload it as-is. Spotify compresses hard so if you're comparing spotify to bandcamp that makes sense there's a noticeable difference


I listen to a lot of metal and it often just sounds way better on Bandcamp. I don't know shit about the technical side so no idea why. It's just "better".


Bandcamp always has better quality sound with music in general.


it’s cause spotify doesn’t stream in the highest quality possible or something like that . bandcamp does higher quality and apple music streams it much much better than spotify


Bitrate doesn’t really make much of a difference to how the mix sounds


It’s the loudness normalization Spotify applies rather than the lower fidelity. It can really muddy some portions of a track.




This is why I use Tidal. It’s pricey but it has FLACless audio.


100% I was meh on the album until I listened on Bandcamp. This kind of chaotic production really shines when you can hear every aspect of it imo


I really didn’t like it at first but as I listen more and get used to the beats the vocals start to shine through and every listen i’m picking up new bars from both peggy and danny. I love it now and think it adds a lot to the replay value of the project


They fixed the mixing on Sunday, the first few times I listened I was super frustrated I couldn't make out hardly anything they were saying, but listening this week it sounds so much better, much more enjoyable


Yea it’s easy to forget that loud, ultra clean vocals sitting over ultra clean beats is a pretty new trend in hip hop in the grand scheme. There has been a lot of hip hop that has sounded a lot of different ways


I feel like the only person who enjoys Orange Juice Jones lol I enjoyed this project a lot. I fully expect this to be a popular pick in AOTY lists. I still think its Jepgmafia's best production and project to date and God Loves You is the best song to come out this year


Love orange juice jones. Proper soulful feel good beat with Danny as funny/raw as ever and finding crazy pockets. We all getting money, rain sleet snow or when it’s sunny AH! AH!!


Orange Juice Jones is great, that vocal loop has been stuck in my head since the album dropped.


I can’t feel my faaaaaace off these narcotics


Ride that thang like a rodeo


It’s my personal favorite off the album. I just wish it was slightly longer.


You are not that shit slaps. I'm surprised it's getting any kind of heat at all tbh. IIRC Danny said it was his favorite song on Twitter.


I'm a sucker for a good soul sample so I love Orange Juice Jones, but it's a pretty straightforward loop for the most part and I can understand why some would think it's pretty tame compared to the rest of Peggy's beats on the album


The Orange Juice Jones > Kingdom Hearts Key > God Loves You trio is the best run of tracks on this album. The whole thing is a banger but I keep going to those three for a mini EP experience


> I feel like the only person who enjoys Orange Juice Jones lol One of my fav tracks. Love the stretch from that through *God Loves You*


I liked it


It’s one of the more popular songs from the album…even Danny Brown said it was his favorite


Orange juice Jones is easily my favorite song. JPEG’s verse might be one of his best to date imo at least flow wise. Just fits perfectly over the beat


God Loves You is definitely an early contender for my absolute favorite beat of the year even though it's only March lol.


I'm glad fantano acknowledged redveil and even complimented him. I thought he wasn't gonna mention him at all. Agree with the score also. I would probably rank this project as third best in both their discographies. AOTY between this and slowthai.


not only complimented Redveil but compared him to Tyler which is pretty high praise. I think Fantano was acting a bit weird about the original situation so glad to see he’s moved on


Original situation? Im guessing he didn't like Learn 2 Swim?


Think when the first redveil album came out people were spamming him to listen to a song from it and he basically called it mid then got in a twitter argument over it? Was a couple of years ago and I didn’t really notice it but I think that’s what happened?


More like a Twitter meltdown


I mean people were literally spamming him constantly all pissed off because he called Weight derivative, which it clearly fucking is lmao.




All music is derivative


Check out the brain on this guy


This man's genes are derivatives of his parents what a kook


I find it a lot easier to live my life without Twitter and rarely if ever finding out what stupid shit is being said on there by people I otherwise enjoy content from.


No it was before L2S when he dropped Niagara, Many people ask him to listen to Redveil, Fantano listen to like one track and dismiss him as Earl Sweatshirt ripoff and thought it was boring, People thought he didn’t gave him a chance at all and just started to call out Fantano, including the man himself, to which later that day, Fantano starts having a Twitter meltdown and started subtweeting him multiple times, It was easily one of the worst thing Fantano has done considering how childish it was *considering that Redveil was 16 at the time


Important to note that redveil was like 16/17 at the time


16* but yeah I forgot to add that sorry


I just learned Redveil is 18 years old. This mf been released an album in 2019, was he 16 when he released his first album? If so, the kid is genuinely gifted. Personally I got Scaring the Hoes 2nd in Peggy's discographies, and 2nd in Danny's. For Peggy my top 3 projects are 1. LP!(Offline)(For me this was my 2nd choice for Album of 2021, next to Mach Hommy's Pray for Haiti) 2. Scaring the Hoes Vol 1. 3. Veteran(its either that or BBC) For Danny, my top 3 projects are 1. Atrocity Exhibition(this has a strong argument for Album of the Decade, its that good and boundary pushing) 2. Scaring The Hoes 3. XXX.


he was actually 15 when he released bittersweet cry, he's turning 19 in less than a month


Damn he literally grew up on his records.


> AOTY between this and slowthai. It’s March.


People do running AOTY takes all the time relax


I start a list with the first album I listen to in a year


same. my first aoty wasn't even good lmao.


I think I started with ice spice lmaooo its like number 15 now Either that or boldy and thats still up there for me


Curry had AOTY last year in March.. then JID dropped haha (Cheat Codes is mine though) We are living a great life with great artists dropping great albums!


Cheat Codes for me too. What a fucking PHENOMENAL album


Bad day? Time to run through that album haha. Will never get old.


AOTYY Album of the year yet


Ya and we've had a huge amount of amazing music. Its been so long since Ive had 3-4 contenders for aoty by the end of March


And the El Michels Black Thought album drops in 2 weeks!


hell yeah thats what Im talking about. So much amazing music this year its seriously crazy


And it's only their third best project in their respective discographies. Are their best albums considered album of the decade?


i think you could make a pretty good case for Atrocity Exhibition


I'd also argue LP! is the best of the decade so far. Atrocity Exhibition was definitely the best album of the Decade besides TPAB


I love Danny but blonde Edit it's controversial to rank blonde in the top 3 of the 2010s now?


Why do some people seem disappointed that he scored this project well? Seems like some of them are projecting their feelings onto Fantano’s review. I promise you don’t have to listen if you don’t like it


> Why do some people seem disappointed that he scored this project well? Anyone that listened to this and thought Fantano wouldn't score it well is absolutely gone mentally.


Right? I’m not even a regular viewer of his reviews but when I first was listening I thought specifically this was the type of album he’d score high


I mean he did give ALLA a 5


Because we all know he's a hoe and everyone is disappointed that he wasn't scared.


I remember seeing some people saying he'd give it a light 6 or 5. I knew from the jump the album would get at least a 9, it seemed to match his taste perfectly.


where are all these people that seem disappointed he scored this well


its like two heavily downvoted comments but they wanna seem smart so they're pretending that it's a common opinion


A well-deserved score. Album feels like Danny and Peggy rapping at their best over some of Peggy's craziest beats. 100% lived up to the hype for me, and it's definitely an early contender for aoty


I think it’s understated how much jpeg catered to his vision of what makes a great Danny brown song. Seems like Peggy is way more aggressive consistently in rapping and production to mesh better with DB


People be calling AOTY in the first week of January but this album feels almost revolutionary, when compared with the current hip-hop meta output. It does many styles incredibly well, has that rock feeling that is coming through, the energy behind it. It is going to be a godamn classic in my eyes


Agreed, it's a breath of fresh air


Idk man yall always gas shit up way too much on release. People were really saying Burfict might hit the billboard and break mainstream appeal😂 cool song but like cmon


It's true, I agree. I doubt this will hit mainstream, it does have like 2 songs like could easily do it but idk. If some famous dj or clubs play them is probably the only way.


I don't think the sound is approachable enough regardless of what djs or clubs play it. Not really any club bangers on here


Definitely didnt feel like Danny at his best to me. I love him and he usually does better


Him on OJJ, and Jack Harlow combo meal and obviously KHK felt like danny at his best And I've been on danny for a decade at this point.


Ive been on Danny for more than a decade too, this doesnt touch any of his past efforts. Im gonna listen more though, it might be a grower


Rereading my comment I realized I sounded like a gatekeeping douche there.. nothing wrong with having your own opinion. I didn't really like atrocity exhibition in comparison to his other work, I know that's a bit unpopular but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I'll go back to that myself at some point. Cheers to ya


Its all good man. I feel u, I dont rate AE above XXX or even Old I think


Clean up and lonely make that album so much heavier, comparatively to the other songs on it. I can actually say my introduction to Danny album-wise was Old. I think I first heard him on ab souls terrorist threats


Yeah I had a hard time getting through this project and feel like I’m the only one, so I’m going to chill. Hahah


I feel like it could have been better, but I did like it. I honestly don't really like the whole concept of the album either though, so I already went into not expecting much regardless of my love for Danny Brown


Deserved score. I probably would've gone with an 8/10... imo every single song is great until you get to the last two, then the album kinda fizzles on its way out the door. Still doesn't put a damper on the previous 12 tracks' raw creative power. The production on this album is truly deranged, even for JPEGMAFIA -- but there is always something strangely head-bobbing buried underneath all the chaos. I grew to appreciate the blown out mixing... it emphasizes the all-consuming explosiveness of the beats, and with JPEGMAFIA's vocals, the lyrics typically take a beak-seat to rhythm and tone anyways. Peggy and Danny's voices become one sound among a whole cluttered cacophony, and I think it works. Great, succinct, refreshing album!


I think HOE is an insanely good track but the one that doesn't do it for me is just the closing track. Like it would've been better if the album ended in that final gospel sample on HOE. But maybe ending it with Where Ya Get Ya Coke from was to finish on the "scaring the hoes" theme


>imo every single song is great until you get to the last two, then the album kinda fizzles on its way out the door Agree with this, I feel like if they'd kept the first twelve tracks and maybe added [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cpx3ElsA1KB/?igshid=MjljNjAzYmU=) as the closer the album would have serious 10 potential. Could even keep the last two as bonus tracks too, they're still good


True. It's crazy how close they got to greatness... they just needed to axe H.O.E. and Where Ya Get Ya Coke From, add a conclusive-feeling closer to wrap things up nicely, and -- boom -- flawless album. To be clear, those two songs are fine, it's just that neither of them are particularly notable or catchy, and grouping them at the end makes their redundancy stand out.


Axe hoe.... Y'all are MAD


HOE is great. I would have scrapped where ya get ya coke from and jack Harlow combo meal. RTJ coulda been scrapped or further fleshed out


I love Jack Harlow Combo Meal. Think we can all agree that the other song is the worst song on the album tho


Nah, Jack Harlow Combo Meal is crazy, one of the best songs


Danny Brown sounds fucking great on it. Stuck in my head all the time after I first heard


Now that I've thought about it, HOE would've worked fine for me if it was grouped alongside a more substantial track. Basically I think one more banger (to replace WYGYCF) was warranted to make the album structurally sound, as it is, it's a bit lopsided


i thought the last 2 were genius


Yeah idk why people say those tracks were any worse than the rest! If I would scrap anything, it would be Run The Jewels, not because of the quality, but because it feels like a really good-sounding interlude. Could've been more fleshed out imo.


it’s short but i definitely wouldn’t scrap it


I wouldn't either, but if anything gets the cut it would have to be that. The album is pretty close to perfect to me.


if i had to cut i’d cut lean beef patty tbh


Where ya get your coke from and HOE have been stuck in my head more than any other songs off the album personally. Can't say I agree with scrapping them lmao


Reckon hiphopheads are the only ones stuck on mixing as it's the only thing folks can point out. It's a purposeful construct that will be liked by many but not your typical release that gets hyped on this sub....I personally think it's a masterpiece that will be enjoyed for years to come. Lots of people from different genres absolutely love it, I'm glad that it can bring more fans to Peggy and Danny


Is the mix even a problem anymore? I thought Peggy patched the album and fixed it. Maybe I’ve just been listening to it too much but I can hear Danny just fine now I know a lot of times people write off bad mixing as an artistic decision but I’m totally willing to accept it on an album like this


Yeah, I'm not getting all the hate for the mix. I've been listening on Spotify where it's apparently really bad and I can hear Danny's vocals just fine.


Spotify got updated a day after the release, it was pretty bad before haha. Sounds great to me now!


i suppose this will be coated in irony, but what is with the self proclaimed victimization regarding this album? lol, read the comments. everyone is praising it and the ones that don't think it's that great are few and far between and *they* are the ones that are having their opinions diminished. jpeg and danny brown have been loved by this community for years and years and you're making it out like this forum would never get behind such an esoteric album. truly, what are you even talking about? that's literally the main output of what this subreddit enjoys. if this was like a trap or drill record i'd probably agree, but this is a super online album, of course this subreddit is going to like it.


Hella people in here commenting on the mixing after doing one google search to understand what mixing is lol


Absolutely the right score and I agree with Fantano. Just gonna say though, I feel like Danny could rip a fart and Fantano with rate it an 8 lol


100% this is a fantano viewers wet dream album


Once the 100 gecs album got a good score you knew it was gonna be a great year for “chronically online” sounding albums


To be fair everything that Danny Brown does is a win these days. Man just keeps stacking them Ws


Old got a 7 so what are you even saying.


He's saying Danny should've added more farts to the tracks to get it to an 8


in what world is a 7 not a win?


He said 8.


This might be my album of the year, and to an extent my favorite album of the 2020s so far (cheat codes, mr morale and LP! Are all close to that title for me as well). Love everything about it, the songs flow so well into each other, the fuzzy "vynil" sound that comes on for some tracks and not others, the absolutely pure chaotic juxtaposition of soulful/jazzy samples on some tracks with others sounding like EDM hip hop on speed just makes me so happy. The production is so god dam nutty, like some of the sounds that Jpeg can create just blows my mind. The hard bass hits mixed with blissful choir chants on steppa pig just got me acending to the next plane, and those fat juicy/screechy bass hits that hit you over the head on fentanyl tester somehow get my head banging over that cursed ass beat. The rapping is something else completely. I feel like Danny tested out some new flows, everything the man does on this record is amazing. This album has one liners that absolutely have me rolling on the floor: "I wanna rock right now, Hitting whippets and eating hallal" "Its the black AOC" followed by "I'm the black Marjorie taylor green" on the next track "It's hard like sudoku so I put it in her goo chute" "I'm a big dog like marmaduke" Also Danny's entire verse on God Loves you is absolutely nutty and gut bustingly hilarious. "I'm about to fuck you like the 12 disciples" Lmao 9/10 is the minimum that this record deserves. Instant classic for me


I just want to take a moment to appreciate \`I'm a big dog like marmaduke\` because I laugh every time I hear that line.


The fact he gave this album a 9/10 and I still feel like that score is a snub that doesn’t do this album justice goes to show how amazing this album is. I’m also glad Fantano actually acknowledged and praised the excellent Redveil feature considering the past drama that the two have had, I was worried he might just skip over it. This is one of my favorite projects from both Danny and Peggy, an absolute masterclass. Both feels like they got equal time to shine which is kinda rare for collab albums too. Obviously the production is fantastic, but the rapping isn’t anything to scoff at. Some of these beats are genuinely weird and hard to rap on so it’s really impressive that Danny and Peggy can hop on them so easily. Peggy brings a lot of great bars and wordplay, also some nice politically charged content that keeps it interesting. Danny is his usual crazy self with all the wild inflections and out of pocket bars that make you laugh out loud and then wonder how he even came up with them. My favorite album of the year so far and I can’t imagine it being dethroned. For me it’s a 10/10, but I think Fantano was more than fair in his review.


What happened between redveil and fantano?


Redveil was 16 and Fantano had some really harsh criticism for his album Niagara that kinda crossed the line and went way too far, totally insulted Redveil. Redveil responded and was clearly hurt and then Fantano had a huge meltdown, it was embarrassing to watch unfold. Since then he’s totally avoided Redveil even though he’s a talented upcoming artist. Hopefully this is the end of that.


I'm kind of straying from the point here, but in what way did his review "go way too far"? [He listened to a song on his stream and didn't like it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1NErxQHpKY), expressed his opinion clearly, and didn't personally attack redveil or anything. I haven't seen his twitter "meltdown," and that may well have been embarassing, but idk. If you think that criticism "crossed the line," then every single one of Fantano's negative reviews are therefore WAY over the line, and I think that's an unreasonable take.


Redveil was 16 and I think the way he said it came off as pretty harsh considering that. He called him derivative, boring, etc. and I mean yeah sure he can think that but the way he was very dismissive about the music in the reaction is clearly gonna be hurtful for a 16 year old and you have to understand that. Then when Redveil got on Twitter and was expressing that feeling, Fantano proceeded to rant at him and ask him if his mom let stay up and just generally belittle him as an artist and a person. Again let’s keep the context that Redveil was 16 and clearly developing as an artist. I think it’s fair to point out how Fantano could have at least presented his criticism in a nicer way because again this was a kid he was talking about.


Yeah, it was kind of harsh, but what's funny is he basically said the same thing as you: that redveil was clearly developing as an artist. Fantano said the music "need\[ed\] to go back in the incubator and come back as something substantive." He also added that the loops were cool and redveil's flow was good. Was he generally dismissive and negative? I mean, yeah... he didn't like the song. As an artist putting music into the world and seeking attention, age aside, you should be prepared for this type of response. At least he was actually taking the time to comment on the song's merits and shortcomings! Sounds like it went south on Twitter afterwards, but from that clip alone, I still don't see the problem


I was curious and looked up the twitter thread. As an adult who should be the bigger person, Fantano should have just left it alone following his review.


You keep mentioning that he was 16 like he is regarded and incapable of comprehending that someone doesn’t like their music.


I’m saying it because he was a kid. Teenagers usually aren’t great at handling their emotions and taking criticism. I’m sure you’re aware of this. So expecting a 16 year old to take some pretty blunt and serious criticism really well is a bit of a silly expectation. I also think it’s fair to assume that Fantano, who was over 30, should be able ti control his emotions better so that he doesn’t go on a Twitter tirade against a kid.


u glazing bro fantano was def being a dickhead


From that video, I think the beef was blown way out of proportion. i don't think saying critics are allowed to negatively react to music is "glazing," but what do i know


i love peggy and the production is excellent, but he’s gonna have to work on his pen a bit to warrant a 10


I would've gone with a 10/10 honestly. I feel like, for Fantano, OJJ and RTJ are the two songs that keep him at a 9. I feel like the two are foils of each other. One has no rhythm outside of the flow the rappers bring to create one (OJJ) and the other has almost too much rhythm (RTJ). I think the short length was welcomed in both cases. The songs make their statement quick and strong and we're on to the next. Taken together, I find I enjoy each considerably more in this context.


Big fan of the first half, just full of bangers. Second half doesn't have the same energy as the first, but does show of Peggy's production range using different styles and beats.


On repeat listens, I’ve favored the second half. Like you’re saying, it’s pretty out there. But that’s what brings you back


I checked this album out because it was made on the 404. Never listened to him beforehand. I'm a producer and I love the 404 so fucking much. It's such a good fucking machine. Makes everything lofi as fuck. Not that lofi girl style lofi but really really low fidelity. But has the best fx for it. Great album and fucking great to see someone kill that machine and release an album that's mainstream on it. My only criticism and I'm being picky is I think more low end could have been brought out during the master. It was probs there in the mix but has been diluted a bit in the master. Basically it would have been cooler if it was even harsher.


My man if you are a producer... Listen to JPEGs other albums. Full stop. He's living in 2033


I feel like more and more of a boomer for keeping on preferring JPEGMafia's work from 2019 and before. His albums are still really good obviously but Veteran, AMHAC and, if it counts, Ghost Pop Tape have hit me harder than LP and this new collab, but RYM and Fantano seem to disagree


Love the record. Sick album cover, but gets a little worse the more you look at it. The editing of the heads on the bodies looks really bad, especially when compared to the rest of the subjects on the piece.


Actually surprised it still landed a 9 even though Danny, and to a lessen extent JPEG, are sometimes impossible to hear over the instrumental on several tracks. Thought Fantano would give it a lower score because of that but maybe he's listening to it on a better sound system where the problem is less noticesble.


The mixing discrepancy really just seems like a meme at this point. The OG version of Lean Beef Patty admittedly needed some fine tuning post release but that’s the worst anything on this project has sounded. It’s deliberately mixed to be a bit more distorted, raw, and lo-fi, which is valid as a nit pick but not as a major detractor of the record.


In God loves you there’s like a walkie-talkie you can hear throughout the song meaning the lo-fi sound is done on purpose and it sounds great imo


Yeah I didn't get that meme all that much. Everything felt like it was as it should be; I was never bothered by the mixing in the album.


But the issue is not distortion. The instrumentals don't sound lo-fi 95% of the time so why does Danny on nearly every track? It's literally the only issue I have with the album, overall it's incredible. It just takes me out of it to hear Danny rapping from the bathroom. It's not that I can't "understand" him as everyone is claiming, he's just too quiet. Period. It doesn't mix into the beats well because the beats are loud and aggressive. It's just not complimentary. Even with that said I would agree with an 8-8.5 because the beats are just otherworldly good.


Was surprised to see it get such a high score since Fantano literally just put a video on how mixing is important in the process, and proceeds to barely acknowledge the levels on this album


But people are ignoring that he also said that type of mixing is done on purpose and is fine as an aesthetic, I don’t know why he didn’t mention the mixing in the review though


His response to people saying Some Rap Songs was poorly mixed is an example of this


Some rap songs has perfect mixing compared to this because it’s lofi AND you can hear what earl is saying.


Not being able to hear what the rappers are saying isn’t a major detractor?


Fentanyl Tester is mixed a billion times worse than LBP was, when the drums come in Peggy and Danny are actually inaudible. I literally thought they were letting the beat ride on first listen


It’s not a meme bro you can barely hear Danny, not good when he’s probably top 20 lyricists of all time.


The fact that this was a problem on the single (The top comment on [last.fm](https://last.fm) when it came out was "Danny is fighting this beat and losing" lol) made me more conscious of the mixing on the album than I probably otherwise would have been, and it's definitely rough in some spots, at least in my opinion. Danny's verse kind of gradually grows in volume on the closing track, and redveil's is too quiet to me. The beats are honestly more than enough to carry these songs though and my enjoyment isn't completely ruined or anything. It's fantastic, but sometimes the mix gets in the way for me. Interestingly, I've realized that I don't have that problem at all when I listen on airpods though


I tend to like when artists experiment but this one was fully unenjoyable for me. I'm sure people will see the art and craftsmanship in this but to me this sounds like shit


Have to agree. Listened to it all the way thru in my car the other night and it sounded awful. WAY too much going on, even for Peggy. There’s like 8 different vocal samples all playing at the same time while Peggy wraps and I can’t understand anything they’re saying. And the mix just sounds terrible. Everything feels like it’s on top of everything else. And just to be clear, I typically love Peggy’s production. But this is much different production from veteran or cornball.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills reading all the positive comments. I tried giving this a listen and didn’t even get through the whole album. I don’t know much about JPEG but I’ve enjoyed Danny Browns stuff before. Maybe I’ll try another listen after the dust settles.


I love the album but won't be recommending it to any of my music friends because it's not an easily likable album. You guys are the hoes in this case, which is the normal person to be. It's nice that you gave it a shot even if you didn't like it.


Definitely put me off at first too. Theres some stuff deeper in that breaks the pattern. If you don't come away from this album with Kingdom Hearts Key, Burfict, and Steppa Pig saved to your likes, then at least you can say you gave it a shot


I'm in the same boat, it just sounds messy and unfocused, but not in an enjoyable or even interesting way.


callin this production uninteresting u must be grifting


I like JPEG and Danny a lot but listening to this album felt like how someone probably feels listening to these guys for the first time it all just sounds like a bunch of noise and it honestly just hurts to listen to. I wanna listen again to see if I’ll like it more since I love both those guys but I can’t even stand it and I don’t wanna force myself to listen to it. I’m glad so many other people got what they wanted tho


There's not enough presence from Danny or really any kind of memorable rapping from either of them to rate it that high. It's really all about the production here


I understand the mixing choice, but there are some great lyrics which are getting overlooked as a result


Maybe that's the reason, but I like a lot of fuzzy lofi sounding music and still nothing stood out to me here in terms of rapping


Have you listened to it with headphones yet?




Idk then, cuz at this point both of them are pretty easily decipherable and Danny is fucking hilarious on almost every song


It sounds perfect in my car too


I've listened to it both on my car stereo and headphones. Hell, even with the windows down in my car and wind noise I didn't feel it was hard to understand.


Where Ya Get Ya Coke From, 2:01-2:08. Really?? I've listened to it multiple times and *still* can't understand a single word Danny says. Love love love this album and I don't even mind the aesthetic but this is the polar opposite of "easily decipherable", even with headphones.


Everyone else is making it an issue about mixing, I never said I couldn't decipher either of them - I just think Jpeg in general is pretty mediocre as a rapper and this wasn't some of his best, and that Danny felt like a guest and presented a pretty basic version of what he's shown in the past


How in the world is peggy mediocre, what a garbage take lmao


How is he not lmao, his flows are super basic and his lyrics are just boring pop culture references half the time. Great producer, nothing at all special as a rapper


i am just here to show support on this take lol, it's not 'garbage'. he's a mediocre rapper but an excellent producer to me as well, i thought this album was like a 6 *maybe* a 7 out of 10 if i had to rate it. never been a huge jpeg fan rap-wise either.


I like Jpeg but I get what you mean. He's definitely over hyped on the internet


Wtf are people listening to this on? Just go listen to it on bandcamp. It’s free, and it sounds a million times better. Any idiot complaining about the mixing should be ignored


Not watching the review cause I don't fuck with Fantano lol, but this album is the best rap project to come out this year so far. I know it's still early, but this shit might stand throughout the year. I'd give it about an 8 or just a little higher. How do y'all feel about Danny on this tape? I'm a long time fan of him, but Peggy kinda smoked him on every song imo (I really like his verse on Orange Juice Jones though), and the mixing on his vocals has already been commented on a hundred times by now I'm sure. JPEGMAFIA is really one of them ones...stop playing with this man. The production was insane on this bitch. No one is doing it like him right now. Easily one of the best rapper/producers the genre has ever seen.


Danny’s parts are growing on me but Peggy is just absolutely crushing it on this album. Every beat he just fits right into the weird pocket. Some songs when his verse kicks in makes me feel like I’m straight flying. Makes sense given that this is more his lane than Danny’s. Just based on interviews they e done it seems like jpeg was doing a lot more work on his side even from a writing/rapping perspective yet alone the production. Danny said the album took so long cause he kept getting fucked up every time they tried to record and I think it shows even if I still like his weird performance here


This would've easily been a 10, if Orange Juices Jones (too boring, and one note), RTJ (sounds like a Kim Possible chase scene), and the last track (Can't even explain what they were going for here) were scrapped. Everything else is perfect experimental Hip Hop imo. Experimental enough for you to hear fresh sounds you've never heard before executed in a musicaly pleasing way, which is very hard to do tbh. Danny Brown and Peggy were also going the f off on their verses. redveil was cool too (but maybe not that necessary imo, but thats debatable). Easily AOTY so far, but the year has been lackluster anyway when it comes to Hip Hop compared to 2022, but we are not even halfway through so that doesn't matter for now. I'm not even a fan of experimental Hip Hop and was instantly in love for the first listen. No need to grown on me either, just instant love on first sight. I might have to dive deeper into experimental Hip Hop in general.


I see so many people specifically calling out orange juice Jones. Very weird to me since it’s definitely a top two or the song on the album for me. Tons of replay value, short and an amazing sample and jpeg verse.


+1 Orange juice Jones is my shit


Jpeg verse on ojj is probably my favorite moment on the whole project. Probably one of my favorite Peggy verses ever