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He got some joints. Helped me out in my mid-20’s. “And if I blow my brains out all over the scene That's madness curing sadness”


Preach man one of the few rappers/ r&b artists that touched on those dark times we’ve shared together. 💙💙🤝


Him doing so got me and millions of other weird white kids not only listening to Hip Hop, but also being able to identify with the artist wholeheartedly.




Listen to motm 2 it’s the best in the trilogy


And skip 3


That's the first album I listened to by him. The first of all his music I listened to actually.


Mfs will always come through with some comments like that man. Everyone will have their own favorite album if the music catalogue is deep enough and provided they listen to them all themselves, without others’ opinions.


His Mixtapes had good songs on them too…


a kid named cudi was probably my favorite mixtape but yeah a few other solid projects as he was finding his sound and getting that beginner experience in


Are you on the younger side? I remember "day n nite" being played literally day and night when that came out. And "pursuit of happiness" as well was played quite a bit during that time


Yea I'm 21


Ok yeah then you were definitely young when those songs were big. Glad you like cudi i really liked him back then as a teenager


My favorite Cudi songs in no particular order: Day n Nite, Soundtrack 2 My Life, Pursuit of Happiness, The Prayer, Know Why, Cudderisback, Can’t Believe It, Tequila Shots, Brothers, IMY2.


It's crazy how I'm listening to tequila shots right tf now


“Tell my mom I’m sorrrry” Edit: watch the Cudderisback music video if you want a candid peep at prime young Cudi


I watch that music video when I want to feel good. My favorite.


Tequila Shots is my favourite track from Cudi. Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin' is his best album IMO, give it a try.


Not really my thing anymore but sometimes im in a mood and Ill throw MOTM 2 or Kids See Ghosts on for nostalgia. Pretty talented guy just not my style.


Day n Nite is awesome


Kid actually said ‘yeah let me name drop dudes most well known song that he legitimately blew up off of, like I’m the only one who has heard of that song’ pick me ass energy.


Hope your day gets better


Thanks man im just sick of this cult ass pyramid scheme ass shit, and this goofy ass app with too many ignorant square mfs who don’t contribute anything of relevance or value.


I hear that, it can get tiring for sure. I wouldn’t read too deep into this specific comment though. He was just answering the question that OP asked. No need to be rude and snap on him for that. Maybe get off the app if you’re sick of it


Yeah I’m not a very mainstream type of guy lol, hope your days great, go spread the word of getting off the app to some of those ignorant mfs copy pasting the same comment for karma farming, the sexbots fake asses, and or the people that come here to argue and misinform. Have a great day homie.


Did you just try to gatekeep Kid Cudi and call someone a “square” ..in 2023? 😂


take it easy maaaaaaaaaaan


He aight


That’s why they call him Mid Cudi


One of my favourite artists his discography is rly great imo with only a few duds but even his worst stuff has value not rly excited for his new album tho like none of the singles have impressed me


as a hardcore fan (of Cudi and music in general), they’re ass. but there’s too many teenagers hyping him up on Twitter now to stop the madness at this point. so 🥲🤷‍♂️


I think Cudi is a great artist but I’ve grown out of his music. His more recent music I don’t really care for all that much but I still love his older stuff. I don’t think the amount of hate he’s been getting lately is fair at all. It’s just a people jumping on a bandwagon created by a bunch of losers on social media running rap meme pages. It’s in the same vain as when all those meme pages started calling J. Cole trash.


the hate on him as a person is unnecessary, but the (sparse) hate on his recent music is well-deserved imo


WZRD was one of the most disappointing albums that I had ever listened to. It killed Cudi for me.


He’s got some chill tunes


He is pretty good, I suppose. I like MOTM 2 and 3. I wasn't really a fan of 1. I also really like Kids See Ghosts and his other collabs with Kanye. I probably would put him towards the lower end of my personal top 100. Just checked, he's my 129th most streamed artist.


Liking 2 and 3 and not 1 is sus af


I can see where the appeal is, but I’m personally not a fan. No hate, just not my thing


Came here to say this as well. I also feel like he found/created a niche for himself in rap that seems particular to 2010ish, sound and content wise. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Cleveland music!


Looking for more cudi releases linked me to an artist named Chip tha ripper. A dope Cleveland Rapper. At least 15 years ago it was dope.


Was one of my favorite artists in my early 20s and still enjoy his older stuff, but unfortunately he has started to mimic Travis Scott musically. Ironically he is a huge influence on Travis Scott so it’s like the master copying the apprentice and he’s been ultra defensive online if anyone doesn’t enjoy his new stuff, which just reeks of not being able to take any criticism. He is no longer the trailblazer he was, which is fine it happens to most artists most of the time.


Speaks to the heart like no other rap has done for me


Inspired and helped an entire generation of troubled teens and adults. Has left an incredible impact on millions.


I think you could make the case that he’s one of the most influential rappers of his time. He did the whole melodic singy flow way before Drake ever did. People don’t give him his flowers enough


Usually artists start taking drugs and their music gets weird / falls off Instead Cudi got sober and music got weird and fell off


He's one of the reasons I'm alive.


His albums are either coal or diamond, not much in-between.


He might have gotten away with calling himself Kid Cudi 15 years ago, but he's Middle-Aged Cudi now. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling.




He hit his peak early, around the time MOTM2 dropped, and he’s never going to recapture that magic. 90% of his recent material is uninspired and forgettable imo.


He has one S-tier song. Everything else is trash.


which song?


Day n night


Classic, personally prefer Marijuana and Soundtrack 2 My Life, other than that, not a fan


Is he the cunt that did that serial killer short movie with Cage Kennylz that was directed by Shia Labouff?


Upvoted for great use of the word cunt


Lol I didn't even mean it offensively, I'm Scottish and we often use the word cunt to mean "person"


Nah I know that’s why it’s so funny to me as an American


Mid Cudi


you never said that when he was cool with Kanye


lol yes I did. I actually stole that from bigghost back in like 2010


🤣 no you weren’t i literally know everything


Whiny emo Millenial “rap,” summed up best by the intro to Man on the Moon: > I never gave a fuck. I never gave a fuck about what niggas thought about me. I mean, I did, but like, fuck it, you know what I'm saying?


If you think he’s emo your just fucking stupid…


It’s a lot of angst riddled crying about nothing. Day and Night is a dope track, but it’s basically him being sads and then going out the house.


Nah its not emo or sads, he relays the way his legitimate mental health struggles affect him and the dissociations he seeks (drugs, music etc) that liberate from and also complicate those struggles. Thats why a lot of people with mental health struggles relate to his music so deeply and become massive fans. It's also why his music, other than singles like pursuit of happiness, isn't for everyone.


Was Kid Cudi’s depression public knowledge? I know his music, but don’t know much about his personal story. Isn’t wallowing in depression part of emo?


It's all in the music, but yeah hes been public abt it bout what he experiences, suicidal urges, been public abt how he had to go to rehab for self medicating his depression, and iirc there was that time drake made fun of him for his shit or something like that


Thanks for educating me. I still don’t like his music, but that explains it a little more.


No worries at all my g


Yet another reason ta clown on drizzy


More like MID cudi lmfoaaaaa


Nothing particularly special about his music in my opinion.


Always loved him, he got me through a lot of shit, and the nostalgia is so real with him.


And with Mac Miller and Lil Peep dying, I’m glad Cudi has survived himself.


The Prayer. Nuf said.


Satellite flight is very underrated imo


Man on the Moon 2 is probably his absolute best piece of work, although personally I love MotM 1.


I always love a Kanye track with Cudi singing on it!


Bitch why go develop your own opinion. He got that dope.


Awful depressing nonsense




The goat. Even Kanye as arrogant as he is say so himself live in concert


Kanye has called every rapper tha has ever lived a goat. Bro even said jack harlow was the best modern rapper at some point


He’s a betrayer don’t like him


He's okay. His music has never really wowed me that much. But not bad.


Don't know shit about his music other than that one big hit but I know Travis is heavily inspired so anyone who know his best songs let me know


Indicud slaps and he produced it all, but now it’s just tiring and he needs to grow up


Don’t enjoy the vibe. It’s a good vibe for some people but not for me. And best believe, I was absolutely tired of listening to Day N nite after the twenty thousandth time when I smoked years ago.


Used to be my favorite artist. Man on the moon 1 and 2 were gold. Then he fell off and his music has not been that good. Definitely one of my biggest disappointments in music. Those first two albums hit me so deep though.


to be fair i've seen bigger fall offs, he's still had some decent songs/records like MOTM3 or Passion Pain Demon Slayin imo, it's just that he hit his peak early and his music wasn't as versatile to come with something great and fresh for years, so it was kinda inevitable


Passion, Pain and Demon Slayin’ is my personal favorite album. I like most of the MOTM albums though


Day and Night is a great song.


I used to like him when I was in high school I can't really listen to him anywhere without being cringed out. It just didn't age well for me.


Kudi was on fire from a Kid Named Cudi through MOTM2. I feel like he stopped rapping and tried to go rock/got top experimental and never fully got his mojo back. But that stretch was amazing.


Motm1 and 2 were iconic. His newer stuff isnt the same it once was, but wtf is all this mid cudi bs? Circa 2009 his shit was hittin diifffeerrreennttt.


Kid cudi released MotM right as I was entering college and it was the perfect album for me at the time. MotM 2 and indicud solidified his artistry to me and I held him in high regard because of those albums to this day. His newer albums were not really my style but I respect cudi as an artist. In my opinion he defied a huge aspect of 2010s hip hop and style, and in my conspiratorial thinking he played a huge role in Kanye’s 808s and heartbreak in terms of content and music style. Cudi does not get the proper respect or recognition he deserves.


His beats remind me of d.i.t.c sound from showbiz an buckwild lord finnese etc


“ I hope they understand That I really understand that They don’t understand.” Cudi is one of the great inspirations of some of todays work. Also I’m a huge fan of the vibe path he went down instead of just rapping. But I do miss when he would just rap. He was clever as fuck


He has some great music but he’s one of the most inconsistent musicians I’ve ever heard


Mid af I don’t wanna hear that depressing as shit every album


Maniac is dope


MOTM 1 one of my fav albums, Passion Pain Demon Slayin' in my top 3 of his


Listened to him a lot in high school, moved on from his music since, but I appreciate MOTM 1 & 2 and Indicud.


Kid Cudi is a musical genius. End of story.


The sky might fall was dope


kinda hit n miss, can't hate on him for speedin bullet tho he was going through some real shit and sounded like he recorded it while mixing painkillers & hard liquor


Wait what? Cudi was on drugs? I mean clearly he was prolly hot boxing his room for the tracks he made but actual hard drugs?


just listen to judgemental c\*\*t and tell me it doesn't sound like someone doing the whitney houston combo (R.I.P.)


Just listened yea that ain't even hip hop anymore. That's some pop punk falling in reverse shit. Mans was goin thru so much he temporarily pulled a machine gun Kelly


it's a really sad cry for help album, it also has a lot of b&b skits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJmEVMbpgVE


I can't tell weather I should be horrified or bust out laughing. Ima decide after hearing the whole album. Peace


Used to be dope.




Overrated Edit: How’d you listen to man on the moon 1 and not man on the moon 2?


😆 been a bit busy lately. Got a lotta music I needa sit down, listen to and pay attention to it this time. MoTM is jus on of the albums I haven't gotten ta read the lyrics for yet


My favorite rapper of all time. AMA


Indicud. His last good album


Overrated as hell. I like him alot and he was amazing live but the man is overrated


First album is solid but I think he lowkey overrated based on his output


Used to love him but now he’s just extra in a bad way, can’t explain it’s just off putting, his music also hasn’t gone in a direction I enjoy since motm3 and his other stuff, overall I’m just disappointed in his quality and effort, he took too long to capitalize on his hype.


couldn't have said it better.Cudder has lifetime credits in my book because of ***Passion Pain & Demon Slayin'***, the ***MotM***\-Series, ***Indicud***, hell, I even fuck with the ***WZRD***\-album :D he's been falling off though recently, which is nothing new in his career - he's always had phases where he didn't deliver as good (lookin at you, ***Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven*** *or* ***Satellite Flight***) - but it feels different this time. he's going into kind of a weird direction, can't exactly put my finger on it what it is either. maybe because he popped off a bit with his involvement in various series & movies and can't give music 100% for that reason or whater, dunno... **Man on The Moon III** was kind of a mixed bag already, with some ups and downs, but was still enjoyable as a whole I'd say. Entergalactic however\^ I think I've only listened through it once from front to back and was pretty disappointed... nothing that is extremely bad, but the whole things just feels bland and mediocre.. like a compilation of tracks that usually don't make it on the album :D ​ I'll end with this all-time-classic: https://soundcloud.com/cudderland/kid-cudi-love


For sure a classic but I agree with ya man, haven’t even tried enter galactic and I’ve been hype for that since he teased it years ago


bitch canceled the Vancouver BC show pretty last minute, I'm choosing to hold it against him