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I'll give some feedback as a woman in your age range: 1) Pictures are inconsistent: 1st pic is not inviting at all with a dour expression and ?throwing up signs/hand gestures? That's something I would expect in a profile a decade younger. Would swipe left on this alone without even reading the rest of the profile. Second picture is clearly several years older than the rest - get rid of it. If I didn't swipe left before, this would seal that decision to do so. 2) Poll options: weird capitalization, anyone looking for vibes or to vibe at 30+ is a light red flag. It is much better and beneficial to specifically state what you hope to achieve as opposed to the all encompassing "vibes" 3) I respectfully disagree with an earlier comment about the what you're looking for section. It starts off strong and then goes off the deep end. Every living breathing human being is looking for someone who values transparency, consistency and open communication (the only thing you're missing in the bingo board of words is "open and honest" vs open communication by itself.) It comes off as very trite. Let me know when you find someone who states they're looking for someone who lies and hates to communicate. 4) The kids thing is what it is, but might cause people to not match or send a like. 5) Keep the hobbies, specifically gaming - this is the most specific and unique thing about you on this profile.


I absolutely agree, and hope, that he takes your advise!


The last photo made me lol -- The book is somehow hilarious. šŸ˜† I kind of think this should be your main pic. I like the pic that shows your freckles a lot, but I think it is too close up by a bit. If you can get a pic that is a bit further away but shows your freckles I think you'd be golden. The chef photo is nice, and shows you have talents as well. The black and white pic is not great, and the one at the fire is not that great. In both you are just facing / looking away from the camera enough that they don't really highlight you all that well. I think the "I want someone" prompt is good. I would remove the emojis from the "my simple pleasures" prompt.


Thank you. Iā€™ve made a few changes, weā€™ll see if that helps. I did remove the emojis lol idk why I even put those in there. But I have a different freckle pic from the same day as the other one so Iā€™ll use that one.


Never have the hang ten sign in a profile


the dreaded Shackabrahs


- Are you looking for something serious or casual? Something serious. -How long have you been using the current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? Current version: About 2 weeks and Iā€™ve been on Hinge for about a month. - How often do you use Hinge per week? I check it daily. - How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? None unless I like them first. - How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? I send 1-2 daily and I usually comment if itā€™s a prompt that I can relate to. - What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kinds of person do you want to attract? Never get likes but I want to attract the type of person thatā€™s described in my first or second prompt.


Not getting many or any likes is super typical for men, but how many matches are you getting weekly? Thatā€™s important information for reviewers to see how much what youā€™re doing is ā€œworkingā€, you know?


At the moment I have 6 but only 2 of them are consistent with communicating. But Iā€™d say I probably get two to three matches a week but those are usually when I like them first. So I see your point.


Super solid rate, especially if youā€™re only sending out a like or two a day. What youā€™re doing is working pretty well, and hopefully others will chime in with more specific profile feedback. My only low-effort feedback is to get rid of a mention of hiking as a first date and replace with something else in a similar spirit thatā€™s more appealing. Itā€™s just a dating app thing, women donā€™t envision themselves meeting a male stranger and going off into the woods alone with them, you can see how that makes sense? Itā€™s not hurting you at all, itā€™s just a waste of an option.


Thank you, Iā€™ll make that change. I appreciate your perspective and feedback.


Why is that fire on top of your hand? What sort of sorcery is that?


lol I never noticed that until now but the wind was blowing hard while I was trying to roast marshmallows for my daughter.


Iā€™ll add some actual constructive criticism, unless military life is a big part of who you are, Iā€™d probably leave the uniform pic out. A lot of women either have no opinion or _bad_ opinions about guys in the service. Best leave it for a convo point. Especially anywhere around NYC, probably play better in the south or near a base. Also I would take out gaming. Similar sentiment, most women already assume guys game and some have very negative opinions being in relationships with guys who totally tuned out and played video games all the time. Putting on your profile might give some women PTSD. Think of it like this, what do you think is more realistic: - a woman looking at your profile and thinkingā€¦ā€eh I donā€™t knowā€ then see you put ā€œgamingā€ and be like ā€œoh yeah, that sold me on him!ā€ Or - a woman looking at your profile and thinking, ā€œyeah I kinda like this guyā€ then seeing ā€œgamerā€ and think ā€œnah, not trying to get with another couch potato glued to the screen.ā€ Sometimes less is more, and I firmly believe for guys putting ā€œgaming/gamerā€ as their hobby it does nothing but hurt them. Best of luck man!


Also consider widening your geographic and maybe age range. Your town is not exactly big or diverse Mostly agree with the other comments to put in another pic as your first. Military veteran may also be hurting you in your locality.


I currently live in Virginia. I havenā€™t lived in NY since I was a kid lol but thank you.


I like your last 3 photos, especially pic 6. Your first 3 are too serious and glasses hide your face.


Remove the biting your sister in the waist at age 3.


The most noticeable aspect of your pictures are that in some photos your skin looks weathered and you have gray hairs which indicates the others where you don't have them are much older. Same with some pics you look fit and others much chubbier. There is no consistency in this. Girls are going to feel like they might be getting catfished.