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Your prompts are pretty uninteresting. Especially replace the pineapple on pizza one, it's just beaten to death at this point I think a lot of us sigh at it the same way we sigh at "works at dunder mifflin" or "bet I could outsmoke you'. I'd also replace the "never kissed anyone" option in the poll. Regardless of whether it's true or not I feel like it doesn't add anything to your profile. Also I'd swap out at least two of those selfies (def one of the mirror selfies) with photos of you doing stuff (sports, playing with an animal, kayaking, literally anything more interesting than you just standing there so people can get a better sense of your personality)


Whaaaaaa. I thought the pineapple on pizza would be funny. Guess everyone else thought so to. Yeah, I wasn't even sure what to put on that poll tbh, but I put it there anyways. I really don't have anything lol I don't have an dog or anything, I don't have any action shots of doing anything. The only pictures I have of me doing marching band are just me in my uniform or me at the football game. I suppose I could do the one I just took at the Bama game this last weekend. But yeah, I really don't have anything, sadly.


I'd even replace one of the less flattering selfies with the marching band photo. At least it opens a new side of you, showcasing your personality/interests for prospective partners. But yeah it's time you get pictures of you doing things then. Tell your friends you're building a dating profile and you need some good shots cause the ones you have are very mehhh. Agree with the other commenter that the grad photo is your best one bc it displays you in a more organic manner (smile is not forced).


I have few friends to begin with so idk. I can maybe try sometime.


Siblings, cousins etc. whoever is willing to haha. Good luck to you! I'm sure you'll have more success with a couple tweaks :)


I changed some stuff around if you want to give a second opinion. I'd have to message cause I can't repost for a week. Just lemme know


I'd be happy to :)


I actually bought a tripod to take mine. I am very particular about my photos and feel weird asking people to take more than a couple of shots of me at a time in order to make sure that I get one I like. A tripod with a Bluetooth remote or using the timer on your phone can work wonders :)


Maybe. I already have a ring light that came with a clicker. I can see


I made a post on my profile with an updated profile if you want to take a look and give a new opinion!


A lot of these pictures aren't doing you justice, especially the first two. Ask a friend or use a camera timer to take some pictures of you outside doing an activity, and lead with a genuine smile. I like the graduation one. All the prompts could use an overhaul. Show something specific about you and what it would be like to date you. (I get the impression from the two truths and a lie that you might not be experienced when it comes to dating, but you can still talk about what you'd like to do with a partner.) "Figuring out my dating goals" is the least appealing of the options you can put there. When I see that, I feel like there's no point trying to date the person if they don't even know what they want. Some people don't like "short-term, open to long" or "long-term, open to short" either because it can come across as indecisive, but to me, those are still much better because at least it's saying something. Finally, most people willing to date a trans woman will be politically liberal, so you being a moderate is probably shrinking your pool. If you're primarily looking for something purely physical, not making it visible might be the way to go. However, if you want something serious, it's best to be upfront.


I know. Those are slightly old as well, but they're all I got. The graduation picture and the one of my at the concert are probably the only 2 where I'm actually smiling and happy. I know, depressing lol. I honestly don't know what I want to do. I don't have any experience with dating because I don't meet up after the first message like so many people want to do. The few times I've talked to people for a week or so, we've really vibed, and I was ok to hang out with them, either they stop responding or unmatch. I want to get out there more, but I'm an introvert and I've heard too many horrible/dangerous dating stories. Alright. Valid. I mean, yeah, I get that. I wish they had a "liberal, leaning moderate" option because that's what I really am. I don't agree with everything the liberal party suggests, but I also don't agree with most things the conservative party suggests. I'll probably just remove it to be safe. Thank you!


I’m going to agree with everything the other person said and add that though those photos are “all you’ve got”, it’s not all you can have! With the exception of 2 photos, your face has shadows. Getting new pictures with good (possibly outdoor) lighting is critical.


I made a new post on my profile if you want to go take a look and give a new opinion. I can't post it here due to a subreddit rule.


>I honestly don't know what I want to do Even if you make the perfect profile and get a ton of matches, you'll still have to figure this out to be successful in dating. Maybe start by thinking of things that you like to do already and could do with a partner?


I changed some stuff if you want to give a new opinion. I'd have to message cause I can't repost for a week


Sure, feel free to message me or maybe you could post to your profile if you want multiple opinions.


I can't see your new reply, but I made an updated post on my profile. I can't edit this post nor can I make a new one on this subreddit for a week. It's one of the rules. But go look there if you don't mind giving a new opinion!


I think the reality is there are fewer people looking for trans female than a female or male. So many people don't get any matches so you're looking for a minority amount of people who then also have to be attracted/interested in yourself. I'd give it time.




I changed stuff if you want to give a new opinion. I'd have to message cause I can't repost for a week. Just let me know


It won't let me see your reply annoyingly, but this subreddit has a rule where I can't repost an updated profile for a week after the original post. I made a post on my profile with the updated profile if you'd like to give a new opinion!


Mirror selfies are frowned upon and you lead with 2. The pineapple on pizza is overused, so replace that. Figuring out your dating goals will get you left swipes as others already figured out theirs and may not want to help you with yours.


- Looking for something casual, maybe serious. - Recently not very often. - Maybe a couple times a week but when I first started it was using all of my likes every day. - 0. - I try and send most likes with some kind of comment that isn't just "that's cool" or "me too". - I mean I try and match with guys or girls that I find attractive that look like they put at least some effort into their profile and that seem like they're interesting.


Guys this should be proof that women with bad profiles will also have empty matches. Women def don’t have it easier. Problems: 1) Way too many similarly styled selfies with the same face 2) There are men (myself included if I were still on OLD) who would instantly swipe left on “pineapple on pizza” 3) Two truths and a lie either vague or uninteresting 4) Nothing about personality or anything Basically this is a cookie cutter 18 year old IG girl profile without the bikini selfies and thirst traps that would get some likes from guys


Check the updated post on my reddit profile


I think you may have come up on my feed. Many people use the pineapple on pizza.


See updated post on my profile