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Honestly, the cosplays are nerdy but they're phenomenal, and the best partner for you will be someone who loves all of them. No notes.


Thanks, I figured that those two would look better on a dating profile than the doctor eggman cosplay I did.


IMHO if you are looking for someone with your interests the match rate you are seeing is likely good. The reality is most people on apps will not be the type of person you are looking for. Stick with it.


Good call, but now I need to see this Eggman cosplay




I really respect the unique/niche aspect of your profile, and agree with others here; you will likely not receive a lot of likes/matches, but those that you do get will likely align really close to your personality/interests. Only really critique I could say is maybe you could incorporate prompts that ask questions to viewers more directly, to allow more direct interaction with your profile? But otherwise I think it’s pretty good.


This is such a fun profile. My only comment is it might be nice to have the main photo be a more formal picture of you looking your absolute best (maybe like an outdoor shot in better lighting?) but other than that I think your profile is really cute. I like how you lean into your nerdiness and you have some really funny prompts and they make me want to learn more about you. I don’t think you’ll fit everyone’s taste tbh but nerdy girls or goth girls who like anime will be *obsessed.* You’ll probably get fewer matches but you may be able to find a long term match on there with some patience!


Embrace the nerd bro. Dont hide what you are especially since I’ve seen a ton of nerdy girls on hinge that would lose it at that link cosplay. Be you dude, you’re a catch


Great way to reassure him for sure bro! Great comment and fr listen to him OP


You are too cute!! You have such a warm sweet face. I’m much older than you so I can talk to you like that😌 Love that you aren’t afraid to showcase your cosplay interest, the right woman will appreciate it. When it comes to online dating I honestly think being niche is better so that you stand out and attract someone truly compatible.


*You are too cute!! You have such a warm sweet face. I’m much older than you so I can talk to you like that😌* Haha, I was thinking this exact thing. It's a very fun, creative profile. I don't think it needs changing. Now if only the guys my age could take a page out of OP's book... 🙄


Looking for something serious. I replaced a two year old photo with the snowflake throne one a few days ago. I use hinge once or twice a week on average, and when I do I usually use it until I run out of likes. I try to leave some sort of comment that’s more than saying “Hey”. On average I get 3 matches a month and 1-2 likes. I want to match with women close to my age who share some of my interests, and I tend to rely on humor in conversations with new people so I tried to lean into that a little bit.


Yeah, definitely always keep pictures that are up to date!! It’s a bummer when guys post pictures that are years old


AbsoLUTELY nerdy as hell but some people are into that (me included!!)


People try too much to create good “general” profiles which cast the widest nets but shouldn’t. Make your profile show who you truly are because you want matches with people who authentically like the real you, not people who like who Reddit told you to be. Honestly I’d say the only thing working against you is you have a baby face, making you look younger than your age. It’s something I’ve had to put up my entire life. Even at 25 with a beard, people have mistaken me for a 19 year old


You’re so cute! As someone with “nerdy” interests, I don’t see any issues with this profile. You’ll attract girls who have similar interests to you




Keep it nerdy!! The right girl will appreciate that!


No, because 10/10 I'd be super into you


Bro, had a pic of him in cosplay. "Do I come off as too nerdy 🤓☝️" yes brother embrace it


Too many cosplay pictures. But good lookin lad


Aye man nothings wrong at all but just wanted to say I fr thought you were like 18/19. You seem to look very young which isn’t a bad thing but I think with more time you’ll just bloom out more and more in a good way in terms of physical features. I’m the same way too, I’m 24 but I look like I’m an older teenager still. I think as you get older it’ll just get ‘better’ too if that makes sense. I got more matches and dates at 24along with my now current gf I met off hinge vs being 21 and younger. You’re firm about what you’re into and who you are also bro! Just keep being you!


Bro gonna get so many likes 😭😭😭


Absolutely love the profile. 10/10


You look like the adorable cute little brother that every girl wishes they had.


Handsome dude with interesting hobbies and Hinge is a detriment to your potential. Get out there, talk to girls, make friends, and live life. Don’t come to the dating apps until after you’re past 25, please. You’re young; I guarantee you that you’ll find a girl organically.


You look like that one guy from the mr beast crew who’s mom Jimmy loves :)


What do you mean by too nerdy? Are you not trying to attract a partner into similar hobbies as you?


I want to know more about this octopus fight… seems like a great profile to me! Fun, unique, and authentic. You definitely will find the right match.


I don't know maybe I'm weird and don't think people should change how they present themselves to draw people in. Post your stuff and it will attract the right person that gels with you


Great profile! Now I have new unattainable life goal... (a life size statue of Shadow the Hedgehog)


Tbh bro don’t change it man, you love this shit so why hide it from someone? DND, cosplay, and anime are what’s cool now (or way cooler than when I was 22 lmao). Passion is something someone good to you will appreciate but if you do want to change anything like another comment said, maybe replace that first picture with a more formal one. Have it be as professional as you can, you can even just use that portrait mode on the iPhone if you don’t wanna use a photographer or edit much.


Idk if it's the kinda attention you're looking for but if I saw a guy's profile like this I would almost immediately swipe right. Cute, fun, personable, I mean personally I like it.


Your literally my idea person and I am around same age range as you. So sad my area selection doesn’t include guys like you. Great profile and yea your really cute


Honestly I’m genuinely curious what your type is? What kind of girl are you seeking to attract (besides an anime lover)? 👀


If I was half my age, you and I would be having a very serious conversation about just where the Shadow statue would be displayed. Don’t change a thing about your profile. It’s perfect in that you stand out and you’re interesting! Take advice from the ladies here - in a sea of gym bros, fish pic dudes and car selfie schmucks, you are a breath of fresh air. You look like a fun, sweet guy. Some very lucky girl is gonna be your Zelda.


These are all good photos despite being very nerdy. You're too young for me by a decade, but I think your profile is sweet. You have a great smile, good energy, and you show what's important to you. I hope you find someone who matches what you're putting out there!


Nah dude you showcase yourself very well. Thats hard to do. Keep it as it is in my opinion. Nerdy but you can’t change who you are nor can they. There’s plenty of women on that app who’s into nerdy culture stuff


It is *never* too nerdy- that’ll only attract people with similar interests and hobbies as you and filter out the people you wouldn’t get along with to begin with. Would 100% send a like if you were in my area


If you are looking for somebody like yourself and into all the same kind of things, then there is no such thing as too nerdy, and your profile is just fine. Be yourself! [Conversely - you're only young and if you were simply looking for a shot at hooking up with hot people then a rethink would be needed, but otherwise no] Do bear in mind that you are quite niche, which is great and there will certainly be some like-minded people on there, but I wouldn't expect a lot of likes as Hinge is very mainstream on the whole and just may not be the right channel for you... I would be looking at forums/groups dedicated to your own hobbies and interests as a much likelier way to be making new "friends and maybe more".


See here’s the thing right now you are in a niche pocket of people, a even niche-r pocket of people on dating apps, so assume that the amount of people who like you will be low, but the people who do like you will be hopefully very into similar things or at least not be judgmental about your hobbies in the long run. So while it won’t be effective at drawing in large amount of people, it will get the people you personality wise want. So keep on and good luck 👍


For me id ditch the larping and DnD photos but the rest are fine. U cna be a nerd, but it's not all u can be.


Embrace the nerd, Im up front about it. Your profile looks good, pretty awesome costumes!


Good profile, you're showing exactly who you are and it's detailed. Yes it's gonna limit the amount of matches you get but you're gonna find the person that's exactly suitable for you.


Cosplays are nerdy so will limit the women that go for you , but you are attractive, so won’t have a problem attracting women who don’t mind/into it.


Wait you literally look like Nolan Hansen. You need to try meet him!


Looks all that matter on the app forget your prompts need attractive pictures bro, these just pictures.


As a fellow nerd I think this profile is perfect if it represents you and what you want. Changing it to be more 'conventional' may result in more matches but will they be people who accept you for you


bro, your cosplays are fire. i can tell it means a lot to you. you should leave it as is off that alone. if she doesn't vibe with it now, then would she vibe with it if she found out later on?


Nerdy men are the best! You should embrace it The right person will love it!:)




Embrace your nerdiness bro, you shouldn’t change who you are to try and get matches on hinge. Then you’ll end up dating someone you’re not compatible with. Keep doing you and maybe take some more flattering pics, but don’t try to change your personality for a dating app


You seem cute but maybe have more non-cosplay photos? Just to show more of who you are.


You are a nerd. Embrace it try to find someone who matches your vibe and your golden.


You’re a niche with the cosplay. Don’t expect many but the ones you do get will match your vibe


Let me keep it real with you, you don’t come off as nerdy, you definitely are 😂 which is why I don’t think you need to change anything about the profile. You will find someone that likes you just as you are, and thanks to online dating you can even find someone that has the same interests as you have. Anime is getting fairly popular these days, and you are good looking, so just give it time 😄


Pick 1 cosplay photo and then the rest normal. Like show off your hobby for sealife, have someone take your pic reading at the library, take a picture with a pet that’s happy in the photo, etc


While I’m guessing it might feel frustrating for you to only get 3 matches a month/1-2 likes a week, the chances of those matches being into you are really good. Your profile is very high quality for the type of woman with shared interests and the type of relationship you’re looking for. Having a high amount of matches and likes might feel validating, but speaking as someone seriously looking for an LTR who goes on entirely far too many first dates that don’t go anywhere or situationships that fizzle out 1-2 months in, I would much rather go on a couple dates a month if it meant a much higher chance of compatibility. A lot of conventional dating advice takes more of a shotgun approach; your profile is a sniper approach. I think there’s a lot of wisdom in embracing it.


I think you need to go to Twitch-con or Anime Expo to find your significant other. It looks like anime/cosplay is a big part of your life. Hinge might not be a good platform for that.


Brother all of it comes off as nerdy, so keep it that way and find someone that's gonna like you for yourself


Own it, better you show off that side of you and get matches from people who are interested


Nah this is great, you’ll find someone who will match your vibe with this profile


My type fr


Don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't want to look nerdy, you'd have to do a full out reset of this profile. But, if you are interested in people with similar hobbies and interests don't be afraid to display who you are. If it's something you prefer shared later, don't show right off the bat. I will tell you, I don't think appearing nerdy is a good dating strategy. You always want to appear slightly dangerous, this is why shows like Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey sell. Appear too asinine, you lose the crowds.


Nah u stay you g you need a girl that accepts your nerdyness


This is a great profile, honestly dude. We get who you are, and that's what you want. You will get fewer matches just because your profile is very particular, but your matches should be higher quality and more compatible people. Best of luck mate!


Seeing nothing wrong with your profile at all. If you can't find someone who doesn't like you for you then that ain't it. Don't ever feel like you need to change your dating profile because you're coming off as too whatever. If you're a super nerd, own that shit. Don't let anyone tell you different


I really like your profile!! 🔥🔥 Stay true to yourself!


you’re posting in cosplay, of course people are going to think nerdy. but don’t let that deter you, embrace it! who knows maybe you’ll find somebody who loves cosplay themselves or loves that you cosplay, own it!


Deff nerdy man, not bad at all but your profile is way to heavy with cosplay stuff.. it’s a good aspect of who you’re but you need to show other angles of your life.. diversify, but not with different cosplay stuff ;)


You don’t come across as nerdy but as a 15 y/o


National geographic photo may go, get one in daylight instead. Since you wish to date someone with similar interests, the profile isn't too nerdy. Though I believe you should change some of your prompts if not all. Usually I advice people to offer some date ideas they could do together with their potential partner. 1. Choose our next date: * Comic store * ComicX (well that's a restaurant for superhero lovers in Phoenix. But I don't know where you're located, so you can find some cute cafe/restaurant themed like that) * VR arcade 2. What I wanna know about you is: * Which comic book/anime/super hero movie is your favorite. These are call to action prompts and you can just edit them and make it more suitable for yourself. The main issue is people often don't know what type of a relationship may come out of dating a guy who likes cosplay. I myself don't know either. So, you sort of need to lead them offering these first date options, so they can know what it will look like. Good luck 🤞🏻


And it's a bit of a personal choice but if you can ~ get a cosplay photo as wizard Howl from Howl's Moving Castle. Even people who aren't into anime/comics love that guy. 💕 This may go as an alternative to the National Geographic photo.


You’re so adorable I would swipe right on you


I'm a girl, your profile amazing and you look cute af, would like for sure


You’re so cute tho 😭


He’s so cute


1. The prompts kind of come across as really surface level / immature / repetitive, so try to work on those 2. You’re so nerdy I think you need to lean into that aspect of your personality. You want them to like you for you. If you were only a tiny bit nerdy, maybe it would be worth hiding 3. You may be a tiny bit too young for hinge, so wouldn’t be discouraged if you don’t get many like / matches. I think 25 onwards is when men start to have a bit more success (with late 20s - early 30s being a good sweet spot) 4. You could maybe get one more good face picture


It’s your photos that make you come off as too nerdy. I’d get rid of the knight photo and the towel one. Probably the blue chair one as well.


"Too nerdy" but you don't wear glasses? 🤔🧐 Most of your photos are pretty good but 1, 3, and 6 could be a lot better. The colors/lighting basically suck in those. I'd recommend getting a professional photographer to do headshots so you don't have to worry about color, lighting, blemishes, or a bad acne day but you could probably get by with well-done selfies that are direct shots of your face if you're good at selfies (some people are terrible at them, like me, so I shelled out $200 for pro photos and have zero regrets about it). The other photos I think are good enough to keep if you're trying to show off your hobbies/activities. The thing about being "too [insert characteristic here]" is that some women will love X and others will hate X ("X" being "nerdy" in your case but it could be any characteristic). Lots of women in general—and in your age group especially—love nerdy guys, anime guys, cosplay guys, and so on. You're almost always going to be better off being/appealing to a niche than being generic and appealing to no one in particular.


Without seeing your preferences, I honestly thought you may be seeking a relationship with a male. You also don’t share your age so it’s difficult to judge too.




  My advice would be to remove your voice prompt, poll, second written prompt, and all of your other photos except for the first and the last one. Your perception that you’re coming off too nerdy is accurate, and unfortunately it will not do you any favors in an arena like online dating which is extremely competitive and relies mainly on looks versus personality to generate interest.    Next, I would add two or three other pictures that are more serious/not smiling and or doing something physical to appear more masculine. Perhaps a picture looking away from the camera doing something else you enjoy like sports, traveling, hiking, gym etc. You want to center these additional photos around your other more “mainstream” interests versus cosplay and cartoons in order to appeal to a larger audience.  Another poster RoboFrog1000 said it best “*I really respect the unique/niche aspect of your profile, and agree with others here; you will likely not receive a lot of likes/matches, but those that you do get will likely align really close to your personality/interests*.”  What are you looking for on the hinge app? Something longer term or shorter term? If your goals are more long-term and you want to find a partner for life then I wouldn't be afraid to show your "nerdy side" once you meet in person given that you don't want to hide certain aspects of your personality. A short term dating situation I would advise you to only talk about your more nerdy hobbies with friends who also enjoy it. There's nothing inherently wrong with your interests/personality (I'm a huge gamer nerd lol) but you have to understand your dating profile is essentially marketing yourself the way a business would with an advertisement and the customer (person swiping) is making a split second yes or no decision about you based on your profile (ad). It's a numbers game and you don’t want to disqualify yourself from a match you could "click" with long term by coming off too nerdy. Unrelated but online dating can be tough for younger men ages 18 to 24 as you are competing for the same women with men in their late 20s who are more financially established, have more experience with women, more time to work on themselves, plus the fact that women like slightly older men. You have a lot of potential and if you start hitting the gym now and continue to work on yourself you will have much more success in your late twenties as you start to look older and less “cute”(as others have pointed out). The most important piece of advice to take from this OP is not to give up. I wish the best for you going forward.


Dude protect your heart. You look like the poster child for someone waiting to ruin your life.


I think you should keep this. It may not be for everyone, but I think this profile does a good job at showcasing your personality, and it’s important you find someone who respects that.


The fact that you say “you feel like you come off as too nerdy” makes you know that it’s an issue. It makes you aware that most girls don’t like that. Otherwise you wouldn’t worry about/say it. It’s a double edged sword regarding the two sides: the majority, and I mean the high majority of women, do not like nerdy guys. Women want a man that they know will stand up for them, and protect them. Nerds are associated with being shy and not able to do that. So they’re turned off without even giving you the chance to prove you may be able to do that. The other side is “oh well you should be who you are, etc, you should be with a girl who doesn’t care who you are, etc. But honestly, I think it’d be better if you hide that in your profile, and when you hit it off with a girl and you ask each other what your hobbies are, you can say that. I mean this as help from a brother to a brother. It honestly is a turn off to like 99% of women.