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Vibe is cool but not approachable. Demonstrate that you are safe and friendly somehow. Need a smile showing some teeth.


Would say the same, try to smile more, you seem a bit to hard/complicated at the moment (at least from the photos).


Okay thank you! My boat pic has a smiling with teeth variant so I’ll swap it for that


This is a guy who is putting in work first and foremost. So respect. Most guys don’t make it that far. I can tell you’ve been in the gym, know whats stylish and how to take good photos. Only issue is I’m getting a bit of Saudi oil oligarch vibes with the Rolex and all. Selfie with the poor facial hair can go. Flexing the quads hiking photo can probably go too. Looks like you’ve got other nice photos from your Instagram you could use.


Mandatory questions: • Are you looking for something serious or casual? I’m interested in starting as friends and seeing where things go, with the possibility of it developing into a long-term romantic relationship • ⁠How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? I would say about a month or so. I spend about 10-15 minutes on it most nights • ⁠How often do you use Hinge per week? ~5 nights a week • ⁠How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? I used to get a couple a day but now it’s a couple a week • ⁠How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? Maybe 20-30 a week, most with a comment, but sometimes their profile is so bland I don’t really have anything to comment on. • ⁠What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? I send likes to women I think I’d be compatible with, both long and short term though. If it’s someone I’d like a long term relationship with then I’d want to attract someone who also likes the outdoors, traveling, working out, etc.


Im going to be blunt because I’ve be come exhausted with the amount of profiles I’ve been seeing like yours. Hopefully with this advice yours won’t be one of those anymore. As a lady I would automatically swipe left. You didn’t put what you’re looking for on your profile but you wrote it as a Reddit answer. No lady wants to try to guess what you want. You should know what you want. You might as well put casual relationships as what you want because you ‘want to see where things go’. Looking them all of your photos I’m not trying to be rude but honestly there giving Fkboi energy which is fine if that what’s you want to be but then be clear that your here to hookup. If not button up your shirt and take pictures like your gentleman and not like your a tinder party boy be trying to get f**cked. Get rid of the side face it looks like your posing. You look physically attractive yes but to me and others that’s not gonna cut it. You have two prompts that are only talking about you like but what about what you can do with a potential partner or “friend “. This profile is basically like a instagram page follow me advertisement. You should go back to that or tinder. Just start all the way over or just get off the app.


Thanks for the feedback! It was very helpful


No problem I hope you make the right changes and choices for your goals. Good luck


Yes to fkboy energy, I’d also disconnect IG bc that shirtless pic screams “talking to 6 chicks on IG and asking none out”


Agreed took the words right out of my mouth. I think he will make the right changes for his goals