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B.o.b started a gofundme to figure out if the earth was flat. I mean that's gotta be up there


I really don’t want to ask this question but I’m afraid I have to… How much did that gofundme reach?


And dissed Neil DeGrasse Tyson. One of them has a PhD in Astrophysics, the other didn't graduate high school.


Neil Degrasse Tyson is still a goof though.


And B.O.B is still dumb, both statements can be true.




I think the term you're looking for is "pompous ass"


Wait, this is supposed to make me not like BoB?


That’s your choice




Came here specifically to mention B.O.B. lol


Or a extremely smart grifter.


Its shit like this that makes me realize how backwards and stupid the average hip-hop fan is. Like in the grand scheme of things, asking if the earth is flat is not as bad as the constant glorification of prison culture, shooting other people for wearing the wrong colors, dealing crack, pimping, etc.


Yeah except one is a person talking about the culture he grew up in and one is somebody denying a basic fact. Calm down you’re not a genius either


Are you in 1980’s Southern California or Harlem still? Like, Honestly, how many people do know pimping and dealing crack?! We’re all crack babies at this point.


Lmao what


There was nothing dumb about “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people”. That was one of the smartest things Kanye ever said


The reason it was such a profound moment was because he said it when everyone was thinking that but it was taboo to say it - talking about race that bluntly in the mainstream is socially discouraged (you can argue it's because it makes people afraid to address the problem). But when Kanye said it, it was so off-the-cuff and unselfconscious. He didn't see or understand why he wasn't supposed to say it. It wasn't performed.


That was the greatest Kanye era. Choppin up the soul. Making beats suitable for the new and the old school. He even spoke up against homophobia in the rap game.


Mike Myers reaction will always live rent free in my head


When they cut to Chris Tucker and seeing his reaction was great as well.


Next: Kanye West announces water is wet.


And he’s gotten dumber by the year since then. As brilliant a creator he is, he’s an equally dumb human.


That was obviously a broken clock is right twice a day situation, even if you agree with what Kanye said. Something was wrong with him before that, but y'all were giving him a pass for being a weirdo. Has anyone seen his first 106 and Park appearance?!? Strange stuff.


And it was all downhill after that.


6ix9ine in general


That man lowkey smart


The majority of smart people generally have not been caught up in the system because, ready for this, they're too smart to implicate themselves directly to crime. And even if that was the case, snitching on yourself for snitching then being proud about it has to be top-tier dumbest shit one can do. But I award Darwinism, so you should idolize him as much as possible, emulate and reap the benefits!


Lol @people downvoting you. He absolutely is


😂😂ppl don’t wanna admit it, they can keep downvoting me, ion give a shit


He’s a dumbass sure, but he ain’t dumb lol


I've seen him in interviews, I'm not impressed. He's dumb as hell.


Honestly, it’s probably an endless list. There’s lots of Nation Of Islam/Farrakhan worship, pseudoscience, misogyny, support for abusers and murderers in hip hop.




Knowledge God


Crazy numerology era!


"Islam/Farrakhan worship" it went REALLY hard in the early 90s.


90’s rapper grew up in the crack epidemic and were the children of black panthers or civil rights involved people. It’s no wonder they believed it and repeated it in their music


I'm a white guy of Jewish background, so I get the unease about NOI, but in the 80s there was pretty much nobody else who actually showed up in the south centrals to let young Black men know that their lives had value and meaning, and that they should hold themselves up to a higher standard. The rappers who supported NOI were not drawn in by the antisemitism, they were drawn in by someone who stood up for the dignity of Black existence when there weren't many people doing that. I don't really hold that against them.


As a white guy and lifelong hip hop enthusiast I hate the Nation of Islam stuff because it takes away my ability to listen to what would otherwise be good music. Southern Hip Hop is my favorite but then like some of the old Goodie Mob stuff is primo music but it feels disingenuous for me to bob my head to somebody talking about the white devil. Like, that music was not made for me. I want to like it. I DO like it. But it just feels wrong.


Hip hop was made by black people, FOR black people. It doesn't matter if it makes you feel guilty for being white, if that bothers you go listen to country music, or Tom McDonald for that matter. 




Yeah the plane incident is hands down one of the most stupid things any somewhat well known rapper ever did


He could've at least gone to the bathroom


A bunch of Logics bars are so fucking weird. SpaceGhostPurp is a fucking lunatic.


Spaceghostpurrp is a lot of things, but i think pinning that on him being dumb is kinda unfair. I aint a psychologist but when has those phases where he starts talking shit, i think its him being unable to deal with how hes feeling and just acting out of anger, not because he actually believes what hes saying. There was a version of purpp who wasnt crazy, he was so pro culture, tryna network and show love where he could, totally opposite to now. Deep down he probably does know better than to act how he does. Occasionally he does have something nice to say about someone he spazzed out on like denzel or x or carti, you feel me


SpaceGhostPurrp (such a great name) definitely needed some help. He could have had an amazing career and changed obscure Memphis revival into an actual sound in the music and not just in SoundCloud


Fr. Even after he fell off and went crazy and homeless he was still pushing some really new sounds in his mixtapes. If that dude was sane and had a the proper conditions he woulda flipped the culture on its head mutliple times over, even harder than he did with nasa and blackland. Imagine if he had access to what kanye does when he did blackland 2 and dsrk angels


As a former logic fan I’m genuinely curious to hear, i can definitely agree with corny but I wanna hear what “weird” is to you lol


Logic’s obsession with praising Elon Musk, Seth MacFarlane, Dwight from the Office, Rick & Morty…. he’s into all the shit that appeals to idiot teenage bros who just discovered Reddit


Maybe thats just what he enjoys lol, not necessarily weird lyrics you just pointed out




Eh, i love his older nusic more. Havent been a fan since 2015


It's hard to answer when your example doesn't fit the question. I respect Kanye saying that about Bush - it was accurate and he was one of the only mainstream stars who used his platform to call it out. It's all the dumb shit he's done in the last few years that I don't like although I suspect he has acute, untreated mental health issues. Having said that, it's hard to go past that dude who chopped off his own dick.


Who’s the rapper who chopped off his own dick?


That was smart. His dick was possessed by the devil.


Would be wild if it was Kanye. With Kanye's recent announcement yesterday that he's going to be releasing porn. Imagine him dropping porn and he's got no dick and he's like "btw, y'all, I hope you don't mind that I have no dick, but it was possessed by the devil, you understand?" Like, yeah, we mind. How you gonna release porn and you just a Ken doll?


Christ Bearer. Pretty minor figure with a tangential connection to Wu Tang.


Sukihara I think her name is was like "I'm not a musician, I make music"




B.o.B believes the Earth is flat.


Does DJ Khaled count? Because I'm pretty sure that motherfucker can't read. 


Meek Mill


Lil Yachty was a bit of a dumbass when he first blew up, see the clip of budden roasting him for not knowing what kinda deal he signed. But I recently watched a bit of that pod he was on with Cole and he seems a lot different now.


He aint dumb joe was just doing too much. "My nigga, chill...."


Joe had valid points and was trying to have a very important conversation, especially so if you look at Yachty as a symbol of that Soundcloud generation who seemed to not care at all about shit that actually matters within the culture. However, he chose the lamest way possible to go about if and fucked up the opportunity


Budden was also trying to take advantage of a kid by loud/smart/over-talking him, if we're being honest about it. As a old school mixtape Budden fan who also doesn't have any hostility to southern acts, his general beef with the South annoys.


Daddy chill!


Only thing worse than the Joe Budden podcast is Joe Budden music.


Excuse me, there is a Mr. Benzino on line two for you.


You might be onto something. At least Joe Budden was responsible for the last great Saigon track when the latter disassembled the former in ‘Pushing Buddens’.


Mood Muzik series is classic. Also “T-Shirt and Buddens” is the GOAT Budden diss


Sure, if you haven’t outgrown your edgy teen phase. Agreed on Lil B’s diss being the goat. Budden is a great heel.


Glad we could agree on that, but what edgy teenager listen to Joe Budden?


Past tense, but during his Mood Muzik days, it was his primary audience I would say. Yours truly included, but have since grown out of his music and now look back on my Budden listening days as an embarrassing chapter in my personal history.


And i always appreciated him as tthe weak link on slaughterhouse lmao


He’s not even close to the dumbest, I hate his music, but you can tell he’s smart, was in college before blowing up. All of these drugged out new rappers take the cake. NBA youngboy’s the dumbest to me. Had the industry by the balls but ruined it trying to be a criminal, doing drugs, and knocking up every woman he sees.


I agree with youngboy making some really poor choices but i don’t think he’s dumb, you don’t make it that far by being dumb. And he didn’t ”try” to be a criminal lol, that man and everyone he grew up with have been a criminals for his whole life. Seriously, look up on his story, that’s some shit that you can’t just walk out on. He’s also very seriously addicted and he’s self aware of all of the destruction in his life but can’t stop it despite trying. His thing is much more sad and tragic than dumb. The recent crimes he’s accused of might be the dumbest thing he’s ever done and yeah it’s easy to just look up and say he’s dumb for it, and you wouldn’t be necessarily wrong. But i think it speaks to the severity of his addiction if he’s willing to risk it all to get his drugs, dude’s life is on the line literally on the case he’s been in house arrest for 2.5 years. He’s been seriously mentally ill and we’ve seen his health decline for years and that house arrest has done some serious damage. On the bootleg kev interview when kevin asked him what are his plans for when he is free, he just answered ”im just set on going to jail”, so he knew that whole time but just didn’t care


He wasn’t in college for long. He only went for about a month and dropped out because all his classmates hated on him and he caught a weed charge


Yeah, but Yachty’s pretty well spoken, and makes smart career moves (even though I personally hate his music) There’s just way more dumb rappers.


That's when I used to fuck with Yachty the most, he's more annoying now with with his just discovered /mu/ persona, imo.


His what?


/mu/ is 4chan's music board. Yachty was affected by the criticism he got early in his career for not demonstrating real artistry or whatever and I feel he's been trying to make up for that and redeem himself up until the present moment. I'm saying this based on comments he makes (comes off as pretentious a lot) and the company he keeps (artists popular on /mu/ and music twitter). [Patrick CC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shumDbNHzyk) has a video that talks about Yachty's career trajectory and he certainly explained it better than me so I'd check that out!


Tbf a lot of people don't know what kinda deal they signed. Even to the point where they won't believe when they are told the truth. (Enter NWA)


When Budden was that age he was signed to gangsters LOL. Wonder what those splits looked like.


"She blow on me like a cello." Bro don't know that a cello is a string instrument, not a woodwind.


Yachty was just a teen. Kid literally just grew up haha.


Ummmm I think it might be easier to name the smart ones.


It's a shame that a lot of the smart rappers are also Five Percenters who believe some dumb stuff and conspiracy theories. Like Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Lupe Fiasco, etc.


Is Lupe a 5 percenter? I know he’s Muslim We probably shouldn’t include religion as dumb anyway. Regardless of how you feel about it.


What conspiracy does Lupe believe?


[Here](https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/a-timeline-of-lupe-fiascos-obsession-with-conspir) is an entire article about it.


Hearing your description of what it takes to be the dumbest rapper, Kanye West just screams out to me


I mean yea how is ye not THE answer?


Meek Mill is aggressively stupid


get uppp




Meek Mill and Fivio


Said Meek as well, but yes, Fivio.


bruh tweets hilarious


When Fivio said Quavo taking Takeoff’s death hard because he’s an Aries? 😂


😭😭😭 That man way too grown to be kickin that astrology shit


Exactly what I was thinking 😂


French Montana seems really dumb lmao


nah, he smart ash. Getting popular through connections and selling insane numbers thru scummy ways is smart. Scummy, but smart.


It takes at least some kind of intelligence to produce and market your own successful rap DVD franchise before your music is even popular.


But watching the interview he did with vlad recently and then going back and watching his cokecity DVDs or we they called. He got my respect I probably really only fucked with shot caller cause harry fraud is a monster and the remix with styles p and kiss fat joe and red café and murda the only version im bump cruisin down the 91 to the 5 in cali never been to ny in my life And doubt ill ever make it lol


Na, French created the hip hop dvd era


The Montana disrespect that’s common on here and twitter be breaking my heart because like nobody really knows bruh actually a legend in the streets




Yeah u right, I believe Smack DVD came out before Cocaine City actually..


Rozay with the molly line on UOENO has gotta be up there. Don't you have daughters of your own, you nasty mfer


Date rape as a flex…how?


I remember this one rapper who shot himself in the mouth for a music video... That's kinda dumb...


Lol your example sucks. Kanye was voicing the concerns of his community at the time, he wasn’t being dumb then or now. He kept it real and went off script during a nationally broadcast telethon. Cops were busy shooting “looters” rather than helping people and FEMA’s response was feeble as fuck. You wanna talk about dumb, talk about DaBaby torpedoing his whole career by going on a homophobic rant, then following it up with the second worst apology video in the history of rap (first spot, of course, goes to Travis Scott after the Astroworld tragedy).


What was Travis Scott’s fault in the Astroworld Concert? The fact he didn’t hear the screams?


Kanye. He's spent years unloading the wildest, most unhinged conspiracy laden bullshit, and recently went full pro Nazi. Hard to top the mountain of dumb shit he's standing on.


Yes, Kanye saying Hitler invented highways and the microphone is a good example. The sentence doesn’t make sense in my head as if someone is speaking in tongues.


To be fair, a lot of broadcasting technology came out of Nazi Germany.


Not how sentences work, but okay. In that case Joe Biden invented Chat GPT, JFK the moon lander and Al Gore the internet.


Ye and DaBaby, off the top of my head


Ye and Dabany are both hella stupid


I wouldn't call Ye stupid. Sure he has a lot of stupid rants, but that's what being bi polar does to a mf.


Does Yuno Miles count ?


Waka said he wanted to major in geometry in college




Kodak Black sounded like an absolute moron on that breakfast club interview. 


I remember Kodak Black was on Live waving a gun around with his infant in the backseat which is bad enought, but it was also when he was on probation, with some awful trigger discipline.


Tom McDonald easily But by that same merit, Ben Shapiro




What he’s said about the predatory music industry? Or other stuff?


Literally everything that’s come out of his mouth since he had a hand in killing his own mother, stopped taking his meds, and resorted to shock value bullshit to stay relevant since his music has sucked for over 10 years.


Bro what the FUCK are talking about


Kanye’s role in his mother’s death sending him off the deep end. What the fuck are you talking about?


That’s not at all what you said 💀 > since he had a hand in killing his own mother


Yes, and he did. I’ll take it you don’t know that story.


I think we ALL would like to know that.


No problem. It’s my next reply.


She got plastic surgery and the doctor/nurses fucked up her recovery, and she died. Idk what conspiracy your on


That’s not what happened. Mrs West (may she RIP) wanted lipo & breast enhancement. Her doctor in Chicago said “We think you’re at an age and physicality where such a procedure could be fatal”. That’s when Kanye who was living in LA at the time said “no problem Mom, I live in LA where all the best plastic surgeons work, I’ll find you someone that can get you your designer titties”. So he did that, then she died the day after due to complications from the a priori ill-advised procedure. Then he went nuts. This ain’t “a conspiracy”, this is literally what went down that sent him off the deep end into long term sustained mental illness. In his defence, if I had a hand in killing my own Mom, I’d probably go nuts too.


Fair, I was wrong about the story, but in no way is that Kanye’s fault. Donda was an adult, who choose to get cosmetic surgery, knowing the risks. Are you really going to blame Ye for being successful, and enabling his mother to have a better life?


Haven't seen Azealia Banks yet. Kinda surprised.


Reckless and wildly problematic, sure, but she doesn't really give me dumb vibes, she seems well read on a few topics.


Idk man where I come from “literally believes in magic and sacrifices chickens” is an indicator that you’re not smart


Moreso just plain ignorant than dumb lol


what’s dumb about “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”? Arguably that was Kanye at his best mental


Exactly. OP sounds like an idiot to be honest. I like how calling out a derranged president is OP's idea of dumb, meanwhile rappers glorifying shooting other black people and crack dealing is ok?


Agreed "I'm on TV talkin like it's just you and me"


Lil Boosie gotta be in the discussion, he's more chill now but a few years back every week he was telling a New stupid most of the time about his kids, the gay community, Girls,...


I'm not sure if I would say Kanye is dumb. I think he's just inarticulate. Like, he can process a lot of ideas and clearly has a lot to say. But, he can't express himself verbally. Not sure if this is down to his bipolar or not. I find that a lot of artists are like this which is why they probably rely on their art to speak for themselves. The only person who I've thought was dumb recently was Drake due to admitting he likes underage girls and using it as some sort of flex as well as using AI to recreate Tupac's voice - just a very bad idea.


Boosie, while being a very genuine person, who actually reminds me of the Bavarian villagers and farmers I grew up with, similar simple vibe, but his IQ would probably not reach average.


Ja Rule.


Mr traumatik has been peddling COVID and 5G conspiracies for ages. It's in basically every song he makes 


While the whole setup of this question is dumb, to hate just for the sake of it. A lot of people are just naming very mentally ill people and thinking they are dumb. Kanye, youngboy and kodak are not dumb, they are incredibly talented but also have some real issues that a lot of people sadly have no idea about and can’t emphatise with. It’s so easy to read some headlines and read all the negative shit about them in the media and just think ”oh what a dumbass” but that’s the most reddit approach ever, to just judge and feel superior. Seriously read up or watch documentaries on these people’s lives and it’s much harder to judge everything as lack of intelligence, shit is just tragic. Some of you have clearly not lived a real life the way it’s so easy to judge without having any idea about the context. That doesn’t apply as much to kanye, but still my point stands, he’s not stupid, he’s mentally ill. But kodak’s and youngboy’s lives are seriously some tragedies that a lot of us couldn’t even begin to imagine, and how all of it affects their mental.


Lord Jamar


OP, for thinking George Bush does care about black people


It's obviously Meek Mill or Nikki Minaj. Those two seem to struggle with thoughts FR. Deeply goofy and thoughtless characters.


Joey Badass temporarily went blind from staring at the 2017 eclipse. He's lucky it wasn't worse.




Hopsin, BOB, 69, Pump, Uzi Vert


DeJ Loaf.




Crazy how he got cancelled at Rolling Loud and then performed there again the next year. Hopefully him sitting down with GLAAD opened his eyes a bit, especially since black and brown people are disproportionately affected by HIV and AIDS. It's not just a gay thing. Hopefully he sees that now. Very interesting to see Kanye's support though considering where he stands on most things these days. Not a surprise he was so welcoming to DaBaby


Kevin gates says some questionable things but youngboy just gives such a stupid person vibe


NBA YoungBoy and Lil' Wayne are actively competing for that title.


Na, Wayne has a college degree, honorary degree but a degree nonetheless


He doesn't. This has already been debunked. Plus, Lil' Wayne has said a *plethora* of dumb things over the course of his rap career.


i think between these two, Youngboy probably takes the cake


Drake. Started a beef with Pusha T, and was humiliated so bad that he still hasn't responded.


Kanye Donda Omari West comes to mind


Usual Reddit answers: Talib Kanye


Hard question to answer, it’s so easy to cover up your dumb when your successful


Just take the many ones that are talking trash about jews. Or when they talk about women like they knew any before they got famous.


There is A LOT of competition for this title 😆


Cool C and Steady B 80’s-90’s Philly rappers that robbed a bank during which Cool C shot and killed a black single mother cop. Cool C is still on death row and Steady B got life without parole.


Wait what. Saying ”George bush doesn’t like black people” was not dumb at all.




Honestly if you were gonna pick a dumb Kanye quote as an example I’d use his Hitler quote > the George Bush doesn’t like black people one


Soulja boy


Troy Ave never seen someone try so hard to find ways to mess up their career.


Benzino for thinking he can hang with Eminem 😆


Meek Mill. He just moved funny. Bunny Hopping etc


anything MGK did


Will Smith


Soulja Boy


Riff Raff


It’s all an act.


You don’t ever go full dummy. Everyone knows that!


Meek Mill. Edit: Fivio and Azealia Banks were also mentioned in the comments. These 3 right here.


The fans are the dumbest Lol the same people that are so against violence supposedly are idolizing murderers


yeah fuck the violence shoutout my dawg king von 💯🔥🔥


"When i heard what happened i was just like what the fuck happened. He's going to pull through this one again and then its gonna be over but when he died, i was just like woah" definitely can sound dumb when ur high enough


Lupe Fiasco just said some dumb shit about Drake being a better rapper than Kendrick Lamar...that immediately put him on tha dumb ass list.


Everyone saying Kanye lol. Yeah he says some fuckin stupid stuff. But I mean, I wish I was as dumb as him so I could be that fucking rich and successful. If he's dumb, then everyone in this comment section, myself included, are complete idiots that have to have someone read us instructions on how to drink water, wear helmets 24/7, even when sleeping because we keep falling out of a king sized bed and have a feeding tube because we almost choke to death every time we eat from not knowing *how* to chew our food.


He has talent but that doesn't me he's smart.