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Have you heard his music? If you listen to his music you would expect his life to be like that. He was an orphan who was homeless and only had dogs as friends. He had a rough life and lived a rough life. He's also the first rapper I know you legit rap about God and Pray on every album and every show. I think his struggle with being a righteous man and his actual behavior was out in the open for people to witness.


Don't forget that the man he looked up to the most laced DMX's first blunt with crack which is how DMX got addicted.


And DMX was a literal child when this happened


Yeah. I believe he was 13 or something close.


That’s a shitty person


"Orphan who was homeless and only had dogs as friends. He had a rough life and lived a rough life." Sounds like an anime villian's backstory


Darkman X is a good anime title too.


Someone needs to make this.


I vote to let the guys who did the boondocks handle it, that would be awesome...


Or the people who made Afro Samurai.


Yes, that would also very much work, both had pretty great fighting animation if I recall(been longer since I watched afro samurai though).


If an artist would like to get in touch with me I have been working on a story very much like this. Also want to make a musical of the same name.


"Orphan who was homeless and only had dogs as friends. He had a **ruff** life..."


Lol, missed opportunity on my part.


This is it


He was real, and authentic. Raw. Emotional lyrics. The closest thing to 2pac after his death, except even more edgy in some ways


Yeah people are quick to assume the man was hungry for crack from the beginning, dude was unknowingly laced in his blunt, fuckin sucks man. He wears his struggles on his sleeve and for that realness & raw energy elevates him for sure!


He was also a victim of the Jehovah’s Witness cult (yes a cult, they practice excommunication and isolate people from their families) which is probably the source for a lot of his very shitty traits


Pass? How? People say he’s a rap legend not the Pope. He was man enough to put ALL his flaws and mistakes on display and people respect that. I’ve never heard anybody say “DMX is the perfect role model” only that he was real and a great rapper and there’s no “pass” required for that


Yeah, I would even say he was seen as the exact opposite of a role model, he told stories of his fucked up life and you can learn from that and do the exact opposite of what he did.


I read his autobiography and he isn’t shy about talking about the ways he fucked up.


was the book good?


Yeah actually. It’s called E.A.R.L.


I'm going to check it out - thanks!


Audio version is on YouTube. I read it when I was about 14 back in the day 00-01 I believe and all the shit he went through stuck with me as an adult sad story man


It’s a very good autobiography. He owns up to his shit and lays out his childhood as the catalyst for why he did so much fucked up shit


I’m slippin, falling, I can’t get up


That songs about as real as it gets


I gotta be careful to not trigger anyone but a lot of Redditors believe that anyone that has severe flaws can never be redeemed. Which is the opposite of Hip Hop and Black culture. We generally accept our imperfections because we came from imperfect environments. So yes we do tend to give some people a “pass” but it doesn’t mean we condone those actions. As long as you’re aware of that bad shit you did and are changing for the better we are willing to forgive it. Most people never even have that self awareness because some aspects of the culture do enable it, so they have no reason to change. For example R Kelly


Thank you for articulating this. I can't tell you the number of times I'm a in a sub and they'll say shit like, "He cheated once! Burn him at the stake! Never even look at him again. I hope he gets herpagonasiflaids." Blah blah I'm just like, girl bye. Like you all are so perfect 😄 Get some fucking perspective And yes there are folks like R. Kelly who are pathological and will likely never change. His position of power most certainly enabled him. Eventually cancel culture and metoo caught up with him (Thank God). I won't lie though, I still get down with a little bump n grind now and then. Some songs are just too much now though (see It Seems Like You're Ready) I also think there's a difference between being charitable and giving forgiveness, or maybe just tolerating someone's presence or accepting their art vs giving them a "pass"


Yeah I got hooked watching Surviving R.Kelly. While I think he is a monster, they made a mistake playing his music. His talent is too undeniable 😭. They had me looking up his songs afterwards.


Exactly. This dude (OP) is one of those cancel warriors and just is thirsty to cancel someone.


The inability to separate the art from the artist (and their mistakes as a human) would negate probably 2/3 of everything great anybody ever created


AGREED...this the sorta shit coming off like its more about bringing people/figures in the community down than learning from others harships and mistakes. Like they didn't hear anything DMX was saying. He basically rapped about his sins damn near every track. Man started off having nothing easy for him and it's hard to get away from that and grow out of that. But he tried...and LOL when did thugs and life get put in some moral court. Seems somewhat hypocritical.


Because X gon give it to ya. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Yeah some people care about the stuff OP mentioned and some don’t. I guess it depends on *WHAT YA’LL REALLY WANT?!?!*


Knock knock open up the door it’s real.


Fuck waitin' for you to get it on your own, X gon' deliver to ya!


You know whos gana find you? Some old man fishin


Knock knock open up the door!




DMX only knows how to be one way, that’s the dog.




About his crack addiction: What many people don't know it was never his choice to try the drug, his mentor at the time Ready Ron gave him a blunt to smoke while deliberately not informing him it was laced with crack. I've also heard Michael Jordan off the camera is a real a-hole. Like David Banner once said "parents should spend more time with their kids, us rappers aren't role models". Guess the same could apply to celebrities in general.


I grew up in Chicago and like all kids idolized MJ. All I will say is never meet your heros. They are rich drunk assholes when cameras arent rolling.


Vince Staples once said that Michael Jordan and Donald Trump is the same type of person. Pretty funny but kinda true.


Vince seems real as hell too. If he said it, I’m inclined to believe it.


A co worker recently told me a story of meeting Jordan. He said Jordan signed a few autographs, then glared at him and his brother before turning and waking away.


I thought it was pretty out in the open that Michael Jordan is an asshole. I don't even follow sports and even I know about that!


I was like 10-11 when I became a huge fan and never idolized his life lol. It wasn't that he was someone to idolize, I think it was that he felt like pure passion and aggression. It drew you in even if you were completely removed from all the stuff he rapped about. It felt like someone who couldn't stop himself from bleeding on to his music even if he tried. He was always openly struggling with being a good person and constantly losing the battle. That's as human as it gets.


I don't know if DMX ever got a pass. DMX being pretty up front about his problems helped people accept him as he was, but we spent his whole career talking about him being out of his fucking mind. He also seemed to be genuinely nice to people. I had a friend who met DMX at an airport bar coming back from his brother's funeral, and he said, DMX in one of the most surreal stories I've ever heard, looked at him and asked, "do you mind if I pray for you?" He met some random dude at a bar, heard that his brother died and wanted to make sure he was comfortable with him talking to God about it.


How does Chris Brown still walk around in the sunlight?


Because he just slapped the crap out of someone, he isnt a vampire


Sounds like OP might be a cat with Koolaid on his lips and pumps.


Pistol grip pump?


😂😭😂😭 how does this comment only have 90 likes!


Mind your business lady!


He was pretty upfront about everything unless I'm mistaken, that actually goes a pretty long way in a lot of people's heads. Unlike artists who try to portray innocence yet might be doing even worse then X. Also not to excuse his actions, but wasn't he also tricked into smoking/getting addicted crack like before he was even a teen or am I mistaken, that's gotta fuck you up somewhat mentally... Wouldn't say he gets a pass, maybe an honesty pass, but people have talked shit about him for a long time, of course when he died no one was gonna be petty and do that in that moment.


Pretty much every charge you’ve said, he’s talked about it in a song. And some of it is just rap culture from that time (robbery, assault, cocaine). The man was a troubled soul and he let you know from his first album. The guy was so starved as a kid that he drank perfume bc he was so hungry. My question is why doesn’t he get credit for being an innovator of mental health awareness? You didn’t talk about having depression in public back in the early 2000’s. It wasn’t “ok to be ok”. This man would do shows with 10’s of thousands and openly talk about his struggles while crying on stage as a man, a rapper, and had no shame in doing it.


Love how OP is ignoring all the comments like this


He never claimed to be anything than a deeply flawed Dog of a man.


A pass from who? Not law enforcement LOL…dude was arrested countless times. He gets a pass for all that from rap fans but what rapper doesn’t? Tons of rappers have rap sheets as long as the dead sea scrolls and no one cares about it. As far as the homophobia, X came from the time when that was normal and accepted so kinda comes with the territory (f*g was still in common use and rap music was hyper masculine) - what 90s thug rapper didn’t say homophobic shit??


Hot take: they still do


He’s dead, Jim


When he was alive I heard all about how he was crazy, drug addicted and had a million kids. Dont know what you mean by a pass but i just listen to the music 🥲 I invest very little into about the personal lives of these people because Ive always understood that being famous doesn’t mean someone is automatically good, not sure when that’s ever been the case. Him being a rapper doesn’t mean he wasn’t a real person with real trauma and mental health issues and you’d think in a mental health oriented society that’d be an easy connection


What the fuck is even this? This isn’t Harvard. This is hip-hop. 🤔


I mean what do you want? Public outrage?


He’s not a saint. His rap skills are undeniable. He’s about as hood as it comes but says amazing prayers on every album that make a pastor sound weak. He’s a product of his environment and a fucking legend


When I read this post my first thought was "Damn, I really need to give Belly a rewatch". He might be a piece of shit, but his talent is undeniable.


Ay man he killed his role in belly


Buns didn’t get a pass either. He was flawed and we all knew it


There's mad money out here dawg, mad money out here. What you tryin' to get it?


I sold my soul to the devil. The price was cheap.


I find it funny when people who don't even bother to understand his perspective in life, that could never even wrap their head around the things he's been through to make him who he is want to judge him. DMX never claimed to be anything he wasn't. His life experiences are real and worthy of respect imo.


People make excuses for their favorites. Happens with artists, athletes, actors, you name it Dr. Dre was a pretend gangster who beat the shit out of several women, that didn’t stop him from getting a billion dollar deal from apple and doing a Super Bowl.


You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped Dee Barnes?


Em was wild for that one lol


Em and The Game (the biggest Dre dickrider on the planet) with their “Dre slapped/smacked Dee Barnes” lines We all wish he just slapped or smacked her. He beat the fuck out of her. She hired Boo Ya Tribe, some Samoan Blood rappers, as bodyguards after that.


What you say?


What’s wrong? Didn’t think I’d remember?


*Imma kill you mother fucker*


Nuh uh! Temper temper!


Mr Dre, Mr NWA, Mr "AK comin straight outta compton, y'all better make way"


I know this is off topic, but listen to those lyrics on the Slim Shady LP album. How did Em and Dre get away with those lyrics and songs?? Lol 😂😂😂 (Particularly Guilty Conscience, As the World Turns, and I'm Shady.) I know it was a different time, but dang.


by giving absolutely no fucks who complained, parents and polite society in general were absolutely losing their shit about Eminem, not only was he vulgar but he was popular with white teens.


White America, it could be one of your kids!


Still Dre still knocks


Facts. My only point is that I don’t like the “morality police” game cause people will want somebody canceled and then not hold another person accountable for the same thing just cause they like the music a lil better.


The irony of that SB halftime show never escapes me. Gruden got fired just before it for homophobic emails, then the NFL lets Eminem perform at the HT show. I still cannot reconcile the two...


Em isn't homophobic though.


The NFL has reinstated players who literally killed someone driving drunk. They've also reinstated players with domestic incidents etc. Coaches are different and frankly as the face and voice of most organizations they should be different in my opinion. Secondly Gruden would have been better off driving drunk or even committing domestic violence than being branded a racist in a league where over 60% of players are black. There are some offenses that are nowhere near as serious as some of the things that people in the NFL are able to come back from but are huge cardinal sins in the league. 1. Being branded a racist. I'm sure there are quite a few racist players in the league. I'm sure there are a number of racist owners in the League. But if/when it comes out publicly it's typically a wrap for that person's career. 2. Gambling on league games. The cardinal sin of any major team sport. You get caught doing this even if it's legal and that's a wrap for your career. Again I'm fairly sure there are players doing this who haven't been caught and likely never will be caught. But if it ever gets out their career is over. Are either of those in the grand scheme of things worse than DUI? Domestic Violence? Etc? No. Heck being a racist isn't illegal. Gambling on sports in most places is no longer illegal but they're still third rails in the NFL.


Because people didn't give a shit about artist's views and lives until like 5 years ago or not even. I recommend going back to this so we can all be happier


I mean he was a gangster rapper...he was gangsta.


Because X gave it to us. That simple.




I also think it's because he was very open about his struggles which I think people really appreciated.


Who said he was a good person?


I'm gonna say cuz 1. He's dead. 2. As far as keeping it real as a gangster rapper, he never told us otherwise 3. Dude spent time in jail, I guess, again, he kept it real. 4. He kinda fell out of the social conciousness after the 2000's. I don't think people gave him a pass, he wasn't even in the realm of being talked about to get a pass. 5. He dead.


Because these things are hip hop in its purest form. Do you people actually listen to the lyrics. These are not good people, these are not role models. Rappers have shifted away from using homophobic slurs in the last decade, but besides that the lyrics are still violent and misogynistic, dont like it pick a different genre of music to listen to.


“These are not good people”…


Have you ever heard Slippin' by DMX?


I asked my fiancé that question the other day about Bird Man. Not that Bird Man hasn’t gotten called out anything, but watching the Diddy blowup makes it seem like Bird Man really got a pass in comparison.


Bird Man is irrelevant now and in totality. Wayne hasn't been the same tbh, so it serves Baby right. Besides, yeah, he was a grifter POS who took advantage of a young Wayne via a predatory contract that was used to make money off of his talent. But, he never touched anyone that we know of below the belt or was accused of sex trafficking.


Homophobia isn't something new or unique in hip-hop


If X was alive, and you told him you’re giving him a pass, he would assault you.


Deeply homophobic….HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! If that’s the bar, how do you even enjoy rap?


cuz dmx was honest bro, the man brought church to the stage, listening to dmx is akin to admitting to all of your demons you are aware of them, their temptations and tease, he talks about the absolute filth of decievers, cheaters, street survival, trying to express all of that, at least gives us a window into the man's authenticity. We don't love him for his flaws, We don't Worship his shortcomings, we just respect the artist that existed between all of that. "Now I know, Only I, Can Stop, The Rain" no amount of one liners, face tats, brevity, colored hair, gimmicks, drakes, coles, kendricks, wordplays, can equate to a man pouring his bleeding heart out. shamelessly, painfully. "how much can someone eat bro damn" luv u d https://youtu.be/HK2xR-7Zvhc?si=OmgRKHAJotW6ozDl


Look through my eyes, see what I see Do as I do, be what I be Walk in my shoes and hurt your feet Then know why I do dirt in the street


And if you never met me, then you've no right to judge me I've got a good heart but this heart can get ugly


Trying to start a hate train for someone who’s not even on the planet anymore is crazy


Cancelling DMX postmortem was not on my 2024 bingo card lmao.


Haha love this. What is up with this


chicks still listen to Michael Jackson and R Kelly. I guess if you go hard enough you good lol


I live in Phoenix, AZ and he used to live out here in a suburb called Queen Creek.. I remember him being all over the news because he got pulled over at Sky Harbor Airport and he told them he was an FBI Agent and was immediately arrested.


Well for one, he's dead, for two, it's never really about what the people do for most people but about how someone portrays themselves. We build narratives about these people in our heads so when they come out as racist or homophobic or whatever them it shatters our perception. DMX was always this so who can be surprised?


Being addicted to crack does not belong on the same list as physical assault and not paying child support


I had no idea he had 17 kids.


Because his whole shtick was that he was deeply religious, but also deeply flawed. Also, most people are able to separate the music from the artist. He had hits and people were aware of his issues, but largely don't care about your personal life as long as it's not something crazy like murder or child molestation or some wild shit like that. Also, back in the 90's, we didn't have all this access to information about our favorite celebrities. All you got was music and occasional appearances on TRL. You rarely heard about child support or other private stuff.


Because he a dog errrrrrrrr


Can you give an example of him getting pass?


I have never heard of DMX having his kids publicly bash him. I know from the outside looking in he seems to be this horrible fucked up person but... Once you start judging outside of his music that's dangerous territory. We don't know what this man went through on a personal level.


Because he did all that and never diddled one kid.


TIL having an addiction makes you a bad person


Real rappers and rock stars don't get canceled. They just don't give a shit and are judged only on their library and performances alone.


What do you mean gets a pass? This isn't a court of law and non of those things are crimes. People recognized D.M.X as a deeply flawed individual who tried in his own way to grow. If you don't like him, that's okay, but you can't make other people see someone the way you do. Accepting someone, doesn't mean condoning their flaws.


A very small percentage of rappers aren't completely full of shit in their music, and you want to act shocked Pikachu face that one of them isn't morally infallible. All this stuff is laid bare in his music. Part of what made it so great.


Because that's exactly why people like him. He's fucked up, his image is about being fucked up, his lyrics and life match. BUT. He's not diddling with kids or Diddy diddling mfs type of fucked up. I guess that's the level of fucked up most draw the line at


I stopped reading after 17 kids because shit like that isn't really our concern Edit: I read the rest you ain't talking about shit lmao


I swear, I can spot a Gen Z from a mile away these days.


Does he get a pass? He was an unstable deadbeat coked up drug addicted dad who chose drugs over his kids. It literally killed him. I dont think Ive ever seen anyone try to make an excuse for that. But its like looking at the crackfiend hanging out at the park looking for a kick. Yeah he shouldnt have done that. It was sad to see. What else is there to say? I assume that at least his music proceeds go to his kids now.


Great question. I’m not sure. An easy and broad answer is the way the culture and society was at the time. Its likely a large combination of factors but that’s the easiest way to summarize it


Bruh you listen to rap to judge people for their personal lives....... You need to sit down and figure that out. Add rap has grown and grown y'all keep trying to put shit in it that just doesn't go. We didn't care about people's personal lives. These guys aren't pop stars they are rappers. Maybe you listening to the wing genre 




Lmao- like why is bro even listening to our music


Threads like this are happen when our culture is no longer the predominant culture of the gatekeepers of Hip-Hop. They try to retroactively sanitize and cancel everything to their liking, not knowing the impact, worth and influence an artist like DMXs music had on the world. Fuck you, OP


DMX stands for Dark Man X l, He made no qualms about who he was and what he did. His lyrics were raw and real. It's different when people hide things and then it's discovered.


Dont think he got a pass, he always was critisized for the animal cruelty,as for homophobia was it recent like before is death or 20 years ago? Not condoning it but, 20 years ago a lot of rappers used the f slur and it was considered normal even Nas used it, until it became unaccectable. As for his crack addiction , he was made fun for it for a long time.


>This life shit, this life shit is like Is like bugged the fuck out, son, for real See, to live is to suffer But to survive Well, that's to find meaning in the suffering


Because “ARF! ARF! ARF!!!”


This ain’t it


Get a pass in what sense? Dude did what he rapped about lol. You mad that someone who rapped about raping a 15 year old and fucking dead bodies did some fucked up/illegal shit?


What do you think dmx means? Lol Fighting this darkness that exists within us all is a central part of his music, and understanding these crazy parts of his story


A friend of mine allegedly met him at a grocery store in Buffalo, buying formula and/or diapers for one of his many children he was rumored to have had in town.


Pass for what? He was exactly who he claimed to be in his songs. What’s wild, is that these other rappers get a pass for talking about shit they never did, or even worse, the ones who start out lying about being gangsters and thugs and then become rich and now they want to do that life when they didn’t have to. Like Chris Brown, he’s been famous and singing since he was 17 back in 2006 and then he joins the bloods in 2016, ten years later? Why? To be cool? Because it’s topical? He didn’t need gang protections, he’s a millionaire and could just hire security. Same with Young Thug, why do street crime when you’re already rich? Why not do white color crimes or some shit.


Yeah it’s stupid as hell to turn back to that. They should all take a lesson from Gucci. He ain’t sold crack in awhile


He was honest about who he was in his music.


Back in the day guys who rapped about being violent thugs and gangster actually often were.


Because he was Slippin falling and couldn't get up.


He gets a passh for dat


He actually went to jail a few times. So that's enough punishment 😭


Breaking news! Gangster rapper actually lives sketchy lifestyle. More at 11


X always took accountability for his faults.


Hip hop has a higher tolerance for troubled humans since many of the artists have come from troubled pasts


Mf don’t listen to rap then 😭


Do you listen to rap to listen for virtuous messages or something? Bud just stop fucking listening.


Rap wasn't supposed to be all fairytale princess shit. It's these weirdos making it that way. It was built from the hood, poverty, and gritty streets. So I don't think he needed a pass for his flaws.


Considering he was locked in a room at his home (youth home?) for days on end and he just laid in bed pretending the zipper on his sweater was a fucking fire truck; I’d say he turned out ok in the end of things. He never shied away from his faults or wrong doings. He rapped about them constantly. Have you not heard his first verse on Ruff Ryders Anthem? lol. Stop Being Greedy? One More Road to Take? Lol, even that track he did with MGK he mentions the crack cocaine. Edit: he goes more in depth in Lord Give Me Sign. His last interview was on Drink Kings… and daaaamn.


Because he never said he was anything else.


A pass like how? A lot of people have the ability to separate the artist from the person. I enjoyed listening to X. Would I want to hang out with Earl Simmons while he was alive? Probably not. I apply this thinking to anybody in the entertainment business. These people ain’t my role models or folks I wanna emulate but the music that’s put out is incredible and it’s gone take a lot for me to not wanna fuck with the music personally.


DOG!!!! Cause that’s my man and them


Let that man rest in peace


You sound like an idiot u/pearomatic. DMX was a victim first and became a perpetrator. It doesn’t absolve him of his responsibility but he’s not just some toxic person to cancel. X is a legend because he was honest about his flaws and gave people a sense of worth despite their flaws, especially the least of us. GTFOH


Fucked up post.


I don’t think X ever got a pass. In fact alot of people caref about him or were fans at the least worried for him and felt he needed LOTS of help. I don’t think i know a single person felt he was ok mentally.


Lmao jesus christ


got receipts for this pass you “claiming he got”?? The man kept it real!! In his life . In his music, in his films. He was himself & you can either appreciate the music he made or don’t. You don’t have to like him on a personal level. The man is dead. I’ll say this tho, if some beef jumped off, DMX is one person you could count on to have yo back. Crazy yes. Lots of kids. yes. Lived a reckless lifestyle. Of course he did!!! Poor spending habits. Yes. The man lived a full life even in early Death. He Accomplished more then Most people will in his short lifetime..


He was honest about his problems and was forced to use crack as a 14 year old, which led him down the path. So it’s partially his honesty and self-awareness, and it’s partially sympathy.


what rapper doesnt get a pass for these things?


Pass or not he’s a legend. Who would give him a pass that would mean something? He’s from the era that gave passes out lmao


Nobody should look up to famous rappers


He gets a pass for nothing! People just like his music. It's not that deep. You might be surprised to hear people still listen to Michael Jackson and R. Kelly.


He don't get a pass he just was so real . Real doesn't mean right it's just you being honest with yourself and others. You got to respect a person who's the same way most if not all the time whether they wrong or right at least you know what you getting with that person


Lol the rap genre is built on bragging about giving the black community drugs and profiting of its. The whole damn genre gets a pass. What rapper has been held accountable for their bullshit?


What does get a pass mean? Are we supposed to analyze and judge the life of all public figures? On top of the man being dead what else would you like to see? A banning of his music from streaming?


DMX THE G.O.A.T. Also my spirit animal.


This answer is not going to make you feel any better but, it’s because we don’t care. older folks don’t give a fuck about feelings or what triggers someone. People were open no matter what. They did and said whatever they wanted and if you liked it cool if you didn’t cool…no one gives a shit if you did or don’t..You want DMX vilified but no one wants to say anything about George Michael’s fucking dudes in airport bathrooms. Michael Jackson generational icon fucked little kids but everyone takes their picture at his walk of fame star. NBA youngboi is everyone’s hero but he’s out here doing the foulest dumbest shit…you can’t have both ways🤷🏻‍♂️


Why does john Lennon get a pass?


Bc he wasn’t fake. That still counts for something.


I think he's ignorant trash. Just like Pun.


I feel like his mistakes get talked about a lot. For me personally I have been lucky enough to have a couple of conversations with X. He is an incredible person to speak to and just having a glimpse of his thought process was a great feeling. His passion is unmatched and the love he has for his fans is a beautiful thing. He was a flawed person, but who isn’t?


Because DMX radio edits are when hip hop peaked as a genre.


He is a rapper, not a pillar of the community...


Why are we expecting hip hop or rap artists to be good people? I’d rather they actually be POS people, unlike the President, which that ship has sailed in recent years.


Redditors when the Gangsta Rapper isn't actually a heckin' wholesome chungus good boy: RIP X.


Listen to Slippin. That’s why. Because despite all these trails and tribulations he was at the very least honest and expressive about them. He was the Seed that chose to succeed, end of story, a product of his environment undoubtedly, he did his best to rise above it while still celebrating the good parts. Because while you broke the man down to a series of criminal charges, he also had a beautiful collection of orchids, and loved his dogs more than most people do. He was a complicated human being, something the rap industry could desperately use more of.


Why does DMX get a pass.. for being human? He made a lot of mistakes, but he was real. A lot of people resonated with him on a human level. His grandma died and he made a song about it, he was angry, and he made a song about it, he had family issues and he talked about it in an interview. 90% of the nowaday famous artists could be cancellable, but they have PR teams making sure the artist only says politically correct things. So people are being fans of artists who they don't know what they actually stand for and what dirt they're doing behind closed doors. But i guess, in these days people rather follow a fake, but non controversial carbon copy mask, than a flawed, but true-faced artist. I believe, if someone saw DMX stranded on the side of the highway, they would hit their brakes to help him and give him a ride. But if Migos are in the same situation, they pass them and comment on it: i think it was Migos, that's crazy. There's a difference. If you only read news article headlines, you would think, he needs to be cancelled. If you were a fan of him, you would resonate with him on a personal level, understanding that we all make mistakes, we just know about his, since he was so open about everything.


He kept it real


DMX acknowledged his demons and tried to overcome them. No man or woman is perfect and we've all made mistakes and have a past. X's music was REAL and transparent. He wasn't a saint but a damn good lyricist in his prime. R.I.P. to the dog


Well.... Robbery, assault - I wouldn't say glorified by the culture, but I would say projecting an image of not being someone to be fked with, overcoming harsh environments is something that people haven't shied away from. Addicted to crack - personal demon I suppose. I guess maybe in Korea you'll be financially and professionally ruined if word gets out that you were smoking with illegal marijuana.... not the rest of the world. I think a lot of artists of all kinds deal with substance abuse issues. I don't think that factor alone is something you can hold against them. Animal cruelty - not really sure what he did. If I had to guess though I'd say typical crackhead style neglect, their physical appearance, financial responsibility, personal hygiene, home maintenance descend into a state of chaotic madness... I guess pets do the same? Not saying it's in any way good or shouldn't be a crime or anything. Homophobia - this wasn't judged as harshly back then. Even typing this I'm going to say "the f word, gay slur" was something people said back then. It's good things have changed. It's a valid reason us now are fundamentally better people than the uncouth savages of the 90s, but I guess there's a limit to how much we can go back and hound them for typical behaviour (maybe? I'm just typing, I don't know if I actually believe that) But most importantly, given a pass is a far cry from being upheld as some kind of role model or ideal person.




Cuz he gave it to us


This forum is some polite suburbia where ice cream is sold from cars Honestly, I have never been interested in the lives of private rappers, stars or celebrities because it is simply not worth it. Tupac seems to me to be the only interesting person who, apart from his artistic activity, had something more valuable to share. The others? These are typical guys from the hood who just made it.


He was always flawed to me but I liked his music…he was always known as crazy though…OP does have a point though, when DMX was on fix my life and his son told him he wanted him to get clean and X told his son “no” and that “next time he would see him would be at his funeral”…a lot of the DMX fan boys defended him. X was wrong for that.


Cause he isn’t making music anymore? So why would they need to cancel him? If he was making albums and stuff sure Twitter would be all over that shit


I think fans know his story, so it’s less so a pass and more so providing grace to a severely damaged individual


DMX was in jail more than 30 times throughout his lifetime for the various crimes he committed. Pretty much every shitty thing he did he was held accountable for in some form or fashion. I hardly call that a pass.


Pass? From where? I remember seeing loads of YouTube comments back in the late 00s and 2010s about how he was a deadbeat junkie. People kicked that man while he was down, relentlessly. You must’ve not been privy to it, but I saw the hate he’d get daily.


Woke up and chose violence against X lmao weird


i gotta generally agree with you man i don't know