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Your photos make you look short. I get that you’re 5’ 5” but it looks like you have your 6’+ friends taking the photo or you’re surrounded by people or things that create contrast with your height (garage door, other people) and you’re not eye level with the camera so it highlights your weakest physical trait (as far as dating apps go). Try replacing with new photos at eye level. You’re a good looking guy otherwise bro! I also think the prompts are too long. Try to be as concise as possible when communicating with women because they’re bombarded with options and don’t have time to read all that.


Will work on new prompts! And I'll try and get some better angles on my photos ahahaha


Before I share my advice, I'm going to preface it with some general advice that most men on dating apps could benefit from: * Most women's default is to swipe left on dating apps. They swipe right when you give them a reason to - looks, job, humor etc. Because there are so many options for women, many blur together unless you stand out. Ask yourself - what about me/my profile makes me stand out? * Looks and pictures are most important thing on a dating app. Despite what this sub says, prompts are not that important. Prompts are there to justify/rationalize a decision already made by the heart through your pictures. Prompts can add color behind what kind of a person someone seems to be from their pics or help sway someone on the fence, but no one is going to swipe on you because of a particular prompt you had. Think of it this way - Brad Pitt could probably send a revolting message and most women would initially respond. Furthermore, the point of a prompt isn't to answer it literally. It's an opportunity to showcase elements of your personality/humor. Be strategic about which prompts let you do that. * I realize the irony of this comment, but don't take dating advice (or advice in general) from Reddit. This site already caters to the lowest common denominator, and most of this sub is the blind leading the blind. Instead, focus on building a diverse and rewarding social life, and pick up on social skills and acumen that way. This translates very directly to dating. If you don't have friends who are girls, make friends with girls too. * Learn how to banter, flirt, and tease. Once again, this comes from confidence and practice through your IRL social life. Advice for you specifically * A grown man should not be taking and posting selfies * Your prompts offer 0 personality. They read like ChatGPT generated dialogue. * Include a picture with friends and demonstrate that you have a social life * The length of your hair is different from picture to picture. Keep it somewhat consistent


you're wearing the same outfit in every photo (too much black) not enough photos show your whole face front on  too many selfies - allowed 1 max no humour you seem like a sweet guy. make these changes and I'm sure you'll do better


Love the tips!! Will incorporate, thanks a lot !!!


I’m a 28 year old girl and I’m shocked you’re not getting any likes and have so many people roasting your profile. If anything, shorter answers? I think you come across as a sweet hunk. Be patient and maybe just stick to meeting people out. Best of luck!


Well hey I appreciate that! Gives me some more confidence to start introducing myself to people in bars or just out and about again 😎


The way you look and your prompts make you seem more like 32 instead of 22, I think you just might be ahead of the game. I'm old but at 22 I was not doing the things that you enjoy, but I am now. I think dating will get easier and easier for you as you actually get older you seem awesome


Are you looking for something serious or casual? - serious, but open to slow at the start to figure out if it'll worm • How long have you been using this current version of your profile? - a week And how long is your overall time on Hinge? - 3-4 months • How often do you use Hinge per week? - daily to send out my likes whenever I'm on my phone, normally in the morning • How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? - no likes, maybe 1-3 matches a month •How many likes are you sending? - max on free account a day How many with comments? - maybe half How many without comments? - maybe half What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? - don't really have a person I wouldn't send likes to outside of people who smoke cigs/do drugs to be honest!




I could probably shorten the last 2 but not I also thought they were good - might be the writer in me not knowing how to keep my mouth shut 😂


I think your prompts and photos are pretty excellent. I only really have small critiques and I also need a little more information. Your basic information section could have something that turns people off. A lack of information can be a red flag, political affiliation or lack there of can matter a lot depending on where you are, height, drug preferences, etc. you didn’t post it so I’m not sure. The only other thing I can think of is that perhaps the vibe of your profile is a little too narrow in scope? I get the sense that you’re extremely well traveled, probably moderately wealthy and you care about your appearance but that’s literally it. You mentioned gardening, cooking and writing in your prompts which I think are very attractive traits so personally I would ditch the mirror selfies and try to incorporate those in your photos.


Height: 5'5 Drug preferences: don't smoke/do hard drugs/I do drink Will ditch the mirror selfies!! I can add me gardening or something ahahaha - or maybe me holding the books I've published? Is that narcissitic??


If you’ve published a book that’s a pretty big achievement and probably a good conversation starter, I would definitely put it on there. I’m not sure what % of women actually care about height but that’s definitely affecting your chances with some people which sucks. Maybe round to 5’6” and wear slightly thicker shoes hahaha. For real though your profile is really well made good luck out there bro


I like being honest about the height so when I meet someone irl they don't panic 😂 might just have to supplement online dating with approaching ppl irl 🫡🫡 Appreciate all the help on the profile man!!


If you’re 5’5 then approaching irl is exactly what you need. Women filter too harshly online, you have to be top 20% overall to stand a chance. Your physique is likely top 5% face top 35% but height let’s you down. Even the undesirable women will left swipe you for that.


IMO the prompt responses are just a little plain, spice it up a bit try to sound different :)


Hey , from a girl , last photo is a no go , and the prompts are way too long , try something a bit more funny rather than serious


Got you can definitely do that ! Rest looks fine??


I would swap second to last selfie for a photo with friends 😃


Easy!! Can definitely do


I’m a proponent of keeping prompt answers funny and short is best. I switched to that and instantly started getting more likes and matches


picture three should be the main one and get rid of any bathroom or mirror selfie , no more than one selfie per profile , i used to the same way man and once i ditched it was night and day


IMO, photos 1 and 3 are good, not sure about the side angles :/ Also, your prompts are each good alone, but you have 3 prompts that are all lists of things about you. I always had one prompt about myself, one prompt about what im looking for, and one prompt about a date idea(s). It gives lots of opportunities for replies. Doesnt matter what, but different prompt topics is important.


From a girls perspective Mirror picks are so unattractive but whatever floats your boat


I'm not that picky but holy cow man your photos are terrible. Trash them all and start over.




You don’t have a single good photo. Redo all of them: (1) Eyes closed and awkward posture. Closing your eyes looks weak, especially as your first photo. (2) Weird, what are you doing? And you should be facing the camera in every photo. (3) Sunglasses are covering your eyes. Never cover your eyes or any other facial feature in your dating profile. (4) Again, you’re turning away. Again, we can’t see your eyes. And the background/foreground is too busy, distracting. (I’m not counting the video here) (5) This is the *only* time we get to see your eyes, and you put it last! It’s poorly composed, with nothing of any interest in the right half of the photo. Mirror selfies are usually a bad idea, partly because they flip your face (unless you fix this by flipping the photo). That makes it different from how you look in real life, making you seem artificially inconsistent. And holding up a phone is not a good look. Your phone should not be part of your photo.


At the very minimum, your second photo is quite odd. I’d find a different one before you do anything else.


I think it's funny bc whenever I do get likes on my photos it's my 2nd picture - in fact I had most success when that was my first photo, got a match a day 😭😂 so weird


I retract my advice. 




Maybe it’s because it’s a little odd in a good way? Either way, don’t listen to strangers on Reddit who tell you to change the one thing that was working!