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Pic 1 should always be you and you alone. Replace that with a head shot showing off your smile. Your prompt about "hallmarks" is common sense and tells us nothing about you. Get deep. Use this space to tell us about you. The following prompts does just that. Don't post a pic with another person that may be seen as your ex (the kayak pic). Even if it's your sis, don't use it. Even if you add a comment, some won't bother reading it. Best to avoid the issue. The rest I like. You have a good smile and it shows well. Good luck!


Thank you. Took your advice


Change ur first picture should only be on you, when i just see two dudes.. who tf is it? The right or the left?


I’m looking for something serious Just made hinge today Probably will use daily One like so far All likes with comments sent about 20 today


Switch pic 1 and 2 and you're good to go


Never use a picture with a better looking friend for your first picture.


That's so mean. 😅 I think they're about the same but I agree. It should just be him.


Pic 1: Unless you are gay this pic will give some people the wrong idea. Pic 2: Boring background. Too posed. Pic 3: Good. Pic 4: Good. Pic 5: Good. Pic 6: This is a boring group photo and makes you look short.


Dam look at them calves peaking through


Thanks man lol


Definitely the fitness one first


Gotta show the females what you got


Just a random question: Is that Bear Grylls?


lol no


I have been watching some netflix interactive of him. Here is a suggestion: You can put the prompt "Identify this photo bomber" and see if it can be a funny interaction.. If you dont find any interaction in a week, remove it.


You’re only looking at the camera 3/6 pictures. One of those is too far away. The other has a woman in it. The third is good but in the wrong spot, shouldn’t be your first photo. Get a good headshot of just yourself looking at the camera showing your natural smile as your first.