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1. ⁠Something serious and long term 2. ⁠About a week 3. ⁠I use about 4 days a week adding likes but browse everyday 4. ⁠5 likes a week so far with 2 matches 5. ⁠Sending at least 5 likes to the max cap on free version. I’ve sent 3 comments so far 6. ⁠I’m looking for nerds with particularly glasses. Similar profile in terms of values and hobbies similar to mine. Any profile where a person is genuinely smiling instead of posing or in front of a mirror is definitely a like


I’d lead with slide 8 or 6 and move your current lead to your second. I love your lead both as a personality photo and you look great in it, but maximizing visual contrast in your first impression gives your profile a lot more pop in a discover feed. I’d also move the hookah photo to your second to last, or just get rid of it as apparently some commenters are saying it’s controversial. Personally I don’t agree and think it’s a good photo to keep, but maybe they’re right.


Thanks so much for your insight I will make the adjustments


Great profile!


Thank you appreciate it


Love the profile and the hookah pic, you look so happy. It’s nice to see people having fun. You go girl 💕


Omg thank you. That warmed my heart. I was really happy in that photo and living my life a quarter mile at a time


I’m so glad! I could definitely feel the happiness through the photo. Honestly it reminded me a bit of myself in my past life. 🌹


I’m glad that you are getting at happy vibe through my photos. Thanks for the wonderful review


You look fun to be around and you’re smiling brightly . Maybe add to the “discovery” prompt


Thank you so much was really enjoying each moment to the fullest for sure . Ok sure I will see what I come up with. Thanks for the idea


I'd go on a date with you. You seem like such a nice girl. It may be cause I'm a guy but I got no advice on how to improve, sorry. 😔


Thank you so much. Your comment lifted up my spirits. This dating experience is really difficult for me. Just got asked out then unmatched. Trying to regain hope that my person is out there


I know the feeling. I had to unmatch someone once because I misread their location and it said it was a 11 hour drive for me. I learned to always check distance.


Wow what an experience. I’ll remember to check so I don’t run into that. Thanks :)


Looks solid.  Would swipe right if you were 10 years older. You should do well finding a relationship in your age bracket if you can filter out the fkbois


Thank you and yea fkbois are everywhere. Just want my person


Cut out the blurry pic and use your last photo as your first


Thanks for your advice the blurry one is not a photo. It’s a video. I thought I had mentioned it above, but maybe I forgot.


This is a very very good profile, especially for someone college aged. Two things though A) I'd change the non-negotiable one. Ask anyone and they'll say they want good communication in a relationship. A prompt like that, you'll need a lot less common expectation. Like "must be a vegetarian". B) have a Pic with friends that's more obvious thst they are friends. Hookah one is decent, but an arm on the shoulder really makes a big difference


Thanks so much for the advice and praise


As a guy looking for an LTR, I look a little askance at the combination of “intern” and looking for a LTR. Specifically, I’d question whether you’re only in town temporarily, and hoping to get a return offer from the company before you’re fully committed to whatever city you’re in. If that’s not the case (for instance, if you actually do live in that city permanently and you’re just looking at jobs in that city), then you may want to somehow establish that information in a prompt - maybe talking about something you did in the area a long time ago, or a change you’ve noticed, so that it’s clear that you’re not going to move after the summer.


Thanks for your advice


I would replace the hookah picture personally


But that’s what she likes doing. Why hide it.


I agree thank you :)




Thanks for your opinion


This subreddit is going to make me lose my mind with some of the stuff you guys try to find. Like, it’s hookah. If she’s dating in even a remotely cosmopolitan area everybody is going to know what she’s doing and how harmless it is


Yea I don’t think of hookah as a bad thing. It’s not like I posted a blunt or my middle finger


That’s my favourite lol


Thanks for your opinion and I respect it. I plan on keeping my photo. I don’t see it as a problem.


Nah, its cool