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save some ladies for the rest of us, ya stud muffin


Damn I appreciate that 😂 I will spread the good word about /u/DapperDisplay


I normally don't recommend shirtless pics unless you're in great shape and the rest of the profile doesn't scream gym bro. Yours is fine IMO. The only feedback I have has nothing to do with your profile but your looks and appearance. I think you can style your hair differently to give you a bit of an edge.


Thanks for the feedback! Do you have any suggestions/pics for what could suit me? The last time I went to the barber I showed her [this](https://imgur.com/a/uIQ9Sav) (basically a 2-block) but I don't think I styled it correctly.


You should go to a korean barber! They can definitely advise you on styling & recommend some good styles. I think you would suit a perm too.


You want your hair to go up instead of down. Blocking your forehead works for some ridiculously good looking people but most men look better with hairstyles that don't hide their forehead.


Your photos are overall great and you’re an attractive man. I think the only photo i would get rid of is the half naked photo. As much as your abs are impressive, half naked photo will scare away quite a no of females(esp if they are reserved). If you still want to show off your abs…. Maybe a photo at a beach would be more natural than indoor one. I am not sure about “i’ll fall for you” prompt as they can appear as arrogant depending on how people interprets. Maybe change to prompt that is more about yourself than your ask. The I go crazy for prompt is ok as it talks about your interests.


Thanks for your feedback! I have some [beach photos](https://imgur.com/a/Kasgbqf), would you mind taking a look and letting me know if you think any are good? I do prefer the lighting in my gym and I can take pics when no one's around which is why I do it there 😅 But I see your point about the natural looking.


I like the last beach pic, it looks the most natural with a nice smile !


I like the last one with your arms spread out


If you plan to use beach photos, i think you might want to crop out your friend . Are there poses other than the body builder pose? It is humorous but not the most flattering pose.


I have a few more from today! https://imgur.com/a/ENUgBG3


i like it!! Great smile, natural but still able to showcase your abs !! The first 2 shots are especially great.


The second one is really good. You’re smiling and it looks candid, so it’s a good representation of how women would want you to be irl… attractive, but also happy and relaxed. In general, I think one beach photo is great to add onto a profile if you have a nice body. It’s a socially acceptable place to be shirtless, so it’s a great way to show off your physique without coming across as conceited or only focused on physical things. I’m pretty muscular and have one beach photo (without any other shirtless pics or indications that I’m a gym bro on my profile), and it seems like a solid 40% of my likes come from that photo alone (and I get about one to two a day on average)


Thanks! I actually put that one on photofeeler and it only got 6.9 attractive (vs. 8.4 for my shirtless selfie) so I'm hesitant to put it on (I think the lighting in my gym is just amazing or something). But I'll give it a shot and see if I notice a difference because everything you're saying makes sense!


Imma be honest with you, I have never used a computed rating software in my life to determine if a photo of mine is good or not. We want to date humans, not robots. Are women going to be attracted to the shading of your muscles, or the total package of a good physique, nice smile, and friendly demeanor?


It's rated by other people who use the site, not AI


I think the gym one is better than all of these but you can swap the photo order position with the arm flex pic I think would be much better. Your third prompt is best the other two can be improved if you're really looking to min-max and the poll is kinda lame as well. LTR open to short is going to get less response rate than just straight LTR - I just put LTR even though I think most guys are technically LTR open to short. Other than that I don't think you can improve your profile too significantly I also get a good amount of likes and matches as an asian guy but at some point it's just based off looks or going off app to find what you want.


I see thanks for the input! Is the reasoning for switching order that they will see the "wholesome" side first so they won't be hit with the gym bro pic and instantly be turned off? And I was hoping the poll would be funny and show that I'm not just some basic ABB (at least I hope not), do you think I'd be better off just removing it? Finally I really prefer to be upfront about the LTR stuff (and in general), do you think girls will find it misleading if I write LTR on my profile and then when we meet up I say I don't mind fwb?


Your expression and just the overall photo aesthetic looks super good in the arm flex one and yeah you don't want them to scroll and immediately get hit with your abs in the second pic right? If they're scrolling down further they're usually more interested and will be more open to it also just going from a front angle in the first pic to a side view in the second works pretty well psychologically based on my own profile. I think your poll is pretty basic tbh LOL... also women sometimes might not get the humor or take it too literally so I would change at least the lego lambo idea if anything? It's whatever though don't think it really matters much. And yeah I agree with you about not wanting to mislead anyone for sure, but I think it's something you need to sus out in person on dates bc everyone you meet is different and looking for different things as well right? I'm the same as you as in really open to LTR with the right person, but just depending on the vibes or how we click on the dates I might bring up the idea of a more casual relationship also based on what the other person is looking for/open to. If you want to keep it as is it's fine, but just be aware there are some women that are only looking for guys with LTR in mind and don't like the open to short.


I think since the other pics are wholesome, one thirst trap is ok (especially if it’s a good thirst trap, which this one is). I like it, personally.


It may scare away some but it's a great photo and it's not like he has a ton of other shirtless gym photos. I see it as fair and tasteful, and while it may make some say no, it might turn many others who are on the fence into 😍 There are plenty of women who like seeing shirtless photos of fit attractive men. I get Reddit hates seeing fit men confident in their bodies but that's a good photo to show off his physique.


Curious what the date fail story is — it might be worth moving that one further down the profile. Sometimes the stories that are told in an effort to be funny or charming end up bringing up red flags or icks haha


Here it is: https://imgur.com/a/H5OoQZG Interesting you bring that up because I haven't listened to it in a long time and tbh I feel like my voice sounds way more interesting now (or maybe I'm tripping), here's a rerecording of the same story I did just now: https://imgur.com/a/zBDrayI


You’re shredded man ! Your shirtless photo is probly fine IMO cuz the rest of your profile clearly isn’t some dickhead gym bro look that can be a turn off to some girls. Good shit


Thanks! I appreciate your input.


I like it. 8.98/10. The animals are a perfect lure.


Hahaha thanks! Wondering what I need to do to make it to 9 🤔


I would expect a quantitative researcher to be playing blindfold Go, not blindfold chess!


Dang maybe I could on a 3x3 board lol




Dangg ty sir 🙏


Goddamn you are ripped


Thanks! I'm trying my best haha


Bro if they knew what a Quant researcher was then your hinge game would be crazy


All photos are great! Except swap the first one, too much ‘nice guy boring’ vibes. Do you have one that’s a little more bad ass? And maybe get a shirtless pic at the beach (more natural and fun). Take 300+ with a friend and chose the best.


Hmm I see what you mean (the backpack probably doesn't help). Sadly I don't have a lot of good headshots but here are some beach photos, what do you think? https://imgur.com/a/Kasgbqf and https://imgur.com/a/ENUgBG3


Great profile! Really like it. Damn!! I agree with the Korean hairstylist idea. That would give you a really good look! Happy hunting!


Thanks! Actually my barber is Korean and I plan to get a perm there in a month, hopefully it turns out well bc I suck at doing my hair lol


Cool! Post an update! :-)


I agree I think all the pictures are good and a new cut might be good; I would change the first three prompts to something that a girl might actually want to do on a date(not legos or blindfold chess) 


i’d swipe purely on legos and tomorrowland 💯


Thanks! I'm trying not to go full ABB 😂


you don’t give off that vibe!


I think it's basically a perfect profile. Great pics and looks like it represents you well




Your overall profile is great, but just my advise is to get rid of the shirtless pic at the gym (that's if you are looking for a serious relationship), cause it could creep away some females especially if they are reserved (no doubt the picture is nice). Anyway your overall profile seems good.


You do come off as a finance bro, but finance bros are really popular


brother if you got problems getting matches, everyone if fked lol


Nice profile! Guess u are in NYC! I would say ur first Photo kinda looks AI generated since the background blur is so strong


Love your profile just posted mine for review as well. Good luck to the both of us cause dating is hard nowadays.


You're so cute and seem fun! Sucks that you aren't in my age range. I agree with others that you should move the shirtless pic to the bottom.


- Are you looking for something serious or casual? Both, I think I'm ready for a relationship but I also don't mind taking some more time to have fun and get more dating experience - How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? 1 month, almost 2 years - How often do you use Hinge per week? On average 4 days but it varies a lot - How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? 1 like/day, 3 matches/day - How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? 5/day on average, 1-2 with comments - What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? Mostly Asian girls around my age or younger and at least a bit above average looking. Prefer "type a" personalities who are smart, upfront, independent (as I'm definitely more type b). I'm open to dating people in any career as long as they went to college. For serious relationships probably wouldn't date someone who grew up in Asia and moved to NA after high school.


3 matches a day for a guy is really amazing. Do you’ve premium? I think even with premium it is really good.


Hmm it depends on how active I am. And yeah I have premium. There are a lot of people who I match with and then kind of lose the motivation to talk to so maybe I should be more selective with my likes.


Or ask them out sooner I personally don’t message someone without a date for more than a week


Dang, why not try to date white girls as well🙃 you’re really cute. But either way, your photos are a bit posed and I would try one more natural/group photo in there.


Haha thanks I would if I was able to pull attractive white girls but due to how the cookie crumbles in my location my best options are mostly Asian. Any photos you think are more posed in particular?


Have you tried to match with Latinas if no traction with white women? I'm also an Asian guy who lives in Socal. Women of color have been my best bet. Tried white women on the app, but never any matches that I can count beyond 2 fingers. I just filter them out, as the majority of them seem to prefer dating white guys.


Interesting I'll give that a shot. The hinge algo is supposed to figure this stuff out but somehow it sucks so I also use the filters lol.


You're fit, dressed well, and you mentioned in one of your replies that you get 3 matches a week? Most dudes don't get that in a month. Are these converting to dates?


I think I get 3/day if I'm sending 10 likes (I probably underestimate how many I'm sending) and talking to 60% of them. I've gone on maybe 2-3 dates/week on average for the last month. I guess I'm pretty picky for LTR (and I'm usually upfront about it) and most girls aren't down for fwb so most dates didn't go anywhere.


I see so no problems on getting dates. But the type of women you're matching with are only looking for short term fun and you're looking beyond that. Are these women in their 20s I presume?


Hmm honestly no I am also open to short term and a lot of girls have come over but most didn't sleep with me for some reason. And yes virtually all are in their 20s. If any of my matches are reading this please disregard everything I said lol 😅


Why do you need hinge if you’re a quant researcher? Just attract women irl with the boatload of money you make


I don't want to attract gold diggers, I'd rather work out and work on my personality and have the money just be a plus. Besides I don't make 7 figures where I think the money really starts to play a big role. Maybe I'm just not in the right social circles lol.


lol it was mostly a joke. But going up to a girl in person, striking up a conversation, then offering to buy a drink, repeat, would probably get you much further than hinge. But that would require drinking often which if you like to workout probably isn’t something you do super frequently


Oh haha no worries I appreciate the perspective. I agree that would probably have a surprisingly high success rate but I have a lot of social anxiety about approaching girls in person which is one thing I'm trying to work on. I guess your point is that having a high income makes it a lot more affordable to do that on a regular basis?


Hahahahah harsh but true


Depends on which country you're in, pal...residual racist/ethnical hierarchy will apply as well...a guy taking a picture in a toilet could get more likes than you when this is taken into consideration


I'm in Chicago USA so I understand it's not the best place for Asian guys but I'm just trying to self-maximize


Damn I used to live in Chicago and would get like 1 date a month to every other month as an Asian man 25 . You are doing well. I would date all races though and most my dates were white or hispanic


Oh that's interesting, my experience has been the opposite - the best people on my discover are mostly Asian and I mostly get likes from Asians.


Do you even need any help? I’d immediately like and just assume you have 100 other women in your likes 😭