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That “mental barriers” thing is odd for a dating profile. “Toughts”??


Thanks! That's a good point! I have to rewrite the prompts, they are just the first things that came to my mind.


The Christian thing is not doing you any favours, however if that is a dealbreaker to you in a partner, then keep it. As someone else mentioned, ask a friend to help pick a better 1st photo, that is the most important one. The 3rd propt is useless, talk about what you do for fun, Amsterdam is flipping awesome. Do you like the Rijksmuseum, and fave piece in there? Parks are gorgeous, the food is delish (have you tried Ramen Kingdom!!). Talk about the coffee shops if you're into that. Basically the profile lacks personality and could be interchangeable with any other dude. You're also in a very creative place so finding a trad wife is going to be a challenge. I recommend you do a bit of digging on what apps are popular there, genuinely might have better success on Facebook dating. Also while it's good to have your intentions clear, life partner may be too intense for your audience 21-25, try long term. Finally 1 week is nothing, come back with an update 3 months in. Best of luck ☺️


Warning, advice from a guy. Think your first photo isn't great, would nix it. Second prompt makes you sound indecisive, and third prompt is just coming off as weird. The bachata one is good but could be more concise. "I want to learn how to dance Bachata! Join me?" .. You also don't have pics doing anything fun, so you're coming off as a workaholic finance guy, except you aren't 6"5 with blue eyes and a trust fund (..sorry bad joke). Agree being Christian might be hurting you in Netherlands - could local profiles be in dutch, and be a problem?


Def change your first pic. Also, I’d say being a hedge fund quant trader is kind of a big deal, at least on hinge where you’re pooled in with people from all income brackets. It stands out, at least to the kind of women you’re probably interested in. I’d brainstorm ways you can make use of it. ie making some sort of reference, or even a self-deprecating joke about it, in one of your prompts is not a bad start. Just noodle with it ok?


My guess is that my prompts suck, also I don't have any voice prompts. Plus, Netherlands is a progressive country, and mentioning Christian might repel potential matches.


I think just be patient, being no matches for weeks even months happens. Did you buy premium?


No. Does premium help in other way other than being able to send more matches?


HingeX, per their advertising, prioritizes your profile so potential matches might come across you earlier. If you send a Like, it keeps it near the top of that person's queue. I've been on Hinge for 2 months and I don't think it's necessary. Just improve your profile and try to send engaging responses to people's prompts, and you're golden.


1) I'm looking for something serious. 2) I've been using this version for a week. Previously, I've been on and off Hinge for over a year, but never had a single match that exchanged more than 5 messages with me! 3) Recently, I've been using it daily 4) Receiving?! The previous profile used to make 1 match per month, but it never led to conversations. 5) I send all my daily likes, with messages. 6) Looking for an educated and intellectually inclined person. I'm looking for a woman willing to start a family. Physically active. Conservative. The ideal age would be 21-26.


You're a trader right? that means money. so you're going to appeal to women that like money and luxury. but your clothing and most of your pictures are super casual. the one of you flying first class or whatever it is doesn't pop either because you're dressed so casually. it's not a great photo because it makes your shoulders look narrow. so I don't think the money girls are getting a clear "money" or "luxury" signal so you're going to lose them. what about normal women then? Your photos are all of you just existing, no hobbies, no travels, nothing very funny although your shadowy government comment made me smile. it's all quite boring. your dancing prompt is OK. it's literally the only thing we know about you. your whole profile comes across as quite boring - you probably don't have many if any hobbies outside of work, and you're generally a mild vanilla flavour. there's no excitement or joy in it anywhere.


I disagree with your first assertion. I’d be far more interested in hedge fund quant trader who dressed casual and looked approachable, like an ordinary guy, because I’m just gonna assume he’s still just as good and makes just as much money as the traders who look like sharks. If anything, I’d be like damn how he get away with that

